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National Census of Population, Families, and Dwellings -- 1970

Republic of Argentina
Presidency of the Nation
Secretariat of the Council of National Development
National Institute of Statistics and Censuses

A -- Geographic Location

____ Province
____ Department or division [partido]
____ Fraction [fracción]
____ Area
____ Block or sector
____ Segment
____ Locality or place [paraje]
____ Street or route
____ Number
____ Floor
____ Apartment

Dwelling -- Household Relationship

[The form contains a table to indicate the number of household in the dwelling and the number of males and females within each household. Below, we show an English translation of the column and row headings is provided.]

Households in the dwelling [column headings]

[] 11 One

[] 21
[] 22

[] 31
[] 32
[] 33

Four or five
[] ____

Renter [inquilinato]
[] 61
[] 69

Office use ____

Occupants [row headings]

____ Males
____ Females
____ Total

B -- Dwelling
[Questions 1-12.]

1. Occupancy

[] 1 Occupied
[] 2 Temporarily occupied
[] 3 Uninhabited

2. Dwelling type

a) Private dwellings

[] 1 House
[] 2 Apartment
[] 3 Tenement [inquilinato: crowded urban dwelling, usually rooms rented out in a converted older house]
[] 4 Precarious dwelling
[] 5 Shack [Rancho]
[] 6 House, apartment, or room in a school, factory, office, etc.
[] 7 Mobile home, tent, boat, truck, boxcar/container, etc.
[] 8 Dwelling in a place not intended for habitation
[] 9 Others

b) Collective dwellings

[] 1 Hotel, inn, guesthouse, etc.
[] 2 Barracks, military or police post
[] 3 Hospital, sanatorium, health center
[] 4 Prison, reformatory, etc.
[] 5 Boarding school
[] 6 Convent, religious institution
[] 7 Encampment
[] 8 Other

3. Exterior walls -- Predominant materials

[] 1 Masonry (bricks, blocks, panels, etc.)
[] 2 Adobe
[] 3 Straw mixed with clay [chorizo]
[] 4 Wood
[] 5 Metal: corrugated or flat sheets
[] 6 Fibrocement: corrugated or flat sheets
[] 7 Corrugated cardboard
[] 8 Others (waste material: tin, straw, hay [malhoja], branches, etc.)

4. Roofs -- Predominant materials in the exterior roof covering

[] 1 Mosaic, stone, or asphalt covering
[] 2 Tiles
[] 3 Metal: corrugated or sheet
[] 4 Fibrocement: corrugated or sheet
[] 5 Corrugated cardboard
[] 6 Wood, cane or palm
[] 7 Others (waste material: tin, straw, hay [malhoja], branches, etc.)

5. Floors -- Predominant materials

[] 1 Mosaic, paving stone, ceramic, or marble
[] 2 Wood
[] 3 Plastic flooring
[] 4 Cement or brick
[] 5 Others (loose brick, other waste materials, etc.)
[] 6 Earth

6. For office use ____

7. Rooms ____

Total number of rooms (excluding bathrooms and kitchens).

8. Water supply

a) Method of supply:

[] 1 Piped within the dwelling

Outside the dwelling:
[] 2 By tap, spout, or faucet within the lot
[] 3 By tap, spout, or faucet outside the lot
[] 4 Other
[] 5 No supply system

b) Source:

[] 1 Running water from the residential system
[] 2 Well
[] 3 Rain
[] 4 River, stream, lake, lagoon, irrigation canal, etc.

9. Kitchen facilities

a) Existence of a kitchen
[] 1 Has
[] 2 Does not have

b) Use of the kitchen
[] 1 Exclusive
[] 2 Shared

c) Fuel used for cooking
[] 1 Natural gas
[] 2 Bottled gas
[] 3 Other

10. Toilet facilities

a) Bathroom

With running water (flush toilet, etc.):
[] 1 Connected to public wastewater system
[] 2 With another wastewater system (septic tank, pit)
[] 3 Without running water (latrine, etc.)
[] 4 Does not have
[] 1 Exclusive
[] 2 Shared

b) Bath or shower

[] 1 With hot water
[] 2 With cold water only
[] 3 Does not have
[] 1 Exclusive
[] 2 Shared

11. Lighting

[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Other

12. Tenure

[] 1 Owner
[] 2 Renter or leaser
[] 3 Dependent occupant
[] 4 Free occupant
[] 5 Other; specify ____

Comments: ________


____ Signature
____ Printed name

Area head

____ Signature
____ Printed name

For office use [8 blank boxes]

Strictly confidential and restricted (Art. 10 Law 17.622)

[pg. 2]

C. -- Population

[Questions 1-19.]

General characteristics -- For all individuals

[Questions 1-8 were asked of all persons.]

1. What is your relationship or tie to the head of the household?

[] 1 Head
[] 2 Spouse
[] 3 Child
[] 4 Parents or parents-in-law
[] 5 Grandchild
[] 6 Other relatives
[] 7 Domestic servants
[] 8 Boarder
[] 9 Others

2. What is your name and surname? ____

Write the name and surname of each person in the household

3. Male or female?
Mark the appropriate box

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

4. What is your date of birth?

Write the date of birth. If unanswered, write the age as of the census date in the box. For those under one year write zero (0)

____ Day
____ Month
____ Year
____ [Box for age]

5. Where were you born?

If born in the locality or place where enumerated, mark only the box "here." Otherwise, write the name of the locality, department and province, respectively. If born abroad, write only the name of the country.

[] Here
____ Locality or place
____ Department or division
____ Province or foreign country

6. Where do you habitually live?

If the place of habitual residence is the locality or place where enumerated, simply mark the box "here." Otherwise, write the name of the locality or place, the department, and province, respectively. If living abroad simply write the name of the country.

[] Here
____ Locality or place
____ Department or division
____ Province or foreign country:

7. Where was your place of habitual residence in September, 1965?

Only for those 5 years of age and older.

If the place of habitual residence in 1965 was the locality or place where enumerated, simply mark the box "here." Otherwise, write the name of the locality or place, the department, and province, respectively. If living abroad simply write the name of the country.

[] Here
____ Locality or place
____ Department or division
____ Province or foreign country:

8. In what year did you arrive to live in the country? ____

Only for those born abroad and who currently live habitually in the country.

Write the year of arrival.

Educational Characteristics -- For all individuals five years of age and older

[Questions 9-12 are asked of persons 5 years of age and older.]

9. Do you or did you attend any educational institution?

Ask each question each time in the order given (Currently attending? Not attending, but used to attend? etc.), and upon receiving an affirmative response, mark the appropriate box and go on to question number 10.

[] 1 Currently attending?
[] 2 Not attending, but used to attend?
[] 3 Never attended?
[] 4 Unanswered

10. [Educational attainment]

Only those who responded 1 or 2 in question number 9 should answer these questions.
[Questions 10A-10C are asked only of persons who had ever attended an educational institution.]

A. What is the highest level you studied or are studying?

Mark the appropriate box.

[] 1 Primary
[] 2 High school
[] 3 Commercial
[] 4 Teacher training [normal]
[] 5 Technical or industrial
[] 6 Other secondary schooling
[] 7 University and higher
[] 8 Unanswered

B. Did you complete this level?

Mark the appropriate box.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

C. What is the last year or grade completed at this level?

Mark the appropriate box. For those who have not yet completed the first year or grade mark zero (0).

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9 Unanswered

11. What specialization or career did you study or are you studying?

Only for those who answered 5, 6 or 7 in question 10A.
[Question 11 was asked of persons with education level of "Technical or industrial," "Other secondary," or "University and higher."]

Write the specialization or career ____

12. Are you able to read and write?
Mark the appropriate box. If only able to read or only able to write, mark no.
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Economic Characteristics -- for all individuals ten years of age and older

[Questions 13-17 were asked of all persons 10 years and older.]

13. What did you do during the greater part of the week of September 21st to 26th?

Ask each question in the order given (worked? did not work but had a job? etc.), and upon receiving an affirmative response mark the appropriate box and go on to question number 14.

The concept of "the greater part of the week" refers to four normal work days according to the occupation the person carries out, or if the person worked more than 35 hours.

[] 1 Worked?
[] 2 Did not work, but had a job?
[] 3 Looked for work, having worked before?
[] 4 Looked for work for the first time?
[] 5 Retired or pensioner and did not work?
[] 6 Received investment income and did not work?
[] 7 Studied and did not work?
[] 8 Took care of the home?
[] 9 Other
[] 0 Unanswered

Only those people who responded 1, 2 or 3 in question number 13 should answer these questions.

[Questions 14-16 are asked only of persons who responded 1, 2 or 3 to question 13. The questions referred to the activity carried out between Monday and the Sunday before the day of the census.]

14. What is the occupation, position, or profession that provides the greatest part of your income? ____

Write, for example: tailor, sheep shearing, driller (tornero), agricultural laborer (peón de estancia), truck driver, butcher, taxi driver, construction laborer (peón de albañil), doctor, accounting assistant, cashier, director of sales, carpenter, etc.

15. What does the establishment in which you work primarily do or make? ____

Write, for example: ranch, meat packing plant, auto factory, highway construction, furniture sales, bakery, railway, hospital, restaurant, hotel, etc.

16. What is the category or position you hold in the exercise of your profession?

Ask each question in the order given and upon receiving an affirmative response, mark the appropriate box.

[] 1 Worker?
[] 2 Employee?
[] 3 Own account (does not have employees)?
[] 4 Owner or partner (has employees)?
[] 5 Family worker without a fixed wage?
[] 6 Unanswered

17. Are you the person who earns the most in the household?

Mark the appropriate box.
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Other Characteristics
[Questions 18-19.]

18. How many children born alive have you had? Of these, how many are currently alive? How many have died?

For all women 12 years of age and older.

Verify that the total of parts (a) and (b) matches the total "number of children born alive."

[] Has not had any children born alive
Total number of children born alive ____

____ a) Number of children currently alive
____ b) Number of children deceased

[] Unanswered

19. What is your current marital status?

For all individuals 12 years of age and older.

Ask each question in the order given and upon receiving an affirmative response, mark the appropriate box.

[] 1 Consensual union?
[] 2 Married?
[] 3 Separated or divorced?
[] 4 Widowed?
[] 5 Single?
[] 6 Unanswered