National Bureau of Statistics Abuja, Nigeria
General Household Survey [2010/2011]
Post-Planting Questionnaire for Panel Households
Section A?1: Household Identification
1. Zone ____ Code _
2. State ____ Code _ _
3. LGA ____ Code _ _
4. Sector (Urban=1, Rural=2) _
5. EA ____ Code _ _ _ _
6. RIC ____ Code _ _ _ _
7. Household no. _ _ _
8. What are the GPS coordinates of the dwelling? Latitude (N) _ _ _ _ _ _ Longitude (E) _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9. Name of household head ____
10. Address of household head _____________
11. Name of interviewer ____ Code _ _ _
12. Name of supervisor ____ Code _ _ _
13. Date of first interview _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ [Day/Month/Year]
14a. Time first interview started _ _: _ _ __
14b. Time first interview ended _ _: _ _ __
15a. Interview status after first visit:
15b. Data entry status after first visit:
Cover _
Section 1: Roster _
Section 2: Education _
Section 3: Labour _
Section 4: Credit/savings _
Section 5: Assets _
Section 6: Non-farm enterprise _
Section 7: Food expense _
Section 8: Non-food expense _
Section 9: Food security _
Section 10: Other income _
Agriculture questionnaire _
[Response codes for questions 15a and 15b]
[ ] 2?complete, with questionnaire errors
[ ] 3?not complete
16. Date of second interview _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ [Day/Month/Year]
17a. Time second interview started _ _: _ _ __
17b. Time second interview ended _ _: _ _ __
18a. Interview status after second visit:
18b. Data entry status after second visit:
Cover _
Section 1: Roster _
Section 2: Education _
Section 3: Labour _
Section 4: Credit/savings _
Section 5: Assets _
Section 6: Non-farm enterprise _
Section 7: Food expense _
Section 8: Non-food expense _
Section 9: Food security _
Section 10: Other income _
Agriculture questionnaire _
[Response codes for question 18a and 18b]
[ ] 2?complete, with questionnaire errors
[ ] 3?not complete
19. Date of third interview _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ [Day/Month/Year]
20a. Time third interview started _ _: _ _ __
20b. Time third interview ended _ _: _ _ __
21a. Interview status after third visit:
21b. Data entry status after third visit:
Cover _
Section 1: Roster _
Section 2: Education _
Section 3: Labour _
Section 4: Credit/savings _
Section 5: Assets _
Section 6: Non-farm enterprise _
Section 7: Food expense _
Section 8: Non-food expense _
Section 9: Food security _
Section 10: Other income _
Agriculture questionnaire _
[Response codes for question 21a and 21b]
[ ] 2?complete, with questionnaire errors
[ ] 3?not complete
Observations on the interview
Record general notes about the interview and record any special information that will be helpful for supervisors and the analysis of this questionnaire.
This section to be completed by supervisor
1. Status of questionnaire _
2. Status of data entry _
[ ] 1. Completed
[ ] 2. Partially completed
[ ] 3. Not at Home
[ ] 4. Refused
[ ] 5. Household not located
[ ] 6. Moved away
[ ] 7. Other (specify)
P. 4
[Table of contents is omitted here.]
Instructions on identifying and listing household members
Brief definition of a household
1. A household is a group of people who have usually slept in the same dwelling and share meals. Examples of households are:
? A household consisting of a single person
? A household consisting of a couple or several couples with or without children
2. All listed persons that have been away from the household for more than six months are not considered to be household members except:
? Newly born children
? Students and seasonal workers who have not been living in or as part of another household
[Flap A information includes the following information listed in questions 1 through 4.]
In order to make a comprehensive list of household members, use the following method
First, ask the household head the names of all the members of their immediate (nuclear) family who normally live and eat their meals together here.
Write down names, sex, and relationship to household head fill in questions 1 to 3
Then, ask names of any other persons related to the head or other household members who normally live and eat their meals together here.
Fill in question 1 to 3
Also ask the head if there are other persons not here now who normally live and eat their meals here. For example, household members studying elsewhere or traveling
Fill in questions 1 to 3
If more than 12 individuals, use a second questionnaire. Make sure to indicate this in the box on the first page of both
1. Name ____
List household head on line 1.
Make a complete list of all individuals who normally live and eat their meals together in this household, starting with the head of Household.
(Confirm that household head here is same as household head listed on identification page.)
[ ] 2 Female
3. What is [name]'s relationship to the head of household?
[ ] 2 Spouse
[ ] 3 Own child
[ ] 4 Step child
[ ] 5 Adopted child
[ ] 6 Grandchild
[ ] 7 Brother/sister
[ ] 8 Niece/nephew
[ ] 9 Brother/sister-in-law
[ ] 10 Parent
[ ] 11 Parent-in-law
[ ] 12 Domestic help (resident)
[ ] 13 Domestic help (non-resident)
[ ] 14 Other relation (specify)
[ ] 15 Other non-relation (specify)
4. How old is [name] (completed year)?
If respondent doesn't know, use year of birth to calculate age or use major events listed in enumerator manual to prompt respondent.
Check that age in question 4 and year of birth in question 5 are consistent.
p. 6
Section 1: Household member roster
5. In what day, month, and year was [name] born?
Day ____
Month ____
Year ____
6. For how many months during the last12 months was [name] away from the household? ____
7. Is this person a member of the household?
[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No
8. What is [name]'s marital status?
[ ] 2 married (polygamous)
[ ] 3 Informal union
[ ] 4 divorced (go to q12)
[ ] 5 separated (go to q12)
[ ] 6 Widowed (go to q12)
[ ] 7 Never married (go to q12)
[If response is 4-7, go to question 12]
9. In what year did you get married to your current spouse?
If male with multiple wives, state year of marriage to first wife
10. Does [name]'s spouse/partner live in this household now?
[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No (go to q12)
11. Write ID code of current spouse (or first wife) who lives in the household. ____
12. What is [name]'s main religion?
[ ] 2 Islam
[ ] 3 Traditional
[ ] 4 Others
13. Does [name]'s biological father live in this household?
[ ] 2 No (go to q15)
[If no, go to question 15]
14. What is the individual ID of [name]'s biological father? ____
[Go to q18]
15. Is [name]'s biological father alive?
[ ] 2 No
16. What is/was [name]'s biological father's highest educational level completed?
[ ] 01 N1
[ ] 02 N2
[ ] 11 P1
[ ] 12 P2
[ ] 13 P3
[ ] 14 P4
[ ] 15 P5
[ ] 16 P6
[ ] 21 JS1
[ ] 22 JS2
[ ] 23 JS3
[ ] 24 SS1
[ ] 25 SS2
[ ] 26 SS3
[ ] 27 Lower 6
[ ] 28 Upper 6
[ ] 31 Teacher training
[ ] 32 Vocational/technical
[ ] 33 Modern school
[ ] 34 NCE
[ ] 41 Poly/prof
[ ] 42 1st degree
[ ] 43 Higher degree
[ ] 51 Quaranic
[ ] 52 Quaranic integrated
[ ] 61 Adult education
17. What is/was [name]'s biological father's main industry of occupation?
[ ] 2 Mining
[ ] 3 Manufacturing
[ ] 4 Professional, scientific, or technical activities
[ ] 5 Electricity
[ ] 6 Construction
[ ] 7 Transportation
[ ] 8 Buying and selling
[ ] 9 Financial/insurance/real est. Services
[ ] 10 Personal services
[ ] 11 Education
[ ] 12 Health
[ ] 13 Public administration
[ ] 14 Other, specify ____
p. 8
18. Does [name]'s biological mother live in this household?
[ ] 2 No (go to q20)
19. What is the individual ID of [name]'s biological mother? ____
(Go to next person)
20. Is [name]'s biological mother alive?
[ ] 2 No
21. What is/was [name]'s biological mother's highest educational level completed?
[ ] 01 N1
[ ] 02 N2
[ ] 11 P1
[ ] 12 P2
[ ] 13 P3
[ ] 14 P4
[ ] 15 P5
[ ] 16 P6
[ ] 21 JS1
[ ] 22 JS2
[ ] 23 JS3
[ ] 24 SS1
[ ] 25 SS2
[ ] 26 SS3
[ ] 27 Lower 6
[ ] 28 Upper 6
[ ] 31 Teacher training
[ ] 32 Vocational/technical
[ ] 33 Modern school
[ ] 34 NCE
[ ] 41 Poly/prof
[ ] 42 1st degree
[ ] 43 Higher degree
[ ] 51 Quaranic
[ ] 52 Quaranic integrated
[ ] 61 Adult education
22. What is/was [name]'s biological mother's main industry of occupation?
[ ] 2 Mining
[ ] 3 Manufacturing
[ ] 4 Professional, scientific, or technical activities
[ ] 5 Electricity
[ ] 6 Construction
[ ] 7 Transportation
[ ] 8 Buying and selling
[ ] 9 Financial/insurance/real est. Services
[ ] 10 Personal services
[ ] 11 Education
[ ] 12 Health
[ ] 13 Public administration
[ ] 14 Other, specify ____
(Go to next person)
p. 9
Section 2: Education
For all household members 5 years and above, please ask the individual the following questions.
1. Is this person answering for himself/herself?
[ ] 2 No
2. Write the ID code of the respondent
Copy ID from Roster
3. Can you read and write in any language?
[ ] 2 No
4. Have you ever attended school?
[ ] 2 No
5. What was the main reason you never attended school?
[ ] 2 Too far away
[ ] 3 Too expensive
[ ] 4 Working (home or job)
[ ] 5 Lack of money
[ ] 6 Death of parent
[ ] 7 Separation of parents
[ ] 8 Does not have interest
[ ] 9 Parents do not think it is important
[ ] 10 Illness
[ ] 11 Disability
[ ] 12 Other specify
(Go to q24)
6. At what age did you start school?
7. What is the highest educational level you completed?
[ ] 01 N1
[ ] 02 N2
[ ] 11 P1
[ ] 12 P2
[ ] 13 P3
[ ] 14 P4
[ ] 15 P5
[ ] 16 P6
[ ] 21 JS1
[ ] 22 JS2
[ ] 23 JS3
[ ] 24 SS1
[ ] 25 SS2
[ ] 26 SS3
[ ] 27 Lower 6
[ ] 28 Upper 6
[ ] 31 Teacher training
[ ] 32 Vocational/technical
[ ] 33 Modern school
[ ] 34 NCE
[ ] 41 Poly/prof
[ ] 42 1st degree
[ ] 43 Higher degree
[ ] 51 Quaranic
[ ] 52 Quaranic integrated
[ ] 61 Adult education
8. What is your highest qualification attained?
[ ] 2 FSLC
[ ] 3 MSLC
[ ] 4 Vocational/commercial
[ ] 5 JSS
[ ] 6 SSS 'Ordinary Level'
[ ] 7 A Level
[ ] 8 NCE/OND/Nursing
[ ] 9 BA/BSC/HND
[ ] 10 Tech/prof
[ ] 11 Masters
[ ] 12 Doctorate
[ ] 13 Other (specify) ____
9. Were you in school during the 2009?2010 school year?
[ ] 2 No
p. 10
10. Why are you not currently in school?
[ ] 2 Awaiting admission
[ ] 3 No school or lack of teachers
[ ] 4 No time/no interest
[ ] 5 Lack of money
[ ] 6 Marital obligation
[ ] 7 Sickness
[ ] 8 Disability
[ ] 9 Separation of parents
[ ] 10 Death of parents
[ ] 11 Too old to attend
[ ] 12 Domestic obligation
[ ] 13 Other (specify) ____
(Go to q24)
11. What kind of organization runs the school that you are attending?
[ ] 2 State gov.
[ ] 3 Local gov.
[ ] 4 Community
[ ] 5 Religious body
[ ] 6 Private
[ ] 7 Other (specify) ____
12. By what means does [name] go to school?
[ ] 2 Bicycle
[ ] 3 Motorcycle
[ ] 4 Private car
[ ] 5 Taxi
[ ] 6 Bus
[ ] 7 Camel/donkey
[ ] 8 Other (specify) ____
13. How much time does it take you to get to school? (in minutes)
[ ] 0 - 15 ...1
[ ] 16 - 30 ..2
[ ] 31 - 45 ..3
[ ] 46 - 60 ..4
[ ] 61 - 90...5
[ ] 91 - 120..6
[ ] 120 +.....7
14. Did you have a scholarship during the 2009?2010 school year?
[ ] 2 No (go to q18)
15. What was the amount of the scholarship you received in the 2009? 2010 school year?
16. How many years did the scholarship cover?
17. From which organisation, did you receive the scholarship?
[ ] 2 State government
[ ] 3 Local government
[ ] 4 Community
[ ] 5 Religious body
[ ] 6 Private
[ ] 7 Other (specify) ____
p. 11
18. How much was spent on your education in the last 12 months by members of your household:
Record total expenditure in column I only if respondent cannot divide school expenses into previous categories
p. 12
19. Did you ever repeat any class in primary or secondary school?
[ ] 2 Yes, secondary only
[ ] 3 Yes, both
[ ] 4 None (go to q23)
20. What was the last class you repeated?
[ ] 01 N1
[ ] 02 N2
[ ] 11 Primary 1
[ ] 12 Primary 2
[ ] 13 Primary 3
[ ] 14 Primary 4
[ ] 15 Primary 5
[ ] 16 Primary 6
[ ] 21 JSS 1
[ ] 22 JSS 2
[ ] 23 JSS 3
[ ] 24 SSS 1
[ ] 25 SSS 2
[ ] 26 SSS 3
[ ] 27 Lower 6
[ ] 28 Upper 6
21. What was your main reason for repeating the grade specified in Q20?
[ ] 2 Pregnancy
[ ] 3 Illness
[ ] 4 Disability
[ ] 5 Work commitment
[ ] 6 No money for books
[ ] 7 Lack of fees
[ ] 8 Illness or injury of other household member
[ ] 9 Other (specify) ____
22. How many times have you repeated the class specified in Q20? ____
23. Do you plan to attend school in the next school year?
[ ] 2 No
p. 13
Section3: Labour
Ask these questions from individuals 5 years and above
1. Is the household member 5 years or older?
[ ] 2 No (go to next section)
2. Is this person answering for himself/ herself?
[ ] 2 No
3. Write the ID code of the respondent
4. During the past 7 days, have you worked for someone who is not a member of your household, for example, an enterprise, company, the government or any other individual?
[ ] 2 No
5. During the past 7 days, have you worked on a farm owned or rented by a member of your household, either in cultivating crops or in other farming tasks, or have you cared for livestock belonging to yourself or a member of your household?
[ ] 2 No
6. During the past 7 days, have you worked on your own account or in a business enterprise belonging to you or someone in your household, for example, as a trader, shop?keeper, barber, dressmaker, carpenter or taxi driver?
[ ] 2 No
7. Interviewer: is there a "yes" response in questions 4, 5 or 6?
[ ] 2 No
p. 14
8. Have you taken any steps within the past 7 days to look for work?
[ ] 2 No
9. What is the main reason you did not look for a job in the past 7 days?
[ ] 1 Student
[ ] 2 Housewife/childcare
[ ] 3 Too old/retired
[ ] 4 Sickness or illness
[ ] 5 Disability
[ ] 6 Waiting for reply from employer
[ ] 7 Waiting for recall by employer
[ ] 8 On leave
[ ] 9 Waiting for busy Season
[ ] 10 Others (specify) ____
(Go to q12)
10. Were you available for work during the last 7 days?
[ ] 2 No
11. Why were you not available for work during the last 7 days?
[ ] 2 Busy with household duties
[ ] 3 Too young to work
[ ] 4 Too old to work
[ ] 5 Too sick to work
[ ] 6 Disabled
[ ] 7 Other (specify) ____
12. When was the last time you did work for pay, profit or gain (if any)?
Year ____
If never, leave blank (go to q37)
If you have not worked in the last 12 months (go to q37)
p. 15
13. What was your primary activity in your main job? (Main occupation in the last 7 days or most recent job)
Occup. Code to be coded after the interview ____
14. In what sector is this main activity?
[ ] 2 Mining
[ ] 3 Manufacturing
[ ] 4 Professional/scientific/technical activities
[ ] 5 Electricity
[ ] 6 Construction
[ ] 7 Transportation
[ ] 8 Buying and selling
[ ] 9 Financial/insurance/real est. Services
[ ] 10 Personal services
[ ] 11 Education
[ ] 12 Health
[ ] 13 Public administration
[ ] 14 Other (specify) ____
15. Who is the employer in this job?
[ ] 2 State gov.
[ ] 3 Local gov.
[ ] 4 Parastatal
[ ] 5 Private sector (include paid apprentice)
[ ] 6 NGO
[ ] 7 Co-operatives
[ ] 8 International organisation/diplomatic mission
[ ] 9 Religious organisation
[ ] 10 Self employed
[ ] 11 Other (specify) ____
16. During the last 12 months how many months did you work in this employment?
____ Months
17. During these months, how many weeks in total did you work in this employment?
____ Weeks
18. During the last seven days, how many hours did you work in this job?
____ Hours
p. 16
19. Have you received wages, salary or other payments either in cash or in other forms from this employment for this work?
[ ] 2 No
20. What is the main reason you received no payment for this work?
2 Unpaid family worker
3 Apprenticeship or unpaid traineeship
4 Paying off debt
5 Payment upon completion of work
6 Owed by employer
7 Other (specify) ____
[If response is 2-7, go to q24]
21. How much was your last payment? If respondent has not yet been paid, ask: What payment do you expect? What period of time did this payment cover?
[ ] 2 Day
[ ] 3 Week
[ ] 4 Fortnight
[ ] 5 Month
[ ] 6 Quarter
[ ] 7 Half year
[ ] 8 Year
22. Do you receive any in?kind payment or allowance for this work in any other form?
[Apart from salary]
[ ] 2 No (go to q24)
23. What is the value of those payments? Over what time interval?
[ ] 2 Day
[ ] 3 Week
[ ] 4 Fortnight
[ ] 5 Month
[ ] 6 Quarter
[ ] 7 Half year
[ ] 8 Year
p. 17
24. Were you engaged in a second job?
[ ] 2 No (go to q36)
25. What was your main activity in your second job?
Occup. Code to be coded after the interview ____
26. In what sector is this main activity?
[ ] 2 Mining
[ ] 3 Manufacturing
[ ] 4 Professional/scientific/technical activities
[ ] 5 Electricity
[ ] 6 Construction
[ ] 7 Transportation
[ ] 8 Buying and selling
[ ] 9 Financial/insurance/real est. Services
[ ] 10 Personal services
[ ] 11 Education
[ ] 12 Health
[ ] 13 Public administration
[ ] 14 Other (specify) ____
27. Who is the employer in this job?
[ ] 2 State gov.
[ ] 3 Local gov.
[ ] 4 Parastatal
[ ] 5 Private sector (include paid apprentice)
[ ] 6 NGO
[ ] 7 Co-operatives
[ ] 8 International organisation/diplomatic mission
[ ] 9 Religious organisation
[ ] 10 Self employed
[ ] 11 Other (specify) ____
28. During the last 12 months how many months did you work in this employment?
____ Months
p. 18
29. During these months, how many weeks did you work in this employment?
____ Weeks
30. During the last seven days, how many hours did you work in this job?
____ Hours
31. Do you receive wages, salary or other payments either in cash or in other forms from this employer for this work?
[ ] 2 No
32. What is the main reason you received no payment for this work?
[ ] 2 Unpaid family worker
[ ] 3 Apprenticeship or unpaid traineeship
[ ] 4 Paying off debt
[ ] 5 Payment upon completion of work
[ ] 6 Owed by employer
[ ] 7 Other (specify) ____
(If response is 2-7, go to q36)
33. How much was your last payment? If respondent has not yet been paid, ask: What payment do you expect? What period of time did this payment cover?
[ ] 2 Day
[ ] 3 Week
[ ] 4 Fortnight
[ ] 5 Month
[ ] 6 Quarter
[ ] 7 Half year
[ ] 8 Year
34. Do you receive any payment in?kind or allowance for this work in any other form?
[Apart from salary]
[ ] 2 No (go to q36)
35. What is the amount of those payments? Over what time interval?
[ ] 2 Day
[ ] 3 Week
[ ] 4 Fortnight
[ ] 5 Month
[ ] 6 Quarter
[ ] 7 Half year
[ ] 8 Year
p. 19
36. Do you contribute to the National Health Insurance Scheme (NISH)?
[ ] 2 No
37. How many hours did you spend yesterday collecting/chopping firewood (or other fuel materials) in total?
____ Minutes
38. How many hours did you spend yesterday collecting/fetching water in total including waiting time?
____ Minutes
[Sections on credit/savings, assets, non-farm enterprise, food expense, non-food expense, food security, other income, and agriculture questionnaire are omitted.]
Post-Harvest Questionnaire for Panel Households
[Sections on cover, roster, education, labour, health, ICT, remittances, and asset acquisition are omitted.]
p. 48
1. Do you own or are you purchasing this dwelling, is it provided to you by an employer, do you use it for free, or do you rent this house?
[ ] 2 Employer provides (go to q3)
[ ] 3 Free, authorized (go to q3)
[ ] 4 Free, not authorized (go to q3)
[ ] 5 Rented (go to q4)
2. If you sold this dwelling today, how much would you receive for it?
3. Estimate the rent you could receive if you rented this dwelling?
[ ] Year
(Go to q5)
4. How much do you pay to rent this dwelling?
[ ] Year
5. In what year was this house built?
Year ____
6. The outer walls of the main dwelling of the household are predominantly made of what material?
[ ] 2 Mud
[ ] 3 Compacted earth
[ ] 4 Mud brick (unfired)
[ ] 5 Burnt bricks
[ ] 6 Concrete
[ ] 7 Wood
[ ] 8 Iron sheets
[ ] 9 Other (specify)
7. The roof of the main dwelling is predominantly made of what material?
[ ] 2 Iron sheets
[ ] 3 Clay tiles
[ ] 4 Concrete
[ ] 5 Plastic sheeting
[ ] 6 Asbestos sheets
[ ] 7 Other (specify
8. The floor of the main dwelling is predominantly made of what material?
[ ] 2 Smoothed mud
[ ] 3 Smooth cement
[ ] 4 Wood
[ ] 5 Tile
[ ] 6 Other (specify)
9. How many separate rooms do the members of your household occupy?
Number of rooms ____
10. What is your main source of lighting fuel?
[ ] 2 Purchased firewood
[ ] 3 Grass
[ ] 4 Kerosene
[ ] 5 Electricity
[ ] 6 Gas
[ ] 7 Battery or dry cell (torch)
[ ] 8 Candles
[ ] 9 Other (specify)
11. What is your main source of cooking fuel?
[ ] 2 Purchased firewood
[ ] 3 Coal
[ ] 4 Grass
[ ] 5 Kerosene
[ ] 6 Electricity
[ ] 7 Gas
[ ] 8 Battery/dry cell (torch)
[ ] 9 Candles
[ ] 10 Other (specify)
12. Do you ever collect firewood?
[ ] 2 No (go to q15)
13. Where do you go to collect firewood?
[ ] 2 Community woodlot
[ ] 3 Forest reserve
[ ] 4 Unfarmed area of community
[ ] 5 Other (specify)
14. How long does it take you to walk from your dwelling to where you usually go to collect firewood? (One way)
[ ] 2 Hour
15. Of the firewood you used in the past week, how much of it did you purchase?
[ ] 2 All
[ ] 3 Almost all
[ ] 4 More than half
[ ] 5 Half
[ ] 6 Less than half
[ ] 7 A little
[ ] 8 None
16. What is the total value of the firewood you used in the past week, whether gathered or purchased? (Estimate purchase cost of gathered firewood.)
p. 49
17. Do you have electricity working in your dwelling?
[ ] 2 No (go to q26)
18. In the event of a black out, what source of energy do you use for ...?
[ ] 2 Kerosene
[ ] 3 Rechargeable lamp
[ ] 4 Generator
[ ] 5 Other (specify) ____
[ ] 2 Firewood
[ ] 3 Gas
[ ] 4 Kerosene
[ ] 5 Generator
[ ] 6 Other (specify) ____
19. What is the source of your electricity supply?
[ ] 2 Rural electrification only
[ ] 3 Private generator only
[ ] 4 PHCN (NEPA)/generator
[ ] 5 Rural electricity/generator
[ ] 6 Solar panel (go to q25)
20. Did you have to apply to get electricity connection?
[ ] 2 No (go to q23)
21. Following your application to get connected to PHCN, how many weeks did you have to wait for a Technician to come to connection the house?
22. Did you have to pay an unofficial fee to get a connection?
[ ] 2 No
23. How frequently do you experience blackouts in your area? ____
24. During the last 7 days, on average, how many hours of electricity has your household had from the main public system?
25. What was the total cost for electricity in the household? What period does this cost refer?
[ ] 2 Week
[ ] 3 Month
[ ] 4 Year
(Go to q29)
26. Although you do not have electricity in your dwelling, does your village/neighborhood
have access to electricity?
[ ] 2 No (go to q29)
27. Why does your household not have access to electricity?
List up to 2 reasons
[First reason]
[ ] 2 No need for electricity (go to q29)
[ ] 3 Dwelling inappropriate for connection (go to q29)
[ ] 4 Application pending
[ ] 5 Service too unreliable (go to q29)
[ ] 6 Other (specify) (go to q29)
[Second reason]
[ ] 2 No need for electricity (go to q29)
[ ] 3 Dwelling inappropriate for connection (go to q29)
[ ] 4 Application pending
[ ] 5 Service too unreliable (go to q29)
[ ] 6 Other (specify) (go to q29)
28. How many weeks have you been waiting for the connection?
29. Is there a landline telephone in working condition in the dwelling unit?
[ ] 2 No (go to q31)
30. What was the total cost for landline telephone in the household? What period does this cost refer?
[ ] 2 Week
[ ] 3 Month
[ ] 4 Year
p. 50
31. Does someone in the household own a GSM phone (cell phone) in working condition?
[ ] 2 No (go to q33)
32. Estimate the total cost for cell phone service for all household members last month?
33. What was your main source of drinking water?
Dry season
[ ] 2 Pipe borne water untreated
[ ] 3 Bore hole/hand pump
[ ] 4 Well/spring protected
[ ] 5 Well/spring unprotected
[ ] 6 River/spring
[ ] 7 Lake/reservoir
[ ] 8 Rain water
[ ] 9 Tanker/truck/vendor
[ ] 10 Other (specify)
Wet season
[ ] 2 Pipe borne water untreated
[ ] 3 Bore hole/hand pump
[ ] 4 Well/spring protected
[ ] 5 Well/spring unprotected
[ ] 6 River/spring
[ ] 7 Lake/reservoir
[ ] 8 Rain water
[ ] 9 Tanker/truck/vendor
[ ] 10 Other (specify)
34. How long does it take you to walk (one way) to the water source from your dwelling?
Time amount ____
[ ] 2 Hour
35. What was the total cost of drinking water for your household last month?
____ Naira
36. What kind of toilet facility does your household use?
[ ] 2 Toilet on water
[ ] 3 Flush to sewage
[ ] 4 Flush to septic tank
[ ] 5 Pail/bucket
[ ] 6 Covered pit latrine
[ ] 7 Uncovered pit latrine
[ ] 8 V.I.P latrine
[ ] 9 Other (specify) ____
37. Is this toilet facility for the use of:
[ ] 2 Other hh also
38. What kind of refuse disposal facilities does your household use?
[ ] 2 Hh bin collected by private agency
[ ] 3 Government bin or shed
[ ] 4 Disposal within compound
[ ] 5 Unauthorised refuse heap
[ ] 6 Other (specify)
[ ] 7 None (go to next section)
39. How much did you spend on refuse disposal in the last month?
[Sections on non-farm enterprise, food expenditure, non-food expenditure, food security, other household, safety nets, shocks/deaths, and contact info are omitted.]