Questionnaire Text

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21a. Did this person work at any time last week?
[] Yes -- Fill this circle if this person worked full time or part time. (Count as part-time work such as delivering papers, or helping without pay in a family business or farm. Also count active duty in the Armed Forces.)
[] No -- Fill this circle if this person did not work, or did only own housework, school work, or volunteer work. -- Skip to 25.

[Count as work - Mark yes:

- Work for someone else for wages, salary, piece rate, commission, tips, or payments "in kind" (for example, food, lodging received as payment for work performed).
- Work in own business, professional practice, or farm.
- Any work in a family business or farm, paid or not.
- Any part-time work including babysitting, paper routes, etc.
- Active duty in Armed Forces.

Do not count as work - Mark no:

- Housework or yard work at home.
- Unpaid volunteer work.
- School work.
- Work done as a resident of an institution.]
21b. How many hours did this person work last week (at all jobs)?
Subtract any time off. Add overtime or extra hours worked.

____ Hours