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Sample characteristics: United States

Census/survey characteristics
Type Census
Title United States Census of 1850
Statistical agency Department of the Interior
Population universe All persons living in the United States including temporarily absent residents
De jure or de facto De jure
Census/survey day June 1, 1850
Field work period June 1, 1850
Questionnaire The census operation involved six forms. Form 1 was used to enumerate free persons and collected information on individual characteristics. Form 2 was used to enumerate slaves. Other forms were used to record information about agriculture and industry.
Type of fieldwork Direct enumeration
Microdata sample characteristics
Sample design Not applicable
Sample fraction 1
Sample size (person records) 19987946
Sample weights Not applicable
Units identified in microdata
Dwellings No
Vacant units No
Households Yes
Collective dwellings Yes
Smallest geography County
Unit definitions
Dwellings A separate inhabited tenement, containing one or more families under one roof. Where several tenements are in one block, with walls either of brick or wood to divide them, having separate entrances, they are each to be numbered as separate houses; but where not so divided, they are to be numbered as one house. 
Households One person living separately in a house, or a part of a house, and providing for him or herself, or several persons living together in a house, or in part of a house, upon one common means of support, and separately from others in similar circumstances