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Sample characteristics: Belarus

Census/survey characteristics
Type Census
Title 1999 Population Census of the Republic of Belarus
Statistical agency Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus
Population universe All inhabitants permanently residing in each housing unit, including persons who were temporarily absent at the census moment.
Temporarily present citizens of the Republic of Belarus who reside in other places are to be only listed in the check census list. Children born after and persons who died before the census moment are not to be included in the census documents.
De jure or de facto De jure
Census/survey day February 16, 1999
Field work period 16 to 23 February 1999. Completing the census documents is to be started from 8 a.m. on 16 February and continued 8 days (to 23 February inclusive).
Questionnaire There are three documents. Form 2P contains directions for completing the list of those usually (permanently) living in the dwelling and their housing conditions. Form 3N III. Directions for recording answers to questions of the enumeration questionnaire. Form 4E directions for recording answers to questions of the enumeration questionnaire for those temporarily present on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
Type of fieldwork The census documents (forms 2P, 3N, 4E), as well as control enumeration questionnaires and check counters are to be completed by the enumerator through interviewing the population. In the event that someone of inhabitants of the housing unit is absent during the enumerator’s visit, the latter may record his (her) details from other households members in case they are able to provide irrefragable answers to all questions of the census documents. If the household members fail to supply necessary information, the enumerator must put the family name, first name, and patronymic of the person absent on the list and respective questionnaire and question him (her) personally during the second visit or by phone.

After the enumeration has been over, a selective control visiting round is to be taken. In urban settlements and rural areas the control visits are to be taken in all enumeration districts with a 10% coverage of dwellings. The purpose of the control visits is to check if omissions or double recording took place and if the records relating to those temporarily absent are correct.

Microdata sample characteristics
Sample design Systematic sample of every 10th household after a random start, drawn by the National Statistical Office.
Sample fraction 0.1
Sample size (person records) 990706
Sample weights Self-weighting (expansion factor=10)
Units identified in microdata
Dwellings Yes
Vacant units No
Households Yes
Collective dwellings Not institutions; does include hostels
Smallest geography Region
Unit definitions
Dwellings The dwelling is a separate and independent place of residence. Regular dwellings (accommodations) are defined as housing units typical of the Republic (detached houses, flats, hostels) intended for private households to live in.
Households The household is defined as a person, family or a group of families or persons permanently living in a given dwelling and having a common budget, with blood relationship between them not being compulsory.
Collective dwellings Institutions (collective quarters) are places of residence intended for collective households, i.e. for groups of people cohabiting in the same housing unit (specialized institution), sharing common meals, but not having individual budgets or common consumer espenses, observing common rules and usualy not being related.
Special populations Homeless (persons without a specific place of residence)