2020 Population and Housing Census of Mongolia
All responses in this questionnaire form are kept in secret in accordance with No. 4 of Act 5 of Mongolian legislation on "confidentiality of private information", and No. 18.3 of Law on Population and Housing Census of Mongolia.
Section I. Address
??. Household ID: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
?1. Census committee number _ _ _
?2. Aimag / Capital city name and code ____ _ _
?3. Soum / District name and code ____ _ _
?4. Bag / Khoroo name and code ____ _ _
?5. Enumerator number ____ _ _
?6. Questionnaire form number _ _ _
?7. Village name and code ____ _ _
[] 2 Aimag center
[] 3 Village
[] 4 Soum center
[] 5 Countryside
Street/ road name and number: ____ _ _
Area, building, town name: ____
Building number: ____ _ _ _ _ _
Yard number: _ _ _ _ _
Door number: _ _ _ _
[] 2 Sharing household
[] 3 Non-household
?10. Number of persons enumerated _ _
?11. Number of additional sheets _ _
?12. Are there any family members of this household who reside abroad for work or study for over six months? If yes, please state the number.
Section II. Persons residing abroad for over 6 months
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
B Surname, given name ____
Register ID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1. Relationship to head of the household _ _
[] 2 Female
[] 2 Settle
[] 3 Employment contract
[] 4 International organization / diplomatic mission
[] 5 Self-employment
[] 6 Family
[] 7 Other
[] 2 Settle
[] 3 Employment contract
[] 4 International organization / diplomatic mission
[] 5 Self-employment
[] 6 Family
[] 7 Other
7. _ _ Duration of residence in abroad (in years)
[] 2 No
Section III. Individual questionnaire
Register ID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
____ Family name
____ Surname
____ Given name
To be asked from all ages.
[Questions 1-14 were asked of persons of all ages]
1. What is your relationship with household head?
[] 04 Father / mother
[] 05 Siblings
[] 06 Father / mother in law
[] 07 Son / daughter in law
[] 08 Grandparent
[] 09 Grandchild
[] 10 Other relative
[] 11 Non relative
[] 2 Female
3. What is your date of birth?
Month: _ _
Day: _ _
[] Foreign, specify country ____ _ _
[] 99 Non-citizenship
If foreign or non-citizenship, skip to question 7
[] Other (specify) ____
7. What is your residency status?
[] 2 Temporarily absent
[] 3 Temporary resident
8. Place of usual residence for temporary residents or place of current residence for temporarily absent persons?
Soum / district (City) name ____ _ _
9. Have you lived in your permanent residency since your birth or have you moved in?
[] 2 Returned back after usually residing in different place
[] 3 Moved in from different place
[Questions 10-12 were only asked of respondents who did not answer "Since birth" to question 9.]
10. What is your place of birth?
11. What was your previous residence and when did you move to your current residence?
Year _ _ _ _
12. What was your permanent residency in January, 2015?
Aimag / Capital city (foreign country) name and locality ____ _ _ _
13. Are you currently attending school (including preschool or kindergarten)?
[] 1 Yes [skip to question 15]
[] 2 No
14. Have you ever attended school or any early childhood education program?
[] 1 Yes
_ _ Class
[] 2 No. Go to question 16
To be asked from age 5 and over.
[Questions 15-27 were asked of all persons aged 5 and older]
15. What is the highest level of your education completed?
[] 02 Primary education
[] 03 Lower secondary education
[] 04 Upper secondary education
[] 05 Technical education
[] 06 Specialized secondary
[] 07 Diploma
[] 08 Bachelor's or equivalent level
[] 09 Master's or equivalent level
[] 10 Doctoral or equivalent level
[For all responses except "No education", skip to question 18.]
16. Can you read and write a simple sentence?
[] 2 No
17. Can you do a simple addition and subtraction?
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 Yes, when necessary
[] 3 No
20. Do you have difficulty seeing, even if wearing glasses?
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot do at all
21.Do you have difficulty hearing, even if using a hearing aid?
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot do at all
22. Do you have difficulty walking or climbing steps?
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot do at all
23. Do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating?
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot do at all
24. Do you have difficulty with self-care such as washing all over or dressing?
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot do at all
25. Using your own language, do you have difficulty communicating, for example, understanding or being understood?
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot do at all
26. Do you have a disability registered at a health and social welfare authority?
[] 2 No [skip to 28]
27. Is your disability a congenital disorder or an acquired disability?
[] 2 Acquired
To be asked from ages 15 and over.
[Questions 28-39 were asked of persons ages 15 and older]
28. What is your current marital status?
[] 2 Married: registered
[] 3 Living together
[] 4 Separated, but legally married
[] 5 Divorced and not remarried
[] 6 Widowed and not remarried
[] 2 Buddhism
[] 3 Christianity
[] 4 Islam
[] 5 Shamanism
[] 6 Other
30. What is your profession? ____ _ _ _ _ _
31. Have you been earning at least 1 hour of paid employment for the last 7 days?
[] 2 No
32. Do you engage in paid work / business activities?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [skip to question 36]
33. What was the main economic activity of your business or organization at work? ____ _ _ _ _
34. What was your occupation? ____ _ _ _ _
35. What is your employment status?
[] 2 Fixed-term employees
[] 3 Short-term and casual employees
[] 4 Paid apprentices, trainees and interns
[] 5 Dependent contractors
[] 7 Household market enterprises
[] 9 Account workers in household market enterprises
[] 10 Contributing family workers
[End of population questionnaire for employed persons.]
36. In the last 30 days, did you try to find a job or engage in any type of business activity?
[] 2 No
37. Why did you not try to find a job or engage in any type of business activity?
[] 2 Pensioner
[] 3 Disability
[] 4 Discouraged to find a job / expecting there is not any job for me
[] 5 No proper skills or experience
[] 6 Engage in housework
[] 7 Others
38. If you had the opportunity to work or engage in business activity in the last week, would you have been able to work?
[] 2 No
1. What type of living quarter does your household occupy?
[] 2 House / building
[] 3 Non-residential accommodation [skip to 12]
[] 4 Other [skip to 12]
To be asked from households living in house / building.
[Questions 2-9 were asked of all households living in a house or a building]
2. What is the type of your house/ building?
[] 2 Convenient single family house
[] 3 Single family house
[] 4 Student's dormitory
[] 5 Staff dormitory
[] 6 Other public dwelling [skip to 12]
3. How many rooms are there in this dwelling?
4. What is the size of the total floor space?
5. Do you have a kitchen in this dwelling?
[] 2 No [skip to 7]
6. Is your kitchen / cooking area shared with others?
[] 2 Shared
7. Do you have a bath / shower in this dwelling?
[] 2 No [skip to 12]
8. What is the type of this bath / shower?
[] 2 Assembled / portable
9. Do you share this bath / shower with others?
[] 2 No
To be asked from households living in gers.
[Questions 10-11 were asked of households living in gers only]
10. How many gers does your household have?
11. How many walls does your main ger have?
To be asked from all households.
[Questions 12-33 were asked of all households]
12. Is your water supply system inside of your dwelling?
[] 2 No [skip to 15]
13. What is the type of water source of your dwelling?
[] 2 Individual system
14. Is there cold and hot water?
[] 2 Only cold water
15. Where is the drinking water source located?
[] 2 In own yard [skip to 17]
[] 3 Elsewhere [skip to 17]
16. What is the type of drinking water source in your own dwelling?
[] 2 Individual system
[skip to 19]
17. What is the type of drinking water source outside of your dwelling?
[] 2 Water kiosk connected to central network
[] 3 Water kiosk not connected to central network
[] 4 Protected hand well
[] 5 Protected springs
[] 6 Unprotected dug well
[] 7 Unprotected hand well
[] 8 Unprotected springs
[] 9 Tanker-truck
[] 10 Cart with small tank / drum
[] 11 Bottled water
[] 12 Rainwater
[] 13 Surface water (rivers, lake, ponds)
[] 14 Others ____
18 What is the distance between your household and the water source?
19. What is the main source of electricity of this dwelling?
[] 2 Diesel station
[] 3 Renewable electricity generator
[] 4 Small-sized generator
[] 5 No electricity
20. What is the main source of heating of this dwelling?
[] 2 Steam boiler
[] 3 Electric heater
[] 4 Geothermal heat
[] 5 Flammable gas
[] 6 Low pressure stove
[] 7 Fire stove
21. What is the main type of fuel used for cooking?
[] 2 Liquefied petroleum gas
[] 3 Wood
[] 4 Coal
[] 5 Improved fuel
[] 6 Animal dung
[] 7 Other
22. Is there a toilet facility?
[] 2 No toilet available [skip to 27]
23. Is there a toilet facility in your dwelling?
[] 2 No [skip to 25]
24. What is the type of toilet facility in your dwelling?
[] 2 Individual sewage disposal system
[] 3 Septic tank
[] 4 Other ____
[skip to 26]
25. What is the type of toilet facility outside of your dwelling?
[] 2 Improved pit latrine with slab
[] 3 Compost toilet
[] 4 Septic tank
[] 5 Open pit
26. Do you share your toilet facility with others?
[] 2 No
27. How is your household's waste water disposed?
[] 2 Individual sewage disposal system
[] 3 Disposed into borehole
[] 4 Pit latrine
[] 5 None
28. Do you separate your solid waste before disposal?
[] 2 No
29. How do you dispose of your solid waste?
[] 2 Irregular
[] 3 Disposed to special site
[] 4 Burning
[] 5 Buried
[] 6 Dumped / no special site
30. What is the type of ownership for this dwelling?
[] 2 Private enterprise
[] 3 Government organization's
31. What is the type of tenure of this dwelling?
[] 2 Rental
[] 3 Occupied free of rent [skip remaining housing questions]
[] 4 Other [skip remaining housing questions]
32. Is your dwelling covered by a rental housing program?
[] 2 No
33. By what kind of rental housing program is your dwelling covered?
[] 2 Local
[] 3 Private enterprise
[] 4 Other ____
____ Signature
____ Date
____ Signature
____ Date