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Dominican Republic

National Census of Population and Housing 1970

For households of one to six people

____ Province
____ Municipality or municipal district
____ City (for urban areas)
____ Section (for rural areas)
____ Rural location (paraje)
____ Zone number
____ Form number
____ Control sheet number

____ Enumerator?s name
____ Group leader?s name
____ Critic?s name
____ Coder?s name
____ Transcriber?s name
____ Verifier?s name

Fill in this page last, after having obtained all of the information on the form.

Preliminary Official Data

____ Province
____ Municipality or municipal district
____ City (for urban areas)
____ Section (for rural areas)
____ Zone number
____ Form number

People enumerated on this form:

____ Males
____ Females
____ Total


I. Characteristics of the dwelling

1a) ____ Number of dwellings in this building
1b) ____ Number of households that share this dwelling
1c) ____ Total number of rooms in this dwelling
1d) ____ Number of rooms used habitually for sleeping

2. Private dwellings

[] 1 Regular house
[] 2 Apartment
[] 3 Mobile home
[] 4 Regular rustic dwelling
[] 5 Provisional (improvised) dwelling
[] 6 Permanent structure not intended for habitation
[] 7 Other place not intended for habitation

3. Collective dwellings (group quarters)

[] 8 Hotel, inn, and other guest housing
[] 9 Institutions (barracks, regiments, prisons, boarding schools, hospitals clinics, religious communities, etc.)
[] 10 Batey [A special plaza around which Indians built their homes]
[] 11 Encampment
[] 12 Other collective dwelling

4. Main construction materials

a) Exterior walls
[] 1 Concrete
[] 2 Cement block
[] 3 Brick
[] 4 Wood
[] 5 Palm
[] 6 Zinc
[] 7 Tile
[] 8 Other

b) Floors
[] 1 Tile
[] 2 Granite
[] 3 Cement
[] 4 Brick
[] 5 Wood
[] 6 Earth
[] 7 Other

c) Roof
[] 1 Concrete
[] 2 Tile (tejamanil)
[] 3 Asbestos
[] 4 Zinc
[] 5 Cane
[] 6 Yagua palm
[] 7 Other

5. Water supply

a) Piped
[] 1 Inside the dwelling, directly from the public drinking water system, or via a cistern and pump.
[] 2 Inside the dwelling, from another source
[] 3 Outside the dwelling, from the public drinking water system
b) Not piped
[] 4 From a tank, well, cistern, or artesian well.
[] 5 From a river, stream or spring.
[] 6 From another source(specify) ____

6. Lighting

[] 1 Electric
[] 2 Gas (kerosene)
[] 3 Candle
[] 4 Other (specify)____

7. Bathroom

a) Existence
[] 1 With running water (piped)
[] 2 Without running water
[] 3 Without a bathroom
b) Use
[] 1 For the census household
[] 2 For 2 or more census households

8. Toilet facilities

a) Existence
[] 1 Toilet (with running water)
[] 2 Latrine
[] 3 None
b) Use
[] 1 For the census household
[] 2 For 2 or more census households

9. Cooking facilities

a) Existence
[] 1 Has a kitchen
[] 2 Does not have a kitchen
b) Appliances
[] 1 Stove
[] 2 Stovetop burner(s)
[] 3 Portable stove (anafe)
[] 4 Fireplace/fire pit
c) Fuel used
[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Liquid gas (with a cylinder)
[] 3 Gas (kerosene)
[] 4 Charcoal
[] 5 Wood

II. Ownership/tenure
(This information should be obtained separately for each of the households that share this dwelling.)

[] 1 Owner
[] 2 Renter or tenant
____ Number of rooms occupied
____ $RD Monthly rent
[] 3 Sub-renter or subletter
____ Number of rooms occupied
____ $RD Monthly rent
[] 4 Usufructuary (ceded home) and other forms of tenure

People who make up the census household

List in this table the people who spent the night in the household the night of the 8th to the 9th of January.

Complete names and surnames

Relationship to the head of the household [Person 1 is filled in as ?Head?]

Does this person pursue or directly manage any agricultural enterprise?
[] Yes
[] No

a) Obtain the data appearing on the following pages of this census questionnaire with regard to each and every person listed in this table.

b) Make an X through the number corresponding to the informant.

c) Ensure that for question number 17 on fertility (Population Questionnaire), the information is given by the mother of the children listed.


All persons [Applies to questions 1-5]

1. Names and surnames of the enumerated person. What is the name of the enumerated person? Please tell me your/his/her complete name.

____ Given names
____ Surnames

2. Sex. Tell me whether the enumerated person is a male or a female.

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

3. Age. How old in years completed is the enumerated person? If under 1 year, how old in months is the enumerated person?

Give this information in numbers.
____ Years completed
____ Months

4. Relationship to the head of the household. What is the relationship of the enumerated person to the head of the household?

[] 1 Head [male]
[] 2 Wife
[] 3 Partner
[] 4 Child
[] 5 Spouse of child
[] 6 Partner of child
[] 7 Other relative
[] 8 Domestic servant
[] 9 Not related

5. Legal marital status. What is the legal civil marital status of the enumerated person?

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Legally separated
[] 6 Annulled

Persons 15 years of age and older [Applies to question 6.]

6. De facto conjugal status. Does the enumerated person live in a consensual union with any person? Of how many years? duration is the union?

Lives in a consensual union:
[] 1 Yes
____ Duration of the union in years
[] 2 No

Persons 5 years of age and older [Applies to questions 7-10]

7. Literacy. Is the enumerated person able to read and write?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

8. Level of schooling. At what level were the last studies undertaken by the enumerated person? Vocational schooling (commercial, industrial, teacher-training, and in agricultural institutes) should be classified as ?secondary.?

[] 1 None
[] 2 Pre school
[] 3 Primary
[] 4 Intermediate
[] 5 Secondary
[] 6 Higher
[] 7 Not specified

9. Last grade completed. What was the highest grade completed by the enumerated person in the level indicated?

[] 1 First
[] 2 Second
[] 3 Third
[] 4 Fourth
[] 5 Fifth
[] 6 Sixth
[] 7 Seventh
[] 8 Eighth

10. School attendance. Is the enumerated person currently enrolled? (Studying in any primary school, high school, or university?)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

All persons [Applies to question 11.]

11. Place of birth.

a) If the enumerated person was born in the Dominican Republic, in which municipality or municipal district?
____ Name of the municipality or municipal district
b) If the enumerated person was born abroad, in which country?
____ Name of the country

Persons 10 years of age and older [Applies to questions 12-16]

12. Occupation condition [economic activity] of the enumerated person. What was the occupational condition of the enumerated person between the 1st and the 9th of this January, according to the options I am going to read to you?
(Read the list to the right)

[] 1 Employed (had paid work of any kind)
[] 2 Unemployed
[] 3 Seeking first job
[] 4 Household duties
[] 5 Student
[] 6 Renter
[] 7 Retired or receiving pension
[] 8 Disabled or institutionalized
[] 9 Other (specify) ____

Ask questions 13-16 only of those who answered 1 or 2 in question 12.

13. Occupation. What was your occupation between the 1st and the 9th of this January? Examples: Agricultural worker, primary school teacher, concho driver. For those currently unemployed, write the most recent occupation.

____ Occupation

14. Industry. In what activity does the business, industry, office or farm where the enumerated person works engage? (Examples: agricultural enterprise, sugar production). For those unemployed, write the type of industry of the business, etc. where last employed.

____ Activity of the business, industry, etc.

15. Occupational category. What is the category of the enumerated person within the occupation, according to the list that I am going to read to you? For the enumerated person without work (unemployed), write the category corresponding to the most recent occupation.

[] 1 Employer (boss/owner)
[] 2 Self employed
[] 3 Salaried or waged employee (including domestic servants and paid family workers)
[] 4 Unpaid family worker

16. Habitual occupation. What was the habitual occupation of the enumerated person (the one of longest duration) during the last year?

____ Habitual occupation during the last year

For women of appropriate age

17. Fertility (Only for women 15 years of age or older of whatever marital status)

a) What is the total number of children born alive to the enumerated person?

b) How many children of the enumerated person are currently alive? (Even though they may not live in this household)

c) (Only for women 15 to 49 years of age) How many children were born alive to the enumerated person during 1969?
Write these answers in the form of numbers:
a) ____ Total children born alive
b) ____ Number of children currently alive
c) ____ Number of children born alive during 1969