Census of Canada 1891
Enumeration Form
Schedule No.1. Nominal return of the living
Enumerated by me on the ____ day of __________, 1891.
1. Vessels and shanties: __________
2. Houses in construction: _________
3. Houses uninhabited: ___________
4. Houses inhabited: _____________
5. Families: ____________________
6. Names: ___________________________
9. Married or widowed: _______________
10. Relation to head of family: __________
11. Country of province of birth: _________
12. French canadians: _________________
13. Place of birth of father: _____________
14. Place of birth of mother: ____________
15. Religion: _______________________
16. Profession, occupation or trade: _______________________________
17. Employers: _____________________
18. Wage earner: ___________________
19. Unemployed during week preceding [the] Census: ______________________
20. Employer to state average number of hands employed during year: ______
21. Instruction:
22. Write: ____
23. Infirmities
Blind: _________________
Unsound of mind: ________