Census 1880 form
Census list for the population on February 1st of 1880 in the Kingdom of Denmark's Rural Districts.
____ County name
____ Hermitage name
____ Parish name
____ City name
____ Census commissioner's name
Summary extract of the census list for the population on February 1st of 1880
____ House
____ Females
____ Total
____ Females
____ Total
____ Females
____ Total
____ Females
____ Total
____ Females
____ Total
According to Appendix B item ____ of the residents of the places temporarily absent.
Record of the population on 1st February 1880. The persons whose stay in the parish is only temporary, see supplementary list A, are not listed here, nor those of the residents of the places who are temporarily absent from the parish, see supplementary list B.
The names of the parish and the villages or places with specification of farms, houses etc. ____
Record number of the persons ____
Women (K)
Married (G)
Widower or widow (E)
Divorced (F)
____ b. Deaf (completely deaf)
____ c. Blind (completely blind)
____ d. Without intellect (idiots)
____ e. Insane