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Sample characteristics: Egypt

Census/survey characteristics
Type Census
Title Ti`dad al-Nufus (Population Census) of 1848
Statistical agency Digital samples created by Professor Mohamed Saleh from the original Arabic handwritten manuscripts at the National Archives of Egypt. Professor Saleh is the copyright holder of the dataset. Please cite Saleh (2013) for any download and usage of the dataset.
Population universe All individuals (Egyptians and foreigners) who were present within the political boundaries of Egypt. Certain areas are not enumerated. See Saleh (2013) for more details.
De jure or de facto De facto
Census/survey day 1846-1848
Field work period 3 years with multiple enumerations of same geographic unit. Only the most recent enumeration is used in the sampling frame. See Saleh (2013) for more details.
Questionnaire Handwritten registers of household and individual characteristics as well as housing conditions.
Type of fieldwork Direct enumeration
Estimated undercount 8%, see table 2 from Saleh (2013)
Microdata sample characteristics
Sample design Sample is stratified by province. The target sample size in each province is decided based on the pre-determined sampling rate of 8-10 percent in Cairo and Alexandria and 1 percent in all the other provinces. The target province population is based on the 1882 population census. Systematic sampling by page is applied to the entirety of the handwritten registers for each province. Specifically, an initial page within a range of pages (x) is randomly chosen, and the successive pages every "x" pages are selected until the end of the province's registers. The page range (x) is determined a priori based on the target sample size and the average number of individual records in the page for each province. Person weights are needed to adjust for the different sampling rates across provinces and for the non-enumeration of certain provinces.
Sample fraction 1% sample (8-10% in Cairo and Alexandria)
Sample size (person records) 80028
Sample weights Sample weights are calculated based on the sample fraction within a specific province.
Units identified in microdata
Dwellings Yes
Vacant units No
Households Yes
Collective dwellings Yes
Smallest geography District
Unit definitions
Dwellings Any unit used as a residence, including marginal living quarters not intended as such.
Households A person or a group of persons, Egyptians or foreigners, connected or unconnected with blood relation, sharing the same living quarter, food and spending the night together. This includes slaves and free people (including servants). The exception to this are military personnel residing in military barracks, foreign non-Ottoman subjects, and Cairo notables. However, military personnel residing outside barracks are enumerated. Also, foreign non-Ottoman subjects are recorded in the census registers without the household members with a note that they are to be enumerated by their respective consulates. The census order can be found in Cuno and Reimer (1997, 213–6).
Collective dwellings Group quarters, production sites and workplaces, poor shelters.
Census/survey characteristics
Type Census
Title Ti`dad al-Nufus (Population Census) of 1868
Statistical agency Digital samples created by Professor Mohamed Saleh from the original Arabic handwritten manuscripts at the National Archives of Egypt. Professor Saleh is the copyright holder of the dataset. Please cite Saleh (2013) for any download and usage of the dataset.
Population universe All individuals (Egyptians and foreigners) who were present within the political boundaries of Egypt. Certain areas are not enumerated. See Saleh (2013) for more details.
De jure or de facto De facto
Census/survey day 1865-1869
Field work period 5 years with multiple enumerations of same geographic unit. Only the most recent enumeration is used in the sampling frame. See Saleh (2013) for more details.
Questionnaire Handwritten registers of household and individual characteristics as well as housing conditions.
Type of fieldwork Direct enumeration
Estimated undercount 42.9%, see table 2 from Saleh (2013)
Microdata sample characteristics
Sample design Sample is stratified by province. The target sample size in each province is decided based on the pre-determined sampling rate of 8-10 percent in Cairo and Alexandria and 1 percent in all the other provinces. The target province population is based on the 1882 population census. Systematic sampling by page is applied to the entirety of the handwritten registers for each province. Specifically, an initial page within a range of pages (x) is randomly chosen, and the successive pages every "x" pages are selected until the end of the province's registers. The page range (x) is determined a priori based on the target sample size and the average number of individual records in the page for each province. Person weights are needed to adjust for the different sampling rates across provinces and for the non-enumeration of certain provinces.
Sample fraction 1% sample (10-12% in Cairo and Alexandria)
Sample size (person records) 78415
Sample weights Sample weights are calculated based on the sample fraction within a specific province.
Units identified in microdata
Dwellings Yes
Vacant units No
Households Yes
Collective dwellings Yes
Smallest geography District
Unit definitions
Dwellings Any unit used as a residence, including marginal living quarters not intended as such.
Households A person or a group of persons, Egyptians or foreigners, connected or unconnected with blood relation, sharing the same living quarter, food and spending the night together. This includes slaves and free people (including servants). The exception to this are military personnel residing in military barracks and foreign non-Ottoman subjects. However, military personnel residing outside barracks are enumerated. Also, foreign non-Ottoman subjects are recorded in the census registers without the household members with a note that they are to be enumerated by their respective consulates. The census order can be found in Cuno and Reimer (1997, 213–6).
Collective dwellings Group quarters, production sites and workplaces, poor shelters.
Census/survey characteristics
Type Census
Title Population, Housing and Establishment Census 1986
Statistical agency Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics
Population universe All individuals (Egyptians and foreigners) who were present within the political boundaries of Egypt at census night.
De jure or de facto De facto
Census/survey day November 17/18, 1986
Field work period 15 days starting from November 18, 1986
Questionnaire Household Questionnaires: Short household and housing conditions questionnaire and Long household and housing conditions questinnaire. Public living Quarter's Questionnaire
Type of fieldwork Direct enumeration
Microdata sample characteristics
Sample design Systematic sample weighted by IPUMS to match published village population counts. Some governorates, districts, and villages are missing from the sample (see GEO1_EG1986 for a list).
Sample fraction 0.14
Sample size (person records) 6799093
Sample weights Weights calculated by IPUMS to match published counts at the village level.
Units identified in microdata
Dwellings No
Vacant units No
Households Yes
Collective dwellings No
Smallest geography District
Unit definitions
Dwellings Any unit used as a residence, including marginal living quarters not intended as such.
Households A person or a group of persons Egyptians or foreigners connected or unconnected with blood relation, sharing the same living quarter, food and spending the night together.
Collective dwellings A place that is specialized for residing a group of persons to benefit from a service presented by that public living quarter or other reason.
Census/survey characteristics
Type Census
Title Population, Housing and Establishment Census 1996
Statistical agency Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics
Population universe All individuals (Egyptians and foreigners) who were present within the political boundaries of Egypt at census night.
De jure or de facto De facto
Census/survey day November 18-19, 1996
Questionnaire Special Households Questionnaires; Public Living Quarters Questionnaire; Household and Housing Condition Questionnaire
Type of fieldwork Direct enumeration
Microdata sample characteristics
Sample design Sample of private households drawn by Egyptian statistical office. Sample method unknown.
Sample fraction 0.1
Sample size (person records) 5902243
Sample weights Calculated by IPUMS based on village population totals. Use of weights is strongly advised.
Units identified in microdata
Dwellings No
Vacant units No
Households Yes
Collective dwellings No
Smallest geography Districts (Qadahs) with 20,000+ population; combined as necessary by IPUMS
Unit definitions
Dwellings A census building is a free standing structure which is fixed on earth or on water permanently or temporarily (regardless the material used in building it) and it is used for residence or doing any activity in it (work, sport, pious work….etc.).
Households Consist of one person or a group of persons (related or non related to each other) sharing their housing unit and food together. A household includes: a) servants and the like who are living with the household; b) visitors who spent the census night with the household (except military persons); c) household members who spent the census night apart from their household, like members of armed forces and persons who always or temporarily work at night shifts or otherwise would not be counted by the census elsewhere; d) workers on Egyptian or foreign means of transporation who were present within or out of the territorial boundaries but have no residing place outside the country.
Collective dwellings Not applicable
Census/survey characteristics
Type Census
Title Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2006
Statistical agency Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics
Population universe All individuals (Egyptians and foreigners) who were present within the political boundaries of Egypt at census night.
De jure or de facto De facto
Census/survey day November 20-21, 2006
Field work period 15 days starting from November 21, 2006
Questionnaire Household and Housing Characteristics Questionnaire
Type of fieldwork Direct enumeration
Microdata sample characteristics
Sample design Sample of households and collective dwellings drawn by Egyptian statistical office. Sample method unknown.
Sample fraction 0.1
Sample size (person records) 7282434
Sample weights Self-weighting (expansion factor=10)
Units identified in microdata
Dwellings No
Vacant units No
Households Yes
Collective dwellings Yes
Smallest geography Districts with 20,000+ population; combined as necessary by IPUMS
Unit definitions
Dwellings A census building is a free standing structure which is fixed on earth or on water permanently or temporarily (regardless the material used in building it) and it is used for residence or doing any activity in it (work, sport, pious work….etc.).
Households A household is defined as an individual or group of Egyptian or foreign individuals, connected with or without blood relationship, sharing the residence and food and spending the night of enumeration together. This includes: a) household members who were present on the census night; b) household members who were absent temporarily on the census night and were in a situation where they would not be counted by the census elsewhere; c) all armed forces members who were absent on the census night and were residing inside the country; d) servants and alike residing with the household; e) visitors who spent the census night with the household; and f) Egyptians working at Egyptian or non-Egyptian means of transportation who were present on the census night in or outside the territorial borders but have no other residence outside the country.
Collective dwellings Public housing: hospitals, hotels, prisons, etc.