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2020 Population and Housing Census of Mongolia

All responses in this questionnaire form are kept in secret in accordance with No. 4 of Act 5 of Mongolian legislation on "confidentiality of private information", and No. 18.3 of Law on Population and Housing Census of Mongolia.

Section I. Address

??. Household ID: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

?1. Census committee number _ _ _

?2. Aimag / Capital city name and code ____ _ _

?3. Soum / District name and code ____ _ _

?4. Bag / Khoroo name and code ____ _ _

?5. Enumerator number ____ _ _

?6. Questionnaire form number _ _ _

?7. Village name and code ____ _ _

?8. Locality :

[] 1 Capital
[] 2 Aimag center
[] 3 Village
[] 4 Soum center
[] 5 Countryside

Street/ road name and number: ____ _ _
Area, building, town name: ____
Building number: ____ _ _ _ _ _
Yard number: _ _ _ _ _
Door number: _ _ _ _


[] 1 Main household
[] 2 Sharing household
[] 3 Non-household

?10. Number of persons enumerated _ _

?11. Number of additional sheets _ _

?12. Are there any family members of this household who reside abroad for work or study for over six months? If yes, please state the number.

[] 1 Yes (ask section II)
Number of persons abroad _ _
2 No (proceed to population questionnaire)

Section II. Persons residing abroad for over 6 months

? Person number

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6

B Surname, given name ____
Register ID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1. Relationship to head of the household _ _

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

3. Age _ _

4. Residing country ____ _ _

5. Purpose: initial

[] 1 Study
[] 2 Settle
[] 3 Employment contract
[] 4 International organization / diplomatic mission
[] 5 Self-employment
[] 6 Family
[] 7 Other

6. Purpose: residing

[] 1 Study
[] 2 Settle
[] 3 Employment contract
[] 4 International organization / diplomatic mission
[] 5 Self-employment
[] 6 Family
[] 7 Other

7. _ _ Duration of residence in abroad (in years)

Will section II continue?

[] 1 Yes - Continue with Form HAOST-1c.
[] 2 No

Section III. Individual questionnaire

Register ID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
____ Family name
____ Surname
____ Given name

To be asked from all ages.
[Questions 1-14 were asked of persons of all ages]

1. What is your relationship with household head?

[] 03 Son / daughter
[] 04 Father / mother
[] 05 Siblings
[] 06 Father / mother in law
[] 07 Son / daughter in law
[] 08 Grandparent
[] 09 Grandchild
[] 10 Other relative
[] 11 Non relative

2. What is your gender?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

3. What is your date of birth?

Year: _ _ _ _
Month: _ _
Day: _ _

4. How old are you? _ _ _

5. What is your citizenship?

[] 01 Mongolian

[] Foreign, specify country ____ _ _

[] 99 Non-citizenship

If foreign or non-citizenship, skip to question 7

6. What is your ethnicity?

[] 1 Khalkh
[] Other (specify) ____

7. What is your residency status?

[] 1 Permanent resident [skip to 9]
[] 2 Temporarily absent
[] 3 Temporary resident

8. Place of usual residence for temporary residents or place of current residence for temporarily absent persons?

Aimag / capital city (foreign country) name ____ _ _

Soum / district (City) name ____ _ _

9. Have you lived in your permanent residency since your birth or have you moved in?

[] 1 Since birth [skip to 13]
[] 2 Returned back after usually residing in different place
[] 3 Moved in from different place

[Questions 10-12 were only asked of respondents who did not answer "Since birth" to question 9.]

10. What is your place of birth?

Locality: ____ _ _ _

11. What was your previous residence and when did you move to your current residence?

Locality: ____ _ _ _
Year _ _ _ _

12. What was your permanent residency in January, 2015?

(To be asked from age 5 and over)

Aimag / Capital city (foreign country) name and locality ____ _ _ _

13. Are you currently attending school (including preschool or kindergarten)?

(To be asked from ages 2-39)

[] 1 Yes [skip to question 15]
[] 2 No

14. Have you ever attended school or any early childhood education program?

(To be asked from ages 2-39)

[] 1 Yes
_ _ Class

[] 2 No. Go to question 16

To be asked from age 5 and over.
[Questions 15-27 were asked of all persons aged 5 and older]

15. What is the highest level of your education completed?

[] 01 No education
[] 02 Primary education
[] 03 Lower secondary education
[] 04 Upper secondary education
[] 05 Technical education
[] 06 Specialized secondary
[] 07 Diploma
[] 08 Bachelor's or equivalent level
[] 09 Master's or equivalent level
[] 10 Doctoral or equivalent level

[For all responses except "No education", skip to question 18.]

16. Can you read and write a simple sentence?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

17. Can you do a simple addition and subtraction?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

18. Do you use mobile phone?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

19. Do you use internet?

[] 1 Yes, always
[] 2 Yes, when necessary
[] 3 No

20. Do you have difficulty seeing, even if wearing glasses?

[] 1 No difficulty
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot do at all

21.Do you have difficulty hearing, even if using a hearing aid?

[] 1 No difficulty
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot do at all

22. Do you have difficulty walking or climbing steps?

[] 1 No difficulty
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot do at all

23. Do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating?

[] 1 No difficulty
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot do at all

24. Do you have difficulty with self-care such as washing all over or dressing?

[] 1 No difficulty
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot do at all

25. Using your own language, do you have difficulty communicating, for example, understanding or being understood?

[] 1 No difficulty
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot do at all

26. Do you have a disability registered at a health and social welfare authority?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [skip to 28]

27. Is your disability a congenital disorder or an acquired disability?

[] 1 Congenital disorder
[] 2 Acquired

To be asked from ages 15 and over.
[Questions 28-39 were asked of persons ages 15 and older]

28. What is your current marital status?

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married: registered
[] 3 Living together
[] 4 Separated, but legally married
[] 5 Divorced and not remarried
[] 6 Widowed and not remarried

29. Do you have a religion?

[] 1 No religion
[] 2 Buddhism
[] 3 Christianity
[] 4 Islam
[] 5 Shamanism
[] 6 Other

30. What is your profession? ____ _ _ _ _ _

31. Have you been earning at least 1 hour of paid employment for the last 7 days?

[] 1 Yes [skip to question 33]
[] 2 No

32. Do you engage in paid work / business activities?

(Parental leave, seasonal work, shift work, on paid leave and study leave will be considered as paid work)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [skip to question 36]

33. What was the main economic activity of your business or organization at work? ____ _ _ _ _

34. What was your occupation? ____ _ _ _ _

35. What is your employment status?

[] 1 Permanent employees
[] 2 Fixed-term employees
[] 3 Short-term and casual employees
[] 4 Paid apprentices, trainees and interns
[] 5 Dependent contractors
[] 6 Corporations
[] 7 Household market enterprises
Without employees:
[] 8 Operators of corporations
[] 9 Account workers in household market enterprises
[] 10 Contributing family workers

[End of population questionnaire for employed persons.]

36. In the last 30 days, did you try to find a job or engage in any type of business activity?

[] 1 Yes [skip to question 38]
[] 2 No

37. Why did you not try to find a job or engage in any type of business activity?

[] 1 Studying in school
[] 2 Pensioner
[] 3 Disability
[] 4 Discouraged to find a job / expecting there is not any job for me
[] 5 No proper skills or experience
[] 6 Engage in housework
[] 7 Others

38. If you had the opportunity to work or engage in business activity in the last week, would you have been able to work?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

IV. Housing questionnaire

1. What type of living quarter does your household occupy?

[] 1 Ger [skip to 10]
[] 2 House / building
[] 3 Non-residential accommodation [skip to 12]
[] 4 Other [skip to 12]

To be asked from households living in house / building.
[Questions 2-9 were asked of all households living in a house or a building]

2. What is the type of your house/ building?

[] 1 Apartment/ condominium
[] 2 Convenient single family house
[] 3 Single family house
[] 4 Student's dormitory
[] 5 Staff dormitory
[] 6 Other public dwelling [skip to 12]

3. How many rooms are there in this dwelling?

Number of rooms _ _

4. What is the size of the total floor space?

Square meters _ _ _

5. Do you have a kitchen in this dwelling?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [skip to 7]

6. Is your kitchen / cooking area shared with others?

[] 1 Not shared
[] 2 Shared

7. Do you have a bath / shower in this dwelling?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [skip to 12]

8. What is the type of this bath / shower?

[] 1 Fixed
[] 2 Assembled / portable

9. Do you share this bath / shower with others?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

To be asked from households living in gers.
[Questions 10-11 were asked of households living in gers only]

10. How many gers does your household have?

Number of gers _

11. How many walls does your main ger have?

Number of walls _ _

To be asked from all households.
[Questions 12-33 were asked of all households]

12. Is your water supply system inside of your dwelling?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [skip to 15]

13. What is the type of water source of your dwelling?

[] 1 Centralized system
[] 2 Individual system

14. Is there cold and hot water?

[] 1 Cold and hot water
[] 2 Only cold water

15. Where is the drinking water source located?

[] 1 In own dwelling
[] 2 In own yard [skip to 17]
[] 3 Elsewhere [skip to 17]

16. What is the type of drinking water source in your own dwelling?

[] 1 Centralized system
[] 2 Individual system

[skip to 19]

17. What is the type of drinking water source outside of your dwelling?

[] 1 Protected dug well
[] 2 Water kiosk connected to central network
[] 3 Water kiosk not connected to central network
[] 4 Protected hand well
[] 5 Protected springs
[] 6 Unprotected dug well
[] 7 Unprotected hand well
[] 8 Unprotected springs
[] 9 Tanker-truck
[] 10 Cart with small tank / drum
[] 11 Bottled water
[] 12 Rainwater
[] 13 Surface water (rivers, lake, ponds)
[] 14 Others ____

18 What is the distance between your household and the water source?

_ _ _ _ _ meters

19. What is the main source of electricity of this dwelling?

[] 1 Central power system
[] 2 Diesel station
[] 3 Renewable electricity generator
[] 4 Small-sized generator
[] 5 No electricity

20. What is the main source of heating of this dwelling?

[] 1 Central heating system
[] 2 Steam boiler
[] 3 Electric heater
[] 4 Geothermal heat
[] 5 Flammable gas
[] 6 Low pressure stove
[] 7 Fire stove

21. What is the main type of fuel used for cooking?

[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Liquefied petroleum gas
[] 3 Wood
[] 4 Coal
[] 5 Improved fuel
[] 6 Animal dung
[] 7 Other

22. Is there a toilet facility?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No toilet available [skip to 27]

23. Is there a toilet facility in your dwelling?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [skip to 25]

24. What is the type of toilet facility in your dwelling?

[] 1 Connected to central sewage disposal system
[] 2 Individual sewage disposal system
[] 3 Septic tank
[] 4 Other ____

[skip to 26]

25. What is the type of toilet facility outside of your dwelling?

[] 1 Pit latrine with slab
[] 2 Improved pit latrine with slab
[] 3 Compost toilet
[] 4 Septic tank
[] 5 Open pit

26. Do you share your toilet facility with others?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

27. How is your household's waste water disposed?

[] 1 Central sewage disposal system
[] 2 Individual sewage disposal system
[] 3 Disposed into borehole
[] 4 Pit latrine
[] 5 None

28. Do you separate your solid waste before disposal?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

29. How do you dispose of your solid waste?

Collection of waste collecting service:
[] 1 Regular
[] 2 Irregular
[] 3 Disposed to special site
[] 4 Burning
[] 5 Buried
[] 6 Dumped / no special site

30. What is the type of ownership for this dwelling?

[] 1 Individuals
[] 2 Private enterprise
[] 3 Government organization's

31. What is the type of tenure of this dwelling?

[] 1 Owner occupied [skip remaining housing questions]
[] 2 Rental
[] 3 Occupied free of rent [skip remaining housing questions]
[] 4 Other [skip remaining housing questions]

32. Is your dwelling covered by a rental housing program?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

33. By what kind of rental housing program is your dwelling covered?

[] 1 Government
[] 2 Local
[] 3 Private enterprise
[] 4 Other ____

Data collected by

____ Enumerator name
____ Signature
____ Date

Data entry

____ Name of coder
____ Signature
____ Date