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Census 1885 form


____ Name of quarter
____ Name of street, alley or square
____ Title
____ Number of house

Census form of the persons living in the above-mentioned property on 1st February 1885.

Front building, wing etc., floor ____

Family serial number ____

Person serial number ____

Full name of all persons ____

Children who have not yet been named are listed as, boy, not yet named or, girl, not yet named.

Gender ____

Male (M.)
Female (K.)

Age ____

The age is given with the full year, but for children who have not yet turned 1 year, it is stated, "under 1 year."

Marital status ____

Single (U.)
Married (G.)
Widow or widower (E.)
Divorced or separated (F.)

Religious community ____

The question is not about a creed, but about a community of faith. You therefore state either the 'People's Church' or the name of the separate congregation or of the foreign faith community you belong to. Only when you stand outside all of these, nothing is written.

Birthplace ____

Namely either Copenhagen, or for those born in the market town the name of the market town (or trading place), or for other immigrants (born in the country) the name of the parish and the county, or finally for those born in the neighboring countries and foreigners the name of the country.

Not born in Copenhagen ____

All those who were born outside Copenhagen and who now have permanent residence here, state the age at which they took up permanent residence in Copenhagen.

Position in the family ____

Head of household or housewife, children, servants, lodgers, etc.

Occupation ____

Each individual's office, business, occupation or similar is stated here, also if the housewife or the children have a special occupation. If someone has several occupations, the main occupation is stated. It is explicitly stated whether someone is a master, journeyman or apprentice, also what type of factory or merchant business one owns or runs, in what type of business one is a worker, whether one lives to a significant degree on support, etc.)

Place of occupation ____

Everyone who has permanent residence in Copenhagen, state whether they have their main occupation in Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Sundbyerne, Uttersley or elsewhere.

Comments ____