1851 Census, Canada West, Lanark County, Town of Perth, Part 1
Personal Census -- Enumeration District, No. 1 Village 1
[Questions on one form are filled out for up to 50 people]
____2 Profession, trade or occupation
____5 Residence if out of limits
9 Married or single
[] Single
[Urban only]
[] 10 Widowers or widows
[] 11 Colored persons
[] 10 Colored persons - negroes
[Rural only]
[] 11 Indians if any
[] 13 Female
[] 15 Female
Members absent
[] 17 Female
[] 18 Deaf and dumb
Deaf and dumb
[] 19 Female
[] 19 Blind
[] 21 Female
[] 20 Lunatics
[] 23 Female
Attending school
[] 22 Female
Attending school
[] 25 Female
Birth in 1851
[] 24 Female
Births during the year 1851
[] 27 Female
Deaths in 1851
[] 26 Female
Deaths during year 1851
[] 29 Female
29 Number of stories____
30 Number of families occupying the dwelling ____
31 Vacant ____
32 Building ____
32 Number of stories ____
33 Number of families occupying ____
34 Vacant ____
35 Building____
[Urban only]
34 Cows ____
35 Sheep ____
36 Pigs ____
37 Carriages for pleasure ____
38 Carriages for hire ____
39 Quantity of land attached to tenement ____
40 Shops, stores, inns, taverns, schools, etc. ________
36 Shops, stores, inns, taverns, etc. ____
[Rural only]
37 Public buildings ____
[Rural only]
38 Places of worship ____
41 Manufacture of all kinds (mills, ship yards, etc.), their produce, etc., and whether worked by steam or water ________
39 Information as to mills, factories, etc., their cost, power, produce, etc. ________
42 Number of hands employed ____
40 Number of persons usually employed therein. ____
41 General remarks of the enumerator ________