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Approved by the order No. 01/135 of the Chairman of the National Statistical Office of Mongolia in 2009.

Form HAOST-1

2010 Population and Housing Census of Mongolia
Questionnaire form

All responses in this questionnaire form are kept in secret in accordance with section 4 of Article 5 of Mongolian Law on Privacy of Individuals, and Article 18.3 of Law on Population and Housing Census of Mongolia.

Section I. Address

____ Street name
____ Building number
____ Fence / door number

?1. Census committee number _ _ _

?2. Aimag/ capital city name and code _ _

?3. Soum/ district name and code _ _

?4. Bag/ Khoroo _ _

?5. Enumerator number _ _

?6. Questionnaire form number _ _ _

?7. Village name and code _ _

?8. Locality

[] 1 Capital city
[] 2 Aimag center
[] 3 Village
[] 4 Soum center
[] 5 Countryside

?9. Household type

[] 1 Main household
[] 2 Sharing household
[] 3 Non-household

?10. Number of persons enumerated _ _

?11. Number of additional sheets _ _

?12. Are there any family members of this household who reside abroad for work or study for over six months? If yes, please state the number.

[] 1 Yes (Ask section II)
Number of persons abroad _ _
[] 2 No (Proceed to population questionnaire)

Section II. Information of persons residing abroad for over 6 months

A. Person number

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6

B. Surname, given name

____ Surname
____ Given name

1. Relationship to head of the household _ _

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

3. Age _ _

4. Country presently residing _ _

5 Purpose of visit

[] 1 Education / study
[] 2 Contractual employment
[] 3 Regular employment
[] 4 Business / official mission
[] 5 Health / hospital
[] 6 Other

6 Duration of residence in abroad (in years) _ _

Whether the section II has further questions?

[] 1 Yes. Continue with Form HAOST-1c.
[] 2 No

Section III. Summary of the enumerated persons

1. Total number of persons enumerated

_ _ _ Total
_ _ _ Male
_ _ _ Female

Male (by age group)
_ _ _ 0-14
_ _ _ 15-59
_ _ _ 60+

Female (by age group)
_ _ _ 0-14
_ _ _ 15-59
_ _ _ 60+

2. Number of usual residents

_ _ _ Total
_ _ _ Male
_ _ _ Female

Male (by age group)
_ _ _ 0-14
_ _ _ 15-59
_ _ _ 60+

Female (by age group)
_ _ _ 0-14
_ _ _ 15-59
_ _ _ 60+

3. Number of temporarily absent persons

_ _ _ Total
_ _ _ Male
_ _ _ Female

Male (by age group)
_ _ _ 0-14
_ _ _ 15-59
_ _ _ 60+

Female (by age group)
_ _ _ 0-14
_ _ _ 15-59
_ _ _ 60+

4. Number of temporarily present persons

_ _ _ Total
_ _ _ Male
_ _ _ Female

Male (by age group)
_ _ _ 0-14
_ _ _ 15-59
_ _ _ 60+

Female (by age group)
_ _ _ 0-14
_ _ _ 15-59
_ _ _ 60+

5. Number of persons residing abroad

_ _ _ Total
_ _ _ Male
_ _ _ Female

Male (by age group)
_ _ _ 0-14
_ _ _ 15-59
_ _ _ 60+

Female (by age group)
_ _ _ 0-14
_ _ _ 15-59
_ _ _ 60+

Population questionnaire
[The same questions were repeated for each person]

____ Clan name
____ Surname
____ Given name

To be asked from all ages.
[Questions 1-10 and 12-13 are asked of all persons. Question 11 was asked of persons aged 5 and older. Question 14 was asked of persons aged 2-39.]

1. Are you the head of the household?

[Question 1 for person 1 only]

[] 01 Yes
[] 11 No

1. What is your relationship to head of household?

[Question 1 for persons 2-6]

[] 02 Wife / husband
[] 03 Son / daughter
[] 04 Parent
[] 05 Brother / sister
[] 06 Parent in law
[] 07 Son / daughter in law
[] 08 Grandparent
[] 09 Grandchild
[] 10 Other relative
[] 11 Non relative

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

3. What is your date of birth?

Year _ _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _

4. How old are you in complete years? _ _ _

5. What is your citizenship?

[] 01 Mongolian
[] 02 Stateless

[] Foreign. Specify country ____ _ _

If stateless or foreign, skip to question 7.

6. What is your ethnicity?

[] 01 Khalkh

[] Other, specify ____ _ _

7. What is your residency status?

[] 1 Usually resident, go to question 8.
[] 2 Temporarily absent
[] 3 Temporarily present

(Place of usual residence for temporary present or place of current residence for temporary absent persons)
Aimag /capital city (foreign country) name: ____ _ _
Soum / District (City) name: ____ _ _

8. What is your place of birth?

Aimag / Capital city (foreign country) name and locality: ____ _ _ _

9. In the present place of usual residence, have you lived since birth or moved in?

[] 1 Since birth. Go to question 12.
[] 2 Returned back after usually residing in different place
[] 3 Moved in from different place

10. What was the place of your previous residence?

Aimag / Capital city (foreign country) name and locality: ____ _ _ _
Year you last resided: _ _ _ _

11. What was the place of your usual residence in January 2005?

[This question is to be asked of persons aged 5 and older]

Aimag / Capital city (foreign country) name and locality: ____ _ _ _

12. Do you have any disability? If yes, please specify.

[] 1 No, go to question 14.
[] 2 Yes, congenital
[] 3 Yes, acquired

13. If you have any disability, please specify the type.

[] 1 Visual
[] 2 Speaking
[] 3 Hearing
[] 4 Mobility
[] 5 Cognitive
[] 6 Other

14. Are you currently attending school (including preschool or kindergarten)?

[This question was asked of persons aged 2-39 only]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

To be asked from age 6 and above.
[Questions 15-18 are asked of persons aged 6 and older]

15. What is the highest level of education you completed?

[] 01 No education
[] 02 Primary school
[] 03 Secondary school
[] 04 High school
[] 05 Technical and vocational
[] 06 Specialized secondary
[] 07 Undergraduate
[] 08 Postgraduate
[] 09 Doctorate and above

If 02-09, go to question 17.

16. Are you literate?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

17. Are you a mobile phone user?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

18. Are you an internet user?

[] 1 Yes, always - at home
[] 2 Yes, always - other places
[] 3 Yes, when necessary
[] 4 No

To be asked from ages 15 and over.
[Questions 19-25 are asked of persons aged 15 and over]

19. What is your present marital status?

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Living together
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed

20. What is your religion?

[] 1 No religion
[] 2 Buddhism
[] 3 Christianity
[] 4 Islam
[] 5 Shaman
[] 6 Other

21. Last week, did you have a job of any kind?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No, skip to question 25.

22. What is your occupation? ________ _ _ _ _

23. What is the main economic activity of your work (organization)? ________ _ _ _ _

24. What is your employment status?

[] 1 Employee
[] 2 Employer
[] 3 Own-account worker
[] 4 Member of a cooperative
[] 5 Contributing to family work / business without payment
[] 6 Other

If 2 - 6, finish population questionnaire

25. What is the reason of your unemployment?

[] 1 Full time student
[] 2 On pension / retired
[] 3 Disabled
[] 4 Homemaker
[] 5 No suitable work available
[] 6 Looking for a job
[] 7 Not interested in working
[] 8 Other

Housing questionnaire

1. What type of living quarter does your household occupy?

[] 1 Ger, skip to question 9.
[] 2 House / building
[] 3 Living quarter not intended for human habitation, skip to question 11.
[] 4 Other, skip to question 11.

To be asked from households living in house / building.
[Questions 2-8 are asked of households living in house / building]

2. What is the type of your house / building?

[] 1 Apartment / condominium
[] 2 Convenient single family house
[] 3 Single family house
[] 4 Students' dormitory
[] 5 Staff dormitory
[] 6 Other public dwelling, skip to question 11.

3. How many rooms are there in this dwelling? _ _

4. What is the size of the total floor space? _ _ _ square meters.

5. Do you have a kitchen in this dwelling?

Separate kitchen:
[] 1 For exclusive use
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 No kitchen

6. Do you have a bath or shower in this dwelling?

Yes, exclusive use:
[] 1 Fixed bath or shower
[] 2 Mobile bath or shower
[] 3 Shared
[] 4 No bath or shower available

7. What is your water supply system?

[] 1 Central water supply system

Non-central water supply system
[] 2 Individual system
[] 3 Portable system, skip to question 11.

8. Do you have hot or cold water?

[] 1 Both hot and cold
[] 2 Cold only, skip to question 11.

To be asked from households living in gers.
[Questions 9-10 are asked of households living in gers.]

9. How many gers does your household have?

Number of gers _

10. How many walls does your main ger have?

Number of walls _ _

To be asked from all households
[Questions 11-21 are asked of all households]

11. What is the main source of drinking water?

[] 1 Central water supply system, skip to question 13.
[] 2 Water station connected with central water supply system
[] 3 Protected dug well
[] 4 Protected spring
[] 5 Bottled water
[] 6 Water station not connected with central water supply system
[] 7 Tanker trucks
[] 8 Unprotected dug well, spring, river, stream, lake or pond

12. How far do you usually get your drinking water from?

[] 1 Within 200 metres
[] 2 200 to1000 metres
[] 3 Over 1000 metres

13. What is the main source of electricity of this dwelling?

[] 1 Central power system
[] 2 Diesel generating plants
[] 3 Renewable energy system
[] 4 Small-sized generators
[] 5 No electricity

14. What is the main source of heating of this dwelling?

[] 1 Central heating system
[] 2 Low pressure stove
[] 3 Electric heaters
[] 4 Fire stove

15. What is the main type of fuel used for cooking?

[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Gas
[] 3 Wood
[] 4 Coal
[] 5 Dung
[] 6 Other

16. What type of toilet facility do you have?

[] 1 Within housing unit
[] 2 Outside housing unit
[] 3 No toilet available, skip to question 18.

17. Do you share your toilet facility with others?

[] 1 No, for exclusive use only
[] 2 Yes

18. What type of sewage disposal system do you have?

[] 1 Central sewage disposal system
[] 2 Individual sewage disposal system / septic tank
[] 3 Pit latrine
[] 4 None

19. How do you dispose of household solid waste?

[] 1 Collected by authorized collectors

Dispose in a local dump area:
[] 2 Authorized
[] 3 Not authorized

20. What is the type of ownership for this dwelling?

[] 1 Government organization's

[] 2 Company's
[] 3 Individuals'

21. Under what kind of tenure is this dwelling?

[] 1 Owner occupied
[] 2 Rental
[] 3 Occupied free of rent
[] 4 Other arrangement

Data collecting

____ Enumerator name
____ Signature
____ Date

____ Controller name
____ Signature
____ Date

Data processing

____ Coder name
____ Signature
____ Date

____ Data entry operator name
____ Signature
____ Date