National Institute of Statistics
Labor Force Survey
Questionnaire (micro.stat version)
1st Quarter 2020
Household and respondent characteristics
For all family members
SG1. Start date of the family member interview
SG2. Start time of the family member interview
SG4. How many people habitually live in this home, including yourself? Exclude any domestic helpers or tenants
SG5. Is [the respondent] a member of this household?
[] 2 S/he is not a member of the household
SG6. Is his/her wife/husband/partner (or former partner) a member of this household?
[] 2 No [leave this interview and start a new one]
SG7Alpha. Would you like to tell me the first name of the wife/husband/partner (or former partner) of the reference person?
SG7Beta. The name of [the reference person] is correct?
SG8Alpha. The surname of [the reference person] is correct?
SG8Beta. Would you like to tell me the surname of the wife/husband/partner (or former partner) of the reference person?
SG9. Identification number of the member
[] 2 Female
[] 2 Abroad [go to SG15]
SG15. Foreign country of birth
[] 2 No [go to SG17]
SG16A. Have you had Italian citizenship since birth?
[Ask the question only if SG13=2, i.e. the person was born abroad, otherwise go to SG19_1]
SG18B. In which year did you move to Italy?
0997 Doesn't know [go to SG18E]
SG18D. Do you remember the month?
997 Doesn't know
[If SG18B = survey year, set SG18E = 1 and go to SG19_1]
SG18E. Have you always lived in Italy since then? Please exclude any trips or vacations abroad lasting less than a year
[] 2 No
SG18F. Year in which you started living in Italy without leaving for a period of one year or more?
0997 Doesn't know [go to SG19_1]
SG18G. Do you remember the month?
997 Doesn't know
SG20. Can you tell me how old you are?
SG21. Age in completed years in the last day of the reference week
SG22. Marital status
SG23A. Marital status prior to last marriage
[If the individual is married and not cohabiting with their spouse/de facto separated, go to SG23B, otherwise go to SG24]
SG23B. Are you separated or not cohabiting with your spouse for reasons relating to work, study, health or other reasons (long-distance couple)?
[If SG21 is less than 15, i.e. the person is less than 15 years old, go to SG29]
SG24. What is the highest level of education you have obtained? This includes diplomas awarded by professional education and training institutes (IFP, IFTS, ITS).
SG24A. Which of these diplomas are you referring to?
[] 2 Academic Diploma of Higher Artistic, Musical and Choreographic Education Level I
[] 3 Academic Diploma of Higher Artistic, Musical and Choreographic Education Level II
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to SG25]
SG24B. Do you have a postgraduate degree, AFAM academic postgraduate degree or PhD?
[] 2 Level II Master's Degree / Graduate academic diploma or Master's Degree Level II/Graduate academic diploma level II [go to SG25]
[] 3 University specialization diploma [go to SG25]
[] 4 PhD/academic research training diploma AFAM [go to SG25]
[] 5 None of these [go to SG25]
[Answer if SG24 is 4,5,6,7 or if SG24 is 8 and SG24B is not 5 or if SG24 is 9, 10 and SG24B is not 1, 5]
SG25Alpha. Type of "degree"
[Answer if SG24 is 8,9,10 and SG24B is 5 or SG24 is 9,10 and SG24B is 1]
SG25Beta. Going back to your university degree, what is the subject?
[Answer if SG24A is 3 and SG24B is 1,5 or SG24A is 2 and SG24B is 5]
SG25Gamma. Going back to your Art, Dance or Music Academic Diploma, what is the subject?
SG26. Year of completion of "degree"
0997 Doesn't know
0998 No answer
SG27. Age of completion of "degree"
[If SG21 is greater than 34, i.e. if older than 34 years, go to SG29]
SG27A. Do you remember the month in which you completed it?
997 Doesn't know
SG29. Confirmation of personal data on records
SG30. Presence/absence of the respondent's father
SG31. Presence/absence of the respondent's mother
SG32. Presence/absence of the respondent's spouse/partner
SG33. Indicate who answered the questions about the family history (multiple answers possible)
Individual Questionnaire
The information must refer to the family member indicated with the same number as that of the variable SG9 in the General Form
Section A
Who is answering these inquiries?
For individuals aged 15 and over
A1. Start date of the individual interview
A2. Start time of the individual interview
A3. Who is answering these inquiries?
A3A. Indicate the first name, last name, address, telephone number of the person answering the inquiries and the relationship with the person to whom the information relates.
A4. Indicate the family member who is answering
A5. Indicate the main reason for which the person concerned is not answering directly.
Section B
Employment status during the reference week
For individuals aged 15 and over
B1. "Last week" Did you carry out at least one hour of work? Include any work for which you have been or will be compensated, or uncompensated work only if it is carried out habitually for a family member's business.
[] 2 No
[] 3 Permanently unfit for work [go to section E]
B2. Also during the week "From Monday... to Sunday...", did you still have a job that you didn't do? For example: due to a limited period of reduced activity, illness, vacation, redundancy fund, etc.
[] 2 No [go to section E]
B3. What was the main reason for which you didn't work that week?
[] 2 Reduced enterprise activity for economic and/or technical reasons (excluding CIG) [go to B4]
[] 4 Job-related dispute [go to B4]
[] 5 Bad weather [go to section C]
[] 6 Illness, personal health problems, accident [go to section C]
[] 7 Annual break [go to section C]
[] 8 Public holidays during the week [go to section C]
[] 9 Variable or flexible work schedule (e.g. paid leave) [go to section C]
[] 10 Vertical part-time [go to B4]
[] 18 Study or training not organized within the scope of the job [go to B4]
[] 11 Study or training organized within the scope of the job [go to section C]
[] 12 Mandatory maternity leave [go to section C]
[] 13 Optional leave until the child's eighth birthday (parental leave) [go to B4]
[] 14 Family reasons (excluding mandatory maternity and parental leave) [go to B4]
[] 15 Lack of/low workload [go to B4]
[] 994 Occasional job
[] 995 Seasonal employment (e.g. lifeguard, fruit picker, winter waiter in mountain, etc.)
[] 996 Other reasons [go to B4]
[Ask the following question if B3=995, i.e. does seasonal work as an employee]
B3bisalpha. Did you have a contract or verbal agreement with your employer that week?
[] 2 No [set B2=2, E1=1 and go to E2 go to B13b]
[Ask the question if B3=994, i.e. does occasional jobs]
B3bisbeta. Were you absent during that week or did you have no job commitments at all?
[] 4 Didn't have a job [set B2=2, E1=1 and go to E2]
B4. You carried out (Encoded also in the variable DIPINA):
A job involving:
[] 3 Occasional work [go to B4bisbeta]
Self-employment such as:
[] 5 Freelancer [go to B11]
[] 6 Self-employed [go to B11]
[] 7 Working in a family-owned business [go to B4A-alpha]
[] 8 Co-operative member [go to B4A-beta]
B4Aalpha. Are you employed under an employment contract?
[] 3 No [if B4=7 go to B6, otherwise go to B11]
B4Abeta. Are you employed under a contract of employment or under a contract of coordinated and continuous collaboration?
[] 2 Yes, coordinated and continuous collaboration agreement (with or without project) [go to B4bisalpha]
[] 3 No [if B4=7 go to B6, otherwise go to B11]
B4bisalpha. The contract for coordinated and continuous collaboration (with or without project) requires the employer to pay social security contributions at the INPS. Are contributions being paid at the INPS in your name?
[] 2 No [Set B4A=blank and return to B4]
B4bisbeta. The contract for occasional work requires the application of tax withholding. Is there a withholding tax for this job?
[] 2 No [Set B4A=blank and return to B4]
B6. Will this period of absence from work last less than or more than three months, from when it began to when it ends?
[] 2 More than three months [if B4=7 and B4A=3 go to B9, otherwise to B7]
B7. Is this period of absence paid at least in part?
[] 2 Yes, less than 50% [if B3=1 set E1=1 go to E2beta; otherwise go to B8]
[] 3 No, unpaid [if B3=1 set E1=1 go to E2beta; otherwise go to B8]
B8. Is this a period of leave?
[] 2 No [set E1=1 and go to E2beta]
[] 997 Doesn't know [set E1=1 and go to E2beta]
[] 998 No answer [set E1=1 and go to E2beta]
[Ask the following question only if B4=7 and B4A=3, i.e. only if the individual works in a family-owned business; if B4=8 and B4A=3, i.e. if he/she is a cooperative member, go to B11.]
B9. As a worker in a family-owned business, do you receive any compensation? [Encoded also in the variable ASSOCC]
[] 2 No [set E1=1 and go to E2 B12]
B10. During the week "From Monday ... to Sunday ..." was the contract in force, i.e. was the expiration date later than "Monday..."? [Encoded also in the variable ASSOCC]
[] 2 No [set E1=1 and go to E2 B12]
B11. Are your job activities temporarily on hold (e.g. due to professional development, renovation of premises, seasonal closure) or is your job permanently terminated? [Encoded also in the variable ASSOCC]
[] 2 Terminated [set E1=1 and go to E2 B12]
B12. During the week "From Monday ... to Sunday ..." was you absent because of a seasonal job?
[] 2 No [set E1=1 and go to B14]
B13a. During the seasonal break period, do you continue to perform activities related to your work?
[] 2 No [go to section B14]
B13b. During the seasonal break period, do you continue to perform activities necessary for your work?
[] 2 No [record B2=2, E1=1 and go to section E2beta]
B14. Will the period of absence from work last less or more than three months?
[] 2 More than three months [if B10 is 1 or B11 is 1, go to session C; otherwise record E1 is 1 and go to E2beta]
Section C
Main job
For employed individuals
[If he/she is absent from work because he/she is on redundancy fund (B3=1), set C1=1, C8=1 and go to C9; if he/she already answered the question (B4 ? blank), set C1=B4 and follow the filters of C1]
C1. You carry out (Encoded also in the variable DIPIND):
A job involving:
[] 3 Occasional work [go to C1bisbeta]
Self-employed work such as:
[] 5 Freelancer [go to C3 C4]
[] 6 Self-employed [go to C4]
[] 7 Works in a family-owned business [go to C1A-alpha]
[] 8 Co-operative member [go to C1A-beta]
[If B4A ? blank, i.e. has already answered the question, set C1A=B4A and follow the filters of C1A]
C1A-alpha. Are you employed under an employee contract?
[] 3 No [if C1=7 go to C1D; if C1=8 go to C11 C10]
[If B4A ? blank, i.e. has already answered the question, set C1A=B4A and follow the filters of C1A]
C1A-beta. Are you employed under an employee contract or under a contract of coordinated and continuous collaboration?
[] 2 Yes, contract of coordinated and continuous collaboration (with or without project) [to only use if C1=8; go to C1bisAlpha]
[] 3 No [if C1=7 go to C1D; if C1=8 go to C11] C10]
[If B4bis=1, i.e. has already answered yes to the question, set C1bis=B4bis]
C1bisalpha. Contracts for coordinated and continuous collaboration require the employer to pay social security contributions to the INPS. Are contributions being paid to the INPS in your name for this job?
[] 2 No [set C1A=blank and return to C1]
[If B4bis=1, i.e. has already answered yes to the question, set C1bis=B4bis]
C1bisbeta. Contracts for occasional work service require the application of tax withholding. Are taxes being withheld for this job?
[] 2 No [set C1A=blank and return to C1]
[If C1=3, i.e. carrying out an occasional work, do not ask the following question and go to C5]
C1B. Is it a contract for the implementation of a project, i.e. is it a project-based job?
[] 2 No [go to C5]
C1D. Is the owner of the family business one of the family members who live here?
[] 2 No [go to C11 C10]
C4. Do you have any employees? If family members or other people assist you without being paid, leave them out.
[] 2 No [go to C5]
C5. Do you work for one company and/or customer or for more than one company and/or customer?
[] 2 For more than one company/customer
[] 997 Doesn't know
[If C1=2,3 or (C1=8 and C1A=2), i.e. performs coordinated and continuous collaboration work or occasional work service.]
C6alpha. Do you usually decide where to work or do you have to work at the location of the company and/or the customer?
[] 2 Works at the company/customer premises
[] 997 Doesn't know
[If C1=5,6 i.e. is a freelancer or self-employed person]
C6beta. Do you normally work at your office or at the customer's premises?
[] 2 Works at the company/customer premises
[] 997 Doesn't know
[If C1=2,3 or (C1=8 and C1A=2), i.e. performs coordinated and continuous collaboration job or occasional work.]
C7alpha. Do you decide your work schedule or do you have to follow the schedule of the company and/or customer you work for?
[] 2 Doesn't decide on the time [go to C11]
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to C11]
[If C1=5.6, i.e. is a freelancer or self-employed person]
C7beta. Apart from the case in which the work schedule is determined by laws and regulations, do you decide on your own work schedule?
[] 2 Doesn't decide on the time [go to C11]
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to C11]
C7bis. Do you decide independently the prices and / or the fees due for your work?
[] 2 No [go to C7ter]
[] 997 Don't know [go to C10]
C7ter. Who defines the prices and / or fees due for your work?
[] 2 Prices/fees are defined by the customer / client 2 [go to C10]
[] 3 Prices/fees are established by law [go to C10]
[] 4 Prices/fees are established by another person / company with whom I work to do my job [go to C10]
[] 5 Other ways (specify: ____) [go to C10]
C8. Is your employment regulated by a contract or a verbal agreement with your employer?
[] 2 Middle-management
[] 3 Employee
[] 4 Manual worker
[] 5 Apprentice
[] 6 Works from home on for a company
[If C9=5 and C8=1 or 997 and SG21 gt 15 and lt 35, i.e. an apprentice with a 15-35 year contract]
C9D. Do you have an apprenticeship contract?
[] 2 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
[If C4=1, i.e. the person has employees, set C10=1 and go to the next question]
C10. Do you have the task of coordinating other people's work?
[] 2 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
C11. Can you tell me the name of your occupation and what your job entails?
[If C1=2,3 or (C1=8 and C1A=2), i.e. performs coordinated and continuous collaboration job or occasional job, or C4=2, i.e. is a self-employed person without employees, do not ask and go to C14A]
C14. Does the organization or company for which you work have one or more branches (or plants)?
[] 2 Multiple branches
[] 997 Doesn't know
[If (C1=1 and C8=1) or C1bis=1, i.e. contracted employees (excluding assistants and partners) and collaborators, go to C14A; otherwise go to C15]
[] 1 Public
[] 2 Private [go to C15]
[] 997 Don?t know [only for proxy]
[If (C1=1 and C8=1) or C1bis=1, i.e. contracted employees (excluding assistants and partners) and collaborators, go to C14A; otherwise go to C15]
C14Aalpha. Are you a public or private employee?
[] 2 Private [go to C15]
[] 997 Don?t know [only for proxy]
C14Abeta. Is the organization you work for public or private?
[] 2 Private [go to C15]
[] 997 Don?t know [only for proxy]
C14b. What is the name of the institution or institution where you work?
[] 2 Province
[] 3 Municipality / metropolitan city / union of municipalities
[] 4 Mountain community / union
[] 5 Ministry
[] 6 Chamber of Commerce (CCIIAA)
[] 7 Public school / university
[] 8 Local health agency (regional, provincial), ASL/USL
[] 9 Hospital (specify detailed hospital name)
[] 10 Police and armed forces (including civil protection, fire brigade and Red Cross)
[] 11 Social security institutions (Inps, Inail, etc.)
[] 12 Other institution (specify)
[] 997 Don?t know 997 (only for proxy)
C15alpha. What does the organization or company in which you work do (indicate the main goods and/or services produced?
[If (C1=1 or (C1=7,8 and C1A=1))) and C14=2, i.e. carrying out work as an employee in a company with several branches]
C15beta. What activity is carried out in the place where you work? (indicate the main goods and/or services produced)
[If C1=2,3,4,5,6 or if (C1=7 and C1A=3) or if (C1=8 and C1A=3), i.e. is a self-employed person; if (C1=2 or C1A=2) and C5!=1 and C6!=2 and C7!=2]
C15gamma. What is your main activity and what are the goods and/or services that you produce?
C16. Industry code
(encoding according to the annex "Industry codes")
[If C1=2, 3 or (C1=8 and C1A=2), i.e. if carrying out coordinated and continuous collaboration job or occasional job, go to C21; if C4=2, i.e. self-employed without employees, go to C27]
C18. How many people work in the office where you work? Include yourself as well as all other workers with any job and qualification
[] 2 11 to 15 [go to C20]
[] 3 16 to 19 [go to C20]
[] 4 20 to 49 [go to C20]
[] 5 50 to 249 [go to C20]
[] 6 250 people or more [go to C20]
[] 7 Doesn't know but up to 10 [only in case of proxy or occupied of the Armed Forces go to C20]
[] 8 Doesn't know but more than 10 [only in case of proxy or occupied of the Armed Forces go to C20]
C19. Can you tell me exactly how many people are there?
997 Doesn't know
[Ask the following question only if C1=1 or (C1=7, 8 and C1A=1), i.e. if an employee; if C1=2, 3, or C1A=2, i.e. if an "employee", do not ask the question and go to C21; otherwise go to C27]
C20alpha. Do you have a fixed-term contract or an open-ended (permanent) contract?
[If C8=1, i.e. the job is regulated by a contract]
[] 2 Permanent (open-ended) [go to C24]
C20beta. Is your job fixed-term or is it a permanent one?
[If C8=2, 997 i.e. you do not have a contract]
[] 2 Permanent (open-ended) [go to C24]
C21alpha. What is the total duration in months of the current contract?
[If C8=1, i.e. the job is regulated by a contract or C1=2.3 or (C1=8 and C1A=2), i.e. carries out coordinated and continuous collaboration job or occasional job.]
000 Less than one month [if C1=2,3 or C1A=2 go to C25; if not, go to C22]
995 Unspecified duration/expiry date [if C1=2, 3 or C1A=2 change to C27; otherwise to C22]
997 Doesn't know [if C1=2, 3 or C1A=2 go to C25; otherwise to C22]
C21beta. What is the total duration in months of the current fixed-term job?
[If C8=2, 997 i.e. does not have a contract]
000 Less than one month [if C1=2, 3 or C1A=2 go to C25; if not, go to C22]
995 Unspecified duration/expiry date [if C1=2, 3 or C1A=2 change to C27; otherwise to C22]
997 Doesn't know [if C1=2, 3 or C1A=2 go to C25; otherwise to C22]
[Ask the question only if C8=1 and C20=1, ie., the work is regulated by contract and is fixed-term employment; otherwise go to C22.]
C21A. What type of contract is it?
[] 2 Internship
[] 3 Fixed-term contract
[] 4 Research grant or university contract
[] 5 On call (seasonal)
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to C23A]
C22. This is a fixed-term job because it is:
[] 2 Trial period [go to C23A]
[] 3 Seasonal job [go to C23A]
[] 4 Occasional, intermittent job (including school subsistence or replacement of a worker absentee including maternity leave) [go to C23A]
[] 5 Project-based [go to C23A]
[] 6 Filling a vacancy (fixed-term position in school, health care, etc.) [go to C23A]
[] 7 It is the only one that has been proposed (including any work without a contract and who says there is no specific reason)
[] 996 Other [go to C23A]
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to C23A]
[Ask the question only if C20 = 1, ie the job is terminated; otherwise go to C22B]
C22alpha. Regardless of the type of contract, why is your job terminated?
[If C8=2, i.e. does not have a work contract]
C22beta. Regardless of the agreement with the employer, why is your job terminated?
[] 2 Trial period
[] 3 Seasonal job
[] 4 Work is by nature occasional, discontinuous, or intermittent
[] 5 To carry out a specific project
[] 6 To fill a vacancy (school, health, etc)
[] 7 It is the only one proposed (including work without contract and no specific reason)
[] 996 Other
[] 997 Doesn't know
[Ask the question if C8=1 and SG21 gt 15 and lt 35 and (C21A= 2 or C22 =1), ie., if have a contract and are age 15 to 35 and an employee that declares intent to carry out an internship; or if C8=1 and SG21 gt 15 and lt 35 and C20= 2 or 997 and C9 != 1 or 5, i.e. have a contract and are age 15 to 35 and an employee at undetermined time, excluding managers and apprentices]
C22B. Do you have an apprenticeship contract?
[Ask the following question only if C8=1 and C20=2, i.e. have an open-ended contract; or C20=1 and C21A=3,5, i.e. have a fixed-term contract or on call; otherwise go to C25]
C24. You are a temporary worker, i.e. do you have a contract with a temporary employment agency but you work in another company?
[] 2 No [go to C25]
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to C25]
C24bis. Are you paid for this job by the company where you work or by the temporary employment agency?
[] 2 By the temporary employment agency
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to C25]
C24ter. Do you work at the location of the temporary employment agency (e.g. as an accountant, administrative employee, head of staff, etc.)?
[] 2 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
[If C20=2, i.e. has a permanent job, do not ask the question and move on to C27]
C25. Have you accepted a fixed-term job because you do not want a permanent job or because you did not find a permanent job?
[] 2 Didn't find a permanent job
[] 997 Doesn't know
C27alpha. Do you have a full-time contract or a part-time contract?
[If C8=1, i.e. the job is regulated by a contract]
[] 2 Part time
C27beta. Do you work full time or part time?
[If C8!=1, i.e. the job is not regulated by a contract or is a self-employed person]
[] 2 Part time
C27B. What kind of part-time job is it?
[] 2 Vertical part-time: works full time only a few days a week, a month, or a year
[] 3 A combination of horizontal and vertical part-time
[] 4 Occasional part-time
[] 997 Doesn't know
[] 2 A few weeks a month
[] 3 A few months a year
[] 996 Other (specify: ____)
[] 997 Doesn't know
C28. Do you work part-time because you do not want a full-time job, have not found a full-time job or for other reasons?
[] 2 Did not find a full-time job [go to C31]
[] 3 Other reasons
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to C31]
C29AB. For which of these reasons do you work part-time?
[] 2 Disease, personal health problems [go to C31]
[] 3 Childcare and/or care for family members unable to care for themselves
[] 4 Has a second job [go to C31]
[] 5 Other family reasons (excluding care for children or other persons) [go to C31]
[] 6 To have more free time [go to C31]
[] 7 The employer has reduced the timetable / required this contract [go to C31]
[] 8 Retired and carries out some activities [go to C31]
[] 996 Other reasons [go to C31]
C29B. Are you unable to devote more hours to work (i.e. you work part-time) because in the area where you live, childcare services or other care services for people in need of assistance are absent, inadequate or too expensive? Please include babysitters or paid helpers:
[] 2 Yes, care services for the elderly, sick and disabled people are absent/inadequate
[] 3 Yes, both services are absent/inadequate
[] 4 No, part-time job for other reasons
[] 997 Doesn't know
C31alpha. Excluding breaks for meals and commute time, how many hours do you usually work per week?
[If C1=2,3,4,5,6 or (C1=7,8 and C1A=2,3), i.e. is a self-employed person or if C8=2,997, i.e. is an employee without contract]
900 Work schedule changes [go to C32]
997 Doesn't know
C31beta. Excluding breaks for meals and commute time, how many hours do you usually work per week? Please tell me the number of hours you actually work usually and not the contract time.
[If B3!=1 and C8=1, i.e. an employee with a contract that is not covered by the redundancy fund]
900 Work schedule changes [go to C32]
997 Doesn't know
C31gamma. How many hours are required by your contract per week?
[If B3=1, i.e. is an employee on a redundancy fund]
900 Work schedule changes
997 Doesn't know
C31A. Considering the last 4 weeks, excluding meal breaks and commute time, on average how many hours have you worked per week?
997 Doesn't know
[If not employed in the redundancy fund (C1 != blank and B3 != 1)]
C31B-alpha. How many days do you usually work per week?
[If employed in the redundancy fund (B3=1)]
C31B-beta. How many working days per week are in your contract?
Work schedule during the reference week
[If B1=2 and B2=1 and (C1=1 or (C1=7,8 and C1A=1)), i.e. for employees who did not work during the reference week, automatically set C32=1, C34=B3, C35=2, C36=0, C37=0 and change to C39; if B1=2 and B2=1 and (C1=2,3,4,5,6 or (C1=7,8 and C1A=2,3)), i.e. for self-employed persons who did not work during the reference week, automatically set C32=1, C34=B3, C37=0 and go to C39.]
C32alpha. "Last week" that is, "From Monday... to Sunday..." have you worked less or more hours than usual? For example, because of holidays, vacations, illness, overtime
[If C31=900,997 i.e. did not declare the number of usual work hours]
[] 2 More than usual
[] 3 As usual [go to C35]
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to C35]
C32beta. "Last week" that is, "From Monday... to Sunday..." have you worked less or more hours than the hours you usually work? For example, because of holidays, vacations, illness, overtime
[If C31!=900,997 i.e. declared the number of usual work hours]
[] 2 More than usual
[] 3 As usual [go to C35]
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to C35]
C33alpha. Mainly worked more hours than usual: ____
[If C1=1 or (C1=7,8 and C1A=1), i.e. is an employee]
C33beta. What is the main reason why you worked more than usual?
[If C1=2,3,4,5,6 or (C1=7,8 and C1A=2,3), i.e. is self-employed]
[] 2 Paid and/or unpaid overtime [set C35=1 and go to C36]
[] 4 Increased work commitments [go to C37]
[] 996 Other [go to C35]
C34. What is the main reason for which you worked less than usual?
[] 2 Reduced enterprise activity for economic and/or technical reasons (excluding IGC)
[] 4 Job-related dispute
[] 5 Bad weather
[] 6 Illness, personal health problems, accident
[] 7 Annual leave
[] 8 Public holidays in week
[] 9 Flexible work schedule (e.g. paid leave)
[] 10 Vertical part-time
[] 18 Study or training not recognized as part of the job
[] 11 Study or training recognized as part of the job
[] 12 Mandatory absence for maternity
[] 13 Optional leave until the child's eighth birthday (parental leave)
[] 14 Family reasons (excluding mandatory maternity and parental leave)
[] 15 Lack of/low workload
[] 16 Start or change of job during the week
[] 17 Finished the job during the week
[] 994 Does an occasional job
[] 995 Seasonal worker as employee (i.e. lifeguard, fruit gatherer, waiter in mountain during the winter, etc.)
[] 996 Other
[If C1=2,3,4,5,6 or (C1=7,8 and C1A=2,3), i.e. is a self-employed person, do not ask the question and go to C37]
C35. With respect to the work schedule required by your contract (or verbal agreement) "Last week", "from Monday... to Sunday...", have you worked hours of paid and/or unpaid overtime (extra hours not recoverable)?
[] 2 No [set C36=0 and go to C37]
[] 997 Doesn't know [set C36=997, C36A=997 and go to C37]
C36. With respect to the work schedule required by your contract (or verbal agreement), how many hours of paid and/or unpaid overtime have you worked?
997 Doesn't know [go to C37]
C36A. How many hours of overtime will you be paid?
997 Doesn't know
[If (C31!=900,997 and C32=3), i.e. has declared the usual number of hours in the reference week and has worked the same number of hours, automatically set C37=C31 and go to C38]
C37. Overall, during the week "from Monday... to Sunday..." how many hours did you work?
997 Doesn't know
[If C37=0, i.e. did not work during the reference week, do not ask the question and move on to C39]
C38. During the week "from Monday... to Sunday..." would you have liked to work a different number of hours? If you have more than one job, consider the total number of hours.
[] 2 Yes, more hours
[] 3 No (would have liked to work the same number of hours) [go to C42]
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to C42]
C39. Overall, within the week "from Monday... to Sunday..." how many hours would you have liked to work? If you have more than one job, consider the total number of hours.
000 Didn't want to work [go to C42]
997 Doesn't know [if C38=2 go to C39A, otherwise go to C42]
C39A. During the week "from Monday... to Sunday..." in which of the following ways would you have liked to work more hours with a corresponding increase in earnings?
[] 2 Changing jobs
[] 3 Continuing to do the same job
[] 4 In any of the above ways
C40. During the week "from Monday... to Sunday..." or within the following two weeks, would you have been available to work more hours?
[] 2 No
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to C42]
[] 2 Study or training not organized as part of the job
[] 3 Other personal reasons
[] 4 Maternity, birth of a child
[] 5 Other family reasons (excluding childcare or care for other persons)
[] 6 Advance notice required
[] 7 Childcare and/or care for other persons who are not self-sufficient
[] 996 Other reason
[] 997 Doesn't know
[] 998 No answer
Work during inconvenient schedule and in shifts
C42. Did you work at night during the last 4 weeks "from... to..."? (from about 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.)
[] 2 Yes, less than 2 times per week
[] 3 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
C43. Did you work at night during the last 4 weeks "from... to..."? (from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m.)
[] 2 Yes, less than 2 times per week
[] 3 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
C44. During the last 4 weeks "" did you work on a Saturday (regardless of the time)?
[] 2 Yes, less than 2 times (within the last 4 weeks)
[] 3 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
C45. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." did you work on Sundays (regardless of the time)?
[] 2 Yes, less than 2 times (within the last 4 weeks)
[] 3 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
[If C1=2,3,4,5,6 or (C1=7,8 and C1A=2,3) i.e. is a self-employed person, do not ask and go to C48]
C46. Is there a shift organization for the type of work you do, i.e. do several workers alternate at particular times or on particular days of the week?
[] 2 No [set C47=2 and go to C48]
[] 997 Doesn't know [set C47=2 and go to C48]
C47. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." did you work in shifts?
[] 2 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
[If C9=6, i.e. works from home, automatically set C48=1 and C48A=0 and go to C50A]
C48alpha. By agreement with the employer, within the last 4 weeks "from... to...", have you done any work hours at home that are paid or can be recovered?
[If C1=1 or (C1=7,8 and C1A=1) and C9!=6, i.e. he/she is an employee not working at home]
[] 2 Yes, less than 2 times per week
[] 3 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
C48beta. During the last 4 weeks "from... to...", have you worked from home?
[If C1=2,3,4,5,6 or (C1=7,8 and C1A=2,3), i.e. he/she is self-employed]
[] 2 Yes, less than 2 times per week
[] 3 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
C48A. "Name" how long does it usually take to get from home to work? Please exclude any time spent accompanying children to school.
[If B2 = 1 and C1 is not blank, i.e. is employed and absent from work during the reference week, do not ask the question and go to C50A]
C48B. During the week from "Monday... to Sunday..." "Name" on average how long did it take you to commute to work"?
C50A. In which municipality do you work? If you do not have a usual work place, consider the one where you work most often.
[Encoded in the variable PROSPE (In which province?)]
C52. In which foreign country?
C53. Did you have to relocate from another municipality to start this job?
[] 3 Yes, from abroad [go to C55]
[] 4 No [go to C55]
[] 5 Yes, but then returned to my municipality of residence [go to C55]
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to C55]
[Encoded in the variable TRACOM]
C54A. Which municipality did you live in before?
[Encoded in the variable PROTRA (Which province did you live in before?)]
C55alpha. In what year did you start working for your current employer?
[If C1=1 or (C1=7,8 and C1A=1), i.e. for employees]
997 Doesn't know
C55beta. In what year did you start this job?
[If C1=2,3,4,5,6 or (C1=7,8 and C1A=2,3), i.e. for self-employed workers]
997 Doesn't know
C56. Do you remember the age at which you started?
C57. Do you remember the month?
997 Doesn't know
[If an open-ended employee with contract (C20=2 and C8=1) ask the question; otherwise go to C59]
C57D-alpha. In [C55] did you immediately start working with a permanent contract?
If C55 != 997, which is to say if you have indicated or confirmed a start year for current job.
C57D-beta. At [C56], did you immediately start working with a permanent contract?
If C55 = 997, which is to say you did not indicate a start year for current job, but an age
[] 2 No
[] 997 Don't know (only for proxy)
[Ask the question only if C20=2 and C1=1 or C1A=1 and C8=1, i.e. a permanent employee with a work contract]
C57E. What year did you start working under the current permanent contract?
C57F. Do you remember the age at which you started working under the contract?
C57G. Do you remember the month?
[If (C1=4,5,6) or (C1=7,8 and C1A=3), i.e. for entrepreneurs, freelancers, self-employed workers, family workers, cooperative members without an employee contract, do not ask the question and go to C59AA]
C59. Did you find this job through a Public Employment Center (formerly known as placement office)?
[] 2 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
C59AB. How did you find this job?
Read only if necessary: please consider the way/method you reckon more important
Read all the answering items
[] 1Answered advertisements (also on-line) in newspapers, specialized sites, notice boards, etc.
[] 2 Submission of direct job application to employer
[] 3 Contacted directly by employer
[] 4 Via family and/or relatives
[] 11 Through friends or acquaintances, co-workers or former co-workers (networking)
[] 5 Public recruitment competitions (including classification of merit for teachers)
[] 6 Via a public employment agency different from the Public Employment Office
[] 7 Private employment agency (labour agent, former temp agency)
[] 8 Recommendation of schools, universities, training centres
[] 9 Previous experiences (stage, apprenticeship, traineeships, activities of short duration) in the same company where you work now
[] 10 Launching private business
[] 996 Other (specify: ____)
[] 997 Don't know (only for proxy)
[] 2 No
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to C63A]
C61. In what year did you start your first job?
0997 Doesn't know
C62. Do you remember the age at which you started working?
The next questions refer to the compensation received last month for the current job. This is very important information because it allows for the assessment of wage equity, compliance with the contractual minimum, and the differences in compensation between Italian workers and workers from other European countries
C63alpha. What was the net compensation you received last month for this job? Exclude additional payments (13th, 14th, etc.) and ancillary items not regularly received every month (annual bonus, arrears, mission allowances, unusual overtime, etc..)
[If B3!=1, i.e. is an employee not on redundancy fund]
[Encoded in the variable INCDEC]
C63beta. Can you tell me how much you received as last month's net unemployment benefits?
[If B3=1, i.e. is an employee on redundancy fund]
[Encoded in the variable INCDEC]
[If C63=99997, 99998, i.e. does not know or has not answered]
C64. Can you indicate which of the following income brackets?
[If B3=1, i.e. that is on redundancy fund, set C65=7 and go to C73]
C65. During the year, do you receive some of the following additional payments for this job, which are not received every month?
C73. "Name," how satisfied are you with your current job? Please indicate a score from 0 to 10; 0 being "not satisfied at all" and 10 being "completely satisfied"
0997 Doesn't know
C74. "Name," how satisfied are you with your earnings?
0997 Doesn't know
C75. "Name," how satisfied are you with the work environment and relationships (with coworkers, customers, superiors, staff, employees, etc.)?
0997 Doesn't know
C76alpha. How satisfied are you with past and future career opportunities in your current job?
Score (0-10): _ _
0997 Doesn't know
C76beta. "Name," how satisfied are you with your career/turnover? Consider the opportunities you had and those you may have in the future.
Score (0-10): _ _
0997 Doesn't know
C76gamma. "Name," how satisfied are you with the turnover achieved and the opportunities to expand it?
Score (0-10): _ _
0997 Doesn't know
C77. "Name," how satisfied are you with the number of hours worked?
0997 Doesn't know
C78. "Name," how satisfied are you with the stability of your job?
0997 Doesn't know
C80. "Name," how satisfied are you with the distance and commute time between home and work?
0997 Doesn't know
C81A. "Name," how interesting do you think your job is? Give a score from 0 to 10; 0 being "not interesting at all" and 10 being "very interesting".
0997 Doesn't know
C82. "Name," do you think you are likely to lose your current job/business in the next 6 months?
[] 2 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
C83. "Name," do you think it is easy to find/start a job similar to your current one?
[] 2 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
Section D
Secondary job
For employed individuals
D1. In addition to the job we talked about so far, "last week", that is "From Monday... to Sunday...", did you also have other jobs? Consider any job (e.g. private lessons, weekend jobs) for which you were compensated, or uncompensated job only if habitually carried out for a family member's business
[] 2 Yes, more than one [go to D2Beta]
[] 3 No [go to section F]
D2alpha. "Last week", "from Monday... to Sunday...", how many hours did you spend on this second job?
[If D1=1, that is if, in addition to the main job, he/she has only one job]
000 Hasn't worked
997 Doesn't know
D2beta. "Last week", "from Monday... to Sunday...", how many hours did you spend on these other jobs?
[If D1=2, that is if, in addition to the main job, he/she does more than one job]
000 Hasn't worked
997 Doesn't know
D3alpha. You carry out this job:
[If D1=1, that is if in addition to the main job, he/she has only one job]
D3beta. Among the different job activities that you do in addition to your main job, consider the one you spend the most time on. You carry out this job:
[If D1=2, i.e. does more than one job in addition to main job]
[] 2 Only in certain seasons (or during particular periods of the year)
[] 3 Every now and then, when it happens
[] 997 Doesn't know
D4. You carry out (Encoded also in the variable DIPINS):
A job involving:
[] 3 Occasional work [go to D5bisbeta]
[] 5 Freelancer [go to D6] D7]
[] 6 Self-employed [go to D7]
[] 7 Works in a family-owned business [go to D5alpha]
[] 8 Co-operative member [go to D5beta]
D5alpha. Are you employed under a contract of employment?
[] 3 No [go to D7B]
D5beta. Are you employed under a contract of employment or under a contract for coordinated and continuous collaboration?
[] 2 Yes, contract for coordinated and continuous collaboration (with or without project) [go to D5bisalpha]
[] 3 No [go to D7B]
D5bisalpha. The contract for coordinated and continuous collaboration requires the employer to pay social security contributions at the INPS. Are contributions being made to the INPS for this job?
[] 2 No [set D5=blank and return to D4]
D5bisbeta. Contracts for occasional work require the application of tax withholding. Is there a tax withholding for this job?
[] 2 No [set D5=blank and return to D4]
D7. Do you have any employees? If family members or other people help you without being paid, please do not include them
[] 2 No [go to D7B]
D7A. Is your employment governed by a contract or verbal agreement with your employer?
D7B. Can you tell me the title of your job and what it entails?
[If D4=1 or (D4=7,8 and D5=1), i.e. is an employee]
D8alpha. What activities are carried out in the place where you work? (indicate the main goods and/or services produced)
[If D4=2,3,4,5,6 or (D4=7,8 and D5=2,3), i.e. is self-employed]
D8beta. What is your main activity and what are the goods and/or services you produce?
D9_c. Industry code
(4-digit encoding according to the annex "Classification of industries")
[Available in recoded variables ATE2DS, CAT12S, CAT5S, CAT3S]
Section E
Previous work experience
For unemployed individuals
[If B3=994,995, i.e. has an occasional or seasonal job, set E1=1 and go to E2]
E1. Have you ever had a job? Include any jobs for which you were compensated, as well as uncompensated work only if done for the business of a family member
[] 2 No [go to F7]
[] 3 No, permanently unfit for work [if SG21 is less than 75, set F7=2, F10=11, F12=2, F15=2, G1=2, G7=3, G9=3 and go to section H; if SG21 is greater than 74 go to section H]
E2alpha. What year did you stop working?
[If B2=2 and B3!=994,995 i.e. has no job or B1=3 i.e. is unfit for work]
0997 Doesn't know
E2beta. When was the last time you worked? Indicate the year
[If B2=1, i.e. is absent from work in the reference week or B3=994,995 i.e. has occasional or seasonal work]
0997 Doesn't know
997 Doesn't know [go to E6]
[If B4!=blank, i.e. has already answered this question, set E6=B4 and follow the E6 filters]
E6. You carried out (Encoded also in the variable DIPINE):
A job involving:
[] 3 Occasional work [go to E9]
Self-employment such as:
[] 5 Freelancer [go to E8]
[] 6 Self-employed [go to E8]
[] 7 Working in a family-owned business [go to E7alpha]
[] 8 Co-operative member [go to E7beta]
[If B4A!=blank, i.e. has already answered this question, set E7=B4A and follow the E7 filters]
E7alpha. Are you employed under a contract of employment?
[] 3 No [go to E9]
[If B4A!=blank, i.e. has already answered this question, set E7=B4A and follow the E7 filters]
E7beta. Are you employed under a contract of employment or under a contract for coordinated and continuous collaboration?
[] 2 Yes, contract for coordinated and continuous collaboration (with or without project) [only if E6=8; go to E9]
[] 3 No [go to E9]
E8. Do you have any employees? If family members or other people helped you without being paid, please do not include them.
[] 2 No
E9alpha. Which occupation did you have? Consider your last job
[If (B2=2 and B3!=994,995), i.e. does not have a job or B1=3, i.e. is unfit for work]
E9beta. Can you tell me the title of your occupation and your job description?
[If B2=1, i.e. absent from work during the reference week or B3=994,995, i.e. has occasional or seasonal job]
E12alpha. What was the activity of the organization or company that you worked for? (indicate the main goods and/or services produced)
[If E6=1 or (E6=7,8 and E7=1), i.e. for employees]
E12beta. What was your main activity and what were the goods and/or services you produced?
[If E6=2,3,4,5,6 or (E6=7,8 and E7=2,3), i.e. for self-employed workers]
[Available in the reconstructed variables ATE2DE and encoded into CAT12E, CAT5E, CAT3E]
[If B2=1, i.e. a worker is absent from work, move to E19; if B3=994,995 and (E6=1 or (E6=7,8 and E7=1)), i.e. has occasional or seasonal job, set E14=3 and change to E19; if B3=994,995 and (E6=2,3,4,5,6 or (E6=7,8 and E7=2,3)), i.e. has occasional or seasonal job, set E15=3 and move to E19; if ((B2=2 and B3!=994,995) or B1=3) and E6=1 or (E6=7,8 and E7=1), i.e. for employees, move to E14; if ((B2=2 and B3!=994,995) or B1=3) and E6=2,3,4,5,6 or (E6=7,8 and E7=2,3), i.e. for self-employed workers, go to E15]
E14. What is the main reason for which you quit your job?
[] 2 Lay-off or mobility (including bankruptcy or closure of the company) [go to E19]
[] 3 Fixed-term job (including occasional and seasonal jobs) [go to E19]
[] 4 Disease, personal health problems [go to E19]
[] 5 Maternity, birth of a child [go to E19]
[] 6 Childcare and/or care for other non self-sufficient [go to E19]
[] 7 Study or professional development [go to E19]
[] 8 Military service or community service [go to E19]
[] 9 Other family reasons (excluding maternity, care for children or other persons) [go to E19]
[] 996 Other reasons [go to E19]
E15. What is the main reason for your termination of employment?
[] 2 Closure or termination of activity (including the transfer of the management of the company to another family member) [go to E19]
[] 3 Fixed-term job (including occasional and seasonal jobs) [go to E19]
[] 4 Disease, personal health problems [go to E19]
[] 5 Maternity, birth of a child [go to E19]
[] 6 Childcare and/or care for other non-self-sufficient persons [go to E19]
[] 7 Study or professional development [go to E19]
[] 8 Military service or community service [go to E19]
[] 9 Other family reasons (excluding maternity, care for children or other persons) [go to E19]
[] 996 Other reasons (specify) ___ [go to E19]
E19. Were you working full time or part time?
E20. Was your job fixed-term or permanent?
[HOC section asked in 2nd quarter and thus not included in this form]
Section F
Job Search
For individuals aged 15 and over
F1. Are you looking for another job?
[] 2 No [go to section G]
F2. Are you looking for a new job or a second job (to be added to the current one)?
[] 2 A second job (in addition to the current one)
F3. What is the main reason for which you are looking for another job?
[] 2 Fear of losing current job
[] 3 Considers current job to be occasional
[] 4 To earn more
[] 5 To have a shorter/easier commute to the workplace
[] 6 Looking for a better work schedule to take care of children and/or other family members
[] 7 Looking for different schedule for other reasons
[] 8 Seeking a job that is a better fit for skills/competences and with better career opportunities
[] 9 Seeking a job that is more suitable for health conditions
[] 996 Other reasons
[If F2=2, i.e. looking for a second job, do not ask the question and go to F5]
F4. Would you like to work more or less hours in your new job than you current job?
[] 2 Less than 2 hours
[] 3 The same number of hours
[] 997 Doesn't know
F5. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." did you take any actions to look for a job?
[] 2 No [go to F29]
F6. Which of the following job search actions did you take within the last 4 weeks "from... to..." (Multiple answers possible: 0=No; 1=Yes)
F6_02. Was interviewed _ [go to F29]
F6_03. Took written and/or oral tests in an open competition _ [go to F29]
F6_04. Submitted an application to participate in an open competition _ [go to F29]
F6_05. Examined job ads in newspapers _ [go to F29]
F6_06. Placed newspaper ads or responded to announcements _ [go to F29]
F6_07. Submitted job applications and/or sent (or handed over) resumes to individuals _ [go to F29]
F6_08. Asked relatives, friends, acquaintances, trade unions _ [go to F29]
F6_09. Looked for a job on the Internet _ [go to F6A]
F6_10. Contacted a temporary employment agency or other employment agency that is not a Public Employment Center to look for a job. _ [go to F29]
F6_11. Looked for land, premises, equipment to start own business _ [go to F29]
F6_12. Applied for permits, licenses, financing to start own business _ [go to F29]
F6_96. Other action _ [go to F29]
F6A. During the last 4 weeks "from... to...", you looked for a job on the internet (Multiple answers possible: 0=No; 1=Yes)
F6A_02. By looking at job offers _ [go to F29]
F6A_03. By placing ads or responding to ads _ [go to F29]
F6A_96. Other _ [go to F29]
[If SG21 is greater than 74, i.e. the age is greater than 74 years, do not ask the question and go to section H. If SG21 is less than 75 and ((B1=3 and E1=1,2) or E1=3), i.e. is permanently disabled and has not had previous job experience or E1=3, set F7=2, F10=11, F12=2, F15=2, G1=2, G7=3, G9=3 and move on to section H]
F7. Are you looking for a job?
[] 2 No [go to F10]
F8. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." did you do anything to look for a job?
[] 2 No
F9. How many months have passed since the last action you took to find a job?
000 Less than one month
995 Haven't started looking for work yet
997 Doesn't know
F10. What is the main reason you haven't looked for a job during the last 4 weeks "from... to..."?
[] 2 Studies or takes professional development courses [go to F12]
[] 3 Disease, personal health problems [go to F12]
[] 4 Childcare and/or care for other non-self-sufficient persons
[] 5 Waiting to return to their job [go to F12]
[] 7 Work pension (retirement) [go to F12]
[] 8 Believes he/she can't find a job [go to F12]
[] 9 Doesn't care/doesn't need it (also because of age) [go to F12]
[] 10 Waiting to hear from jobs s/he applied to [go to F12]
[] 11 Permanently unfit for work [set F12=2, F15=2 and go to sec. H]
[] 12 Maternity, birth of a child
[] 13 Other family reasons (excluding maternity, childcare or care for other persons) [go to F12]
[] 14 Waiting to start receiving retirement [go to F12]
[] 996 Other reasons [go to F12]
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to F12]
F10A. Did you not look for a job because, in the area where you live, family support services, including paid services, are absent, inadequate or too expensive? Please include babysitters and paid helpers.
[] 2 Yes, services for the care of elderly, sick or disabled persons are absent/inadequate
[] 3 Yes, both services are absent/inadequate
[] 4 No, did not look for work for other reasons [go to F12]
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to F12]
[If 64 is less than SG21 and SG21 is less than 75, i.e. the age is between 65 and 74 years, set F12=2, F15=2 and go to section G]
F12alpha. Even if you are currently not looking for a job, would you still like to work?
[If F7=2, i.e. not looking for a job]
[] 2 No [go to F15 section G]
F12beta. Even if during the last 4 weeks "from... to..." you did not look for a job, would you still like to work?
[If F7=1 and F8=2, i.e. looking for a job but did nothing to look for a job within the last 4 weeks preceding the last day of the reference week]
[] 2 No [go to F15 section G]
F13. If you had found a job during the week "from Monday... to Sunday...", would you have started during that week or within the next two weeks?
[] 2 No
F14. Why couldn't you start a job within 2 weeks?
[] 2 Other personal reasons [go to section G]
[] 3 Maternity, birth of a child [go to section G]
[] 4 Other family reasons (excluding maternity, caring for children or other persons) [go to section G]
[] 5 Disease, personal health problems [go to section G]
[] 6 Advance notice required [go to section G]
[] 7 Must or wants to finish current job [go to section G]
[] 9 Childcare and/or care for other non-self-sufficient people [go to section G]
[] 996 Other reasons [go to section G]
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to section G]
[] 998 No answer [go to section G]
F16. During the last 4 weeks "from... to...", did you have any contact with a Public Employment Center (former Employment Office) to look for work?
[] 2 No
F17. During the last 4 weeks "from... to...", did you have a job interview?
[] 2 No
F18. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." did you take written and/or oral tests in a public competition?
[] 2 No
F19. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." did you send an application to participate in a public competition?
[] 2 No
F20. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." did you examine job offers on newspapers?
[] 2 No
F21. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." did you put up advertisements on newspapers or responded to job posts?
[] 2 No
F22. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." did you apply for a job and/or send (or deliver) your resume to private individuals?
[] 2 No
F23. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." did you contact relatives, friends, acquaintances, trade unions to find a job?
[] 2 No [go to F24]
F23A. Whom did you, in particular, turn to/a to find work?
(Multiple answers possible)
[] 1 Relatives or family members
[] 2 Friends, acquaintances, co-workers or former co-workers
[] 3 Trade unions
[] 996 Other (specify: ____)
F24. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." did you look for a job on the internet?
[] 2 No [go to F25]
F24A. Have you looked for a job on the internet...? (Multiple answers possible: 0=No; 1=Yes)
F24_02. By looking at job offers _ [go to F29]
F24_03. By putting up advertisements or responding to job posts _ [go to F29]
F24_96. Other _ [go to F29]
F25. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." did you have any contact with a temporary employment agency or other employment agency that is not a Public Employment Center to look for a job?
[] 2 No
F26. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." have you searched for land, premises, equipment to start your own business?
[] 2 No
F27. During the last 4 weeks "from... to...", have you applied for permits, licenses, financing to start your own business?
[] 2 No
F28. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." did you carry out any other job-search actions, not included in the previous options? (excluding waiting for results of previous search actions, job interviews, etc.)
[] 2 No
For employed and unemployed individuals
F29. During the last 4 weeks "from... to...", were you waiting for the results of a public competition, to hear back from companies, individuals and/or for a call from the Employment Center? (Multiple answers possible: 0=No; 1=Yes)
F29_02. Yes, waiting to hear back from companies or private individuals _
F29_03. Yes, waiting for a call from the Employment Center _
F29_04. No _
F29_97. Doesn't know _
[If F16 to F28 are all equal to 2, i.e. did not perform search actions in the 4 weeks preceding the last day of the reference week, and F29!=4,997 i.e. is waiting for results of previous searches, go to F30; otherwise go to F31]
F30. Have you already found a job?
[] 2 No
F31. How many months have you been looking for a job?
000 Less than one month [if C1!=blank, go to F33; otherwise to F32]
997 Doesn't know [if C1!=blank, go to F33; otherwise to F32]
F32. Right before you started looking for a job:
[] 2 Was on military service or community service
[] 3 Was working
[] 4 Was taking care of housework and/or family members
[] 5 Other
F33. If you had found a job within the week "from Monday... to Sunday...", would you have started during that week or within the next two weeks?
[] 2 No
F34. Why couldn't you have started work?
[] 2 Other personal reasons
[] 3 Maternity, birth of a child
[] 4 Other family reasons (excluding maternity, care for children or other persons)
[] 5 Disease, personal health problems
[] 6 Advance notice required
[] 7 Must or wants to finish the work already started
[] 8 Attend an internship or an internship
[] 9 Childcare and/or care for other non-self-sufficient persons
[] 996 Other reasons
[] 997 Doesn't know
[] 998 No answer
F35. Are you looking for a job as a self-employed or as an employee?
[] 2 Employee
[] 3 No preference
F36. Are you looking for a full-time or part-time job?
[] 2 Part-time [go to F38]
[] 3 No preference [go to F39 F40]
F37. If you could not find a full-time job, would you accept a part-time job?
[] 2 No [go to F39 F40]
F38. If you could not find a part-time job, would you accept a full-time job?
[] 2 No
F40. Would you be willing to accept a fixed-term job?
[] 2 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
F41. You would be willing to work:
[] 2 In other municipalities that can commute to daily
[] 3 Anywhere in Italy
[] 4 Everywhere, even abroad
[] 997 Doesn't know [only for proxy]
For individuals planning for start a future business
[If F9=995, i.e. never started looking for a job, set F43=995 and go to F44]
F43. How many months did you look for a job before finding the one that you're about to begin? (In case of fraction of month, round down)
000 Less than one month [go to F44Alpha]
995 Didn't do any search to find the job that is about to begin [go to F44Beta]
997 Doesn't know [only for proxy; go to F44Alpha]
F44alpha. What were you doing immediately before you started looking for this work? ____
F44beta. Right before you started looking for a job:
[] 2 Was on military service or community service
[] 3 Was working
[] 4 Was taking care of housework and/or family members
[] 5 Other
F45. Will you begin this job by (Sunday + 90 days)?
[] 2 No
F46. If you had found a job during the week "from Monday... to Sunday...", would you have started that week or within the next 2 weeks?
[] 2 No
F47. Why wouldn't you have been able to start working?
[] 2 Other personal reasons
[] 3 Maternity, birth of a child
[] 4 Other family reasons (excluding maternity, care for children or other persons)
[] 5 Disease, personal health problems
[] 6 Advance notice required
[] 8 Attend an internship or an internship
[] 7 Must or wants to finish the work already started
[] 9 Childcare and/or care for other non self-sufficient persons
[] 996 Other reasons
[] 997 Doesn't know
[] 998 No answer
F48. Is the job you are about to start a self-employed or an employee job?
[] 2 Employee
F49. Will you be working full time or part time?
[] 2 Part-time
[] 997 Doesn't know
F50. Is this a fixed-term job (with a fixed duration)?
[] 2 No [go to section G]
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to section G]
Section G
Employment services and employment agencies
For individuals 15-74 years old
[If SG21 is greater than 74, i.e. the age is greater than 74 years, do not ask the question and go to section H]
G1. Have you ever contacted a Public Employment Center (former public placement office)?
[] 2 No [go to G7] [go to G5A]
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to G7] [go to G5A]
G3. When was the last time you contacted a Public Employment Center?
[] 2 From 1 to less than 4 months
[] 3 From 4 months to less than 7 months
[] 4 From 7 months to less than 1 year
[] 5 From 1 to less than 2 years
[] 6 From 2 to less than 3 years
[] 7 From 3 or more years [go to G7] [go to G5A]
[] 997 Doesn't know
G4. What was the reason for this last contact? (Multiple answers possible: 0=No; 1=Yes)
G4_02. Confirming unemployment status _
G4_03. Checking for job opportunities _
G4_04. Received a job offer _
G4_05. Received an offer to participate in a professional development course that is organized and/or recognized by the Region _
G4_06. Received an offer to participate in another type of professional development course (not by the Region) _
G4_07. To take a job aptitude test _
G4_08. Advice or guidance on finding a job _
G4_09. Update personal file _
G4_10. First contact for information _
G4_11. To declare availability for employment (first time) _
G4_12. To renew declaration of availability for employment _
G4_13. Received an internship offer _
G4_14. Signing service agreement _
G4_15. Received proposal to participate in a selection _
G4_96. Other _
G4_97. Doesn't know _
G4_996. Other _
G4_997. Doesn't know _
[If (E1 = 2 or E14 = 1 or E15 = 1), that is, he never worked or stopped working because he was retired, set G5A = 2 and continue;
If C1 != blank (ie employed): if C8 = 2, that is, if the person does not have a contract, ask the question; if C20 = 1, i.e. it is a full-time employee, ask the question; if C20 = 2 and it is from the year of the survey, ask the question; if C1bis = 1, that is, a collaborator, ask the question; if C1 = 4,5,6,8,7 that is independent, set G5a = 2 and skip the question; or if C20 = 2 and C57D lt SURVEY YEAR, set G5a = 2 and skip the question;
Moreover if G4 = 11,12,14, that is, if we deduce that there is an active declaration of availability for work, set G5A = 1 and don't ask the question.]
G5A-alpha. In the past week did you have an active declaration of readiness for work (DID) or had you just signed one? (The declaration of availability is the one that attests to the state of unemployment and can be carried out at the public employment center, the CAAF, INPS, online or at other operators in the labor market)
[If G1=1]
G5A-beta. Even if you have not been in contact with a public employment center, in the past week did you have an active job declaration (DID)?
[Ask the question only if G3 = 1,2,3, that is, if the last contact with the CPI was within 7 months; if G4 = 4, i.e. the reason for the last contact with the CPI was to have received a job offer, set G6A = 1 and do not ask the question; otherwise go to G7. Furthermore, if (E14 = 1 or E15 = 1) and F7 = 2, that is, the person has stopped working because he is retired and does not look for work, set G6A = 2, G7 = 3 and go to G9; if F10 = 11, that is, if the person does not look for a job because he is incapacitated, set G6A = 2, G7 = 3, G9 = 3 and go to Section H]
G6A. Have you received a job offer from a public employment center in the last 6 months?
[] 2 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
[If (E14=1 or E15=1) and F7=2, i.e. has stopped working because he/she is retired and does not look for work, set G7_03=1; if F10=11, i.e. does not look for work because he/she is disabled, set G7_03=1, G9=3 and move on to section H]
G7. In the last 6 months, have you been in contact with a temporary employment agency or other employment agency (public or private) that is not a Public Employment Center? (Multiple answers possible: 0=No; 1=Yes)
G7_02. Yes, with another agency (public or private) _
G7_03. No _ [go to G9]
G7_997. Doesn't know _ [only for proxy go to G9]
G8. Have you received a job offer from one of these offices in the last 6 months? (Possible multiple responses: 0=No; 1=Yes)
G8_02 Yes, from another agency (public or private) _
G8_03 No _
G8_997 Doesn't know _ (only for proxy)
[If C8 = 2, that is, if person does not have a contract, ask the question; if C20 = 1, i.e. it is a full-time employee, ask the question; if C20 = 2 and it is from the year of the survey, ask the question; if C1bis = 1, that, the person is a collaborator, ask the question; if C1 = 4,5,6,8,7, that is, independent, set G9 = 3 and skip the question; or if C20 = 2 and C57E (survey year), set G9 = 3 and skip the question]
G9alpha. In the week "from Monday '... to Sunday ..." You had unemployment benefit (for example, NASPI or DISCOLL) or the mobility allowance or, despite having earned the right, was waiting to collect it?
[If C1=blank, i.e. not occupied]
G9beta. Even if you are employed, during the past week did you receive an unemployment benefit (NASPI or DISCOLL) or were you waiting to receive it? Eventually also include the citizenship benefit (reddito di cittadinanza).
[] 2 Yes, only citizenship benefit (reddito di cittadinanza)
[] 3 No
[] 4 Yes, either unemployment benefit/allowances and citizenship benefit
[] 997 Doesn't know
[] 998 No response
[If SG21 is between 15 and 29, and WAVE_QUARTINA=1, that is he/she is between 15 and 29 years of age and it is your first quartina wave, go to G10; otherwise go to Section H]
Youth Guarantee
The Youth Guarantee is an initiative funded by the European Union, addressed to all young people aged between 15 and 29 years, finalized to offer a valid offer of employment, further education, apprenticeship, internship or other measure of training.
G10. Do you know the Youth Guarantee program funded by Europe?
[]2 No [go to section H]
[] 997 Don't know [only for proxy; go to section H]
[] 2 TV
[] 3 Newspapers
[] 4 Public employment office
[] 5 School, university, training centers
[] 6 Relatives, friends, acquaintances
[] 996 Other [specify]
[] 997 Don?t know [only for proxy]
G12. Did you register in Youth Guarantee program?
[]2 No [go to G17]
[] 997 Don't know [only for proxy; go to section H]
G13. In which year did you register?
[] 997 Don't know [only for proxy; go to G14]
G13.A In which month did are register?
[] 997 Don't know [only for proxy]
G15. How long time have you been contacted upon registration by the Employment Service, or by the accredited private employment Agency, to complete the registration in the program and the successive steps of orientation?
[] 2 From 30 to 60 days from the enrollment
[] 3 More than 60 days from the enrollment
[] 4 I have not been contacted yet [go to section H]
[] 997 Don?t know [only for proxy]
G16. Did you start an internship / job / civil service or have you been included in a training program by the registration in Youth Guarantee program?
[] 2 Yes, I have been included in a training course [go to section H]
[] 3 No, but soon I will start a new internship / job or a training course [go to section H]
[] 4 No, I don?t know anything yet [go to section H]
[] 5 No, I am not interested anymore [go to section H]
[] 997 Don?t know [only for proxy; go to section H]
G17. Why you are not registered in the Youth Guarantee program?
[] 2 Because I'm studying [go to section H]
[] 3 I?m not interested to work (or come back to school) [go to section H]
[] 4 I?m not interested because it is not very useful to find a job (or come back to school) [go to section H]
[] 5 I do not know the procedure for registration [go to section H]
[] 6 Difficulty to enroll, bad functioning of the website, complex procedure [go to section H]
[] 7 I do not have internet [go to section H]
[] 996 Other (specify) [go to section H]
[] 997 Don?t know [only for proxy; go to section H]
Section H
Education and professional development
For individuals aged 15 and over
Education and training during the last 4 weeks preceding the last day of the reference week
[If SG21 is greater than 74, i.e. the age is greater than 74 years, do not ask the question and go to H4]
H1. During the last 4 weeks "from... to...", were you enrolled in a school, college, or academic course? Please include enrollment in any of the new IFP, IFTS, ITS courses.
[] 2 No
[If SG21 is greater than 34 or SG24B=3,4 or (year of survey-SG26 is greater than 14 and SG26 is not blank, 997, or 998) or (SG21-SG27 is greater than 14 and SG27 is not blank), i.e. if he/she is 35 years old or older, or has a highly-specialized degree or a doctorate, or if he/she has completed the highest level of education more than 15 years ago, do not ask and go to H1BA]
[If reference quarter = 1,2,4]
H1B-alpha. Were you enrolled in a school, college, academic, IFP, IFTS, or ITS course after "last day of reference week"?
[] 2 Yes, will enroll at the end of vacation
[] 4 No
H1B-beta. Were you enrolled in a school, college, academic, IFP, IFTS, or ITS course, after "last day of reference week" or will you enroll at the end of the vacation?
[] 2 Yes, will enroll at the end of vacation
[] 4 No
H1BA. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." did you participate in a professional development course organized and/or recognized by the region?
H1BAA. Is the duration equal to or longer than 600 hours (at least 6 months) and do you receive a professional degree?
[Ask the question if the reference quarter = 4; if the reference quarter = 1,2,3 and H1B = 4,blank i.e. has not enrolled in a course after the last day of the reference week and will not enroll at the end of vacation, go to H4, otherwise go to H2]
H1D. Considering the 12 months, were you enrolled in a school, college, or academic course? Please include enrollment in the new IFP, IFTS, ITS courses and in regional professional development courses with a duration equal to or longer than 600 hours (6 months) that issue a degree, and the pre-academic courses at the Music Conservatory and The Dance Academy.
[] 2 No [if H1B=4,blank go to H4, otherwise go to H2]
H2alpha. Which course were you enrolled in?
[For the program: if H1=1, i.e. he/she enrolled at school or university in the last 4 weeks but not after the reference week]
H2beta. Which training course did you enroll in after "last day of the reference week"?
[If H1B=1, i.e. he/she enrolled after the reference week]
H2gamma. Which course do you intend to enroll in?
[If H1B=2, i.e. he/she will enroll at the end of the vacation]
H2A. Which of these courses are you referring to?
[] 2 Advanced training in arts, music, and dance (level I) [go to H3]
[] 3 Advanced training in arts, music, and dance (level II) [go to H3]
[] 4 Dance and Music pre-academic courses [go to H3]
[] 997 Doesn't know [only for proxy go to H3]
H2B. Which of these courses are you referring to?
[] 2 Second-level Master's degree / Post-graduate diploma or Second-level Master's Degree / Second-level specialization degree
[] 3 University specialization degree
[] 997 Doesn't know
H3. Can you tell me exactly the course you were enrolled in or plan to enroll in?
Topic _ _ _
997 Doesn't know
[Ask the question only if H1BAA=1, i.e. if he/she has taken or is taking a professional development course organized by the region; otherwise go to H4]
H3A. Is there a pre-requisite to enrolling in this course?
H3B. Has the course you told me about ended?
H4. During the last 4 weeks "from... to..." did you participate in any of these other training activities?
[] 2 Yes, more than one activity [go to H5]
[] 3 No [if H1BAA=2,997 or H1BBA=2,997 go to H5, otherwise go to H4A]
[] 997 Doesn't know [if H1BAA=2,997 or H1BBA=2,997 go to H5, otherwise go to H4A]
H4H. How about the 12 months from (last day of reference week - 365 days) until (last day of reference week)? (Multiple responses possible)
[] 2 Yes, courses/private lessons for personal interests (e.g. cooking, ceramics, music, dance, languages, IT, photography, etc.) [go to H12A]
[] 3 Yes, sports courses conducted by an instructor [go to H12A]
[] 4 Yes, private lessons by a paid teacher or a tutor (excluding free lessons offered by a friend/acquaintance or a colleague) [go to H12A]
[] 5 Yes, other course/training activity [go to H12A]
[] 6 No [go to H12A]
[] 997 Doesn't know [go to H12A]
H5. alpha. "From... to...", what is the total number of hours that you devoted to this training activity(s)? Excludes commute and homework time.
[If H4=1,2 e (H1BAA=1,blank and H1BBA=1,blank) i.e. if during the 4 weeks he/she has participated in other training activities and has previously declared (or has not been asked to do so) that he/she has not completed a regional professional development course lasting less than 600 hours (6 months) or that does not award a degree or that he/she did not attend a music or dance course other than at the Conservatory or the Academy.]
997 Doesn't know
H5. beta. "From... to..." how many hours did you devote to these training activities in total? Now also consider the regional training course that you mentioned earlier. Exclude commute and homework time.
[If H4=1,2 and H1BAA=2,997 and H1BBA is not 2 or 997, that is if in the 4 weeks he/she has participated in other training activities and has previously declared that he/she has completed a regional professional development course of less than 600 hours (6 months) or that does not award a degree but has not done (or has not been asked to do) a music or dance course other than at the Conservatory or the Academy.]
997 Doesn't know
H5. epsilon. So, returning to the only regional vocational training course of which you spoke earlier, "from... to..." overall how many hours did you spend? Exclude travel and any homework.
[If H4=3,997 and H1BAA=2,997 and H1BBA is not 2 or 997]
997 Doesn't know
H6. alpha. What training activity is it?
[If H4=1 and (H1BAA=1,blank and H1BBA=1,blank) i.e. if during the 4 weeks he/she has only taken part in one training activity and has previously declared (or has not been asked) that he/she has not attended a regional professional development course lasting less than 600 hours (6 months) or that does not award a degree or that he/she has taken a course in music and dance other than at the Conservatory or Academy]
[] 2 Course organized by the company or organization in which s/he works
[] 3 Other professional development
Other type of training activity
[] 5 Private lessons, individual course
[] 6 University of the Third Age or Leisure
[] 7 Other type of course (e.g. English course, IT course, music course, etc..)
H6. beta. Among the training activities that you completed, which is the most recent?
[If H4=2 or H4A=2, i.e. participated in multiple training activities.]
[] 2 Course organized by the company or organization in which s/he works
[] 3 Other professional development
Other type of training activity
[] 5 Private lessons, individual course
[] 6 University of the Third Age or Leisure
[] 7 Other type of course (e.g. English course, IT course, music course, etc..)
H6. gamma. Which of the training activities you attended (including the regional professional development) is the most recent?
[If H4=1,2 and H1BAA=2,997 and H1BBA is not 2 or 997 i.e. if in the 4 weeks he/she has participated in other training activities and has previously stated that he/she has not attended a regional professional development course lasting less than 600 hours (6 months) that does not award a degree or that he/she has attended a course in music and dance other than at the Conservatory or Academy]
[] 2 Course organized by the company or organization in which s/he works
[] 3 Other professional development
Other type of training activity
[] 5 Private lessons, individual course
[] 6 University of the Third Age or Leisure
[] 7 Other type of course (e.g. English course, IT course, music course, etc..)
H7. What is the topic of the course/activity in which you participated?
Topic _ _ _
997 Doesn't know
H8. You completed this course/activity mainly:
[] 2 For personal interest
[] 997 Doesn't know
[Ask the question only if he/she is employed or if he/she is not employed and has finished his/her job after the 4 weeks preceding the last day of the reference week; otherwise go to H12A]
H9. During the last 4 weeks "from ... to ...", did you complete this course/activity during work hours?
[] 2 Yes, mainly during work hours
[] 3 No, mainly outside of work hours
[] 4 No, only outside of work hours
[] 5 At that time I didn't have a job
[] 997 Doesn't know
[If SG21 is greater than 40 or C1 is not blank, i.e. the respondent is more than 40 years old or employed, go to H13]
H12A. During the last 4 weeks "from ... to ...", did you have an apprenticeship or an unpaid internship?
H12B. What was the duration of this apprenticeship or internship?
[If SG24=1 or 2, i.e. if he/she does not have an educational degree or only has an elementary-school degree, do not ask the question and move on to section I]
[If H3B=2,997 or blank, i.e. has followed a professional course not organized/recognized by the region but has not concluded another professional course.]
H13alpha1. In the past, did you complete a professional development course recognized by the region and were you awarded a professional degree?
H13alpha2. Did you conclude a professional training course recognized by Region that has released a professional qualification in the past (excluding the IFP,IFTS,ITS courses)?
[If H3B=1, i.e. concluded a professional course organized/recognized by the Region.]
H13beta1. In the past, have you completed another professional development course recognized by the region of the same or a higher level as the one you have already mentioned and were you awarded a professional degree?
H13beta2. In the past did you conclude another professional training course recognized by the Region with level equal to or greater than that which we have already spoken, and which issued a vocational qualification (excluding the IFP,IFTS,ITS courses)?
H14. How long was this course?
[] 2 6 months (or 600 hours) to less than 1 year
[] 3 From 1 year to less than 2 years
[] 4 From 2 years to less than 3 years
[] 5 3 years or more
[] 995 CanĀ“t remember
[] 997 Doesn't know
H15. Did this course have a specific prerequisite?
[] 2 Yes, a level II secondary school diploma or a professional degree (including IFP)
[] 3 Yes, a middle school degree
[] 4 No
[] 997 Doesn't know
H16. What was the topic of the course?
Topic _ _ _
997 Doesn't know
H17. In what year did you complete this course?
0997 Doesn't know
H18. Do you remember your age?
997 Doesn't know [go to section I]
[If SG21 is greater than 34, i.e. is older than 34 years, go to section I]
H19. Do you remember the month in which you completed it?
997 Doesn't know [go to section I]
Section I
Self-perceived status currently and one year before, and residence
For individuals aged 15 and over
I1. In conclusion, during the week "from... to...", did you consider yourself:
[] 2 Unemployed looking for new employment [if F10=7 or E14=1 or E15=1 or [SG21 is greater than 49 and E1=1], go to I1bis; otherwise go to I5]
[] 3 Looking for first job [go to I5]
[] 4 Housewife/househusband [if F10=7 or E14=1 or E15=1 or [SG2149 and E1=1] go to I1bis; otherwise to I5]
[] 5 Student [go to I5]
[] 6 Retired
[] 7 Unfit for work [if F10=7 or E14=1 or E15=1 or [SG2149 and E1=1] go to I1bis; otherwise go to I5]
[] 9 Other [if F10=7 or E14=1 or E15=1 or [SG2149 and E1=1] go to I1bis; otherwise to I5]
I1bisAlpha. Do you receive a pension (for retirement)?
I1bis-beta. Although you are [employed/unemployed housewife/disabled for work] do you receive a pension (contributory or non-contributory)?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [go to I3]
[] 997 Don't know [only for proxy; go to I3]
I2. How old were you when you started receiving your pension?
I2D. Do you remember in which year you retired?
[] 997 Don't know [only for proxy]
[If (E1 = 1 or C1 != blank) and I1BIS = 1,2), that is, worked in the past or is employed and I1bis responds 1 or 2, ask the question, otherwise go to I5]
[If I1bis=1]
I3alpha. How many years of contributions have been paid to obtain a pension? Also consider any periods redeemed (for example, university, military service)
[] Number of years _ _ _ _
[] 997 Don't know
[If I1bis=2]
I3beta. How many years of contributions have been paid so far for the occupational pension? Also consider any periods redeemed (for example, universities, military service and all contributions regardless of management)
[] Number of years _ _ _ _
[] 997 Don't know
[Question included in survey starting 2020]
[If I1bis=2]
I4. You retired
from what you would have received when retiring at mandatory retirement age (retirement pension)
[] 1 At the mandatory age provided for by the laws in force at the time (retirement pension)
[] 2 Before the mandatory age provided for by the laws in force at the time but without penalties (early pension)
[] 43 Before the mandatory age provided for by the laws in force at the time but with penalties (early pension)
[] 34 Subsequently to the maximum age foreseen by regulations in force at the time (specific categories)
[] 997 Don't know
Self-perceived status one year before
[If B1=3]
I5. During the "survey month" of the "previous survey year did you consider yourself employed, unemployed, housewife, student or retired or unable to work?
[] 2 Unemployed looking for a new job [go to I12]
[] 3 Looking for first job [go to I12]
[] 4 Housewife/househusband [go to I12]
[] 5 Student [go to I12]
[] 6 Retired [go to I12]
[] 7 Unfit for work [go to I12]
[] 9 Other [go to I12]
I6. You carried out (encoded also in the variable DIPINP):
A job involving:
[] 3 Occasional work [go to I10]
Self-employment like:
[] 5 Freelancer [go to I8]
[] 6 Self-employed [go to I8]
[] 7 Working in a family-owned business [go to I7alpha]
[] 8 Co-operative member [go to I7beta]
I7alpha. Were you employed under a contract of employment?
[] 3 No [go to I10]
I7beta. Were you employed under a contract of employment or under a contract for coordinated and continuous collaboration?
[] 2 Yes, contract for coordinated and continuous collaboration (with or without project) [go to I10]
[] 3 No [go to I10]
I8. Did you have any employees? If family members or other people helped you without being paid, please exclude them
[] 2 No [go to I10]
I9. Was your job fixed-term or open-ended (permanent)?
[] 2 Open-ended (permanent)
[] 997 Doesn't know
I10alpha. What was the organization or company that you worked for producing? (Indicate the main goods or services produced)
[If I6=1 or (I6=7,8 and I7=1), i.e. he/she is an employee]
I10beta. What was your main activity and what were the goods and services produced?
[If I6=2,3,4,5,6 or (I6=7,8 and I7=2,3), i.e. he/she is a self-employed person]
[Available in the reconstructed variable ATE2DP and recoded into CAT12P, CAT5P, CAT3P]
[If he/she is an employee or collaborator (C1=1 or C1A=1) or C1bis=1]
I11A-alpha. Over the last 12 months, has your employment relationship undergone variations? (employer/customer, duties, hours, type of contract, etc.)?
I11A-beta. Over the last 12 months, have [the respondent]'s employment relationship undergone variations? (employer/customer, duties, hours, type of contract, etc.)?
[] 2 No [go to I12]
[] 997 Don't know [only for proxy; go to I12]
I11B. What has changed in your work?
[] 1 Employer [If he/she has an employed job (C1=1 or C1A=1)]
[] 1 Customer/employer [If he/she is a collaborator (C1bis=1)]
[] 2 Duties/category/profile (same level, downward or upward)
[] 3 Hours (part time/full time and vice versa, type of part time)
[] 4 Type of contract (closed-ended to open-ended, including transition
from collaborator to employee)
[] 5 Place of work
I12. During "survey month" of "survey year - 1" did you reside in "municipality"?
[] 2 No [go to I14]
I13. And during "survey month" of "survey year - 2" did you reside in "municipality"?
[] 2 No
[Encoded in the variable PROPRE (In which province?)]
I16. In which foreign country?
I16E. Was your father born in Italy or abroad?
I16F. In which foreign country?
I16G. Was your mother born in Italy or abroad?
I16H. In which foreign country?
I17. Date of interview completion
I18. Time of interview completion