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1865 Special list of the number of people

the 31 December 1865

____ School district
____ Sub-parish
____ Parish

____ Name of farm

____ Tax list number

____ Number of inhabited houses

Independent household:

The digit one (1) for each independent household

[] Yes
[] No

The persons' names:

____ First name and other names

Family position:

____ "House father" (main person), wife, son, daughter, parents, servants, lodgers; everyone's social position or trade.

Marital status:

[] Unmarried
[] Married
[] Widower
[] Widow
[] Divorced (those separated with respect to table and bed)

____ Age (including the current year, i.e. by next birthday)

_ _ Males
_ _ Females

____ Birth place (town's name, and in rural places the name of the parish or the county. If someone is born abroad, the name of the country)

____ Religion (if anyone does not belong to the State Church)


If someone mentally ill, note if the condition lasts from the first years of childhood or not. As blind is enumerated anyone without ambulatory vision.

[] Mentally ill
[] Deaf and dumb
[] Blind

[] If mentally ill since birth

____ Total number of persons at this farm tax number.

Livestock (on 31 December 1865)

[] Horses
[] Cattle
[] Sheep
[] Goats
[] Swine
[] Reindeer

Seeding (during 1865)

[] Wheat
[] Rye
[] Barley
[] Mixed grain
[] Oats
[] Peas
[] Potatoes

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