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National Institute of Statistics
Guatemala, Central America

Republic of Guatemala
National Institute of Statistics

XI National Census of Population and VI of Habitation

National Integrated Censuses

The information is Confidential. Article 30 of the Constitution of the Republic and article 25 of decree 3-85

[The original form shows a correct and an incorrect mark]

[] Additional form
Correlative form number in the sector
No ____ of ____

Chapter I. Geographical location

1. Census code

Department _ _
Municipality _ _
Section _ _ _
Sector _

2. Correlative number of the place of habitation _ _ _

3. Number of the household in the place of habitation _

4. Area _

5. Block _ _ _

6. Name of the populated place ____ _ _ _

7. Category of the place of habitation

[] 1 City
[] 2 Villa
[] 3 Town
[] 4 Colony (small community)
[] 5 Condominium
[] 6 Unauthorized population
[] 7 Village
[] 8 Hamlet
[] 9 Station (paraje)
[] 10 Farm
[] 11 Rural land parcel
[] 12 Other

8. Address of the dwelling

Street, avenue, road, boulevard, diagonal, outer-band highway ____
House number _ - _
Municipal zone _

Chapter II. Characteristics of the place of habitation

1. The type of the place of habitation is:

[] Private
[] 1 Formal house
[] 2 Apartment
[] 3 Room in a house with rooms for rent (palomar)
[] 4 Shack or other rustic housing
[] 5 Improvised house
[] 6 Other type
[] 7 Collective:
Hotel, hospital, health center, asylum, orphanage, military or police establishment, jail and others.
[] 8 People without place of habitation [homeless]

[If options 7 or 8 are selected, proceed to chapter 7]

2. What is the predominant material of the exterior walls?

[] 1 Brick
[] 2 Cinder block
[] 3 Concrete
[] 4 Adobe
[] 5 Wood
[] 6 Metal sheeting
[] 7 Cane and mud (bajareque)
[] 8 Lepa, sticks or cane
[] 9 Other

3. What is the predominant material on the roof?

[] 1 Concrete
[] 2 Metal sheeting
[] 3 Asbestos concrete
[] 4 Clay tiles
[] 5 Straw, palm leaves or similar
[] 6 Other

4. The place of habitation is:

[] 1 With people present
[] 2 With people absent
[] 3 Of temporal use
[] 4 For rent or sale
[] 5 In construction or restoration
[] 6 Abandoned
[Proceed to another location (dwelling) if any of choices 2 through 6 are selected].

[Question 5 and chapters 3 to 6 are asked of occupied dwellings with people present]

5. What is the predominant flooring material?

[] 1 Ceramic tile
[] 2 Cement bricks
[] 3 Clay bricks
[] 4 Cement slab (torta de cemento)
[] 5 Parquet
[] 6 Wood
[] 7 Dirt
[] 8 Other

Chapter III. Identification of households

1. How many people currently live in this place of habitation?

[] 1 One person (proceed to chapter 4)
[] 2 Two or more people

2. Do these people prepare food separately?

[] 1 Yes (proceed to chapter 4)
[] 2 No

3. How many groups of people prepare foods separately?

[Question 3 is asked of multi-household dwellings]

Total groups ____

Each group is a census household. Continue the interview for the first on this form. For the rest of the household use other forms, writing the same codes in numbers 1 and 2 of chapter 1 in this form and the number of household that they belong to and interview starting on chapter 4.

Chapter IV. Habitation situation of the household

[Questions 1 to 4 are asked of all dwellings]

1. Under what condition is this dwelling occupied?

[] 1 In property / owned
[] 2 In rental
[] 3 Ceded (loaned)
[] 4 Other

2. What type of water service is available regularly in this dwelling?

[] 1 Running water for exclusive use
[] 2 Running water for various households
[] 3 Public tap (outside the habitation)
[] 4 Well
[] 5 Truck or barrel
[] 6 River, lake or spring
[] 7 Other

3. Does this dwelling have sanitary services?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (proceed to question 6)

[Questions 4 to 5 are asked of dwellings with sanitary services]

4. What is the type of sanitary service?

[] 1 Toilet connected to a drainage network
[] 2 Toilet connected to a septic tank
[] 3 Washable toilet
[] 4 Latrine or open pit

5. The sanitary services are

[] 1 Exclusive use
[] 2 For several dwellings

6. What type of lighting is regularly available in the dwelling?

[] 1 Electric
[] 2 Solar panel
[] 3 Natural gas
[] 4 Candle
[] 5 Other

[Questions 7 to 13 are asked of all dwellings]

7. How many rooms are there in the dwelling not counting the bathroom or kitchen? _ _

8. Of the total rooms, how many are used as bedrooms? _ _

9. Does the dwelling have a room used exclusively for cooking?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

10. What is the method that the household regularly uses to cook?

[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Propane gas
[] 3 Common gasoline
[] 4 Firewood
[] 5 Charcoal
[] 6 Does not cook

11. In what way does the household regularly dispose of trash?

[] 1 Municipal service
[] 2 Private service
[] 3 Burning it
[] 4 Throwing it anywhere
[] 5 Burying it
[] 6 Other

12. Does any member of the household, in this local habitation, produce articles for sale, such as furniture, clothing, weaving, artisan crafts and foods?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

13. Does any member of the household have...

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Loss or disability in the upper extremities
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Loss or disability in the lower extremities
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Mental deficiency
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Other disability
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Chapter V. International emigration

1. In the last 10 years, have any person of the household left to live permanently in another country?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (proceed to chapter 6)

[Questions 2 to 3 are asked of households with international emigrants]

2. How many male? _ _

3. How many female? _ _

Chapter VI. Total people in the household

1. Is this place of habitation the regular residence of the people in the household?

[] 1 Yes (proceed to question 3)
[] 2 No

2. Where do they normally reside?

[Question 2 is asked of households not enumerated in the dwelling of regular residence]

Exact address ________
Department ________ _ _
Municipality ________ _ _

[] 1 In another country (proceed to another location (dwelling))

3. How many people compromise this household?

Total _ _

List the first and last name that comprises the household with the associated household member number.

1 ________
2 ________
3 ________
4 ________
5 ________
6 ________
7 ________
8 ________
9 ________
0 ________

Chapter VII. Characteristics of the people

Person No. _ _
Name ________


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

For all persons
[Questions 1 through 9 are for all persons]

1. What is the relationship to the head of household?

[] 1 Head of household
[] 2 Spouse or companion
[] 3 Son or daughter
[] 4 Stepson or stepdaughter
[] 5 Son-in-law or daughter-in-law
[] 6 Grandson or granddaughter
[] 7 Brother or sister
[] 8 Father or mother
[] 9 Father-in-law or mother-in-law
[] 10 Other relative
[] 11 Domestic servant
[] 12 Other not relative
[] 13 Guest or paying guest
[] 14 Person in collective household
[] 15 Person without dwelling to inhabit [homeless]

2. Are you male or female?

[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

3. How many years old are you? _ _

Less than one-year old, write 00; for age 98 and above, write 98.

4. Were you born on what date?

____ Day
____ Month
____ Year

5. Were you born in what department?

[] 1 Here
[] Other department or country:
Municipality________ _ _
Department or country ________ _ _

For foreign born, write year of arrival to country _ _ _ _

6. In what department did you regularly reside in December of 1996? (Peace Signature)

[] 1 Was not born yet
[] 2 Here
[] 3 Other
Municipality ________ _ _
Department or country________ _ _

7. Is your mother alive?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

8. Are you indigenous?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

9. To what ethnic group do you belong to?

Write the corresponding code _ _

[] 01 Achí
[] 02 Akateko
[] 03 Awakateko
[] 04 Ch'orti'
[] 05 Chuj
[] 06 Itza
[] 07 Ixil
[] 08 Jakalteko (Popti')
[] 09 Kaquichel
[] 10 K'iche'
[] 11 Mam
[] 12 Mopán
[] 13 Popomam
[] 14 Poqomchí
[] 15 Q'anjob'al
[] 16 Q'eqchí
[] 17 Sakapulteco
[] 18 Sipakapense
[] 19 Takaneco
[] 20 Tz'utujil
[] 21 Uspanteco
[] 22 Xinka
[] 23 Garifuna
[] 24 Ladino
[] 25 Spanish language
[] 26 None
[] 27 Other

For all persons of age 3 years and older
[Questions 10 and 11 are for persons of age 3 years and older]

10. What is the language in which you learnt to spoke?

Write the corresponding code _ _

[] 01 Achí
[] 02 Akateko
[] 03 Awakateko
[] 04 Ch'ortí
[] 05 Chuj
[] 06 Itzá
[] 07 Ixil
[] 08 Jakalteko (Poptí)
[] 09 Kaquichel
[] 10 K'iché
[] 11 Mam
[] 12 Mopán
[] 13 Popomam
[] 14 Poqomchí
[] 15 Q'anjob'al
[] 16 Q'eqchí
[] 17 Sakapulteco
[] 18 Sipakapense
[] 19 Takaneco
[] 20 Tz'utujil
[] 21 Uspanteco
[] 22 Xinka
[] 23 Garifuna
[] 24 Ladino
[] 25 Spanish language
[] 26 None
[] 27 Other

11. What other languages do you speak?

Write the corresponding code _ _
[For this question, two responses from the list below are allowed]

[] 01 Achí
[] 02 Akateko
[] 03 Awakateko
[] 04 Ch'ortí
[] 05 Chuj
[] 06 Itzá
[] 07 Ixil
[] 08 Jakalteko (Poptí)
[] 09 Kaquichel
[] 10 K'iché
[] 11 Mam
[] 12 Mopán
[] 13 Popomam
[] 14 Poqomchí
[] 15 Q'anjob'al
[] 16 Q'eqchí
[] 17 Sakapulteco
[] 18 Sipakapense
[] 19 Takaneco
[] 20 Tz'utujil
[] 21 Uspanteco
[] 22 Xinka
[] 23 Garifuna
[] 24 Ladino
[] 25 Spanish language
[] 26 None
[] 27 Other

For persons of age 7 years and older
[Questions 12 to 20 are for persons of age 7 years and older]

12.Do you know how to read and write?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

13. What was the last grade or year of studies completed?

[] 10 None
[] 20 Preschool

[For options 3 to 5] write 1 to 7 according to the grade completed:
[] 3 Grade school _
[] 4 Middle school _
[] 5 Superior school _

14. During the 2002 school year, did you attend an establishment of pre-primary, primary, secondary or higher education?

[] 1 Yes, public
[] 2 Yes, private
[] 3 No

If options 1 or 2 are selected, proceed to question 16.

15. What was the main cause of school absenteeism?

For persons age 7 to 14 years old.

[Question 15 is asked of persons aged 7 to 14 years old who are not attending school. If person is not 7 to 14 years of age, proceed to question 16.]

[] 1 Lack of money
[] 2 Have to work
[] 3 No school available
[] 4 Parents did not want to
[] 5 Household duties
[] 6 Does not like it, does not want to go
[] 7 Has already finished the studies
[] 8 Other

16. Did you worked during the week of the 17th to the 23rd of November?

[] 1 Yes (proceed to question 18)
[] 2 No

17. What did you do during the week of the 17th to the 23rd of November?

[Question 17 is asked of persons who did not work during the reference week]

[] 1 Did not work, but had a job (was on vacation, leave, illness, climate, lack of materials, etc.)
[] 2 Participated or helped in agricultural activities
[] 3 Prepared or helped to prepare food gods (tortillas, bread, tamales or toasts) for sale
[] 4 Made or helped to make articles such as hats, baskets, artisan crafts and furniture for sale
[] 5 Made or helped to bobbin winding, weaving or sew articles for sale
[] 6 Looked for work and worked before
[] 7 Looked for work for the first time
[] 8 Studied only
[] 9 Lived only on rents or retirement
[] 10 Only did household duties
[] 11 Did not work

If either of the options from 7 to 11 are selected, proceed to question 21.

[Questions 18 to 20 are asked of persons who worked or experienced unemployed]

18. What is the occupation, type of work or main occupation done or that you do at this job? ________

19. In this main occupation, you worked or work as:

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Self-employed with a workplace
[] 3 Self-employed without a workplace
[] 4 Public employee
[] 5 Private employee
[] 6 Non-remunerated family worker

20. What is the primary activity of the factory, workshop, office, farm or establishment where you worked or work? ________

For persons 12 years and older
[Question 21 is for persons 12 years and older]

21. What is your marital status?

[] 1 Consensual union
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced or separated
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Single

For women 12 years and older
[Question 22 to 25 are for women 12 years and older]

22. How many daughters and sons born alive have you had in total?

_ _ Males
_ _ Females

[] 1 None (proceed to another person)

23. How many of your daughters and sons are currently living?

_ _ Males
_ _ Females

24. What is the date of birth of your last child born alive?

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

25. Is you last daughter or son born alive currently alive?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No