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Government of India
National Sample Survey Organization
Socio-Economic Survey
Sixty-Sixth Round: July 2009 ? June 2010
Schedule 10: Employment and Unemployment

[] Rural
[] Urban

[] Central
[] State

0. Descriptive identification of sample household

____ 1. State/u.t.
____ 2. District
____ 3. Tehsil/town
____ 4. Village name
____ 5. Hamlet name
____ 6. Ward /inv. Unit /block
____ 7. Name of head of household
____ 8. Name of informant

1. Identification of sample household

1. Serial number of sample village/block: _ _ _ _ _

2. Round number: _ _

3. Schedule number: _ _ _

4. Sample (central-1, state-2): ____

5. Sector (rural-1, urban-2): ____

6. NSS region: _ _

7. District: ____

8. Stratum: ____

9. Sub-stratum: ____

10. Sub-round: ____

11. Sub-sample: ____

12. FOD sub-region: _ _ _ _

13. Sample hg/sb number (1/2): ____

14. Second-stage stratum number: ____

15. Sample household number: ____

16. Serial Number of informant (as in col. 1, block 4): ____

17. Response code:

[] 1 Cooperative and capable
[] 2 Cooperative, but not capable
[] 3 Busy
[] 4 Reluctant
[] 9 Others

18. Survey code:

[] 1 Original
[] 2 Substitute
[] 3 Casualty

19. Reason for substitution of original household (code):

[] 1 Informant busy
[] 2 Members away from home
[] 3 Informant non-cooperative
[] 9 Others

2. Particulars of field operation


i) Name (block letters)
Investigator: ____
Supervisory officers: ____

ii) Code

2. Date(s) of:

____ i) Survey/ inspection
____ ii) Receipt
____ iii) Scrutiny
____ iv) Dispatch

3. Number of additional sheets attached: ____

Total time taken to canvass (in minutes)

____ 4. Schedule 10
____ 5. Block 9 of Schedule 10

6. Whether the schedule contains remarks?

i) In block 10/ 11?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
ii) Elsewhere in the schedule: ____

7. Signature: ___

[Remarks by investigator, and comments by supervisory officer(s) omitted.]

3. Household characteristics

1. Household size: ____

2. Principal industry (NIC-2004)

i) Description: ________

ii) Code (5-digit): _____

3. Principal occupation (NCO-2004)

i) Description: ________

ii) Code (3 digit): ____

4. Household type:

For rural areas

[] 1 Self-employed in non-agriculture
[] 2 Agricultural labor
[] 3 Other labor
[] 4 Self-employed in agriculture
[] 9 Other

For urban areas

[] 1 Self-employed
[] 2 Regular wage or salary earning
[] 3 Casual labor
[] 9 Others

5. Religion:

[] 1 Hinduism
[] 2 Islam
[] 3 Christianity
[] 4 Sikhism
[] 5 Jainism
[] 6 Buddhism
[] 7 Zoroastrianism
[] 9 Others

6. Social group:

[] 1 Scheduled tribe
[] 2 Scheduled caste
[] 3 Other backward class
[] 9 Others

Note: 1 acre = 0.4047 hectare, 1 hectare=10,000 square meters

7. Land owned as on the date of survey (hectares): _____

8. Land possessed as on the date of survey (hectares): ____

9. Land cultivated (including orchard and plantation) during July 2008? June 2009 (hectares): ____

Questions 10-13 are for rural areas

10. Whether the household has NREG job card

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

11. Whether got work in NREG works during last 365 days

[] 1 Got work in NREG works
[] 2 Sought but did not get work in NREG works
[] 3 Did not seek work in NREG works

If response is code 1 in Question 11, answer questions 12 and 13. Otherwise, skip to Section 3B.

12. Number of days worked: ____

13. Mode of payment:

[] 1 Directly into post office account
[] 2 Directly into bank account
[] 3 In a gram sabha meeting
[] 4 By the field assistant/mate
[] 5 By an SHG member
[] 6 Through a smartcard
[] 7 Not yet paid
[] 9 Other

Section 3B.

Is any member of the household the holder of post office account and number of such accounts in the household as on the date of survey (in Questions 14 to 17)?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Don't know

Questions 14-17 are about type of post office account.

14. Savings bank

Held by any member of the household?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Don't know
Number of accounts in the household: ____

15. Recurring deposit account

Held by any member of the household?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Don't know
Number of accounts in the household: ____

16. Monthly income accounts scheme

Held by any member of the household?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Don't know
Number of accounts in the household: ____

17. Any other account or savings instruments?

Held by any member of the household?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Don't know
Number of accounts in the household: ____

Has any member used the following services in any Post Office during last 3 months [Questions 18 to 20]:

18. Money order:

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Don't know

19. Instant money order:

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Don't know

20. International money transfer service:

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Don't know

3.1. Indebtedness of rural labour household as of the survey date

[Questions 1 through 5.b. in section 3.1 are for rural agricultural households or rural labor households.]

1. What was the serial number of the loan? ____

2. What was the nature of loan source?

[] 1 Hereditary loan
[] 2 Loan contracted in cash
[] 3 Loan contracted in kind
[] 4 Loan contracted partly in cash and partly in kind

3. What is the source of the loan?

[] 1 Government
[] 2 Cooperative society
[] 3 Bank
[] 4 Employer/landlord
[] 5 Agricultural/professional money lender
[] 6 Shopkeeper/trader
[] 7 Relatives or friends
[] 9 Others

4. What was the purpose of the loan?

Household consumption:
[] 1 Medical expenses
[] 2 Educational expenses
[] 3 Legal expenses
[] 4 Marriage and other ceremonial expenses
[] 5 Other household consumption expenses
[] 6 Purchase of land or construction of building
[] 7 Other productive purpose
[] 8 Repayment of debt
[] 9 Other

5. Amount of outstanding including interest as on the date of survey (Rs): ___

5b. Total amount outstanding including interest as on the date of the survey (Rs): ____

4. Demographic particulars of household members

1. Person serial number: ____

2. Name of member: ____

3. Relation to head:

[] 1 Self
[] 2 Spouse of head
[] 3 Married child
[] 4 Spouse of married child
[] 5 Unmarried child
[] 6 Grandchild
[] 7 Father/ mother/ father-in-law/ mother-in-law
[] 8 Brother/ sister/ brother-in-law/ sister-in-law/ other relatives
[] 9 Servants/ employees/ other non-relatives

4. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

5. Age (years): ____

6. Marital status

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Currently married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced/separated

Educational level

7. General

[] 1 Not literate
[] 2 Literate without formal schooling: EGS/ NFEC/ AEC
[] 3 TLC
[] 4 Others
[] 5 Below primary
[] 6 Primary
[] 7 Middle
[] 8 Secondary
[] 10 Higher secondary
[] 11 Diploma/certificate course
[] 12 Graduate
[] 13 Postgraduate and above

8. Technical

[] 1 No technical education
[] 2 Technical degree in agriculture/ engineering/ technology/ medicine

Diploma or certificate (below graduate level) in:
[] 3 Agriculture
[] 4 Engineering/ technology
[] 5 Medicine
[] 6 Crafts
[] 7 Other subjects
Diploma or certificate (graduate and above level) in:
[] 8 Agriculture
[] 9 Engineering/ technology
[] 10 Medicine
[] 11 Crafts
[] 12 Other subjects

[For persons of age below 30 years, Questions 9 and 10 refer to current attendance in educational institution.]

9. Status of current attendance: ____

Never attended:
[] 1 School too far
[] 2 To supplement household income
[] 3 Education not considered necessary
[] 4 To attend domestic chores
[] 5 Others

Has ever attended but currently not attending:
[] 11 School too far
[] 12 To supplement household income
[] 13 Education not considered necessary
[] 14 To attend domestic chores
[] 15 Others

Currently attending in:
[] 21 EGS/ NFEC/ AEC
[] 22 TLC
[] 23 Pre-primary (nursery/ kindergarten
[] 24 Primary (class I to IV/V)
[] 25 Middle
[] 26 Secondary
[] 27 Higher secondary
[] 28 Graduate in: agriculture
[] 29 Engineering/ technology
[] 30 Medicine
[] 31 Other subjects
[] 32 Post graduate and above
[] 33 Diploma or certificate (below graduate level) in: agriculture
[] 34 Engineering/ technology
[] 35 Medicine
[] 36 Crafts
[] 37 Other subjects
[] 38 Diploma or certificate (graduate level) in: agriculture
[] 39 Engineering/ technology
[] 40 Medicine
[] 41 Crafts
[] 43 Other subjects
[] 42 Diploma or certificate in post graduate and above level

10. For responses 21-43 in question 9, give the type of institution: ____

[] 1 Government
[] 2 Local body
[] 3 Private and aided
[] 4 Private and unaided
[] 5 Not known

11. For persons of age 15 to 45 years, whether currently registered with employment exchange

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[Questions 12-16 are asked of persons of age 15 to 59 years]

12. Is this person receiving or did they receive any vocational training?

[] 1 Yes: receiving formal vocational training
[] 2 Received vocational training: formal
[] 3 Non formal: hereditary
[] 4 Self-learning
[] 5 Learning on the job
[] 6 Others
[] 7 Did not receive any vocational training

[Questions 13 through 15 are for persons receiving or received formal vocational training from question 12]

13. What field of training? ____

14. What is the duration of training (in weeks)? _ _ _

15. What is the source of degree/ diploma/ certificate received/ to be received? ____

16. Was the vocational training helpful in getting a job? ____

[] 1 Yes, it was helpful in taking up self-employment activity
[] 2 Yes, it was helpful in taking up wage/salaried employment
[] 3 No, it was not helpful
[] 4 Not applicable

5.1. Usual principal activity particulars of household members

1. Person serial number: ____
Same as Question 1 in Section 4

2. Age (years): ____
Same as Question 5 in section 4.

Usual principal activity

3. What is the respondent's activity status?

[] 11 Own account worker
[] 12 Employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as a regular salaried/ wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labor: in public works
[] 51 Other types of work
[] 81 Did not work but was seeking and/or available for work
[] 91 Attended educational institution
[] 92 Attended domestic duties only
[] 93 Attended domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods (vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle feed, etc.), sewing tailoring, weaving, etc. for household use.
[] 94 Rentiers, pensioners, remittance recipients, etc.
[] 95 Not able to work due to disability
[] 97 Others (including begging, prostitution, etc.)

[Questions 4 through 6 are for those actively employed (responses 11-51 in Question 3]

4. Describe the work activity: ________

5. What is the respondent's industry of work? (5-digit NIC-2004 code) ____

6. What is the respondent's occupation? (3-digit NCO-2004 code): ____

7. Is the respondent engaged in any work in a subsidiary capacity?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[Questions 8 through 20 are for persons in industry groups 012, 014 and 015 and divisions 02-99 in Question 5].

8. What is the location of the workplace?

9. What is the enterprise type of the work?

[] 1 Proprietary, male owner
[] 2 Proprietary, female owner
[] 3 Partnership with members from the same household
[] 4 Partnership with members from a different household
[] 5 Government/public sector
[] 6 Public/Private limited company
[] 7 Cooperative societies/trust/other non-profit institution
[] 8 Employer's households (i.e. private households employing maid servant, watchman, cook, etc.)
[] 9 Others

10. Does this enterprise use electricity for its production?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Unknown

11. How many workers are in the enterprise?

[] 1 less than 6
[] 2 6-10
[] 3 10-20
[] 4 20+
[] 9 Not known

[Questions 12-15 are for persons who responded 31, 41 or 51 in Question 5]

12. What is the type of contract for this employment?

[] 1 No written job contract
[] 2 Written job contract for 1 year or less
[] 3 Written job contract for 1 to 3 years
[] 4 Written job contract for 3+ years

13. Is this person eligible for paid leave?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

14. Does this work include social security benefits?

[] 1 Only PF/ pension (i.e. GPF, CPF, PPF, pension, etc.)
[] 2 Only gratuity
[] 3 Only health care and maternity benefits
[] 4 Only PF/pension and gratuity
[] 5 Only PF/ pension and health care and maternity benefits
[] 6 Only gratuity and health care and maternity benefits
[] 7 PF/ pension, gratuity, health care and maternity benefits
[] 8 Not eligible for any of above social security benefits

15. What is the method of payment for this work?

[] Regular monthly salary
[] 2 Regular weekly payment
[] 3 Daily payment
[] 4 Piece-rate payment
[] 5 Others

[Questions 16-20 are for persons who responded 11, 12 or 21 in Question 3]

16. Did this person work under a given specification?

[] 1 Wholly
[] 2 Mainly
[] 3 Partly
[] No
[] Not known

[Questions 17-20 are for persons who responded 1 or 2 in Question 16]

17. Who provided credit/ raw material/ equipment?

[] 1 Own arrangement
[] 2 Provided by the enterprise
[] 3 Raw material only
[] 4 Equipment only
[] 5 Credit and raw material only
[] 6 Credit and equipment only
[] 7 Raw material and equipment only
[] 8 Credit, raw material and equipment
[] 9 Unknown

18. Number of disposal outlets?

[] 1 Outlet
[] 2 Two outlets
[] 3 Three or more outlets
[] 9 Unknown

19. What is the basis of payment?

[] 1 Piece rate
[] 2 Contract basis

20. Type of specification

[] 1 Written
[] 2 Oral
[] 9 Not known

[Question 21 is for persons age 5 years and above]

21. What is the period of seeking/available for work during the last 365 days?

[] 1 Less than 1 month
[] 2 1-3 months
[] 3 3-7 months
[] 4 7-10 months
[] 5 10-12 months
[] 6 Did not seek / not available

[Question 22 is for persons age 75 and below who responded 81-97 in Question 3]

22. Is this person seeking or available or suitable for the type of occupation? (3- digit NCO-2004 code)?

Section 5.2. Usual subsidiary economic activity particulars household members

[Section 5.2 is for those who are engaged in any work in subsidiary capacity according to Question 7 in Section 5.1]

1. Person serial number (as in Question 1 of Section 5.1).

2. Age (years): ____
Same as Question 2 in section 5.1.

Questions 3-6 refer to usual subsidiary economic activity.

3. What is the respondent's activity status?

[] 11 Own account worker
[] 12 Employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as a regular salaried/ wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works
[] 51 Other types of work

Questions 4-6 refer to the respondent's industry-occupation

4. What is the description of the industry occupation? ________

5. What is the respondent's industry of work? (5-digit NIC-2004 code) ____

6. What is the respondent's occupation? (3-digit NCO-2004 code): ____

[Questions 7-19 are for persons with industry groups 012, 014, 015 and divisions 02-99 in Question 5.]

7. What is the location of the workplace? ____

8. What is the enterprise type of the work?

[] 1 Proprietary, male owner
[] 2 Proprietary, female owner
[] 3 Partnership with members from the same household
[] 4 Partnership with members from a different household
[] 5 Government/public sector
[] 6 Public/Private limited company
[] 7 Cooperative societies/trust/other non-profit institution
[] 8 Employer's households (i.e. private households employing maid servant, watchman, cook, etc.)
[] 9 Others

9. Does this enterprise use electricity for its production?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Unknown

10. How many workers are in the enterprise?

[] 1 less than 6
[] 2 6-10
[] 3 10-20
[] 4 20+
[] 9 Not known

[Questions 11-14 are for persons who responded 31, 41 or 51 in Question 3]

11. What is the type of contract for this employment?

[] 1 No written job contract
[] 2 Written job contract for 1 year or less
[] 3 Written job contract for 1 to 3 years
[] 4 Written job contract for 3+ years

12. Is this person eligible for paid leave?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

13. Does this work include social security benefits?

[] 1 Only PF/pension (i.e. GPF, CPF, PPF, pension, etc.)
[] 2 Only gratuity
[] 3 Only health care and maternity benefits
[] 4 Only PF/pension and gratuity
[] 5 Only PF/ pension and health care and maternity benefits
[] 6 Only gratuity and health care and maternity benefits
[] 7 PF/ pension, gratuity, health care and maternity benefits
[] 8 Not eligible for any of above social security benefits

14. What is the method of payment for this work?

[] Regular monthly salary
[] 2 Regular weekly payment
[] 3 Daily payment
[] 4 Piece-rate payment
[] 5 Others

[Questions 15-19 are for persons who responded 11, 12 or 21 in Question 3]

15. Did this person work under a given specification?

[] 1 Wholly
[] 2 Mainly
[] 3 Partly
[] No
[] Not known

[Questions 16-19 are for persons who responded 1 or 2 in Question 15]

16. Who provided credit/ raw material/ equipment?

[] 1 Own arrangement
[] 2 Provided by the enterprise
[] 3 Raw material only
[] 4 Equipment only
[] 5 Credit and raw material only
[] 6 Credit and equipment only
[] 7 Raw material and equipment only
[] 8 Credit, raw material and equipment
[] 9 Unknown

17. Number of disposal outlets?

[] 1 Outlet
[] 2 Two outlets
[] 3 Three or more outlets
[] 9 Unknown

18. What is the basis of payment?

[] 1 Piece rate
[] 2 Contract basis

19. Type of specification

[] 1 Written
[] 2 Oral
[] 9 Not known

5.3. Time Disposition during the week that ended on ____

1. Person serial number: ____

2. Age (years): ____
Same as Question 2 in section 5.1.

Questions 3-18 refer to the activity particulars of the current day.

3. Serial number of the activity: ____

4. What is the respondent's activity status?

[] 11 Own account worker
[] 12 Employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as a regular salaried/ wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works other than NREG works
[] 42 Worked as casual wage labour in NREG works
[] 51 Other types of work
[] 61 Had work in household enterprise but did not work due to: sickness
[] 62 Had work in household enterprise but did not work due to: other reasons
[] 71 Had regular salaried/wage employment but did not work due to: sickness
[] 72 Had regular salaried/wage employment but did not work due to: other reasons
[] 81 Did not work but was seeking and/or available for work
[] 82 Did not seek but was available for work
[] 91 Attended educational institution
[] 92 Attended domestic duties only
[] 93 Attended domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods (vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle feed, etc.), sewing tailoring, weaving, etc. for household use.
[] 94 Rentiers, pensioners, remittance recipients, etc.
[] 95 Not able to work due to disability
[] 97 Others (including begging190;194, prostitution, etc.)
[] 98 Did not work due to temporary sickness (for casual workers only)

[Questions 5 and 6 are for persons who responded 11-72 in Question 4.]

5. Industry division (2-digit NIC-2004 code): ____

[Question 6 is for rural areas only]

6. Operation code: ____

[] 01 Manual work in cultivation: ploughing
[] 02 Sowing
[] 03 Transplanting
[] 04 Weeding
[] 05 Harvesting
[] 06 Other cultivation activities
[] 07 Manual work in other agricultural activities: forestry
[] 08 Manual work in other agricultural activities: plantation
[] 10 Manual work in other agricultural activities: animal husbandry
[] 11 Manual work in other agricultural activities: fisheries
[] 12 Other agricultural activities
[] 13 Manual work in non-agricultural activities
[] 14 Non-manual work in: cultivation
[] 15 Other than cultivation

Intensity of activity (full- 1.0 half- 0.5)

7. 7th day: ____

8. 6th day: ____

9. 5th day: ____

10. 4th day: ____

11. 3rd day: ____

12. 2nd day: ____

13. 1st day: ____

14. Total number of days in each activity: _._

Wage and salary earnings (received or receivable) for the work done during the week (Rs)

[Questions 15-18 are for persons who responded 31, 41, 42, 51, 71, or 72 in Question 4.]

15. Cash: ____

16. Kind: ____

17. Total: ____

18. What is the mode of payment?

Piece rate in cash:
[] 01 Daily
[] 02 Weekly
[] 03 Fortnightly
[] 04 Monthly
[] 05 Other

Piece rate in kind:
[] 06 Daily
[] 07 Weekly
[] 08 Fortnightly
[] 09 Monthly
[] 10 Other

Piece rate in both cash and kind:
[] 11 Daily
[] 12 Weekly
[] 13 Fortnightly
[] 14 Monthly
[] 15 Other

Other (non-piece rate) in cash:
[] 16 Daily
[] 17 Weekly
[] 18 Fortnightly
[] 19 Monthly
[] 20 Other

Other (non-piece rate) in kind:
[] 21 Daily
[] 22 Weekly
[] 23 Fortnightly
[] 24 Monthly
[] 25 Other

Other (non-piece rate) in both cash and kind:
[] 26 Daily
[] 27 Weekly
[] 28 Fortnightly
[] 29 Monthly
[] 30 Other

19. Number of days with nominal work: ___

Questions 20-22 refer to current weekly activity particulars

20. What is the respondent's activity status (detailed)?

[] 11 Own account worker
[] 12 Employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as a regular salaried/ wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works other than NREG works
[] 42 Worked as casual wage labour in NREG works
[] 51 Other types of work
[] 61 Had work in household enterprise but did not work due to: sickness
[] 62 Had work in household enterprise but did not work due to: other reasons
[] 71 Had regular salaried/wage employment but did not work due to: sickness
[] 72 Had regular salaried/wage employment but did not work due to: other reasons
[] 81 Did not work but was seeking and/or available for work
[] 82 Did not seek but was available for work
[] 91 Attended educational institution
[] 92 Attended domestic duties only
[] 93 Attended domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods (vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle feed, etc.), sewing tailoring, weaving, etc. for household use.
[] 94 Rentiers, pensioners, remittance recipients, etc.
[] 95 Not able to work due to disability
[] 97 Others (including begging, prostitution, etc.)
[] 98 Did not work due to temporary sickness (for casual workers only)

[Questions 21-22 are for persons who responded 11-72 in Question 20]

21. What is the respondent's industry of work? (5-digit NIC-2004 code) ____

22. What is the respondent's occupation? (3-digit NCO-2004 code): ____

23. Was the respondent unemployed for all 7 days of the week?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

6. Follow-up questions for persons unemployed on all 7 days of the week

[Section 6 is answered only by persons who responded 1 (yes) in Question 23 of Section 5.3]

1. Person serial number (as in question 1 of section 5.1).

2. Age (years): ____

Same as Question 2 in section 5.1.

3. What is the respondent's duration of present spell of unemployment? ____

[] 1 Only 1 week
[] 2 1-2 weeks
[] 3 2 weeks- 1 month
[] 4 1-2 months
[] 5 2-3 months
[] 6 3-6 months
[] 7 6-12 months
[] 8 More than 12 months

4. Was this person ever unemployed?

[] Yes
[] No

[Questions 5-10 are for persons who responded 1 (yes) in question 4]

5. What was the respondent's duration of last unemployment?

[] 1 Only 1 month
[] 2 1-2 months
[] 3 2 -3 months
[] 4 3-6 months
[] 5 6-12 months
[] 6 More than 6 months

6. What is the respondent's activity status?

[] 11 Own account worker
[] 12 Employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as a regular salaried/ wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works other than NREG works
[] 42 Worked as casual wage labour: in NREG works
[] 51 Other types of work

7. What is the respondent's industry of work? (2-digit NIC-2004 code) ____

8. What is the respondent's occupation? (3-digit NCO-2004 code): ____

9. What is the reason for the respondent's break in employment?

[] 1 Loss of earlier job
[] 2 Quit earlier job
[] 3 Lay-off without pay
[] 4 Unit has closed down
[] 5 Lack of work in the enterprise (for self-employed persons)
[] 6 Lack of work in the area (for casual labour)
[] 9 Others

[Question 10 is for persons who responded 2 (quit earlier job) on question 9]

10. What is the reason the respondent quit job?

[] 1 Work was not remunerative enough
[] 2 Unpleasant environment
[] 3 Employer harsh
[] 4 Health hazard
[] 5 To avail benefits of voluntary retirement
[] 9 Others

7.1. Follow-up questions on availability for work to persons working in the usual principal or subsidiary status

[Section 7.1 is for persons who responded 11-51 in question 3 of section 5.1 or 5.2]

1. Person serial number: ____

2. Age (years): ____

Same as Question 2 in section 5.1.

Questions 3-5 refer to the respondent's usual activity status code.

3. What is the person's principal activity? As in question 5 in section 5.1.

[] 11 Own account worker
[] 12 Employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as a regular salaried/ wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works
[] 51 Other types of work
[] 81 Did not work but was seeking and/or available for work
[] 91 Attended educational institution
[] 92 Attended domestic duties only
[] 93 Attended domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods (vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle feed, etc.), sewing tailoring, weaving, etc. for household use.
[] 94 Rentiers, pensioners, remittance recipients, etc.
[] 95 Not able to work due to disability
[] 97 Others (including begging, prostitution, etc.)

4. What is the person's subsidiary activity? As in question 3 in section 5.2.

[] 11 Own account worker
[] 12 Employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as a regular salaried/ wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works
[] 51 Other types of work

5. Was the respondent engaged mostly in full time or part time work during the last 365 days?

[] 1 Full time
[] 2 Part time

6. Did the respondent work more or less regularly during the last 365 days?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

7. What is the approximate number of months the respondent had without work? ___

[Question 8 is for persons who entered at least 1 in question 7]

8. Did the respondent seek/ were they available for work during those months?

[] 1 Yes, on most days
[] 2 On some days
[] 3 No

[Question 9 is for persons who responded 1 or 2 in Question 8 (sought some work)]

9. Did the person make any efforts to get work?

[] 1 Registered in employment exchange
[] 2 Other efforts
[] 3 No effort

[Questions 10 and 11 are for persons who responded 11, 12 or 21 in Question 3 or Question 4]

10. Do you regard the current earning from self-employment as remunerative?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

11. What amount (Rs.) per month would you regard as remunerative?

[] 1 Less than or equal to Rs.1000
[] 2 Rs 1001 to Rs. 1500
[] 3 Rs, 1501 to Rs. 2000
[] 4 Rs 2001 to Rs. 2500
[] 5 Rs. 2501 to Rs, 3000
[] 6 More than Rs. 3000

12. Did the responded seek/ were they available for additional work during the days he/she had work?

[] 1 Yes, on most days
[] 2 Yes, on some days
[] 3 No

[Question 13 is for persons who responded 1 or 2 (yes) in Question 12]

13. What is the reason work was sought/ available for additional work during the days he/she had work?

[] 1 To supplement income
[] 2 Not enough work
[] 3 Both
[] 9 Others

14. Did the responded seek/ were they available for alternative work during the days he/she had work?

[] 1 Yes, on most days
[] 2 Yes, on some days
[] 3 No

[Question 15 is for persons who responded 1 or 2 (yes) in Question 14]

15. What is the reason work was sought/ available for additional work during the days he/she had work?

[] 1 Present work not remunerative enough
[] 2 No job satisfaction
[] 3 Lack of job security
[] 4 Workplace too far
[] 5 Wants wage/salary job
[] 9 Others

7.2. Follow-up questions on change of nature of work and/or establishment to persons working in the usual principal status or subsidiary status

[Section 7.2 Questions are for persons who responded 11-51 for question 3 of section 5.1 or section 5.2]

1. Person serial number: ____

2. Age (years): ____

Same as question 2 in section 5.1.

Questions 3-5 refer to the respondent's usual activity status code.

3. What is the person's principal activity? As in question 5 in section 5.1.

[] 11 Own account worker
[] 12 Employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as a regular salaried/ wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works
[] 51 Other types of work
[] 81 Did not work but was seeking and/or available for work
[] 91 Attended educational institution
[] 92 Attended domestic duties only
[] 93 Attended domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods (vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle feed, etc.), sewing tailoring, weaving, etc. for household use.
[] 94 Rentiers, pensioners, remittance recipients, etc.
[] 95 Not able to work due to disability
[] 97 Others (including begging, prostitution, etc.)

4. What is the person's subsidiary activity? As in question 3 in section 5.2.

[] 11 Own account worker
[] 12 Employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as a regular salaried/ wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works
[] 51 Other types of work

5. Is there any union/ association in your activity?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Not known

[Question 6 is for persons who responded 1 (yes, do have a union or association) in question 5]

6. Are you a member of the union/ association?

[] Yes
[] No

7. What is the nature of your employment?

[] 1 Permanent
[] 2 Temporary

[Questions 8-14 are for persons who responded 11-51 in question 3]

During the last 2 years, have any of the following work-related items changed?

8. Work activity status?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[Question 9 is for persons who responded 1 (yes) in question 8]

9. What was your last activity status (code)?

10. Industry? ____

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[Question 11 is for persons who responded 1 (yes) in question 10]

11. What was your last industry of work (code)?

12. Occupation? ____

[Question 13 is for persons who responded 1 (yes) in question 12]

13. What was your last occupation (code)?

14. Establishment? ____

[Question 15 is for persons who responded 1 (yes) in question 10 or 12]

15. What is the reason for the last change?

[] 1 Retrenchment/lay-off
[] 2 Closure of unit
[] 3 For better income/remuneration
[] 4 No job satisfaction
[] 5 Lack of work in the enterprise (for self-employed)
[] 6 Lack of job security
[] 7 Work place too far
[] 8 Promotion/ transfer
[] 9 Other

8. Follow-up questions for persons with usual principal activity status

Section 8 is for persons whose activity status was attending to domestic duties while engaged in the free collection of goods for household use and rentiers, pensioners and remittance recipients.

[Section 8 is for persons who responded with code 92 or 93 in question 3 of section 5.1]

1. Person serial number: ____

2. Age (years): ____

Same as question 2 in section 5.1.

3. Were you required to spend most of your time on domestic duties almost throughout the last 365 days?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[Question 4 is for persons who responded 1 (yes) in Question 3]

4. What is the reason you were required to spend most of your time on domestic duties?

[] 1 No other member to carry out the domestic duties
[] 2 Cannot afford hired help
[] 3 For social and/or religious constraints
[] 9 Other

[Question 5 is for persons who responded 2 (no) in question 3]

5. What is the reason for still pursuing domestic duties?

[] 1 Non-availability of work
[] 2 Preference
[] 9 Other

Along with your domestic duties, which of the following did you, more or less regularly, carry out during the last 365 days? (Questions 6-19)

6. Maintenance of kitchen gardens, orchards, etc.?

[] Yes
[] No

7. Work in household poultry, dairy, etc.?

[] Yes
[] No

8. Free collection of fish, small game, wild fruits, vegetables, etc. for household consumption?

[] Yes
[] No

9. Free collection of firewood, cow-dung, cattle feed, etc. for household consumption?

[] Yes
[] No

10. Husking of paddy for household consumption (code)?

11. Grinding of food grains for household consumption (code)?

12. Preparation of gur for household consumption (code)?

13. The preservation of meat and fish for household consumption (code)?

14. Making baskets and mats for household use (code)?

15. The preparation of cow-dung cake for use as fuel in the household?

[] Yes
[] No

16. Sewing, tailoring, weaving, etc. for household use?

[] Yes
[] No

17. Tutoring of own children or others' children free of charge?

[] Yes
[] No

18. Bringing water from outside the household premises?

[] Yes
[] No

[Questions 19 and 20 are for rural areas only]

19. Bringing water from outside the village?

[] Yes
[] No

[Question 20 is for persons who responded 1 (yes) for question 19.]

20. What is the distance water is carried to the household?

[] Yes
[] No

21. In spite of your pre-occupation in domestic duties, are you willing to accept work if work is made available at your household?

[] Yes
[] No

[Questions 22-25 are for persons who responded 1 (yes) in Question 21]

22. What is the nature of acceptable work?

[] 1 Regular full time
[] 2 Regular part-time
[] 3 Occasional full-time
[] 4 Occasional part-time

23. What type of work is acceptable (code)?

[] 1 Dairy
[] 2 Poultry
[] 3 Other animal husbandry
[] 4 Food processing
[] 5 Spinning and weaving
[] 6 Manufacturing wood and cane products
[] 7 Tailoring
[] 8 Leather goods manufacturing
[] 9 Others

24. Do you have any skills or experience to undertake that work?

[] Yes
[] No

25. What assistance do you require to undertake that work (code)?

[] 1 No assistance
[] 2 Yes: initial finance on easy terms
[] 3 Working finance facilities
[] 4 Easy availability of raw materials
[] 5 Assured market
[] 6 Training
[] 7 Accommodation
[] 9 Other

9. Household consumer expenditure

1. Person serial number: ____

For each of the questions below, give the value of consumption (Rs) during the last 30 days.

1. Cereals and cereal products (includes muri, chira, maida, suji, noodles, bread (bakery), barley, cereal substitutes, etc.): ____

2. Pulses and pulse products (includes soyabean, gram products, besan, sattu, etc.): ____

3. Milk: ____

4. Milk products (includes milk condensed/powder, baby food, ghee, butter, ice-cream, etc.): ___

5. Edible oil and Vanaspati: ___

6. Vegetables (including garlic, ginger): ____

7. Fruits and nuts (includes mango, banana, coconut, dates, kishmish, monacca, other dry fruits, etc.): ____

8. Egg, fish and meat: ____

9. Sugar (includes gur, candy (misri), honey, etc.): ____

10. Salt and spices (includes dry chillies, curry powder, oilseeds, etc.): ____

11. Other food items (includes beverages such as tea, coffee, fruit juice and processed food such as biscuits, cake, pickles, sauce, cooked meals, etc.): ____

12. Pan, tobacco and intoxicants: ____

13. Fuel and light: ____

14. Entertainment (includes cinema, picnic, sports, club fees, video cassettes, cable charges, etc.): ____

15. Personal care and effects (includes spectacles, torch, umbrella, lighter, etc.): ____

16. Toilet articles (includes toothpaste, hair oil, shaving blades, etc.): ____

17. Sundry articles (includes electric bulb, tubelight, glassware, bucket, washing soap, agarbati, insecticide, etc.): ____

18. Consumer services excluding conveyance (includes domestic servant, tailoring, grinding charges, telephone, legal expenses, pet animals, etc.): ____

19. Conveyance (includes porter charges, diesel, petrol, school bus/van, etc.): ____

20. Rent/ house rent: ____

21. Consumer taxes and cesses (includes water charges, etc.): ____

22. Medical expenses (non-institutional): ____

23. Sub-total (questions 1 to 22): ____

For each of the questions below, give the value of consumption (Rs) during the last 365 days.

24. Medical (institutional): ____

25. Tuition fees and other fees (includes private tutor, school/college fees, etc.): ____

26. School books and other educational articles (includes newspaper, library charges, stationery, internet charges, etc.): ____

27. Clothing and bedding: ____

28. Footwear: ____

Durable goods

29. Furniture and fixtures (includes bedstead, almirah, suitcase, carpet, paintings, etc.): ____

30. Crockery and utensils (includes stainless steel utensils, casseroles, thermos, etc.): ____

31. Cooking and household appliances (includes electric fan, air conditioners, sewing machine, washing machine, pressure cooker, refrigerator, heater, toaster, etc.): ____

32. Goods for recreation (includes TV, radio, tape recorder, musical instruments, etc.): ____

33. Jewelry and ornaments: ____

34. Personal transport equipment (includes bicycle, scooter, car, tires and tubes, etc.): ____

35. Therapeutic appliances (includes glass eye, hearing aids, orthopedic equipment, etc.): ____

36. Other personal goods (includes clock, watch, PC, telephone set, mobile handset, etc.): ____

37. Repair and maintenance (of residential buildings, bathroom equipment, etc.): ____

38. Sub-total (questions 24 to 37): ____

39. Average monthly expenditure for questions 24 to 37 [questions 38 x (30รท365)]: ____

40. Monthly household consumer expenditure (question 23 + question 39): ____

10. Remarks by investigator: ________

11. Comments by supervisory officer(s): ________