Government of India
National Sample Survey Organisation
Socio-Economic Survey
Fiftieth Round: July 1993 - June 1994
Household Schedule 10: Employment and Unemployment
[] State
____ State/U.T.
____ District
____ Tehsil/town
____ Village name
____ Hamlet name
____ Charge-circle/EB**
____ Name of head
____ Name of informant
** delete whichever is not applicable
(1) Identification of sample household
2. Schedule type _ _ _
3. Sector:
[] 2 Urban
4. Sample:
[] 2 State
5. State-region _ _ _
6. Stratum no. _ _
7. Sub-sample ____
8. Sub-round ____
9. Sample village/section no. _ _ _
10. FOD sub-region _ _ _ _
11. Serial number of sample village/section _ _ _ _ _
14. Survey sequence:
[] 2 2nd
15. Informant's relation to head:
[] 2 Other member of the household
[] 9 Others
16. Response code
[] 2 Cooperative but not capable
[] 3 Cooperative but busy
[] 4 Reluctant: schedule too long
[] 5 Fatigue due to responses given for Sch. 1.0
[] 6 Other reasons
[] 9 Others
17. Survey code
[] 2 Household surveyed: substitute
[] 3 Household surveyed: casualty
18. Reason for first substitution of original household
[] 2 Member away from home
[] 3 Informant non-cooperative
[] 9 Others
[Section2 (particulars of field operation) omitted]
2. Principal industry occupation
Industry code (NIC-1987) _ _ _
Occupation code (NCO-1968) _ _ _
3. Type:
[] 2 Agricultural labour
[] 3 Other labour
[] 4 Self-employed in agriculture
[] 9 Others
[] 2 Regular-wage/salary earning
[] 3 Casual labour
[] 9 Other
4. Religion:
[] 2 Islam
[] 3 Christianity
[] 4 Sikhism
[] 5 Jainism
[] 6 Buddhism
[] 7 Zoroastrianism
[] 9 Others
5. Social-group:
[] 2 Scheduled caste
[] 9 Others
6. Whether owns any land:
[] 2 No
7. If code 1 in item 6 [If owns any land, per question 6.], type of land owned:
[] 2 Homestead and other land
[] 3 Other land only
Land (in 0.00 hectares) as on date of survey
[Questions 8-12.]
8. ____ Owned
9. ____ Leased-in
10. ____ Neither owned nor leased in
11. ____ Leased-out
12. ____ Total possessed (8+9+10-11)
Land cultivated (in 0.00 hectares during July 1992-June 1993)
[Questions 13-17.]
13. ____ Owned
14. ____ Leased-in
15. ____ Neither owned nor leased in
16. ____ Total cultivated (13+14+15)
17. ____ Irrigated
Use of hired labour for:
[Questions 18-19.]
18. Crop production:
[] 2 Hired labour during peak season only
[] 3 Hired labour casually
[] 4 Hires no labour for crop production
[] 5 No crop production
19. Other productive enterprises:
[] 2 Hired labour during peak season only
[] 3 Hired labour casually
[] 4 Hires no labour for other productive enterprises
[] 5 No other productive enterprises
20. Per capita expenditure last month (Rs. 0.00) ____
Number of members who got work for at least 60 days in "public works" during the last 365 days.
[Questions 21-22.]
21. ____ Male
22. ____ Female
23. Did the household receive any assistance during the last 5 years from IRDP?
[] 3 Draught animal
[] 4 Sheep/goat
[] 5 Pump sets
[] 6 For fish pond
[] 7 For sewing machine
[] 9 Others
(4) Demographic and principle usual activities particulars of household members
2. Name of member ____
3. Relation to head:
[] 2 Spouse of head
[] 3 Married child
[] 4 Spouse of married child
[] 5 Unmarried child
[] 6 Grandchild
[] 7 Father/mother/father-in-law/mother-in-law
[] 8 Brother/sister/brother-in-law/sister-in-law/other relatives
[] 9 Servants/employees/other non-relatives
6. Marital status:
[] 2 Currently married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced/separated
7. Educational standard: general
Literate through attending:
[] 03 TLC
[] 04 Others
[] 06 Primary
[] 07 Middle
[] 08 Secondary
[] 09 Higher secondary
Graduate and above in:
[] 11 Engineering/technology
[] 12 Medicine
[] 13 Other subjects
8. Educational standard: technical
Additional diploma or certificate in:
[] 3 Engineering/technology
[] 4 Medicine
[] 5 Crafts
[] 9 Other subjects
9. Current attendance in educational institution and course of study:
Currently attending:
[] 03 TLC
[] 04 Pre-primary
[] 05 Primary
[] 06 Middle
[] 07 Secondary and higher secondary
[] 09 Engineering/technology
[] 10 Medicine
[] 11 Other subjects
[] 13 Engineering/technology
[] 14 Medicine
[] 15 Crafts
[] 19 Other subjects
10. Whether currently on the live register of the employment exchange:
[] 2 No
11. Skill:
[] 02 Fisherman
[] 03 Miner, quarryman
[] 04 Spinner including charkha operator
[] 05 Weaver
[] 06 Tailor, cutter
[] 07 Shoe-maker, cobbler
[] 08 Carpenter
[] 09 Mason, bricklayer
[] 10 Moulder
[] 11 Machineman
[] 12 Fitter, die-maker
[] 13 Welder
[] 14 Black-smith
[] 15 Goldsmith
[] 16 Silversmith
[] 17 Electrician
[] 18 Repairer of electronic goods
[] 19 Motor vehicle driver, tractor driver
[] 20 Boatman
[] 21 Potter
[] 22 Nurse, midwife
[] 23 Basket maker, wicker product maker
[] 24 Toy maker
[] 25 Brick maker, tile maker
[] 26 Bidi maker
[] 27 Book binder
[] 28 Barber
[] 29 Mud house builder and thatcher
[] 30 Others
[] 99 No skill
Principal usual activity
[Questions 12- 16.]
12. Status:
[] 12 Worked in household enterprise (self-employed): employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works
[] 51 Worked as casual wage labour: in other types of work
[] 81 Did not seek but was seeking and/or available for work
[] 91 Attended educational institution
[] 92 Attended domestic duties only
[] 93 Attended domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods (vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle feed etc.) sewing, tailoring, weaving etc., for household use
[] 94 Rentiers, pensioners, remittance recipients etc.
[] 95 Not able to work due to disability
[] 96 Beggars, prostitutes
[] 97 Others
For code 11-51 in question 12
[Questions 13-15 were asked of persons who worked, per question 12.]
13. Description ____
14. Industry code: as in NIC-1987 _ _ _
15. Occupation code: as in NCO-1968 _ _ _
16. Place of work:
[] 2 Same village/town: distance 5-20 kilometers
[] 3 Same village/town: distance 20 kilometers and above
[] 4 Another village: distance less than 5 kilometers
[] 5 Another village: distance 5-20 kilometers
[] 6 Another village: distance 20 kilometers and above
[] 7 Another town: distance less than 5 kilometers
[] 8 Another town: distance 5-20 kilometers
[] 9 Another town: distance 20 kilometers and above
17. Whether engaged in any work in a subsidiary capacity:
[] 2 No
For code 1 in question 17, subsidiary usual economic activity
[Questions 18-22 were asked of persons engaged in any work in a subsidiary capacity, per question 17.]
18. Status:
[] 12 Worked in household enterprise (self-employed): employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works
[] 51 Worked as casual wage labour: in other types of work
[Questions 19-21.]
19. Description ____
20. Industry code: as in NIC-1987 _ _ _
21. Occupation code: as in NCO-1968 _ _ _
22. Place of work:
[] 2 Distance 5-20 kilometers
[] 3 Distance 20 kilometers and above
[] 5 Distance 5-20 kilometers
[] 6 Distance 20 kilometers and above
[] 8 Distance 5-20 kilometers
[] 9 Distance 20 kilometers and above
23. For code other than 81 in question 12 [For persons who are employed or not in the labor force, per question 12], whether sought/available for work for some period during last 365 days:
[] 2 1-3 months
[] 3 3-6 months
[] 4 No
(5) Time disposition during the week ended on____
1. Serial number as in section 4 ____
2. Age (years) ____
Current day activity particulars
[Questions 3-17.]
3. Serial number of activities ____
4. Status:
[] 12 Worked in household enterprise (self-employed): employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works
[] 51 Worked as casual wage labour: in other types of work
[] 61 Had worked in household enterprise but did not work due to sickness
[] 62 Had worked in household enterprise but did not work due to other reasons
[] 71 Had regular salaried/wage employment but did not work due to sickness
[] 72 Had regular salaried/wage employment but did not work due to other reasons
[] 81 Sought work
[] 82 Did not seek but was available for work
[] 91 Attended educational institution
[] 92 Attended domestic duties only
[] 93 Attended domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods (vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle feed etc.) sewing, tailoring, weaving etc. for household use
[] 94 Rentiers, pensioners, remittance recipients etc.
[] 95 Not able to work due to disability
[] 96 Beggars, prostitutes
[] 97 Others
[] 98 Did not work due to temporary sickness (for casual workers only)
5. Industry sections:
[] 1 Mining and quarrying
[] 2 Manufacturing
[] 3 Manufacturing
[] 4 Electricity, gas and water
[] 5 Construction
[] 6 Wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels
[] 7 Transport, storage, and communication
[] 8 Financing, insurance, real estate and business services
[] 9 Community, social and personal services
6. Operation:
[] 02 Sowing
[] 03 Transplanting
[] 04 Weeding
[] 05 Harvesting
[] 06 Other cultivation activities
[] 08 Plantation
[] 09 Animal husbandry
[] 10 Fisheries
[] 11 Other agricultural activities
[] 12 Manual work in non-agricultural activities
[] 14 Activities other than cultivation
[For questions 7-13]
7. Seventh day ____
8. Sixth day ____
9. Fifth day ____
10. Fourth day ____
11. Third day ____
12. Second day ____
13. First day ____
14. Total number of days in each activity (0.0) ____
Wage and salary earnings (received or receivable) for the work done during the week (Rs. 0.00)
[Questions 15-17.]
15. Cash ____
16. Kind ____
17. Total ____
18. Total number of days with nominal work ____
Current weekly activity particulars
[Questions 19-21.]
19. Status:
[] 12 Worked in household enterprise (self-employed): employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works
[] 51 Worked as casual wage labour: in other types of work
[] 61 Had worked in household enterprise but did not work due to sickness
[] 62 Had worked in household enterprise but did not work due to other reasons
[] 71 Had regular salaried/wage employment but did not work due to sickness
[] 72 Had regular salaried/wage employment but did not work due to other reasons
[] 81 Sought work
[] 82 Did not seek but was available for work
[] 91 Attended educational institution
[] 92 Attended domestic duties only
[] 93 Attended domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods (vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle feed etc.) sewing, tailoring, weaving etc., for household use
[] 94 Rentiers, pensioners, remittance recipients etc.
[] 95 Not able to work due to disability
[] 96 Beggars, prostitutes
[] 97 Others
[] 98 Did not work due to temporary sickness (for casual workers only)
For codes 11-72 in question 19
[Questions 20-21 were asked of persons who worked or had regular employment, per question 19.]
20. Industry code: as in NIC-1987 _ _ _
21. Occupation code: as in NCO-1968 _ _ _
22. Whether unemployed for all the 7 days of the week:
[] 2 No
(6) Follow-up questions for persons unemployed on all the 7 days of work (i.e., code 1 in question 22 of section 5)
[Questions 1-15 were asked of persons who were unemployed for all the 7 days of the week, per question 22 in section 5.]
1. Serial number as in section 5 ____
2. Age (years) as in question 2 of section 5 ____
3. General educational standard:
Literate through attending:
[] 03 TLC
[] 04 Others
[] 06 Primary
[] 07 Middle
[] 08 Secondary
[] 09 Higher secondary
Graduate and above in:
[] 11 Engineering/technology
[] 12 Medicine
[] 13 Other subjects
If code 8-13 in question3:
[Questions 4-5 were asked of persons who have education at secondary level and higher, per question3.]
4. Subject:
Higher secondary in:
[] 12 Science
[] 13 Commerce
[] 14 Others
[] 22 Social sciences
[] 23 Physical sciences
[] 24 Life sciences
[] 25 Medical sciences
[] 26 Engineering social technology
[] 27 Commerce
[] 28 Management
[] 29 Others
[] 32 Science
[] 33 Commerce
[] 34 Medicine
[] 35 Engineering social technology
[] 39 Others
5. Performance in the certificate/degree obtained:
[] 2 40% to 50%
[] 3 50% to 60%
[] 4 60% to 80%
[] 5 80% and above
6. Whether obtained any technical certificate/diploma:
[] 2 No
7. If code 1 in question 6 [If obtained any technical certificate/diploma, per question 6.], subject:
[] 02 Engineering/architecture/technology
[] 03 Medicine/public health/pharmacy/dentistry/compounding/nursing/midwifery
[] 04 Veterinary
[] 05 Teacher's training/physical education
[] 06 Law/business management/ accountancy
[] 07 Computer science
[] 08 Journalism
[] 09 Library science
[] 10 Dancing/acting/fine arts
[] 11 Crafts and trade
[] 19 Others
8. Duration of present spell of unemployment:
[] 2 1 to 2 weeks
[] 3 2 weeks to 1 month
[] 4 1 to 2 months
[] 5 2 to 3 months
[] 6 3 to 6 months
[] 7 6 to 12 months
[] 8 Above 12 months
Particulars of work sought/available for
[Questions 9-15.]
9. Type of work:
[] 2 Regular wage/salary work
[] 3 Casual labour
10. Full time/part time work:
[] 2 Part time
11. Sector of activity:
[] 2 Non-agriculture
12. Whether efforts made to get work:
[] 2 No
If code 1 in question 12:
[Questions 13-14 were asked of persons who made efforts to get work, per question 12.]
13. Nature of efforts made:
[] 2 Contacted prospective employer in person
[] 3 Contacted prospective employer through application
[] 9 Other efforts
14. Whether appeared in an interview:
[] 2 No
15. If code 2 in question 12 [If efforts were not made to get work, per question 12], reason for not seeking:
[] 2 Believes no opportunities exist/unaware of work avenues
[] 3 Economic constraints
[] 4 Social reasons
[] 9 Other reasons
16. Whether ever worked:
[] 2 No
If code 1 in question 16, particulars of last employment.
[Questions 17-22 were asked of persons who ever worked, per question 16.]
17. Duration:
[] 2 1 to 2 weeks
[] 3 2 weeks to 1 month
[] 4 1 to 2 months
[] 5 2 to 3 months
[] 6 3 to 6 months
[] 7 6 to 12 months
[] 8 Above 12 months
18. Status:
[] 12 Worked in household enterprise (self-employed): employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works
[] 51 Worked as casual wage labour: in other types of work
19. Industry (as in NIC-1987) _ _ _
20. Occupation (as in NCO-1968) _ _ _
21. Reason for break in employment:
[] 2 Quit earlier job
[] 3 Lay-off without pay
[] 4 Unit has closed down
[] 5 Lack of work in the enterprise (for self-employed persons)
[] 6 Lack of work in the area (for casual labour)
[] 9 Others
22. If code 2 in question 21 [If quit earlier job, per question 21.], reason for quitting job:
[] 2 Unpleasant environment
[] 3 Employer harsh
[] 4 Health hazard
[] 6 To avail benefits of voluntary retirement
[] 9 Others
(7) Follow-up questions for persons with usual activity status codes 11-51 either in principal (question 12 of section 4) or in subsidiary (question 18 of section 4) status
[Questions 1-20 were asked of persons who worked in a principal activity status, per question 12 or in a subsidiary status per question 18 in section 4.]
1. Serial number as in section 4 ____
2. Age (years) as in question 5 of section 4 ____
Usual activity status
[Questions 3-4.]
3. Principal:
[] 12 Worked in household enterprise (self-employed): employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour in public works
[] 51 Worked as casual wage labour in other types of work
[] 81 Did not seek but was seeking and/or available for work
[] 91 Attended educational institution
[] 92 Attended domestic duties only
[] 93 Attended domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods (vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle feed etc.) sewing, tailoring, weaving etc., for household use
[] 94 Rentiers, pensioners, remittance recipients, etc.
[] 95 Not able to work due to disability
[] 96 Beggars, prostitutes
[] 97 Others
4. Subsidiary
[] 12 Worked in household enterprise (self-employed): employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works
[] 51 Worked as casual wage labour: in other types of work
If code 11-51 in question 3
[Questions 5-7 were asked of persons who worked in principal status, per question 3.]
5. Whether changed nature of work and/or establishment during last two years:
[] 2 Changed establishment but not the nature of work
[] 3 Changed nature of work and also establishment
[] 4 Neither changed nature of work nor establishment
6. If code 1 or 2 or 3 in question 5 [If changed nature of work and/or establishment during last two years, per question 5.], reason for change:
[] 2 Loss of earlier job due to closure of unit
[] 3 For better remuneration
[] 4 No job satisfaction
[] 5 Lack of job security
[] 6 Work place too far
[] 7 Promotion/transfer
[] 9 Others
7. If code 1 or 3 in question 5 [If changed nature of work per question 5], last occupation (2-digited NCO-1968) _ _
If code 11-51 in question 3 or 4
[Questions 8-18 were asked of persons who worked in principal status on in subsidiary status, per question 3 or 4.]
8. Whether engaged mostly in full time or part time work during last 365 days:
[] 2 Part time
9. Whether worked more or less regularly during last 365 days:
[] 2 No
If code 2 in question 9
[Questions 10-12 were asked of persons who did not work more or less regularly during last 365 days, per question 9.]
10. Approximately, number of months without work (months) ____
11. Whether sought/available for work during those months:
[] 2 Yes: on some days
[] 3 No
12. Whether made any efforts to get work:
[] 2 Made other efforts
[] 3 No efforts
13. Whether sought/available for additional work during the days he/she had work:
[] 2 Yes: on some days
[] 3 No
14. If code 1 or 2 in question 13 [If sought/available for additional work during the days he/she had work, per question 13.], reason for seeking/available for additional work:
[] 2 Not enough work
[] 3 Both
[] 9 Others
15. Whether sought/available for alternative work during the days he/she had work:
[] 2 Yes: on some days
[] 3 No
16. If code 1 or 2 in question 15 [If sought/available for additional work during the days he/she had work, per question 15.], reason for seeking/available for alternative work:
[] 2 No job satisfaction
[] 3 Lack of job security
[] 4 Work place too far
[] 5 Wants wage/salary job
[] 9 Others
17. Is there any union/association in your trade?
[] 2 No
[] 3 Not known
18. If code 1 in question 17 [If there is any union/association in your trade, per question 17.], whether a member of the union/association:
[] 2 No
If code 31 in question 3 or 4
[Questions 19-20 were asked of persons who worked as regular salaried/wage employee, per question 3 or 4.]
19. Nature of employment:
[] 2 Temporary
20. Nature of employer:
[] 2 Semi-public
[] 3 Private
(8) Follow-up question for children 5-14 years
[Questions 1-21 were asked of persons who were 5-14 years old.]
1. Serial number as in section 4 ____
2. Age (years) as in question 5 of section 4 ____
3. School attendance:
[] 2 Dropped-out
[] 3 Never attended
4. Whether helps in household chores:
[] 2 No
If code 1 in question 3
[Questions 5-12 were asked of persons who were currently attending school, per question 3.]
5. Whether also working:
[] 2 No
If code 1 in question 5:
[Questions 6-12 were asked of children who were also working, per question 5.]
6. Type of activity:
[] 2 Non-agriculture
[] 4 In non-agriculture
If code 4 in question 6
[Questions 7-8 were asked of children who worked in non-agriculture, per question 6.]
7. Whether working in manufacturing or building and construction industry:
[] 2 No
8. If code 1 in question 7 [working in manufacturing or building and construction industry] the 'process' in which working:
[] 02 Carpet weaving
[] 03 Cement manufacture including bagging of cement
[] 04 Cloth printing/dyeing and weaving
[] 05 Manufacture of matches, explosives and splitting
[] 06 Mica cutting and splitting
[] 07 Shellac manufacture
[] 08 Soap manufacture
[] 09 Tanning
[] 10 Wool cleaning
[] 11 Building and construction industry
[] 12 Manufacture of slate pencils (including packing)
[] 13 Manufacture of products from agate
[] 14 Manufacturing processes using toxic materials and substances such as lead, mercury, manganese, chromium, cadmium, benzene, pesticides and asbestos
[] 19 Others
9. Reason for working:
[] 2 Shortage of labour in household enterprise
[] 3 To acquire skill
[] 4 To meet personal expenses
[] 5 To spend vacation time
[] 6 Forced to repay loan
[] 9 Others
10. Whether misses school in order to work:
[] 2 Yes: regularly during some seasons
[] 3 No
11. Whether work affects studies at home:
[] 2 Yes: unable to prepare for tests/exam
[] 3 No
12. Whether the work helps the household economically:
[] 2 No
If code 2 or 3 in question 3
[Questions 13-21 were asked of children who were not currently attending school, per question 3.]
13. Reason for not currently attending:
[] 02 Unable to cope-up
[] 03 School facility/higher level education facility not available
[] 04 To participate in household economic activity
[] 05 To work for wage/salary
[] 06 To take care of sibling
[] 07 To attend household chores: by preference
[] 08 To attend household chores: as other members engaged in work
[] 09 Cannot afford
[] 10 Not interested
[] 19 Others
14. Whether working:
[] 2 No
If code 1 in question 14
[Questions 15-19 were asked of children who were working, per question 14.]
15. Type of activity:
[] 2 Work in household enterprise: non-agriculture
[] 3 Hired worker: in agriculture
[] 4 Hired worker: in non-agriculture
If code 4 in question 15
[Questions 16-17 were asked of children who worked in non-agriculture, per question 15.]
16. Whether working in manufacturing or building and construction industry:
[] 2 No
17. If code 1 in question 16 [working in manufacturing or building and construction industry], the 'process' in which working:
[] 02 Carpet weaving
[] 03 Cement manufacture including bagging of cement
[] 04 Cloth printing/dyeing and weaving
[] 05 Manufacture of matches, explosives and splitting
[] 06 Mica cutting and splitting
[] 07 Shellac manufacture
[] 08 Soap manufacture
[] 09 Tanning
[] 10 Wool cleaning
[] 11 Building and construction industry
[] 12 Manufacture of slate pencils (including packing)
[] 13 Manufacture of products from agate
[] 14 Manufacturing processes using toxic materials and substances such as lead, mercury, manganese, chromium, cadmium, benzene, pesticides and asbestos
[] 19 Others
18. Reason for working:
[] 2 Shortage of labour in household enterprise
[] 3 To acquire skill
[] 4 To meet personal expenses
[] 5 To spend vacation time
[] 6 Forced to repay loan
[] 9 Others
19. Whether the work helps the household economically:
[] 2 No
If code 2 in question 14
[Questions 20-21 were asked of children who did not work, per question 14.]
20. Whether seeking/available for work
[] 2 No
21. If code 1 in question 20, reason for seeking/available for work:
[] 1 No prospect in studies
[] 2 To supplement household income
[] 3 To meet personal expenses
[] 4 To acquire skill
[] 9 Others
(9) Continued follow-up questions for persons with principal usual activity status codes 92 and 93 (reference: question 12 of section 4)
[Questions 1-25 were asked of persons who attended domestic duties, per question 12 in section 4.]
1. Serial number as in section 4 ____
2. Age (years) as in question 5 of section 4 ____
3. Were you required to spend most of your time on domestic duties almost throughout the last 365 days?
[] 2 No
4. For code 1 in item 3, reason thereof:
[] 1 No other member to carry out the domestic duties
[] 2 Cannot afford hired help
[] 3 For social and/or religious constraints
[] 9 Others
5. For code 2 in item 3, reason for still pursuing domestic duties:
[] 1 Non-availability of work
[] 2 By preference
[] 9 Others
Along with your domestic duties, did you more or less regularly carry out during the last 365 day:
[Questions 6 to19]
6. Maintenance of kitchen gardens, orchards etc.?
[] 2 No
7. Work in household poultry, dairy, etc.?
[] 2 No
8. Free collection of fish, small game, wild fruits, vegetables, etc. for household consumption?
[] 2 No
9. Free collection of firewood, cow dung, cattle feed etc. for household consumption?
[] 2 No
10. Husking of paddy for household consumption?
[] 2 Yes: commodities acquired otherwise
[] 3 No
11. Grinding of food grains for household consumption?
[] 2 Yes: commodities acquired otherwise
[] 3 No
12. Preparation of gur for household consumption?
[] 2 Yes: commodities acquired otherwise
[] 3 No
13. Preservation of meat and fish for household consumption?
[] 2 Yes: commodities acquired otherwise
[] 3 No
14. Making baskets and mats for household use?
[] 2 Yes: commodities acquired otherwise
[] 3 No
15. Preparation of cow dung cake for use as fuel in the household?
[] 2 No
16. Sewing, tailoring, weaving etc. for household use?
[] 2 No
17. Tutoring of own children or other's children free of charge?
[] 2 No
18. Bringing water from outside the household premises?
[] 2 No
19. Bringing water from outside the village? (For rural areas only)
[] 2 No
20. For code 1 in question 19 [If bringing water from outside the village, per question 19.], distance in kilometres ____.
21. In spite of your pre-occupation in domestic duties, are you willing to accept work if work is made available at your household?
[] 2 No
22. For code 1 in question 21 [If the person was willing to accept work when work is made available at the household, per question 21.] nature of work acceptable:
[] 2 Regular part-time
[] 3 Occasional full-time
[] 4 Occasional part-time
[If the person was willing to accept work when work is made available at the household, per question 21.]
23. Type of work acceptable:
[] 2 Poultry
[] 3 Other animal husbandry
[] 4 Spinning and weaving
[] 5 Manufacturing wood and cane products
[] 6 Tailoring
[] 7 Leather goods manufacturing
[] 9 Other
[If the person was willing to accept work when work is made available at the household, per question 21.]
24. Do you have any skill/experience to undertake that work?
[] 2 No
[If the person was willing to accept work when work is made available at the household, per question 21.]
25. What assistance do you require to undertake that work?
[] 2 Initial finance on easy terms
[] 3 Working finance facilities
[] 4 Easy availability of raw materials
[] 5 Assured market
[] 6 Training
[] 7 Accommodation
[] 9 Others
[Section 10 omitted]