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National Institute of Statistics
Republic of Mozambique

Family household bulletin

Is this a follow-up bulletin?

[] Yes
[] No

If yes, complete with the number of the 1st bulletin of this household _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Bulletin No. / Total no. of bulletins _ / _

Statistical authority and confidentiality (Law 7/96 of June 5)

Article 6. Statistical authority - The principle of statistical authority consists of the power conferred on the National Institute of Statistics to carry out surveys with mandatory responses within the deadlines, as well as taking steps to production of statistics.

Article 14. Statistical confidentiality - All statistical information of an individual nature, collected by the bodies producing official statistics, within the scope of the National Statistics System, is strictly confidential in nature.

Section A: Geographical location of housing

A1. Area of residence

[] Urban
[] Rural

A2. Province _ _

A3. District _ _

A4. Post administrative _ _

A5. Location/town _ _

A6. Neighborhood _ _

A7. Area of enumeration _ _ _

A8. Population/community unit/block _ _

A9. Zone/block _ _

House No. _ _ _

No. of households in this house_ _ _

No. of this household family _

Parish/ community unit/block ____

Name of head of household ____

____ Street/ avenue

____ N

____ Floor

____ Flat

Description for cases without ________

Section B: List of household members

B1. People to register:

- All persons in the household, that is, those who habitually live in the household (residents), whether or not they are present.
- All people who do not usually live in the household (visitors), but who spent the night from July 31 to August 1, 2017
- All persons who died after 0 (zero) hours of August 1, 2017, but who resided in the household.
People not to register
- All people born on August 1, 2016 or later.
- All persons who died before 0 (zero) hours on August 1, 2017.

Person no. _ _

Name of persons in household ____

[] Visitor
[] Resident

B2. If it's not a follow-up bulletin:

Indicate the total number of people residing in the household _ _

Specify how many by gender: _ _

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

(To be completed at the end of the interview)


Section C: Questions about the population

Person no. _ _

P1. Person's name ____

P2. What is the family relationship with the head of the household?

[] 01 Head
[] 02 Husband/wife
[] 03 Biological child
[] 04 Father/mother
[] 05 Stepchild
[] 06 Adopted child
[] 07 Son-in-law/daughter
[] 08 Grandchild
[] 09 Another
[] 10 Unrelated

P3. Please indicate sex

[] 01 Male
[] 02 Female

P4. How old are you? _ _ _

P5. Please respond if at zero o'clock on the 1st day of August 2017, in this household, you were:

[] 01 Present resident
[] 02 Absent resident
[] 03 Visitor

P6. Tell me if you are:

[] 01 Black
[] 02 Mixed race
[] 03 White
[] 04 Indian
[] 05 Pakistani
[] 06 Chinese
[] 07 Other

P7. Where were you born?

[] 01 In the same district where I currently live.
[] 02 In another location within the country. Indicate which:
____ Province
____ District
____ City/town
[] Abroad. Enter the name of the country:
[] 03 South Africa
[] 04 India
[] 05 Malawi
[] 06 Portugal
[] 07 Swaziland
[] 08 Tanzania
[] 09 Zambia
[] 10 Other ____

P7a. How many years have you lived in this district?

[] 01 Since I was born
[] 02 Years _ _

P8. What is your nationality?

[] 01 Mozambican
[] 01 Malawian
[] 03 Portugal
[] 04 South African
[] 05 Tanzanian
[] 06 Zimbabwean
[] 07 Other ____

P9. Do you have a disability/difficulty?

(More than one answer allowed)

[] 01 None [skip to P11]
[] 02 Blind
[] 03 Deaf/mute
[] 04 Amputated/atrophied arm
[] 05 Amputated/atrophied leg
[] 06 Mental
[] 07 Paralysis
[] 08 Difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses
[] 09 Difficulty hearing, even when using hearing aids
[] 10 Difficulty in memory or concentration
[] 11 Difficulty in walking
[] 12 Other ____

P10. What were the causes of the main disability/difficulty?

[Asked only to those who did not answer none in question P9.]

(More than one answer allowed)

[] 01 Birth
[] 01 Disease
[] 03 Mines/war
[] 04 Military service
[] 05 Work accident
[] 06 Road accident
[] 07 Others

P10a. How old were you when you contracted this disability/difficulty?

(If it was at birth, write 00)

_ _

P11. What is your religion?

[] 01 Catholic
[] 02 Anglican
[] 03 Islamic
[] 04 Zionist
[] 05 Evangelical/Pentecostal
[] 06 No religion (atheist, animist, agnostic, ...)
[] 07 Other ____

P12. Is your birth mother alive?

[] 01 Yes
[] 02 No
[] 03 Don't know

P13. Is your biological father alive?

[] 01 Yes
[] 02 No
[] 03 Don't know

Only for people 0 to 17 years
[Questions P14 and P15 were asked of people aged 0 to 17.]

P14. Have you already been registered?

[] 01 Yes [skip to P16]
[] 02 No

P15. Why were you not registered?

[Asked only of people who answered no to being registered in question P14.]

[] 01 It is far away
[] 02 It's not important
[] 03 Lack of knowledge
[] 04 Bureaucracy
[] 05 It is expensive
[] 06 Lack of time
[] 07 Missing
[] 08 I'm still very young
[] 09 Other ____

Only for people 1 year old or more
[Question P16 was asked of people aged 1 year old or more.]

P16. Where were you living on August 1, 2016?

[Asked only of people aged 1 year or older.]

[] 01 In the same district where I currently live
[] 02 In another location within the country. Indicate which:
____ Province
____ District
____ City/town
[] Abroad. Enter the name of the country:
[] 03 South Africa
[] 04 India
[] 05 Malawi
[] 06 Portugal
[] 07 Swaziland
[] 08 Tanzania
[] 09 Zambia
[] 10 Other ____

Only for persons 5 years or more
[Questions P17 through P21b were asked of people aged 5 years or older]

P17. Where were you living 5 years ago (2012)?

[] 01 In the same district where I currently live
[] 02 In another location within the country. Indicate which:
____ Province
____ District
____ City/town
Abroad. Enter the name of the country:
[] 03 South Africa
[] 04 India
[] 05 Malawi
[] 06 Portugal
[] 07 Swaziland
[] 08 Tanzania
[] 09 Zambia
[] 10 Other ____

P18. Can you read and write (in any language)?

[] 01 Yes
[] 02 No

P19. Can you speak Portuguese?

[] 01 Yes
[] 02 No

P20. What language did you learn to speak in?

[] 01 Emakhuwa
[] 02 Portuguese
[] 03 Xichangana
[] 04 Elomwue
[] 05 Cinyanja
[] 06 Cisena
[] 07 Echuabo
[] 08 Cindau
[] 09 Xitswa
[] 10 Other ____


P21a. What language do you speak most at home?

[] 01 Emakhuwa
[] 02 Portuguese
[] 03 Xichangana
[] 04 Elomwue
[] 05 Cinyanja
[] 06 Cisena
[] 07 Echuabo
[] 08 Cindau
[] 09 Xitswa
[] 10 Other ____

P21b. In addition to the previous ones, what other language do you use to communicate anywhere?

[] 01 None
[] 02 Other ____

Only for persons 3 years or older
[Questions P22 through P27 were asked of people aged 3 years or older.]

P22. Please respond if:

[] 01 You're currently attending a school
[] 02 You ever attended a school
[] 03 You never attended school [skip to P26]

P23. Please select the level of education you are attending or, if you are no longer studying, the highest level you attended:

[Asked only of those who responded yes to currently attended or ever attended school in question P22.]

[] 01 Preschool
[] 02 Literacy
[] 03 Primary education
[] 04 Elementary education
[] 05 Secondary education
[] 06 High school education
[] 07 Elementary technical education
[] 08 Basic technical education
[] 09 Technical high school
[] 10 Primary teacher training course
[] 11 Bachelor's degree (Bacharelato)
[] 12 Bachelor's degree in education (Licenciatura)
[] 13 Master's degree
[] 14 Ph.D.

P24. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

[Asked only of those who responded yes to currently attended or ever attended school in question P22.]

[] 00. None
[] 01 Preschool
[] 02 Literacy
[] 03 Primary education
[] 04 Elementary education
[] 05 Secondary education
[] 06 High school education
[] 07 Elementary technical education
[] 08 Basic technical education
[] 09 Technical high school
[] 10 Primary teacher training course
[] 11 Bachelor's degree (Bacharelato)
[] 12 Bachelor's degree in education (Licenciatura)
[] 13 Master's degree
[] 14 Ph.D.

P25. If you have completed a higher education course (bachelor, degree, master, Ph.D.), please indicate the name of the course:

[Asked only of those who responded yes to currently attended or ever attended school in question P22.]


P26. Please respond if in the last 3 months you used: Computer/laptop/tablet

[] 01 Yes
[] 02 No

P26a. Please respond if you used the internet in the last 3 months:

[] 01 Yes
[] 02 No [skip to P27]

P26b. What was the means of accessing the internet?

[Asked only of those who answered yes to question P26a]

(More than one answer allowed)

[] 01 Computer/tablet
[] 02 Cell Phone

P26c. How many times have you used the internet in the last 3 months?

[Asked only of those who answered yes to question P26a.]

[] 01 Less than 10
[] 02 10 to 50
[] 03 More than 50

P27. Do you have a cell phone (no matter how many)?

[] 01 Yes
[] 02 No

For people 7 years or more
[Questions 28 through 37 were asked of people aged 7 years or older]

P28. Do you have a bank account?

[] 01 Yes
[] 02 No

P29. Do you have bank credit in a regulated financial institution?

[] 01 Yes
[] 02 No

P30. Do you use Mpesa, Mkesh (or something similar)?

[] 01 Yes
[] 02 No

P31. Did you work on the 24th to the 30th of July?

[] 01 Yes [skip to P34]
[] 02 No

P32. You did not work the week of July 24 to 30 because:

[Asked only of those who answered no to question P31.]

[] 01 I was on vacation, sick, another situation of temporary interruption in my working status [skip to P34]
[] 02 I was looking for a new job [skip to P34]
[] 03 I was a housewife/husband [skip to P33]
[] 04 I was looking for a job for the first time [skip to P38]
[] 05 I was only a student [skip to P38]
[] 06 I was retired/reserve [skip to P38]
[] 07 Disabled [skip to P38]
[] 08 I was not available/did not want [skip to P38]
[] 09 Another [skip to P38]

P33. If you were a housewife/husband, please respond if in the week of July 24th to 30th:

[Asked only of those who answered no to question P31 and I was a housewife/husband to question P32.]

[] 01 I went to the field
[] 02 Produced or sold products
[] 03 Helped family members in production/business
[] 04 Only took care of the house/children [skip to P38]

P34. What was your main task (main occupation) that week (24 to 30) or the last time you worked?

[Asked only of those who answered yes to question P31 or 01 or 02 for question P32.]


P35. Describe the main economic activity in your workplace.

[Asked only of those who answered yes to question P31 or 01 or 02 for question P32.]


P36. Please respond if you are a worker of:

[Asked only of those who answered yes to question P31 or 01 or 02 for question P32.]

[] 01 Public administration/state institutions
[] 02 Local authorities
[] 03 Public company
[] 04 Private company
[] 05 Cooperative
[] 06 Non-profit institution
[] 07 Private house
[] 08 Freelancer with employees
[] 09 Freelancer without employees
[] 10 Family without remuneration
[] 11 International bodies/embassies

P37. How many hours did you work per day in the week of July 24th to 30th? _ _

[Asked only of those who answered yes to question P31 or 01 or 02 for question P32.]

For people 12 years or more
[Question P38 was asked of persons aged 12 years old or more.]

P38. What is your marital status?

[Question 38 was asked of people aged 12 years or older.]

[] 01 Single
[] 02 Married
[] 03 Civil partnership
[] 04 Divorced/separated
[] 05 Widowed

For women 10 to 50 years
[Questions P39 through P42 were asked of women aged 10 to 50 years]

P39. How many children born alive did you have?

[] 01 None [skip to next person]
[] 02 One or more children, indicate the total number _ _
03 Male _ _
04 Female _ _

P40. How many living children do you currently have?

[Asked only of women who answered that they had children born alive in question P39.]

[] 01 None
[] 02 One or more children, indicate the total number _ _
03 Male _ _
04 Female _ _

P41. How many live-born children have you had in the past 12 months?

[Asked only of women who did not answer none in question P39.]

[] 01 None [skip to next person]
[] 02 One or more children, indicate the total number _

Indicate how many by gender:
03 Male _
04 Female _

P42. Of the children born alive in the last 12 months, how many are alive?

[Asked only of women who did not answer none in question P39 or P41.]

[] 01 None
[] 02 One or more children, indicate the total number _

Indicate how many by gender:
03 Male _
04 Female _

Move on to the next person


Section D: Housing features and conditions

Enumerator: Complete the housing questions bulletin. If there is more than one household in the dwelling, complete questions D1 to D13 for the first household only.

D1. Type of housing

[] 11 Conventional house with both bathroom and kitchen indoors
[] 11a. Conventional house with bathroom or kitchen indoors
[] 12 Flat/apartment
[] 13 Hut
[] 14 Improvised house (tent, tin, cardboard)
[] 15 Mixed house
[] 16 Basic house
[] 17 Part of a commercial building
[] 18 Other ____
[] 21. Hospital unit
[] 22. Hotel, pension
[] 23. Barracks, military field
[] 24. Boarding, seminary, college, residential house (lar)
[] 25. Prison unit
[] 26. Other ____
[] 27. Homeless people

Enumerator: If you checked 21 to 27, end the interview.

[The remaining enumeration form questions were only asked of private households (responses 11 to 18 in question D1)]

D2. This house is:

[] 01 Occupied [skip to D4]
[] 02 Unoccupied

D3. Why is the house unoccupied?

[Asked only if house was reported unoccupied in question D2.]

[] 01 On sale
[] 02 For rent
[] 03 Under construction [end interview]
[] 04 For occasional use
[] 05 Other

Enumerator: If you checked 1, 2, 4 or 5, ask questions D6 through D13 and end the interview.

D4. The house is:

[Asked only if house was reported occupied in question D2.]

[] 01 Owned
[] 02 Leased [skip to D6]
[] 03 Assigned, temporarily borrowed [skip to D6]
[] 04 Other [skip to D6]

D5. If the house is your own, please respond if:

[Asked only if house was reported occupied in question D2.]

[] 01 Built with license
[] 02 Built without license
[] 03 Purchased from the state or APIE
[] 04 Bought from others
[] 05 Acquired by inheritance
[] 06 Other ____

[The remaining housing questions were asked only for occupied houses (response of 1 on question D2) and unoccupied houses not under construction (responses other than 3 on question D3)]

D6. The house is built with:

[] 01 Concrete block
[] 02 Brick block
[] 03 Wood or zinc
[] 04 Adobe block
[] 05 Reed, sticks, bamboo or palm
[] 06 Mud coated wooden poles (wattle and daub)
[] 07 Tin, cardboard, paper, bag, or bark
[] 08 Others ____

D7. The house is covered with:

[] 01 Concrete slab
[] 02 Roof tile
[] 03 Lusalite plate
[] 04 Zinc sheet
[] 05 Grass, thatch, or palm
[] 06 Others

D8. The floor of the house is:

(Not considering kitchen/bathroom)

[] 01 Wood or parquet
[] 02 Marble or granite
[] 03 Cement
[] 04 Mosaic or tile
[] 05 Adobe (clay)
[] 06 Nothing
[] 07 Others

D9. How many rooms does the house have? _ _

(Not considering the kitchen/bathroom)

D9a. Of these rooms, how many do you use to sleep? _ _

D10. What is the main source of water you use to drink in this household?

[] 01 Piped water indoors
[] 02 Piped water outdoors or yard
[] 03 Piped water at the neighbor's house
[] 04 Public fountain or tap water
[] 05 Protected borehole or well water with manual pump
[] 06 Protected well water without manual pump
[] 07 Unprotected well water
[] 08 Spring water
[] 09 Surface water (river, lake, or pond)
[] 10 Rain water
[] 11 Truck tank water/loaded into drums
[] 12 Mineral water or bottled water
[] 13 Other

D11. The house has:

[] 01 Indoor flush toilet
[] 02 Outdoor flush toilet
[] 03 Non-flush toilet
[] 04 Improved latrine
[] 05 Improved traditional latrine
[] 06 Unimproved latrine
[] 07 No toilet or latrine

D12. Please respond the main form of waste treatment used in this household:

(More than one answer allowed)

[] 01 Collected by municipal authorities (container)
[] 02 Collected by private company/association
[] 03 Buries
[] 04 Burns
[] 05 Discards in the wasteland/swamp/lake/river/sea
[] 06 Other

D13. Please select the main form of energy used in this household:

(More than one answer is allowed)

[] 01 Public network electricity
[] 02 Generator or solar panels
[] 03 Gas
[] 04 Oil, paraffin, or kerosene
[] 05 Candles
[] 06 Batteries
[] 07 Firewood
[] 08 Portable batteries
[] 09 Others ____

[The remaining enumeration form questions were asked only if the house was reported occupied in D2]

Section E: Durable assets and access to information and communication technologies

E1. The household has:

(More than one answer is allowed)

[] 01 Radio
[] 02 TV
[] 03 Landline
[] 04 Computer
[] 05 Internet
[] 06 Iron
[] 07 Charcoal or wood stove
[] 08 Electric or gas stove
[] 09 Refrigerator/freezer
[] 10 Car
[] 11 Motorcycle
[] 12 Bicycle
[] 13 None of the above assets


Section F: Agricultural and fisheries activity

F1. Does the household have fields?

[] 01 Yes
[] 02 No [skip to F5]

F2. Where is the main field located?

[Asked only if the response to question F1 was yes.]

[] 01 In the same district where I currently live
[] 02 In another location within the country. Indicate which:
____ Province
____ District

F3. How many of these animals does the household have?

[Asked only if the response to question F1 was yes.]

(More than one answer is allowed)

[] 01 Cows/oxen _ _ _ _ _
[] 02 Goats _ _ _ _ _
[] 03 Sheep _ _ _ _ _
[] 04 Pigs _ _ _ _ _
[] 05 Chickens _ _ _ _ _
[] 06 Ducks _ _ _ _ _
[] 07 None [skip to F5]

F4. Where are most of these animals located?

[Asked only if the response to question F1 was yes and the response to question F3 was not none.]

[] 01 In the same district where I currently live
[] 02 In another location within the country, indicate which:
____ Province
____ District

F5. How many fruit trees does the household have:

_ _ _ _ _ 01. Cashew
_ _ _ _ _ 02. Coconut trees
_ _ _ _ _ 03. Other fruit trees or fruits

F6. Does the household have aquaculture tanks?

[] 01 Yes
If yes, indicate how many: _ _
[] 02 No

F7. Does the household practice artisanal fishing?

[] 01 Yes
[] 02 No

Section G: Mortality

G1. In this household, has anyone died in the last 12 months (August 1, 2016 to July 31, 2017)?

(Be sure to ask if any newborn or baby died in that period. If not, finish the interview.)

[] 01 Yes
[] 02 No

Deceased Person 1

[Asked only of people who answered yes to G1.]

Name ____

[] Male
[] Female

Age at date of death _ _ _

Date of death _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

When he/she died, he/she lived in this household?
[] Yes
[] No

Was the death recorded? (Civil Registry)
[] Yes
[] No

Only for women 10 to 50 years old
[Questions about deaths during pregnancy or childbirth were asked only of women aged 10 to 50 years old.]

Death was during pregnancy?
[Asked only of women 10 to 50 years old who answered yes to G1.]

[] Yes
[] No

Death was during childbirth?
[Asked only of women 10 to 50 years old who answered yes to G1.]

[] Yes
[] No

Death was two months after the end of pregnancy or childbirth?
[Asked only of women 10 to 50 years old who answered yes to G1.]

[] Yes
[] No

[The section G questions above were repeated five times for five deceased persons.]


General instructions

For each household, use the bulletins corresponding to the number of members residing in the household.

Who should fill out the bulletin?

All adult people. Information on minors and absent persons will be provided by the head of the household or by another adult member.

Sections D to G

Information to register

House where the household resides with its respective characteristics.

Household durable assets and agricultural and fish activities.

Information about the deaths in the household in the last 12 months.

Information not to register:

Information on housing and its characteristics in the case of collective housing.

How to fill out bulletin?

Use black ink ballpoint.

In questions where there is a space like [] mark with an X. Your answer in the box, as appropriate. [Write numbers within a text box]

In questions where a numerical answer is required, please mark like this, 12 if the number if 12, 05 if the number is 5, and 00 if the number is 0. [Write numbers within a text box]

In questions where there is a need to write words, for example, people's names, occupation, industry, write as legibly as possible using uppercase letters.

Equivalence table for questions P23 and P24 (level of education you attend or attended and the highest level you completed)

[The lists below form a table in the original enumeration form]

2017 Census

1. Preschool
2. Literacy
3. 1st Degree primary education (1st/5th class)
4. 2nd Degree primary education (6th/7th class)
5. Sec. education 1st cycle (8th/10th class)
6. Sec. education 2nd cycle (11th/12th Class)
7. Elementary technical education
8. Basic technical education
9. Technical high school
10. Primary teacher training course
11. Bachelor's degree (Bacharelato)
12. Bachelor's degree in education (Licenciatura)
13. Master's degree
14. PhD

Old system 1976-1982

1. [none]
2. Literacy
3. Primary education (Pre/4th Grade)
4. Secondary education/prep cycle. (5th/6th Class)
5. Secondary education (7th/9th Class)
6. Pre-university education (10th/11th Class)
7. Elementary technical education
8. Basic technical education
9. Technical high school
10. Primary teacher training course
11. Bachelor's degree (Bacharelato)
12. Bachelor's degree in education (Licenciatura)
13. Master's degree
14. Ph.D.

Colonial system - before independence

1. [none]
2. Literacy
3. Primary education (pre/4th grade)
4. Lyceum 1st cycle/preparatory cycle - 1st/2nd year
5. Lyceum 2nd cycle - 3rd/4th/5th year
6. Lyceum 3rd cycle - 6th/7th year
7. Elementary technical education (arts/crafts)
8. Commercial/industrial education
9. Commercial/industrial institute
10. Primary teacher training course
11. Bachelor's degree (Bacharelato)
12. Bachelor's degree in education (Licenciatura)
13. Master's degree
14. Ph.D.

Notes ________

Date of census

From _ _ / _ _

To _ _ / _ _ 2016

Control date

_ _ / _ _ 2016


Enumerator's name ____


Controller name ____
