Sample characteristics: Rwanda

Census characteristics
  1991 2002
Title of census Recensement Général de la Population et de l’Habitat, 16-30 août 1991 IIIème Recensement Général de la Population et de l’Habitat, 16-30 août 2002
Census agency Ministere du plan, Direction generale de la statistique Ministère des Finances et de la Planification Economique, Commission Nationale du Recensement
Population universe
De jure or de facto De facto and de jure De facto and de jure
Enumeration unit Household Household
Census day August 1, 1991 (Night from) August 15th to 16th, 2002
Field work period September 16th to 30th, 1991 August 16th to 30th, 2002
Enumeration forms used One questionnaire for each one of the following statistical units: household, individual One questionnaire for each one of the following statistical units: household, individual
Type of field work Direct enumeration Direct enumeration
Respondent Householder Householder

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Microdata sample characteristics
  1991 2002
Microdata source Ministere du plan, Direction generale de la statistique Ministère des Finances et de la Planification Economique, Commission Nationale du Recensement
Sample design A systematic sample of every 10th dwelling with a random start was drawn by the Minnesota Population Center. A systematic sample of every 10th dwelling with a random start was drawn by the Minnesota Population Center.
Sample unit Dwelling for private dwellings. Person for collective dwellings. Dwelling for private dwellings. Person for collective dwellings.
Sample fraction 10% 10%
Sample size (person records) 742,918 843,392
Sample weights Not available Not available

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Units Identified in Microdata
  1991 2002
Dwellings/housing units Yes Yes
Vacant units Yes Yes
Households (Private) Yes Yes
Individuals Yes Yes
Group quarters/Institutional Households Yes Yes
Settled/Unsettled Population Yes Yes
Special populations Yes Yes
Smallest geography Province Province

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Unit Definitions (Census)
  1991 2002
Dwellings Not available A dwelling unit may encompass one or several rooms, may be located as a separate building or part of a set of houses located in a land patch or compound [parcelle or urupangu].
Households (Private) Not available A private household is a set of persons, related by blood or not, who acknowledge the authority of a same person called the “head of household,” and who share in majority their resources or expenses. They live most of the time under the same roof or in the same compound [enclos/urugo].
Group quarters/Institutional Households Not available An institutional household is a group of persons who live together in special conditions, and who are most often not related by blood.
Unsettled population Not available Not available

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