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[p. 1]

National Statistics Administration Department
Census 2005

[p. 2]

DANE National Statistics Administration Department

General Census 2005
October 3, 2005

Types of questionnaire

For the General Census 2005, there are three questionnaires prepared, according to the supervising authority:

1. Questionnaire for urban areas. This form is supervised by the field supervisor, through observation at the block level. The goal is to inspect the urban environment predominantly based on criteria of habitat, fundamentally physical criteria.

2. Questionnaire for census units. This form is supervised by the enumerator, starting with the information reported directly by the units. It is divided in sections for: dwellings, households, persons, economic units, and agricultural units.

3. Questionnaire of special places for housing [Note: LEA is the abbreviation created from the initial letters of the words. In English, the initial letters would be SPH]. In the cases of military barracks and penitentiary centers, this form is supervised by resident personnel, trained to complete the forms by the municipal coordinator. In the rest of the situations, this form is the responsibility of the enumerator.

[p. 3]

I. Questionnaire for urban centers


____ Class
____ AG
____ AGAD
____ Side of the block

1. The manner of access to the side of the block is:

[] 1 No access (end here)
[] 2 Path or dirt road or elevated bridge made of boards
[] 3 Pedestrian
[] 4 Vehicle access on a dirt road
[] 5 Vehicle access on a road made of sand, ballast, gravel, pavement in poor condition (cement, asphalt, stone)
[] 6 Vehicle access on a road in good condition

2. On this side of the block or across the street from this side of the block, there is/are:

2.1 Parks
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
2.2 Plazas
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
2.3 Sports or recreational areas
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
2.4 Green spaces
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

3. The sidewalk on this side of the block is:

[] 1 No sidewalk
[] 2 Not continuous
[] 3 Continuous without green spaces
[] 4 Continuous with green spaces

4. In the roadway or sidewalks on this side of the block or the other side of the street, you observe residue from:

4.1 Trash cans
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
4.2 Market stalls or fairs
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
4.3 Factories or workshops
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
4.4 Bus stations
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
4.5 Sewage waters
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

5. The yard/easement [Note: The space discussed her is defined as the "free-space found between the demarcation line of the street and the construction of a building"]

[] 1 No yard
[] 2 Weeds or garden (of any size)
[] 3 Small (less than 2 meters deep)
[] 4 Medium (between 2 and 5 meters deep)
[] 5 Large (more than 5 meters deep)

[p. 4]

6. On this side of the block there are buildings with access from the road:

[] 1 Yes
1.1 On this side of the block, there are predominately:
[] 1 Individual census units
[] 2 Group census units (end)
[] 2 No (end of interview)

7. What is the predominant urban environment of this side of the block:

[] 1 Small, poor housing
[] 2 Social deviation or zones of tolerance or similar
[] 3 Non-consolidated progressive deterioration
[] 4 Urban deterioration
[] 5 Predominately industrial
[] 6 Consolidated progressive development
[] 7 Predominately commercial
[] 8 Intermediate residential
[] 9 Residential with special or compatible commerce
[] 10 Exclusively residential
[] 11 Low-density residential
[] 12 Other

Objectives of the section:

- Provide the component to the socio-economic evaluation of the population that permits the examination of the habitat, the environment, the urban landscape, the social prestige and the quality of residential life that is shared by the inhabitants of the dwellings present in a determined place.

- Build maps with habitat criteria based on information about the predominant urban context, which refers to the majority of the homogenous conditions of quality of life for the inhabitants of determined urban places.

- Build homogenous zones based on habitation criteria.

- Build indicators the will permit continuity and evaluation of the stratification methodology.

[p. 5]

II. Questionnaire of the census units


____ Class
____ AG
____ AGAD
____ Order number of the building in the AG
____ Code of the interviewer
____ Order number of the unit within the building--code of the interviewer
____ Address

In addition, in the case of class 3 AG, disperse rural, you will collect the information about the municipal territory, inspection, village, road, or group of rural housing and the territorialness for Indigenous Protection and Black Communities. For this, you will request that the interviewee answer the following:

1. Name of:
1. Municipal territory (Corregimiento): "DMC removable list"
2. Inspection: "DMC removable list"
3. Village: "DMC removable list"
4. Indigenous territory (Parcel, protected area, reserve, group of rural dwellings, unauthorized dwellings, community)
5. Rural remainder -- Continue with question about territorialness _____

Write the number of the group when the answer is 1, 2, 3, or 4.

2. Territorialness
[] 1 Reserve: "DMC removable list"
[] 2 Collective territory of a black community: "DMC removable list"
[] 3 None or the above

Name: _____
(Write the name of the territory when the answer is 1 or 2)

3. Use of the unit:

[] 1 Dwelling: Continue with the corresponding section
[] 2 Economic: Continue with the corresponding section
[] 3 Special places for housing: Continue with the corresponding section

[p. 6]

Objectives of the section:

- Assure the identification and location (geo-reference) of the dwellings including the indigenous reserves and collective territories of black communities.

- Provide the base for constructing frames for areas for carrying out specified research.

- Serve as a control tool in the processes of collection, preparation, coverage evaluation and data collection.

A. Dwelling section

1. Type of dwelling: (basic)

[] 1 House
[] 2 Indigenous house
[] 3 Apartment
[] 4 Type of room
[] 5 Other type of dwelling (tent, boat, natural refuge, bridge, etc.)

CTL1. How many groups of persons cook their food as separate groups and habitually reside in this dwelling (Basic) _ _

CTL2. Order number of the household in the dwelling (Basic) (Only in DMC) _ _

2. What is the predominant material of the exterior walls? (expanded)

[] 1 Cement block, brick, stone, finished wood
[] 2 Clay brick, adobe, cane/mud
[] 3 Rough wood, boards, plywood

[p. 7]

[] 4 Prefabricated material
[] 5 Bamboo, cane, thatch
[] 6 Zinc, fabric, cardboard, cans, discarded materials, plastics
[] 7 Without walls

3. What is the predominant material of the floors? (expanded)

[] 1 Carpet, marble, parquet, polished or polished wood
[] 2 Tile, vinyl, hardwood board, brick
[] 3 Cement, gravel
[] 4 Rough wood, board, plywood, other vegetable
[] 5 Dirt, sand

4. What is the principal manner of eliminated trash in this dwelling? (expanded)

[] 1 Is it collected by trash services?
[] 2 Is it buried?
[] 3 Do they burn it?
[] 4 Do they throw the trash on a patio, lot, ditch, or open plot?
[] 5 Do they throw the trash in a river, well, creek or lagoon?
[] 6 Do they remove it in another manner?

5. Does the dwelling have the following services? (basic)

5.1 Electrical energy?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

5.2 Water drains?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

5.3 Running water?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

5.4 Natural gas connected to a public network?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

5.5 Telephone with a land-line?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

6. The sanitary service is: (expanded)
[] 1 Toilet connected to a sewer
[] 2 Toilet connected to a septic tank
[] 3 Toilet without a connection, latrine, or hole in the ground
[] 4 No sanitary service

7. Where is the water supply located (faucet, well)?

[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but in the lot or property of the dwelling
[] 3 Outside the dwelling and outside of the lot or property of the dwelling

8. How many bathrooms with a shower are in this dwelling? (expanded)

_ _

[p. 8]

9. Is there a space in the dwelling exclusively dedicated to the kitchen? (expanded)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Objectives of the section:

-Determine the characteristics of the construction of the dwellings.

-Supply the necessary information to the organisms in charge of designing the politics regarding this topic and the availability of privately built dwellings.

-Provide basic information for the construction of indicators, such as the level of poverty due to unsatisfied basic necessities (NBI- the initials of "Unsatisfied Basic Necessities" in Spanish). This is also for the basis of the distribution of the resources transferring to the departments and municipalities.

-Quantify the dwelling deficit in diverse spatial and social contexts.

- Determine the habitational characteristics and conditions and establish a qualitative diagnosis of the quality of the dwelling.

- Know the demand for certain types of construction materials.

- Determine the coverage of basic public services for the population.

- Determine the quality of the dwelling and the quality of life of the households; Construct the sampling frame for the application of specialized polls.
Specific objectives of some of the questions.

Question 1: Determine the habitational characteristics and conditions of the dwelling and establish future needs.

Question 2: Construct indicators of Quality of Dwelling. Characterize and differentiate the types of dwelling. Provide basic supplies for the construction of NBI indicators.

[p. 9]

Question 3: Construct indicators of quality of the dwelling. Characterize and differentiate the types of dwelling. Provide basic supplies for the construction of NBI indicators.

Question 4: Know the conditions of waste management and with this, establish which environmental and sanitation problems affect the quality of life of the population. The information is useful for preparing indicators of health and hygiene of the inhabitants of the dwelling.

Question 5: Determine the coverage of basic services to the population. Determine the quality of dwelling, and together with other variables, the quality of life in the households.

Question 6: Contributes to the generation of indicators of quality of life.

Question 7: Obtain reference information for measuring living conditions of the population.

Question 8: Permits the generation of indicators of crowding.

Question 9: Determine indicators of well-being and living level of the households.

[p. 10]

B. Household Section

Control 2. Order Number of the household in the dwelling: (basic) _ _

10. Your household?: (expanded)

[] 1 Lives here renting or sub-renting

Amount of rent paid monthly (in Colombian Pesos) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
If rent is paid primarily 'in kind' write 99 999 999

[] 2 Lives here in a home that you own

[] 2.1 Totally paid for
[] 2.2 Being paid for

Amount paid monthly (in Colombian Pesos) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[] 3 Lives here in this dwelling with permission of the owner, without payment
[] 4 Lives here in this dwelling by occupancy or possession without title, or collective property
[] 5 Lives here in another situation

11. Including the living room and dining room, how many rooms in total does your household occupy? (expanded) _ _

Do not count kitchen, bathrooms, nor those destined exclusively for garage or business.

12. How many of these rooms are used by the persons in this household for sleeping? (expanded) _ _

13. The sanitary services in this household are used by? (expanded)

[] 1 Exclusively by the persons in this household
[] 2 Shared with persons in other households
[] 3 No sanitary services

14. What is the primary source of water used by this household for drinking and preparing food? (expanded)

[] 1 Public water system
[] 2 Well with or without a pump, underground spring, or underground tank
[] 3 Rain water
[] 4 Public well/faucet
[] 5 Water tank truck
[] 6 River, creek, natural water spring
[] 7 Bottled or bagged water

[p. 11]

15. Where do the members of this household prepare their food? (expanded)

[] 1 In a room used only for cooking
[] 2 In a room also used for sleeping
[] 3 In a living room-dining room with a sink [for washing dishes]
[] 4 In a living room-dining room without a sink [for washing dishes]
[] 5 In a patio, corridor, covered area or open-air
[] 6 They do not prepare foods in the dwelling (continue with question 17)

16. With what energy or fuel do they cook primarily? (expanded)

[Question 16 was asked of households that prepared their food in the dwelling, per question 15.]

[] 1. Electrical energy
[] 2. Natural gas
[] 3. Gas in a cylinder or tank
[] 4. Petroleum, gasoline, kerosene, alcohol
[] 5. Fire wood, wood, discarded materials, vegetable coal [charcoal]
[] 6. Mineral coal

17. Which of the following domestic appliances does this household have? (expanded)

17.1 Ice box or refrigerator?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

17.2 Clothes washing machine?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

17.3 Sound [stereo] equipment?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

17.4 Water heater?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

17.5 Electric shower [water heater incorporated in the showerhead]?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

17.6 Blender?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

17.7 Electric or gas oven?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

17.8 Air conditioning appliances?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

17.9 Fan?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

17.10 Color television?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

17.11 Computer?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

17.12 Microwave oven?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[p. 12]

18. How many vehicles does this house have for private use? (expanded)

18.1 Bicycle?

Quantity _ _

18.2 Motorcycle or motorbike?

Quantity _ _

18.3 Motorboat, sailboat, or boat?

Quantity _ _

18.4 Car?

Quantity _ _

19. Does anyone in this household actively participate in any organization for community service? (expanded)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

20. Do you consider that the monthly income of your household is: (expanded)

[] 1 Sufficient to cover the basic needs of the household?
[] 2 More than sufficient to cover the basic needs of the household?
[] 3 Insufficient to cover the basic needs of the household?

21. What do you consider that the monthly income for your household should be to adequately cover the basic expenses? (expanded)

[] 1 From 0 to 200,000 pesos
[] 2 From 200,001 to 400,000 pesos
[] 3 From 400,001 to 700,000 pesos
[] 4 From 700,001 to 1,000,000 pesos
[] 5 From 1,000,001 to 1,500,000 pesos
[] 6 From 1,500,001 to 2,000,000 pesos
[] 7 From 2,000,001 to 3,000,000 pesos
[] 8 From 3,000,001 to 4,500,000 pesos
[] 9 More than 4,500,000 pesos
[] 10 Does not inform
[] 11 Does not know

22. Has one or some persons, who are members of this household, gone to live permanently in another country? (basic)

[] 1 Yes [ ]

1.1 How many in all? _ _

[] 2 No (continue with Control 3)

[p. 13]

1.2 In which countries do they currently live and in which of the following periods did they leave?

Country of current residence

[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _

United States of America

[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _

Costa Rica

[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _


[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _

Other country

[] 2001-2005 _ _
[] 1996-2000 _ _
[] Before 1996 _ _

List of members of the household and control

Control 3: What are the names and last names of the persons who make up this household, habitual residents, whether they are present or not? Begin with the head of the household (male or female) and continue with the person who is oldest, to finish with the person who is youngest. (basic)

Order number _ _ ; First name, second name, first last name [father's last name], second last name [mother's last name] as they appear in the Civil Registry or on any identification document. For married, widowed, or divorced women, you should write the maiden name. (basic)

Control 4: Are there other persons who are part of this household and who have not been noted in the previous list? (basic)
(minor children, elderly persons, persons in clinics [hospitals], persons who have been kidnapped, persons on vacation outside of the household).
[] 1 Yes

(Ask who, confirm that they are habitual residents of the household, and include them in the list)

[] 2 No

Control 5: Do some or any of the persons listed habitually reside in another place? (basic)
[] 1 Yes

[p. 14]

(Ask who, confirm that they are residents of another household; if this is the case, cross them off the list.)

[] 2 No

Control 6. Total number of persons in the household: (only in paper) (after completing all of the verifications and corrections) (basic) _ _

23. Of the persons mentioned above, who makes the largest monetary contribution to the maintenance and payment of obligations of the household? (expanded)

If the largest contributor to the household does not belong to the household, write "00". If two or more persons contribute equal parts, write the order number of the first of the persons who the interviewee mentions.

Order number _ _

24. How many persons who were members of this household have died in the past twelve months? (Write this in the table) (basic) _ _

If the answer is 00, continue with Control 7.

[Details on the first person who died]

[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

Age at time of death _ _ _

Is there a death certificate?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[There is space for 5 people.]

(If you encounter a household where there are more than five persons who have died in the past twelve months, use as many additional forms as necessary.)

Control 7: Inside this dwelling, does the household regularly carry out any economic activity to obtain income? (basic)

[] 1 Yes (After completing section C for each of persons who are habitual residents, continue with section D to complete the information that corresponds to the principal economic unit of the household).
[] 2 No

[p. 15]

Objectives of the household section:

-Establish the legal situation under which the household occupies the dwelling.

-The relationship between offer and demand of dwellings by socioeconomic levels of the household;

-Determine the deficit or excess of dwellings in the country;

-Provide information for the construction of indicators of crowding and quality of life by relating the number of persons with the real spaces available to the household;

-It serves to determine the well-being and quality of life of the households, the conditions of health and hygiene of the households;

-To know aspects of waste management and, with this, identify environmental problems;

-Provide information about the ownership of electro domestic appliances and vehicles to improve the indicators such as ICV and users of institutions such as the Mining Energy Unit, among others.

-Provide information for the construction of framework of households with migratory experience.
Specific objectives of some of the questions

Question 10: Establish the relationship that exists between the offer and demand for dwellings. Permit the establishment of a structure of ownership and territorial differences. In the rural area, it serves to indirectly estimate the land ownership.

Question 11: Provides information for the construction of indicators of crowding and quality of life and to estimate the housing deficit.

Question 12: Relating this to the total population that lives in the dwelling, this information permits the calculation of crowding indicators.
[p. 16]
Question 13: Complement the information about basic services of the dwelling. Help to determine the level of well-being and quality of life of the households. Generate indicators of the health and hygiene of the households.

Question 14: In an indirect manner, establish risks to the members of the household through the consumption of water that is not adequately treated. Construct indicators of quality of life and poverty.

Question 15: Complement the information about the quality of life of the inhabitants. Generate indicators of health and hygiene in the households.

Question 16: Construct indicators of quality of life in the households, health and hygiene, ecological impact.

Question 17: Establish the equipment available to the households that permits estimates of measurements of quality of life.

Question 18: Basic information for the formulation of politics related to urban and rural transportation. This complements the household equipment.

Question 19: Determine forms of participation of the population in community activities.

Question 20: Generate reference information for measuring poverty.

Question 21: Information for contrasting measurements of poverty.

Question 22: Make an estimate of the international emigration and its localization. In the countries that are known as the major receptors of Colombian migration.

Question 23: Together with other variables, complement the information about the Perspective of Gender.

Question 24: Demographic information for mortality analysis.

[p. 17]

C. Persons section

Control 8. Order number, names and last names of the persons (basic) _ _

In the DMC, you will obtain the information according to the order list of persons enumerated. On paper, you will complete three fields according to the information on the list.

25. Is [the respondent] a man or woman? (basic)

[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

26. What is the date of birth of [the respondent]? (basic)

(As it appears on the identification document or Civil Registry)


Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

2. Does not know

(If the answer is '2', the verification with Control 9 is not completed.)

Control 9: How many years has the person completed? (basic) _ _ _

27. What is [the respondent's relationship to the head of household (male or female)? (basic)

[] 1 Head of household (male or female) DMC automatic sampling message)
[] 2 Partner (spouse, companion, husband/wife)
[] 3 Son/daughter, stepson/stepdaughter
[] 4 Son-in-law/daughter-in-law
[] 5 Grandson/granddaughter
[] 6 Father, mother, father/mother-in-law
[] 7 Brother, sister
[] 8 Other relative
[] 9 Employee in domestic service
[] 10 Other non-relative

28. Where was [the respondent] born? (basic)

[] 1 In this municipality
[] 2 In another Colombian municipality:

Name of the department ____ "DMC removable list"
Name of the municipality ____"DMC removable list"

[] 3. In another country:

Name of the country ____ "DMC removable list"

[p. 18]
In what year did he/she arrive in Colombia? _ _ _ _

29. When [the respondent] was born, his/her mother resided in: (basic)

[] 1 The same municipality where [the respondent] was born?
[] 2 In another Colombian municipality?

Name of the department ____ "DMC removable list"
Name of the municipality ____ "DMC removable list"

[] 3 In another country?

Name of the country ____ "DMC removable list"

[] 4 Does not know

30. Where did [the respondent] live five years ago? (basic)

[] 1 Had not been born (controlled by DMC) (continue with [number] 32)
[] 2 In this municipality
[] 3 In another Colombian municipality:

Name of the department ____ "DMC removable list"
Name of the municipality ____ "DMC removable list"

[] 4 In another country:

Name of the country ____ "DMC removable list"

In what year did he/she arrive in Colombia?

_ _ _ _ (continue with [question] 32)

31. The place where [the respondent] lived five years ago was: (basic)

[] 1 The municipal seat (where the Mayor's office is located)?
[] 2 In a populated region, municipal territory, police division, village?
[] 3 Rural region (road, land)?

32. During the past five years, has [the respondent] changed place of residency? (basic)

[] 1 Yes

1.1 In what year did [the respondent move] the last time?

(DMC expandable list 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005)

On paper _ _ _ _

[p. 19]

1.2 On this occasion, did [the respondent] live:

[] 1 In this municipality?
[] 2 In another Colombian municipality?:

Name of the department ____ "DMC removable list"
Name of the municipality ____"DMC removable list"

[] 3. In another country?:

Name of the country ____ (continue with 1.4): "DMC removable list"

1.3 The place where [the respondent] lived was:

[] 1. The municipal seat (where the Mayor's office is located)?
[] 2. Rural region (populated region, municipal territory, police division, village, road, land)?

1.4 The primary cause for which [the respondent] changed place of residence on this occasion was:

[] 1 Difficulty finding work or lack of means of subsistence?
[] 2 Risk of natural disaster (flooding, avalanche, landslide, earthquake, etc.) or a consequence of natural disaster?
[] 3 Threat or risk to his/her life, liberty or physical integrity because of violence?
[] 4 Educational needs?
[] 5 Health reasons?
[] 6 Family reasons?
[] 7 Member of a nomad group or other reason?

[] 2 No

33. According to his/her culture, group or physical characteristics, [the respondent] is known as: (basic)

[] 1 Indigenous

1.1 Which indigenous group does he/she belong to? (DMC expandable list)

Write the name of the group _____

[] 2 Rom
[] 3 Raizal of the archipelago of San Andres and Providence
[] 4 Palenquero of San Basilio
[] 5 Black, mulatto, African-Colombian or of African ancestry (continue with 35)
[] 6 None of the above (continue with 35)

34. Does [the respondent] speak the language of his/her native group? (basic)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[p. 20]

35. Due to lack of money, did [the respondent] not consume any of the three basic meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) one or more days of the past week? (basic)

[] 1 Yes

1.1 How many days _

[] 2 No

36. In regards to health, is [the respondent] a contributor, payee, or beneficiary of: (expanded)

[] 1 The Social Security Institute-ISS?
[] 2 Special regiments (Military Forces, National Police, National University, ECOPETROL [petroleum industry], Teacher's Union)?
[] 3 Other Health Services Provider?
[] 4 A subsidized healthcare administrator through SISBEN?
[] 5 None?
[] 6 Does not know?

37. In the past year, was [the respondent] ill? (expanded)

[] 1 Yes

1.1 The last time that [the respondent] sought health care:

[] 1 Through a healthcare service to which he/she has rights?
[] 2 Another hospital, clinic, doctor's office or healthcare center?
[] 3 A drug store or pharmacy, folk healer or healer?
[] 4 Traditional doctor of his/her ethnic group?
[] 5 No place?

2. No

38. During the past 5 years, has [the respondent] suffered or currently suffers from any illness that has required: (expanded)

Type of treatment

Cardiac surgery (other than transplant)?

[] 1 Yes

The treatment was or is being provided by the General Social Security System?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[] 2 No

Transplant (kidney, bone marrow, cornea, liver)?

[] 1 Yes

The treatment was or is being provided by the General Social Security System?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[] 2 No

Neurosurgery of the central nervous system?

[] 1 Yes

The treatment was or is being provided by the General Social Security System?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[] 2 No

Medical treatment and surgery for major trauma?

[] 1 Yes

The treatment was or is being provided by the General Social Security System?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[] 2 No

Surgical treatment for a congenital disease?

[] 1 Yes

The treatment was or is being provided by the General Social Security System?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[] 2 No

Joint replacement?

[] 1 Yes

The treatment was or is being provided by the General Social Security System?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[] 2 No

[p. 21]

Dialysis for chronic insufficiency?

[] 1 Yes

The treatment was or is being provided by the General Social Security System?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[] 2 No

Management for severe burns?

[] 1 Yes

The treatment was or is being provided by the General Social Security System?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[] 2 No

Treatment for HIV-AIDS?

[] 1 Yes

The treatment was or is being provided by the General Social Security System?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[] 2 No

Chemo-therapy or radiation therapy for cancer?

[] 1 Yes

The treatment was or is being provided by the General Social Security System?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[] 2 No

Intensive Care Unit?

[] 1 Yes

The treatment was or is being provided by the General Social Security System?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[] 2 No

39. Does [the respondent] have permanent limitations for: (basic)

39.1 Mobility or walk?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

39.2 Move his/her arms or hands?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

39.3 See, despite using contact lenses or glasses?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

39.4 Hear, even with hearing aids?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

39.5 Speech
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

39.6 Understand or learn?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

39.7 Maintain relationships with others due to mental or emotional problems?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

39.8 Bathe, dress, feed himself/herself?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

39.9 Other permanent limitation?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

(If in all of the questions you marked "No," continue with question 41)

40. Of the above listed limitations for [the respondent], which is the one that most affects your daily activities? (expanded) _____

[This question was asked of person's who had at least one permanent limitation, per question 39.]

(In the DMC, select the corresponding answer from the previous list)

40.1 This limitation was caused by: (expanded)

[] 1 Because he/she was born this way?
[] 2 Because of an illness?
[] 3 Because of an accident?
[] 4 Because of violence of armed groups?
[] 5 Because of domestic violence?
[] 6 Because of common criminal violence?
[] 7 Due to old age, aging?
[] 8 Due to another cause?
[] 9 Does not know?

For persons age 3 + (generated by the DMC)
[Questions 41-44 were asked of persons age 3 and older.]

41. Does [the respondent] know how to read and write? (basic)

1. Yes

[p. 22]

1.1 During the past twelve months, how many books did [the respondent] read, other than those required for his/her work or studies? (If he/she did not read, write 00) (expanded) _ _

2. No

42. Does [the respondent] currently attend a pre-school, public school, private school or university? (basic)

[] 1 Yes

1.1 Is this a government [public] school? (basic)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[] 2 No

2.1 Why? (expanded) (for persons less than 26 years old)

1. He/she considers that he/she has finished his/her studies or that he/she has sufficient education?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

1. The cost of education is high and he/she does not have the money?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

1. He/she needs to work?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

1. Not enough space in the educational establishments?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

1. Distance from educational establishments?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

1. Due to illness, requires special education?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

1. (For women over 12 years old) Due to pregnancy?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

1. Another reason?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

(Skip to 44)

43. The institution where [the respondent] studies is located in: (basic)

[] 1 This municipality?
[] 2 In another Colombian municipality?

Name of the department ____ "DMC removable list"
Name of the municipality ____ "DMC removable list"

43.1 How long, in minutes, does [the respondent] usually take to get to the institution? (expanded) _ _ _

44. What is the last year of studies that [the respondent] passed? (basic)

[] 1 Preschool

[] 1 Pre-kindergarten
[] 2 Kindergarten
[] 3 Transition

[] 2 Basic elementary

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5

[] 3 Basic secondary

[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9

(Basic baccalaureate)

[] 1st
[] 2nd
[] 3rd
[] 4th

[] 4 Academic track or classic education

[] 10
[] 11

[p. 23]

(Classic baccalaureate)

[] 5th
[] 6th

[] 5 Technical secondary

[] 10
[] 11

(Technical baccalaureate)

[] 5th
[] 6th

[] 6 Teacher training

[] 10
[] 11
[] 12
[] 13

Higher [education]
[] 7 Professional technical education/

[] 1
[] 2

[] 8 Technological

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3

[] 9 Professional

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6

Post graduate
[] 10 Specialization

[] 1
[] 2

[] 11 Master's Degree

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3

[] 12 Doctorate

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6

[] 13 None [ ]

For persons five years old or more (generated through the DMC )
[Questions 45-52 were asked of persons age 5+.]

45. Does [the respondent] use the computer? (expanded)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (continue with 47)

46. In the past week, did [the respondent] use the computer?

[Question 46 was asked of persons who used computer, per question 45.]

[] 1 Yes

1.1 For which of the following activities: (expanded)

1. To do tasks related to work or study?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

2. To do commercial or financial transactions?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

3. Entertainment?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

4. To communicate with other persons?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

5. Other activities?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

2. No

[p. 24]

47. During the past week, [the respondent]: (basic)

[] 1 Worked?
[] 2 Did not work, but had a job?
[] 3 Looked for work having worked previously?
[] 4 Looked for work for the first time? (Continue with 51)
[] 5 Studied only, neither worked nor looked for work? (Continue with 51)
[] 6 Did household chores and neither did not work nor look for work? (Continue with 51)
[] 7 Was permanently incapacitated for work? (Continue with 51)
[] 8 Lived off of retirement pension or rents and neither did not work nor look for work? (Continue with 51)
[] 9 Was in another situation? (Continue with 51)

48. What is the economic activity of the business, establishment, company or farm where [the respondent] worked? (expanded) ____

49. In this job, [the respondent] was: (expanded)

[] 1 Worker, employee?
[] 2 Boss, employer?
[] 3 Self-employed worker?
[] 4 Domestic employee?
[] 5 Unpaid family worker?

50. In the place where [the respondent] worked last week is located in: (expanded)

[] 1 In this municipality?
[] 2 In another Colombian municipality?:

Name of the department ____ "DMC removable list"
Name of the municipality ____ "DMC removable list"

[] 3 In another country? } "DMC removable list"

50.1 How long, in minutes, does [the respondent] usually take to get to his/her place of work? (expanded) _ _ _

51. Is [the respondent] affiliated to a Pension Fund or belong to a special pension plan? (expanded)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 3 Already retired

[p. 25]

52. In addition to the principal activity that [the respondent] carried out during the past week (work, study, household chores), which of the following complementary activities did he/she do? (expanded)

52.1 Help working in a family business?

[] 1 Yes

1.1 How many hours in the week? _ _ _

[] 2 No

52.2 Sell some product on his/her own account?

[] 1 Yes

1.1 How many hours in the week? _ _ _

[] 2 No

52.3 Make some product to sell?

[] 1 Yes

1.1 How many hours in the week? _ _ _

[] 2 No

52.4 Help working in the fields or in animal breeding?

[] 1 Yes

1.1 How many hours in the week? _ _ _

[] 2 No

52.5 Do household chores?

[] 1 Yes

1.1 How many hours in the week? _ _ _

[] 2 No

52.6 Carry out any other type of activity?

[] 1 Yes

1.1 How many hours in the week? _ _ _

[] 2 No

For persons 10 years old or more (generated by the DMC)
[Questions 53-54 were asked of persons age 10+.]

53. [The respondent] currently: (basic)

[] 1 Is not married and has been living with his/her partner for two years or more?
[] 2 Is not married and has been living with his/her partner for less than two years?
[] 3 Is separated, divorced?

[p. 26]

[] 4 Is widowed?
[] 5 Is single?
[] 6 Is married?

54. Which of the following languages does [the respondent] speak? (expanded)

54.1 Spanish (Castilian)?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

57.2 English?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

57.3 French?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

57.4 Italian?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

57.5 German?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

57.6 Other?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

For women 12 years old or more (generated by the DMC)
[Questions 55-58 were asked of women age 12+.]

55. Has [the respondent] had a son or daughter that was born alive? (basic)

[] 1 Yes

How many? _ _
How many males? _ _
How many females? _ _

[] 2 No (Continue with Control 10)

56. Of the sons and daughters of [the respondent] that were born alive, how many are currently living? (basic)

How many? _ _
How many males? _ _
How many females? _ _
[] Does not know

57. In what year and month did [the respondent] have her last son/daughter that was born alive?


[] 1 2005
[] 2 2004
[] 3 2003
[] 4 2002

[p. 27]

[] 5 2001
[] 6 2000 or earlier


[] 1 January
[] 2 February
[] 3 March
[] 4 April
[] 5 May
[] 6 June
[] 7 July
[] 8 August
[] 9 September
[] 10 October
[] 11 November
[] 12 December

58. In what year did [the respondent] have her first child that was born alive? (expanded)
_ _ _ _

For all persons (generated by the DMC)

Control 10. Was [the respondent] enumerated this year (or last year) in this or another municipality of the country? (basic)

[] 1 Yes
1.1 Number of the census certificate assigned on that occasion?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D.V.
[] 1.2 Does not remember
[] 2 No (continue with Control 13)

Control 11. [the respondent] was enumerated: (basic)

[] 1 In this municipality?
[] 1 Municipal capital
[] 2 Rural area ____
[] 2 In another municipality
Name of the department ____ "DMC removable list"
Name of the municipality ____ "DMC removable list"

[] 1 Municipal capital
[] 2 Rural area

Control 12. In what month was this person enumerated?

[] [] Month

[p. 28]

Control 13: Number of the Census Certificate assigned to the person: (basic)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D.V.
(Continue with the next person on the list of members of the household.)
(The DMC will automatically have this)

When you finish with the last member of the household in the program, in the case of using the SMC, after you complete the sections for dwellings, households, and persons, in the case that there are economic units associated with the household, you should complete the respective questionnaires.

Objectives of the Persons Section

- Obtain basic information about the size, distribution, and demographic dynamic of the population in all of the territorial levels.

- Provide information for the analysis of the composition of households;

- Contribute data for the economic, social, and cultural characterizations, and the ethnic condition of the population of each territorial entity or unit;

- Obtain information for the analysis of the territorial mobility of the population (internal migration), for distinct time intervals;

- Obtain information about international migration;

- Obtain information for characterizing the economic activity of the population in the diverse territorial contexts.

- Provide information for measuring the fertility and infant mortality behaviors in relation to geographic contexts and according to social groups;

- Provide information about unemployment, causes, and periods of occurrence and origin

- Establish the incidence of physical limitations of the integrants of the households;

- Provide information about mobility for educational and labor factors, which is basic for the analysis of urban centers and metropolitan areas with floating population.
[p. 29]
- Provide information about hunger at lower levels than those detected in the survey of quality of life on the problem of hunger.

- Provide information about social security according to the regimen.

- Provide information about the part regarding pensions.
Specific objectives of some of the questions

Questions 25 and 26: Obtain basic census information to know the size, composition, and spatial distribution of the population and the population structure.

Question 27: Facilitate the conformation of the households as units of analysis and control. Construct the family typologies, create percentages based on head of household.

Questions 28 and 29: For those born in the country, permit measuring internal migratory flow.

Questions 30 and 31: Measure the magnitude and direction of the most recent migratory movements, identify the characteristics of the migratory currents among municipal seats, population centers, and the rural areas of the political administrative entities of the country, starting with the municipal level.

Question 32: Obtain information that will help establish internal migratory movements, as well as the causes for these movements. Permit knowing the phenomenon of migration for causes of armed conflict.

Questions 33 and 34: Identify, quantify, locate, and characterize the indigenous, black, and Rom populations.

Question 35: Generate information for studies of poverty and quality of life. Have an approximation of the consumption habits of the population. Describe the alimentation diet of the population.

Question 36 and 37: Generate information for effecting analysis of living conditions and estimate the population covered by the Social Security System.

Question 38: Generate information for the design of health sector politics. Estimate the coverage of the Healthcare System in attention to catastrophic illness.

Question 39: Collect information for the construction of a statistical framework that will permit designing programs for attention to the population with some level of disability and establish the impact of the disabilities in the normal activities of individuals.

Question 40: Explore the principal origins of disabilities more deeply.
[p. 30]
Question 41: Estimate the level of literacy in the population, permitting the comparability with the previous census and observe the evolution of this characteristic over the past decades. Provide information for the implementation of education politics. Estimate the reading habits of the population.

Question 42: Build indicators: School drop-out levels, levels of school attendance and the quantity of persons who are not attending formal education institutions. Supply information for the formulation and implementation of educational politics. Provide a initial diagnosis of the educational coverage and needs.

Question 43: Estimate the proportion of the population that needs to travel outside of his/her municipality to have access to educational services.

Question 44: Classify the population, according to the highest educational level that they have obtained.

Questions 45 and 46: Generate indicators of the use of informatics and communications technologies. Particularly, computer use.

Questions 47 and 48: Classify the population, ten years old or more, as employed, unemployed and economically inactive. Classify occupation according to economic sectors.

Questions 49 and 50: Occupational category. Permits characterization of the employed population.

Question 51: Complements the information regarding the labor market.

Question 52: Identify complementary activities, carried out by the population and serve to generate additional income.

Question 53: Estimate the distribution of civil status of the population, with demographic goals. Construct family typologies and prepare levels of household formation.

Question 54: Estimate the level of bilingual population, as a diagnosis for the fulfillment of the millennium goals.

Questions 55 and 56: Obtain levels and structures of fertility and infant mortality.

Questions 57 and 58: Obtain information about the total volume of live births. This is used for calculating recent fertility levels. Obtain indicators of life-time fertility. Adolescent fertility rates.

[p. 31]

D. Economic units


1. Commercial name ____
2. Social identity or name of owner ____
3. Type of document
[] 1 NIT (Numero de identification tributaria= Tax identification number)
1.1 Number ____
1.2 Verification numbers ____
[] 2 Owner's National Identification Card.
2.1 Number ____
4. Telephone number ____

Characteristics of the economic unit

5. This economic unit is:

[] 1 The only one? (continue with 6)
[] 2 The principal unit? (continue with 6)
[] 3 A branch/secondary unit? (continue with 6)
[] 4 A support unit?
What type of support unit?
[] 1 Management
[] 2 Warehouse (continue with 15)
[] 3 Sales or distribution center (continue with 15)
[] 4 Maintenance workshop (continue with 15)
[] 5 Customer service center (services/orientation) and similar (continue with 15)

6. The greatest percentage of income to the economic unit or business comes from:

[] 1 Maintenance and repair?
[] 2 Buying and selling products that are not manufactured by the unit? (continue with 8)
[] 3 Housing, restaurants, cafeterias, bars, food services? (continue with 11)
[] 4 Construction (continue with 13)
[] 5 Transportation (continue with 13)
[] 6 Mail and telecommunications? (continue with 13)
[] 7 Financial intermediation, insurance or pension and unemployment funds? (continue with 13)
[] 8 Education (continue with 13)
[] 9 Healthcare, social services or trash removal? (continue with 13)
[] 10 Other services? (continue with 13)
[] 11 Products that you manufacture or transform? (continue with 14)
[] 12 Other activities other than industry, commerce, or services? (end)

[p. 32]

7. The goods that you maintain or repair are primarily:

[] 1 Automotive vehicles? (continue with 15)
[] 2 Motorcycles? (continue with 15)
[] 3 Personal goods (continue with 15)
[] 4 Domestic goods? (continue with 15)
[] 5 Computers and office equipment? (continue with 15)
[] 6 Industrial machinery and equipment? (continue with 15)

8. You sell primarily to:

[] 1 Retail vendors, other wholesale vendors, industrial, commercial or institutional consumers?
[] 2 The general public?

9. The merchandize that you sell is primarily?

[] 1 New? (when it deals with food, always mark new)
[] 2 Used?

10. What merchandize group do you sell primarily in this economic unit or business?
(DMC removal list) (continue with 15) ________

11. This economic unit or business corresponds primarily to:

[] 1 Restaurant?
[] 2 Cafeteria, soda fountain or fruit stand?
[] 3 Other food vendors? (continue with 15)
[] 4 Alcoholic beverage vendors? (continue with 15)
[] 5 Hotel, hostel, or apartment-hotel? (continue with 15)
[] 6 Residences, motels, furnished housing? (continue with 15)
[] 7 Vacation center, camping zone? (continue with 15)
[] 8 Other type of lodging? (continue with 15)

12. This economic unit or business offers primarily:

[] 1 Table service? (continue with 15)
[] 2 Take out? (continue with 15)

13. What services are provided by this economic unit or business?
(DMC removable list) (continue with 15) ____

14. What is the principal product that this economic unit manufactures or transforms? What is the primary raw material and its use or destination?

Product: (DMC removable list) ____

Principal raw material: (DMC removable list) ____
[p. 33]
Use or destination: (DMC removable list) ____

15. On average, how many persons worked the previous month in this economic unit or business? _ _ _ _

Objectives of this section:

- Provide up-to-date information about the quantity, location, identification and classification of the economic activity of the economic establishments in all of the levels of the territory.

- Provide investors and businessmen the information on the economic variables related to employment and economic activity of each of the sectors, in a rapid and true manner, about potential areas for investment and generation of employment.

- Georeference the existing information which permits the generation of thematic maps that support the work of planning and generating investment projects.

- Georeference the existing information which permits the generation of thematic maps that support the work of planning and generating investment projects.
Specific objectives of some of questions.

Questions 1, 2, 3, 4- Identify the economic unit with the goal of structuring the archives for the statistical index.

Question 5- Determine the type of economic unit within the organizational structure.

Question 6- Initiate the process of classification of economic units, according to activity, according to CIIU Rev. 3 A.C.

Question 7- Differentiate, within the activities of repair and maintenance, those that correspond to the commercial sector (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) and those that correspond to the service sector (5th and 6th).
[p. 34]
Questions 8, 9, and 10- Determine the Class (4 digits) CIIU Rev. 3 A.C to which the economic unit belongs, within the commercial sector.

Questions 11 and 12- Classify the economic unit at Class Level (4 digits) CIIU Rev. 3 A.C. For the activities of Division 55 of the services sector.

Question 14- Classify the economic unit at Class Level (4 Digits) CIIU Rev. 3 A.C. For the economic activities of the manufacturing industry sector.

Question 15- Determine the size of the economic units according to the productive capacity, with the goal of providing support information for the framework of the economic units.

[p. 35]

E. Agricultural units


____ AG
____ AGAD
____ Interviewee's code
____ Address

1. What is the name of the farm, ranch, dairy farm, cattle farm, small farm or plot?

2. What is the area of the farm, ranch, dairy farm, cattle farm, small farm or plot?
Area _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _

Unit of measure (DMC removable list)

[] 1. Hectare
[] 2. Fanegada [Note: 1 fanega = 576 estadales; 1 estadal = about 12 square meters]
[] 3. Block [Note: 1 block = 100 square meters or 150 square meters, depending on the region]
[] 4. Square meter
[] 5. Cuerda [Note: one cuerda = 8 ½ varas; 1 vara = about one meter, varying by region]

Characterization of the agricultural units

3. In the lands of this farm, during the year 2005, what crops were planted or will be planted?

[Note: The form presents this question in the format of a six-column table with space for 10 crops. The last three columns have an additional heading, "total area planted"]

Common name of the single or associated crops ____
Unit of surface measure / Total area planted ____
I. In the semester (short-cycle crops) ____
II. In the semester (short-cycle crops) ____
On the day of the interview (long-cycle crops ____
[p. 36]
(Surface measure unit: 1. Hectare 2. Fanegada [1 fanega = 576 estadales; 1 estadal = about 12 square meters] 3. Block [1 block = 100 square meters or 150 square meters, depending on the region] 4. Square meter 5. Cuerda [one cuerda = 8 ½ varas; 1 vara = about one meter, varying by region])

(If you encounter more than ten agricultural crops, complete the necessary additional forms.)

[] 2. Did not plant.

4. Today, in the fields of this farm, there are:

4.1 Planted forests?
[] 1 Yes
1.1 Unit of surface measure (DMC removable list) ____
1.2 Area _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _
[] 2 No

4.2 Pastures or grasses?
[] 1 Yes
1.1 Unit of surface measure (DMC removable list) ____
1.2 Area _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _
[] 2 No

4.3 Weeds or stalks left after harvesting?
[] 1 Yes
1.1 Unit of surface measure (DMC removable list) ____
1.2 Area _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _
[] 2 No

Cattle activities

5. Today, on the lands of this farm, there are:

5.1 Cows, bulls, steers, calves, heifers, young bulls or cows, buffalos?
[] 1 Yes
1.1 Total quantity _ _ _ _ _
[] 2 No

5.2 Horses, mares, mules?
[] 1 Yes
1.1 Total quantity _ _ _ _ _
[] 2 No

[p. 37]

5.3 Burros, asses
[] 1 Yes
1.1 Total quantity _ _ _ _ _
[] 2 No

5.4 Sheep, lambs
[] 1 Yes
1.1 Total quantity _ _ _ _ _
[] 2 No

5.5 Goat, kid
[] 1 Yes
1.1 Total quantity _ _ _ _ _
[] 2 No

5.6 Swine, hogs, pigs, piglets
[] 1 Yes
1.1 Total quantity _ _ _ _ _
[] 2 No

5.7 Chickens, roosters, hens
[] 1 Yes
1.1 Total quantity _ _ _ _ _
[] 2 No

5.8 Other small species (turkeys, guinea pigs, rabbits, quail, beehives)
[] 1 Yes
1.1 Total quantity _ _ _ _ _
[] 2 No

6. Today, in the lands of this farm, there are areas dedicated to breeding:

6.1 Fish?
[] 1 Yes
1.1 Unit of land measure (DMC removable list) ____
1.2 Area _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _
[] 2 No

6.2 Shrimp?
[] 1 Yes
[p. 38]
1.1 Unit of land measure (DMC removable list) ____
1.2 Area _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _
[] 2 No

Objectives of the section:

- Obtain detailed data about the agricultural units with dwellings that exist in the rural area of Colombia, their agricultural and animal husbandry characteristics and the surface area dedicated to agricultural uses, forestry, and fish-breeding activity. Equally, the number of heads of domestic breeding animals: bovine, equine, pork, sheep, goats, poultry, small species, and fish-breeding, etc.

- Complete the directory of rural sites used for agriculture, animal husbandry, and forestry that are excluded from the studied groups in the statistical operations that are currently executed in recent National Agricultural Survey.

- Provide a framework based on an updated list for the development of research on specific themes, particularly those referring to specific populations located in small administrative units with production units under a single administration and that generally belong in the section of households.

- Build a statistical framework with elements that are basic for the planning and executing the national program of focused surveys and the statistical agricultural and forestry information at national and territorial levels. Based on this statistical framework, the post-census methodologies are defined for statistical research: product census, administrative registries, and probability samples.

- Conform a base line for essential geostatistical information for the preparation of development plans and organizing the rural territory.
[p. 39]

Specific objectives of some of the questions


Question 1: Provide the information for the consistency analysis when the census registry is compared to the type 1 and 2 register of the rural lots.

- Question 2: Provide the basic information for the stratification of the frame of the list, for al of the elements of the population.

Questions 3 and 4: Obtain basic data about the agro-economic, animal breeding and size of crops that exist in the census unit, with reference to the order number of the lot and classify them according to whether they refer to temporary or permanent crops in the same reference period for the General Census, 2005.

- Question 5: Obtain the basic data referring to the animal inventory that exists in the census unit.

-Question 6: Obtain the basic data referring to the fish farming activities that exist in the census unit, to complete the statistical directory and the structure of the utilized areas for the sampling research.

[p. 40]

III. Questionnaire for special housing units--LEA [LEA is the abbreviation in Spanish for Special Housing Units]


____ Class
____ AG
____ AGAD
____ Order number of the building in the AG
____ Code of the interviewer
____ Order number of the unit within the building--code of the interviewer
____ Address

A. Section about the institution

1. Type of institution or establishment:

[] 1 Prison or center for penitentiary rehabilitation
[] 2 Children's home or orphanage
[] 3 Home for the elderly or geriatric home
[] 4 Convent, seminary or monastery
[] 5 Boarding school
[] 6 Military base, armory, or police station
[] 7 Work camp
[] 8 Homeless shelter [specifically: place for housing street people who have been collected by the authorities]
[] 9 Leper houses or houses of prostitution
[] 10 Refugee camps
[] 11 Insertion camps
[] 12 Non-penitentiary rehabilitation centers
[] 13 Other

2. What is the predominant material of the exterior walls?

[] 1 Cement block, brick, stone, finished wood
[] 2 Clay brick, adobe, cane/mud
[] 3 Rough wood, boards, plywood
[] 4 Prefabricated material
[] 5 Bamboo, cane, thatch, other vegetables
[] 6 Zinc, fabric, cardboard, cans, discarded materials, plastics
[] 7 Without walls

3. What is the predominant material of the floors?

[] 1 Carpet, marble, parquet, polished or polished wood
[] 2 Tile, vinyl, hardwood board, brick
[] 3 Cement, gravel
[] 4 Rough wood, board, plywood, other vegetable
[] 5 Dirt, sand

[p. 41]

4. What is the principal manner of eliminated trash in this dwelling?

[] 1 Is it collected by trash services?
[] 2 Is it buried?
[] 3 Do they burn it?
[] 4 Do they throw the trash on a patio, lot, ditch, or open plot?
[] 5 Do they throw the trash in a river, well, creek or lagoon?
[] 6 Do they remove it in another manner?

5. Does the dwelling have the following services?

5.1 Electrical energy?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

5.2 Water drains?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

5.3 Running water?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

5.4 Natural gas connected to a public network?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

5.5 Telephone with a land-line?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Control 1: Is there a household within this institution or establishment?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
If there are private residences in the institution, once you have completed the persons section for the residents of the Special Housing Unit that does not belong to these private residences, the SMC directs you to the questionnaire for census units to collect the information for the dwelling, household, and persons (Sections A, B, and C).

Control 2: Total of residents of this institution who do not belong to private households:
_ _ _ _

Control 3: Is there any additional economic activity carried out within this institution with the goal of obtaining income?

[] 1 Yes (Once you have completed the Section B for all of the persons who are habitual residents who do not belong to private households and Section C for the economic unit of the institution, complete the section for economic units for the units within the Special Housing Unit)
[] 2 No

B. Persons Section (For residents who do not belong to private households)

[The questions here are similar to the one beginning page 16, so has been omitted.]