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Sample characteristics: Iran

Census/survey characteristics
Type Census
Title 2006 General Census of Population and Housing
Statistical agency Statistical Centre of Iran
De jure or de facto De jure
Census/survey day 28 October to 17 November 2006
Questionnaire Form No.2 Household Questionnaire - General types (for most of normal and collective households); Form No.3 Household Questionnaire - General and detailed types (for the rest of normal and collective households and all of unsettled normal households); Form No.4 Institutional Household Questionnaire (for all all institutional households)
Microdata sample characteristics
Sample design Simple random sampling is used to draw samples from private settled and collective households who answered the long household questionnaire. The data were classified into urban and rural areas within counties. The sampling portion in each category was 20%.
Sample fraction 2%
Sample size (person records) 1299825
Sample weights Computed by the Statistical Centre of Iran and should be used for most types of analysis
Units identified in microdata
Dwellings No
Vacant units No
Households Yes
Collective dwellings Yes
Smallest geography Sub-province
Unit definitions
Households People who have a common residence (stable or unstable) and also common expenditures. They need not be related.
Collective dwellings Collective households: People who live in a place as a group, and that place is considered their normal residence.

Institutions: People who live together in an institute due to a common goal or quality, and that institute is considered as their normal residence

Special populations Unsettled population