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      class Agestruct1 : public Editor {

  Agestruct1(VarPointer varInfo) : Editor(varInfo) {}
  void edit() {

    long a = getRecoded();
    switch (dataSet) {
    case dataset_id::es2001a: {
      if ((ES2001A_0052(0) == 0 || ES2001A_0052(0) == 8) &&
          ES2001A_0054(0) == 9999)
        a = 999;
    } break;
    case dataset_id::vn2009a: {
      if (VN2009A_0041(0) == 99 && VN2009A_0029(0) == 2)
        a = 999;
    } break;




AGESTRUCT1 reports the estimated age of the structure in which the household resided.

Comparability — Index

Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico
United States

Comparability — General

Most samples actually report these data as year of construction. These data are recoded in AGESTRUCT1, but unless the census was taken on January 1, the actual age of the structure is overestimated by some number of months in those samples, and the category for "less than one year" will be under-represented.

AGESTRUCT1 only includes samples that report age of structure in single years, not as multi-year intervals.

The samples that collected the data as actual age of structure -- and not year of construction -- are Malaysia and Romania.

The data are top-coded differently in each sample:

Dominican Republic: 3+ years
Germany 1987: 25+ years
Iran: 11+ years
Jamaica: 22+ years
Jordan: 84+ years
Malaysia: 91+ years
Nepal 2011: 100+ years
Panama: 11+ years
Puerto Rico 2010: 6+ years
Puerto Rico 2015: 11+ years
Puerto Rico 2020: 16+ years
Romania 1977: 177+ years
Romania 2002: 200+ years
Romania 2011: 41+ years
Spain 2001: 11+ years
Spain 2011: 10+ years
Suriname 2012: 8+ years
Vietnam 1999: 25+ years
Vietnam 2009 and 2019: 10+ years
United States 2010: 6+ years
United States 2015: 11+ years
United States 2020: 16+ years
Poland 2002: 14+ years

For the year in which the structure was built, see BUILTYR. BUILTYR includes samples that reported the age of the structure in multi-year intervals that could not be incorporated into AGESTRUCT1.

Comparability — Dominican Republic [top]

The data are a recode of year of construction. The data are top-coded at 3+ years.

Comparability — Germany [top]

The data are a recode of year of construction and are top-coded at 25+ years. The underlying data provide several year intervals for dwellings constructed in the period covered by the top-code. Those intervals are reported in the unharmonized source variable.

Comparability — Iran [top]

The data are a recode of year of construction and are top-coded at 11+ years. The underlying data provide several year intervals for dwellings constructed in the period covered by the top-code. Those intervals are reported in the unharmonized source variable.

Comparability — Jordan [top]

The data are a recode of year of construction.

Comparability — Nepal [top]

In 2011, the age of structure refers to the first construction date, not to later additions. The data are top-coded at 100+ years in 2011.

Comparability — Panama [top]

The data are a recode of year of construction. The data are top-coded at 11+ years.

Comparability — Poland [top]

The data are a recode of year of construction. The data are top-coded at 14+ years in 2002.

Comparability — Puerto Rico [top]

In 2010, 2015, and 2020, data are a recode of the year in which the original construction was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions or conversions. The data are top-coded at 6+ years in 2010, 11+ years in 2015, and 16+ years in 2020.

Comparability — Romania [top]

In 1977, age of the structure is a recode of year of construction. The 2002 and 2011 data were reported as "age of structure".

Comparability — Spain [top]

The data for both samples (2001 and 2011) are a recode of year of construction. The data are top-coded at 11+ years in 2001 and at 10+ years in 2011.

Comparability — Suriname [top]

The data are a recode of year of construction. The data are top-coded at 8+ years.

Comparability — United States [top]

In 2010, 2015, and 2020, data are a recode of the year in which the original construction was completed, not the time of any later remodeling, additions or conversions. The data are top-coded at 6+ years in 2010, 11+ years in 2015, and 16+ years in 2020.

Comparability — Vietnam [top]

The data for 1999 to 2019 samples are a recode of year of construction.

In 1999, persons in "simple houses" were not asked the question on age of structure. These are dwellings constructed of makeshift or plant materials.

In 2009 and 2019, the data are top-coded at 10+ years.


  • Dominican Republic 1981: Primary household in occupied dwellings
  • Germany 1987: Private dwellings
  • Iran 2006: First household in the dwelling
  • Jordan 2004: All households
  • Malaysia 1991: Private households
  • Nepal 2011: All households
  • Panama 1980: Private households
  • Poland 2002: First enumerated dwelling in the building
  • Puerto Rico 2010: Private households and vacant housing units
  • Puerto Rico 2015: Private households
  • Puerto Rico 2020: Private households
  • Romania 1977: All households
  • Romania 2002: All households
  • Romania 2011: All households
  • Spain 2001: Buildings that are not businesses or lodgings
  • Spain 2011: Buildings designed mainly or exclusively as dwellings
  • Suriname 2012: All households
  • United States 2010: Private households
  • United States 2015: Private households
  • United States 2020: Private households
  • Vietnam 1999: Not households in simple dwellings
  • Vietnam 2009: Households with a dwelling
  • Vietnam 2019: Households with a dwelling


  • Dominican Republic: 1981
  • Germany: 1987
  • Iran: 2006
  • Jordan: 2004
  • Malaysia: 1991
  • Nepal: 2011
  • Panama: 1980
  • Poland: 2002
  • Puerto Rico: 2010, 2015, 2020
  • Romania: 1977, 2002, 2011
  • Spain: 2001, 2011
  • Suriname: 2012
  • United States: 2010, 2015, 2020
  • Vietnam: 1999, 2009, 2019