Kingdom of Morocco
High Commission for Planning
Ministry of the Interior
2014 General Census of Population and Housing
[p. 1]
E00. National district code _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ P1. Total
_ _ P2. Foreigners
_ _ P3. Moroccans
(Individuals generally residing in the household by nationality E00 P1 P2 P3)
E02. Province or prefecture _ _ _
E04. Municipality or borough _ _
E09. Number of the block or segment in the district _ _ _
E10. Number of the dwelling in the district _ _ _
E11. Number of households in the dwelling _ _
E12. Household number in the dwelling _ _
E13. Number of questionnaires completed for the household _
____ Address of the dwelling
____ Comments
____ Name of interviewee
____ Name of interviewer
____ Name of controller
Law No. 001.71 of 22 Rabia II 1391 (June 16, 1971) relating to the General Census of Population and Housing of the Kingdom.
Article 2: Any person who participates in any capacity in the execution or operation of the Census will be bound professional confidentiality, subject to the relevant criminal penalties. Individual information that appears on the Census questionnaires and pertains to personal and family life, and in general to facts and behaviors of a private nature, must not be disclosed by the departments that will be custodians thereof. Moreover, this information must in no case be used for purposes of prosecution, tax inspection, or punitive economic measures.
Article 3: Anyone who refuses to submit to formalities or who knowingly makes false statements will be punished in accordance with Article 609, Paragraph 11, of the Penal Code.
CO.CO.E.S permit No.
1012 8985
[p. 2]
01. Person number of household members _
02. Surname and given name ____
[] 2 Resident, temporarily absent (RA)
04. Relationship to head of household
[] 1 Spouse
[] 2 Son, daughter
[] 3 Grandson, granddaughter
[] 4 Father, mother
[] 5 Brother, sister
[] 6 Daughter-in-law, son-in-law
[] 7 Other relative
[] 8 Domestic servant
[] 9 Unrelated
05. Country of nationality _ _
01 Morocco
02 Algeria
03 Tunisia
10 Libya
12 Mauritania
40 France
41 Spain
49 Italy
[] 2 F
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
If the person states, ''March 28, 1960,'' write ''March 28, 1960'' and the code: 03 1960
If the person states, ''1960,'' write ''[1960]'' and the code: 1960
- Otherwise, write down the name of the municipality and the province/prefecture or the name of the douar [village] and the nearest town, as well as the code: 1
- If this place is in a foreign country, specify the country and write the code: 2
09. Place of residence before the current residence ____ _
- Otherwise, write down the name of the municipality and the province/prefecture or the name of the douar [village] and the nearest town, as well as the code: 1
- If this place is in a foreign country, specify the country and write the code: 2
[p. 3]
11. Current length of residence ____ _ _
12. Place of residence as of July 1, 2011 ____ _
- Otherwise, write down the name of the municipality and the province/prefecture or the name of the douar [village] and the nearest town, as well as the code: 1
- If this place is in a foreign country, specify the country and write the code: 2
[] 2 Married (M)
[] 3 Divorced (D)
[] 4 Widowed (V)
For non-single women, specify the number of children born living
[Questions 14 and 15 were asked of non-single women]
14. Regardless of age, throughout lifetime
_ _ Living outside the household
_ _ Deceased
15. Those under 55 years of age, within the last 12 months
_ Girls
_ Girls
Difficulties in carrying out everyday activities
For all members of the household, specify the degree of difficulty the person has in
[Questions 16 to 21 were asked of all household members]
[] 1 Slight difficulty (DL)
[] 2 Considerable difficulty (GD)
[] 3 Unable to do so (IN)
[] 1 Slight difficulty (DL)
[] 2 Considerable difficulty (GD)
[] 3 Unable to do so (IN)
[] 1 Slight difficulty (DL)
[] 2 Considerable difficulty (GD)
[] 3 Unable to do so (IN)
[] 1 Slight difficulty (DL)
[] 2 Considerable difficulty (GD)
[] 3 Unable to do so (IN)
20. Taking care of him/herself, such as bathing or dressing
[] 1 Slight difficulty (DL)
[] 2 Considerable difficulty (GD)
[] 3 Unable to do so (IN)
21. Communicating in his/her usual language
[] 1 Slight difficulty (DL)
[] 2 Considerable difficulty (GD)
[] 3 Unable to do so (IN)
[p. 4]
23. Last class taken in general education _ _
Specify and write in the code for the last year of classes attended
- None
- 4th year of primary school (AS)
- 3rd year of foundational school (NS1) (lower secondary)
- 2nd year of high school (NS2)
[] 2 Private
24. School year 2013-2014 - Was this person enrolled in school in 2013-2014?
[] 1 Yes, until the end
[] 2 Yes, unfinished
Vocational training
[] 3 Yes, until the end
[] 4 Yes, unfinished
[] 5 No
Can you read and write?
[] 2 No
[] 2 Amazigh (Tifinaugh)
[] 3 French
[] 4 English
[] 5 Spanish
[] 6 Other languages, specify ____
26. Highest degree earned: general education ____ _
If none, write "none" followed by the code: 0
Otherwise, specify the highest degree earned and the code: 1
- Certificate of primary education
- Ph.D. in surgery
- Architectural engineering
27. Highest degree earned: vocational training ____ _
If none, write "none" followed by the code: 0.
Otherwise, specify the highest degree earned and the code: 1
- Certificate of basic studies in hairdressing
- Certificate of qualification in secretarial studies
- Specialized technician in accounting and management
[] 1 Darija
[] 2 Tachelhit
[] 3 Tamazight
[] 4 Tarifit
[] 5 Hassaniya
[p. 5]
Determining the type of activity
[Questions 29-32]
29. Do you have a job, even seasonal?
[] 1 Yes: If yes, for Q33, write AO and the code 00 [skip questions 30-32]
[] 2 No
30. Have you worked at a job for at least 1 hour in the last 7 days?
[] 1 Yes. If yes, for Q33, write AO and the code 00 [skip questions 31-32].
[] 2 No. If under 15 years of age, continue on Q33 [skip questions 31-32].
31. Are you looking for a job?
[] 1 Yes. If yes, for Q33, write CH1 and the code 01 or CH2 and the code 02 [skip questions 32].
[] 2 No
32. Why aren't you looking for a job? _
(See instructions)
[] 01 Unemployed 1
[] 02 Unemployed 2
[] 03 Homemaker
[] 04 Student
[] 05 Person of independent means
[] 06 Retiree
[] 07 Disabled or sick
[] 08 Elderly
[] 09 Child
[] 10 Other inactive
Specify the length of unemployment in years.
Specify the main profession and write the code 1.
- School principal
- Wholesale fabric trader
- Skilled or specialized agricultural worker
[] 1 Fewer than 5 employees
[] 2 5 or more employees
[] 3 Self-employed
Sector of employment
[] 4 Public
[] 5 Private
[] 6 Family help
[] 7 Apprentice
[] 8 Co-op member or partner
[] 9 Other, specify ____
37. Main business of the establishment ____ _
Specify the main business of the establishment in detail and write the code 1
- General grocery retailer
- Practice of dentistry
[] 1 Same neighborhood/ douar [village] as residence
[] 2 Other neighborhood / douar [village] in the same municipality as residence
[] 3 Another municipality in the province/ prefecture of residence (specify) ____
[] 4 Other province/ prefecture (specify) ____
[] 5 No set location
[] 6 Other places (specify) ____
[] 1 Bicycle
[] 2 Private car
[] 3 Bus
[] 4 Taxi
[] 5 Institutional transportation
[] 6 Train
[] 7 Tram
[] 8 Other, specify ____
[p. 6]
E00. National district code _ _ _ _ _ _
E10. Number of the dwelling in the district _ _ _
E12. Number of the households in the dwelling _ _
E14. Questionnaire number _
[] 2 Dwelling occupied by a household (absent)
[] 3 Vacant dwelling
[] 4 Secondary or seasonal dwelling
[] 5 Dwelling under construction
[] 6 Homeless
[] 2 Apartment in a multi-story building
[] 3 Traditional Moroccan house
[] 4 Modern Moroccan house
[] 5 Room in an establishment
[] 6 Shack or shanty town
[] 7 Premises not originally intended for use as housing
[] 8 Rural dwelling
[] 9 Other
[] 2 Agglomerated stone with mortar
[] 3 Wood or planks
[] 4 Agglomerated stone with adobe
[] 5 Rammed earth, adobe bricks
[] 6 Wood, zinc, branches, or reeds
[] 7 Other
[] 2 Planks, wood, or tiles
[] 3 Cement or zinc sheet
[] 4 Wood or reed or branches covered with adobe
[] 5 Zinc or plastic or other recovered materials
[] 6 Other
[] 2 Mixture of cement with sand or gravel
[] 3 Wood
[] 4 Bare ground or ground covered with soil-based materials or similar
[] 5 Other
[] 2 Between 10 and 20 years
[] 3 Between 20 and 50 years
[] 4 50 years or more
L07. Number of rooms occupied by the household _ _
[] 2 In the process of buying
[] 3 Renter of non-mortgaged property
[] 4 Renter of mortgaged property
[] 5 Staff accommodation
[] 6 House free of charge
[] 7 Other
L09. Use of dwelling facilities
[] 2 Joint
[] 3 None
[] 2 Joint
[] 3 None
[] 2 Joint
[] 3 None
[] 2 Joint
[] 3 None
[] 2 Joint
[] 3 None
[] 2 Joint
[] 3 None
For unattached dwellings, specify
[Questions L10-L13 were asked of unattached dwellings]
[] 2 Traditional lamp (kandyle) or candle
[] 3 Solar energy
[] 4 Power generator
[] 5 Other
[] 2 Drinking water vendor
[] 3 Unequipped well or matfia (underground system)
[] 4 Spring, wadi, or creek
[] 5 Other source
L12. Distance between the dwelling and the water point
[] 2 Between 200 meters and 1 kilometer
[] 3 1 kilometer or more
L13. Time to reach the water source in minutes _ _ _
L14. Mode of wastewater disposal
[] 2 Septic tank
[] 3 Pit or cesspool [Puits perdu]
[] 4 Other
[] 5 In nature
L15. Mode of household waste disposal
[] 2 Shared or private truck
[] 3 In nature
[] 4 Other
L16. Does the household use the following fuels for cooking?
[] 2 Yes, sometimes
[] 3 No
[] 2 Yes, sometimes
[] 3 No
[] 2 Yes, sometimes
[] 3 No
[] 2 Yes, sometimes
[] 3 No
[] 2 Yes, sometimes
[] 3 No
L17. Does the household have the following items?
[] 2 Yes
[] 2 Yes
[] 2 Yes
[] 2 Yes
[] 2 Yes
[] 2 Yes
[] 2 Yes
[] 2 Yes
L18. Number of items available for use by the household
_ Tractor
_ Car
_ Motorcycle
L19. Distance between the dwelling and the nearest paved road, in kilometers _ _
P4. Number of people temporarily in the household _ _
M1. Number of people who have emigrated abroad during the last 10 years
_ _ Male
[p. 7]
E0. National district code _ _ _ _ _ _
E10. Number of the dwelling in the district _ _ _
E12. Number of the households in the dwelling _ _
Table 1: people who usually reside with the household, whether they are present or temporarily absent on the census reference date.
01. Sequential order of household members ____
02. Surname and given name ____
[] 2 Resident, temporarily absent (RTA)
04. Relationship to head of household
[] 1 Spouse
[] 2 Son or daughter
[] 3 Grandson or granddaughter
[] 4 Father or mother
[] 5 Brother or sister
[] 6 Daughter-in-law or son-in-law
[] 7 Other relative
[] 8 In the service of the household
[] 9 Unrelated
For each person temporarily absent, specify the length of and reason for the absence.
[Questions 05-06 were asked of persons temporarily absent]
Table 2: people temporarily in the household