Questionnaire Text

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Personal form

P16. Did this person, in the period from 26 July to 1 Aug 2004, have a job, an odd job or work?

N.B.: (unpaid work in a family business is also regarded as work)

[] 1 Yes [Go to P18]
[] 2 No
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 No response

P17. Did this person, in the period from 26 July to 1 Aug 2004, have a job or odd job/work from which they were temporarily absent?

e.g.: leave, illness or training abroad etc.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [Go to P21]
[] 7 Don't know [Go to P21]
[] 9 No response [Go to P21]

P22. What is the reason why this person didn't look for work?

[] 1 Retired/elderly
[] 2 Student (regardless of level of education)
[] 3 Family carer
[] 4 Incapacitated for work
[] 5 Thinks they won't find work
[] 6 Looked for work but couldn't find
[] 7 Waiting for application outcome
[] 8 Is an unpaid worker in family business
[] 9 Other
[] 97 Don't know
[] 99 No response