Republic of Malawi
National Statistical Office
2018 Population and housing census questionnaire
Confidential: The census is been conducted under the 2013 Malawi Statistics Act. The information will be strictly confidential and used for statistical purposes only.
Mark an X in the box if more than one questionnaire _
Questionnaire ____ of ____
____ Region
____ District
____ TA, STA or town
____ GVH
____ Village
Control centre no. _ _ _
Enumeration area no. _ _ _
Household number _ _ _ _ _ _
[] 2 Homeless
[p. 2]
Hello. My name is ________. I am working with The National Statistical Office in Zomba. We are conducting the 2018 Malawi Population and Housing Census.
I have several questions that I need to ask you about your household. All the answers you give will be confidential and will not be shared with anyone other than members of the technical team for the 2018 Population and Housing Census. Taking part in the census is the responsibility of every citizen and we will be glad if you agree to answer the questions.
Do you have any questions?
May I begin the interview now?
Signature of interviewer ________
Date ________
_ _ Minutes
[p. 3]
All members of the household
[Questions P01-P10 are asked of all members of the household]
Who is the head of the household?
Enter first name then last name.
A household is one or more person(s) who usually live together and make common provision for food and other essentials for living. For each household list all household members, starting with the head of household.
2A) Just to make sure that I have a complete listing:
[] 1 Yes [add to table]
[] 2 No [skip to P02]
P02. What is [the respondent]'s relationship to the head of the household?
[] 01 Head
[] 02 Wife or husband
[] 03 Son or daughter
[] 04 Son in law
[] 05 Grandchild
[] 06 Parent
[] 07 Parent in law
[] 08 Brother or sister
[] 09 Niece or nephew
[] 10 Co-wife
[] 11 Other relative
[] 12 Not related
P03. Is [the respondent] male or female?
[] 2 Female
P04M. In what month was [the respondent] born?
Month _ _
P04Y. In what year was [the respondent] born?
Year (birth) _ _ _ _
P05. How old was [the respondent] at his/her last birthday?
Age _ _ _
P06. In what district was [the respondent] born? ________
P07. What's [the respondent]'s nationality? ________
P08. Is [the respondent] a present resident, absent resident or visitor?
[] 2 Absent resident
[] 3 Visitor
P09. What is [the respondent]'s religion?
[] 01 Christian
[] 02 Muslim
[] 03 Buddhism
[] 04 Hinduism
[] 05 Tradition
[] 06 Other
[] 07 No religion
P10. What is [the respondent]'s tribe?
[] 02 Tumbuka
[] 03 Lomwe
[] 04 Tonga
[] 05 Yao
[] 06 Sena
[] 07 Nkhonde
[] 08 Ngoni
[] 09 Lambya
[] 10 Sukwa
[] 11 Mang'anja
[] 12 Nyanja
[] 13 Other
[p. 4]
Members aged 5 years and above
[Questions P11-P13E2 are asked of household members aged 5 years and above]
P11. Where was [the respondent] residing during the same month last year?
Previous residence ________
P12. How long has [the respondent] been living continuously in current residence?
Duration _ _
P13A1. Does [the respondent] have difficulty in seeing?
[] 2 No. [Skip to P13B1]
P13A2. Does [the respondent] have difficult seeing even if wearing glasses?
[] 2 Yes -- some difficulty
[] 3 Yes -- a lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot see at all
[] 5 Never used glasses/hearing aid
P13A3. What is the cause of the difficulty in seeing?
[] 2 Disease/illness
[] 3 Injury/accident
[] 4 Other
[] 5 Not known
P13B1. Does [the respondent] have difficulty in hearing?
[] 2 No [skip to P13C1.]
P13B2. Does [the respondent] have difficulty in hearing, even if using hearing aid?
[] 2 Yes -- some difficulty
[] 3 Yes -- a lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot hear at all
[] 5 Never used glasses/hearing aid
P13B3. What is the cause of the difficulty in hearing?
[] 2 Disease/illness
[] 3 Injury/accident
[] 4 Other
[] 5 Not known
P13C1. Does [the respondent] have difficulty in walking or climbing steps?
[] 2 Yes -- some difficulty
[] 3 Yes -- a lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot walk at all
[] 5 Never used glasses/hearing aid
P13C2. What is the cause of difficult in walking or climbing steps?
[] 2 Disease/illness
[] 3 Injury/accident
[] 4 Other
[] 5 Not known
P13D1. Does [the respondent] have difficulty in speaking?
[] 2 Yes -- some difficulty
[] 3 Yes -- a lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot speak at all
[] 5 Never used glasses/hearing aid
P13D2. What is the cause of the difficulty in speaking?
[] 2 Disease/illness
[] 3 Injury/accident
[] 4 Other
[] 5 Not known
P13E1. Does [the respondent] have difficulty learning new things or solving problems or remembering?
[] 2 Yes -- some difficulty
[] 3 Yes -- a lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot learn at all
[] 5 Never used glasses/hearing aid
P13E2. What is the cause of the difficulty in learning new things or solving problems to remembering?
[] 2 Disease/illness
[] 3 Injury/accident
[] 4 Other
[] 5 Not known
[p. 5]
All members of the household
[Questions P13F1 to P13J are asked of all members of the household]
P13F1. Would you say that [the respondent] has experienced developmental delay?
[] 1 No -- no difficulty [skip to P13G.]
[] 2 Yes -- some difficulty
[] 3 Yes -- a lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot do at all
P13F2. What is the cause of developmental delay?
[] 2 Disease/illness
[] 3 Injury/accident
[] 4 Other
[] 5 Not known
Codes for P13F2, P13G1, causes of disability
[] 2 Disease/illness
[] 3 Injury/accident
[] 4 Other
[] 5 Not known
P13G. Does [the respondent] have difficulty (with self-care such as) washing all over or dressing?
[] 2 Yes -- some difficulty
[] 3 Yes -- a lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot do at all
P13G1. What is the cause of the difficulty (with self-care such as) washing all over or dressing?
[] 2 Disease/illness
[] 3 Injury/accident
[] 4 Other
[] 5 Not known
P13H. Does [the respondent] have albinism?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No.
P13I. Does [the respondent] have epilepsy or seizures?
[] 2 No.
[] 3 Don't know
P13J. Does [the respondent] have any other disability?
[] 2 No.
[] 3 Don't know
Parent survivorship: 0-17 years
[Questions P14 to P15AB are asked of those aged 0-17 years only]
P14. Is [the respondent] natural mother alive?
[] 2 No
[] 3 Don't know
P14A. Does [the respondent] natural mother live in this household?
[] 2 No.
[] 3 Don't know
P14B. Is [the respondent] natural father alive?
[] 2 No.
[] 3 Don't know
P14C. Does [the respondent] natural father live in this household?
[] 2 No.
[] 3 Don't know
P15AB. Does [the respondent] have a birth certificate?
[] 1 Yes, seen
[] 2 Yes, but not seen
[] 3 No
[] 4 Don't know
16 + years
[Question P15B is asked of those aged 16 years and older]
P15B .Does [the respondent] have a national ID?
[] 1 Yes, seen
[] 2 Yes, but not seen
[] 3 No
[] 4 Don't know
[p. 6]
If age 3 years or older
[Questions P16-P19 are asked of those aged 3 and older]
P01. Usual residents and visitors -- Name
P16. Literacy: Can [the respondent] read and write a simple sentence in any languages?
[] 2 No
P17. Ever attended school: Has [the respondent] ever attended school or is currently attending school?
[] 2 Has ever attended [skip to P19.]
[] 3 Currently attending
P18A. What is the highest level of school [the respondent] attended or is attending?
[] 1 Primary
[] 2 Secondary
[] 3 University
[] 4 Tertiary
P18AB. What is the highest class [the respondent] completed?
Level/year __
P18C. What class [the respondent] is currently attending?
P19. Education qualification: What is the highest qualification [the respondent] attained?
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Jce
[] 4 Msce/Gcse
[] 5 A-level
[] 6 Diploma
[] 7 Degree
[] 8 Masters
[] 9 PhD
[] 10 Other certificates
If age 10 years or older
[Questions P20-P24 are asked of those aged 10 years and older]
Work in last 7 days
[Questions P20-P21 are for those who worked in the last 7 days]
P20. Aside from his/her own housework, did [the respondent] work for at least an hour for pay or gain during the last 7 days?
[] 2 No
P21. Why did [the respondent] not work during the last 7 days?
[] 2 Non-worker (never worked)
[] 3 On leave but has a job [skip to P25]
[] 4 Retired [skip to P23]
[] 5 Waiting for vacancy/completion/interview
[] 6 Awaiting season for work
[] 7 Student/school/training course
[] 8 Family responsibility
[] 9 Pregnancy
[] 10 Illness/injury/disability
[] 11 Doesn't know how or where to look for work
[] 12 Unable to find work for his/her skills
[] 13 Looked for jobs but had not found any
[] 14 Too young or old to find a job
[] 15 No jobs available in the area
[] 16 No money (capital) to start business
[] 17 Other
P22. Activities last 7 days: Did [the respondent] do one of the following activities during the last 7 days?
[] 1 Farming/rearing animal/fishing
[] 2 Production/services/selling
[] 3 Homework at someone's house
[] 4 Homework at own house
[] 5 None
P23. Available to work: Is [the respondent] available for work?
[] 2 No
P24. Seeking work: Has [the respondent] been seeking work during the last 7 days?
[] 2 Yes, new job
[] 3 No [skip to P28]
P25. Occupation 7 days: What was [the respondent] main occupation during the last 7 days or the last time [the respondent] worked?
Occupation in the last 7 days _ _ _ _ [ISCO code]
P26. Employment status: What is [the respondent] main status in the occupation? An employer, own-account worker (self-employed), employee, unpaid family worker or other?
[] 2 Own account worker/self-employed
[] 3 Employee-public service
[] 4 Employee-private service
[] 5 Unpaid family worker
[] 6 Other
P27. Industry of occupation in last 7 days: What is the main product, service of activity of [the respondent] place of work?
If age 5 years or older
[Questions P17E-P27F are asked of those aged 5 years and older]
P27E. Land ownership: Does [the respondent] own any agricultural or non agricultural land either alone or jointly with someone else?
[] 2 Joint only
[] 3 Both alone and jointly
[] 4 Does not own [skip to P28]
P27F. Does [the respondent] have a title deed with his/her name on it?
[] 2 Jointly
[] 3 Both alone and jointly
[] 4 No title deed
12 years or older
[Questions P28-P29 are asked of those aged 12 years and older]
P28. Marital status: What is [the respondent] marital status?
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced/separated
[] 4 Widowed
P29 Age at 1st marriage: How old was [the respondent] when he/she first got married?
Marital age ____
[p. 8]
Women aged 12 years and older
[Questions P30-P33 are asked of women aged 12 years and older]
P30. How many children were born alive to [the respondent]? _ _
P30M. How many boys were born alive to [the respondent]? _ _
P31M. Among these, how many boys are still alive? _ _
P30F. How many girls were born alive to [the respondent]? _ _
P31F. Among these, how many girls are still alive? _ _
P32M. In which month was [the respondent]'s last child born alive _ _
P32Y. In which year was [the respondent]'s last child born alive _ _ _ _
P33. Is this child born to [the respondent] still alive?
[] 2 No
D00: Dwelling characteristics section
The next section is about the characteristics of your dwelling unit(s).
D01. How many dwelling units does this household have? _ _
D02. Is this dwelling unit owned, rented or provided by institution/employer?
[] 2 Rented
[] 3 Institutional
[] 4 Other
D03. What is the main material used for the roof?
[] 2 Iron sheets
[] 3 Iron with tiles
[] 4 Asbestos
[] 5 Cement
[] 6 Other
D04. What is the main material used for the wall?
[] 2 Unburnt bricks
[] 3 Concrete
[] 4 Cement blocks
[] 5 Mud/wattle/dung
[] 6 Reeds/straw
[] 7 Wood/planks
[] 8 Other
D05. What is the main material used for the floor?
[] 2 Dung
[] 3 Wood planks
[] 4 Palm/bamboo
[] 5 Broken bricks
[] 6 Parquet/polished wood
[] 7 Vinyl or asphalt strip
[] 8 Ceramic/porcelain tiles
[] 9 Cement
[] 10 Bricks
[] 11 Other
D06. Type of dwelling structure. Based on the materials used, select the type of dwelling.
[] 2 Semi-permanent
[] 3 Traditional
D07. How many rooms does this dwelling unit have, including sitting and dining rooms, excluding bathrooms, toilets, storerooms and garage? ____
D08. How many of these rooms are used for sleeping? ____
D09. How many persons usually sleep in this dwelling unit? ____
[p. 10]
Dwelling unit form characteristics
The next section is about characteristics of your dwelling unit(s)
D10a. What is the main source of drinking water for members of the household during the dry season?
[] 2 Piped into yard/plot
[] 3 Community standpipe
[] 4 Unprotected well
[] 5 Protected well
[] 6 Borehole
[] 7 Spring
[] 8 River/stream
[] 9 Pond/Lake
[] 10 Dam
[] 11 Rain water
[] 12 Tanker truck/bowser
[] 13 Bottled water
[] 14 Other
D10b. What is the main source of drinking water for members of the household during wet season?
[] 2 Piped into yard/plot
[] 3 Community standpipe
[] 4 Unprotected well
[] 5 Protected well
[] 6 Borehole
[] 7 Spring
[] 8 River/stream
[] 9 Pond/lake
[] 10 Dam
[] 11 Rain water
[] 12 Tanker truck/bowser
[] 13 Bottled water
[] 14 Other
D11. What kind of toilet facility do members of your household usually use?
[] 2 Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine
[] 3 Pit latrine with slab
[] 4 Pit latrine with earth/sand slab
[] 5 Pit latrine without slab or open pit
[] 6 Compost toilet [skip to D13]
[] 7 No facility/bush/field
[] 8 Other
D12. Is this toilet facility shared with other household(s)?
[] 2 No
D13. What is the source of energy the household mainly uses the lighting?
[] 2 Solar
[] 3 Battery
[] 4 Paraffin
[] 5 Candles
[] 6 Firewood
[] 7 Grass/straw
[] 8 Other
D14. What is the source of energy the household mainly uses for cooking?
[] 2 Solar
[] 3 Paraffin
[] 4 Charcoal
[] 5 Firewood
[] 6 Straw/shrubs/grass
[] 7 Gas
[] 8 Other
[p. 11]
D14a. Does your household have a bathroom?
[] 2 Yes, without fixed bath or shower within dwelling unit
[] 3 Yes, with fixed bath or shower outside dwelling unit
[] 4 Yes, without fixed bath or shower outside dwelling unit
[] 5 No bathroom available
D14b. How does your household dispose waste or garbage?
[] 2 Solid waste collected on an irregular basis by authorized collectors
[] 3 Solid waste collected by self-appointed collectors
[] 4 Occupants dispose of solid waste in a local dump supervised by authorities
[] 5 Occupants dispose of solid waste in a local dump not supervised by authorities
[] 6 Occupants burn solid waste
[] 7 Occupants bury solid waste
[] 8 Solid waste disposed in an open pit but not buried or burnt
[] 9 Occupants dispose solid waste into river, sea, creek, pond
[] 10 Occupants compost solid waste
[] 11 Other arrangements
D14c. Does your household have a kitchen or space for cooking?
[] 2 Yes, other space for cooking within dwelling unit, such as kitchenette
[] 3 Yes, kitchen or other space for cooking outside the dwelling unit
[] 4 No kitchen or other space for cooking available
D14d. Is the kitchen used exclusively by the household or it is shared with other households?
[] 2 Shared
D15. Does the household have the following asset(s) which is (are) functioning?
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
D16. Does this household have an internet connection?
[] 2 No
D17a. Do you own any of the following types of livestock?
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
D17b. How many [of each animal] does your household have?
_ _ Pigs
_ _ Chicken
_ _ Cattle
_ _ Sheep
_ _ Poultry such as turkey, ducks, geese, and pigeons
D18 What was the main source of income for your household livelihood during the past 12 months?
[] 2 Employment
[] 3 Ganyu
[] 4 Petty trading
[] 5 Remittances
[] 6 Pension
[] 7 Insurance
[] 8 Public works
[] 9 Fishing
[] 10 Food crop sales
[] 11 Cash crop sales
[] 12 Social cash transfer
[] 13 Forestry products
[] 14 Begging
[] 15 Other
D19a. Did your household receive assistance of money, food or agricultural inputs from others during the last 12 months?
[] 2 No [skip to D20a]
D19b. What was the main source of assistance received during the past 12 months?
[] 2 Government
[] 3 NGO
[] 4 Religious organization
[] 5 International organizations
[] 6 Other
D20a. Did any member of your household save money during the last 12 months?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [skip to D21a]
[p. 13]
D20b. What was the main method of saving money?
[] 2 Village bank
[] 3 Microfinance
[] 4 Investment
[] 5 Business
[] 6 Mobile banking
[] 7 At home/friends/family
[] 8 Insurance policy
[] 9 Other
D21a. Did any member of your household had access to any credit facility in the past 12 months?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [skip to E00]
D21b. What was the main source of credit facility?
[] 2 Village bank
[] 3 Microfinance
[] 4 Investment
[] 5 Business
[] 6 Mobile banking
[] 7 At home/friends/family
[] 8 Insurance policy
[] 9 Other
[p. 14]
The next section is on mortality. It focuses on deaths of any member(s) of the household in the last 12 months. While recognizing the sensitiveness of the issue, we hope that you will provide us with the information as it provides a platform for understanding mortality in the country.
M01. Did any member of the household die in the last 12 months?
[] 2 No [skip to B00]
M02. What is the name of person who died? ____
M03A. In which month did [the deceased member]'s death occur? _ _
M03B. In which year did the death occur?
[] 02. 2018
M04. Was [the deceased member] male or female?
[] 2 Female
M05. How old was [the deceased member] when he/she died? _ _
M06. Was [the deceased member]'s death due to accident, injury or violence?
[] 2 No
[Questions M07-M09 are asked of women only.]
M07. Was [the deceased member] pregnant when she died?
[] 2 No
M08. Did [the deceased member] die during childbirth?
[] 2 No
M09 Did [the deceased member] die within 2 months after termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the way the pregnancy was terminated?
[] 2 No
M10 Are there any additional members of the household that died in the last 12 months?
[] 2 No
[p. 15]
B00. Business ownership business ownership
Lastly, I would like us to talk about ownership of any small or medium enterprise by any member of this household. Particularly, we would like to understand the type of business
B01. Does any member of the household own any business?
[] 2 No. Skip to end.
B02. Is this business registered at the office of Registrar-General, Ministry of Industry and Trade, local council?
[] B Yes, ministry of industry and trade
[] C Yes, local council
[] D Yes, Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA)
[] E No
[] F Don't know
B03. What is the type of business ownership? Is it sole proprietor, partnership, company, cooperative or association?
[] 2 Partnership
[] 3 Company
[] 4 Cooperative
[] 5 Association
B04. What is the core business activity?
[] 2 Grow something and sell
[] 3 Buy something to sell but add value before selling
[] 4 Sell something collected from nature
[] 5 Make something and sell
[] 6 Rear livestock poultry to sell
[] 7 Process an agriculture product
[] 8 Sell by products of animals
[] 9 Sell something that I get free
[] 10 Render other services e.g. car wash and transport
[] 11 Render a skilled service
[] 12 Process an agricultural products for farmers
[] 13 Render building or construction services
[] 14 Render tourism-related services
[] 15 Render a professional services
B05. What is the economic industry of the business?
[] 2 Mining and quarrying
[] 3 Manufacturing
[] 4 Electricity, gas, stem and air conditioning supply
[] 5 Construction
[] 6 Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
[] 7 Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
[] 8 Transportation and storage
[] 9 Accommodation and food service activities
[] 10 Information and communication
[] 11 Financial and insurance activities
[] 12 Real estate activities
[] 13 Professional, scientific and technical activities
[] 14 Administrative and support service activities
[] 15 Public administration and defense, compulsory social security
[] 16 Education
[] 17 Human health and social work activities
[] 18 Arts, entertainment and recreation
[] 19 Other service activities
[] 20 Activities of households as employers, undifferentiated good --and services-producing activities of households for own use
[] 21 Activities of extraterritorial organization and bodies
[p. 16]
B06. How many male workers are involved in the business? _ _
B07. How many female workers are involved in the business? _ _
B08. Does your business export goods or services?
[] 2 No
[] 3 Don't know
End of interview