Sample characteristics: Iraq

Census characteristics
Title 1997 Population and Housing Census
Census agency Republic of Iraq, Board of Ministers, Planning Commission, Central Statistical Organization
Population universe All population inside Iraq and Iraqis abroad
De jure or de facto De facto and de jure
Enumeration unit Households
Census day October 17, 1997
Field work period ---
Enumeration forms There are three enumeration forms: 1) basic form for dwelling and population data collection, 2) form for armed and security forces, and 3) form for rural areas
Type of field work Direct enumeration
Respondent Head of household
Coverage 100% of country, except 3 governorates from the Kurdish region: Dhok, Al-Sulaimaniya and Arbil

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Microdata sample characteristics
Microdata source Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation
Sample design Systematic sample of every tenth private dwelling. Drawn by the Minnesota Population Center from 100% microdata.
Sample unit Households
Sample fraction 10%
Sample size (person records) 1,944,278
Sample weights Self-weighted. Expansion factor = 10.

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Units identified
Dwellings No
Vacant units No
Households Yes
Individuals Yes
Group quarters Yes
Indigenous population No
Special populations Not defined
Smallest geography Districts (Qadahs) with 20,000+ population combined by MPC

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Unit definitions
Dwellings The independent structure standing alone whether on the graound or on water, either permanent or temporary and consisting of one or more rooms or of spaces covered with a roof and surrounded by outer walls or walls of separation that extend from the foundation to the roof and the structure may be a house, building, barn of poultry & small animals, factory, workshop or a hospital, etc.
Households One or more individuals sharing dwellings and the provision of food. They may or may not have a joint budget and they may or may not relate to each other or there may be a mixture of the two statuses. Usually the household resides in normal residential units. Some households reside in hotels, hospitals, and monasteries, etc. It takes from these places a permanent dwelling, and it has no other dwelling unit.
Group quarters The place in which one person or a number of persons reside, either connected by one relationship or one aim or not. They all share the same living facilities and annexes such as the kitchen, the bathroom, the sitting room, and bedroom. This includes the hotels, boarding departments, governmental offices, health establishments, and monasteries, etc.

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