Questionnaire Text

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[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

10 years and above [Questions P25-P33]

Economic activity [Questions P28-P31]

P28. Employment status

What was [the respondent's] main (or usual) employment status during the past 12 months?

If 9 to 14, go to P32

[] 01 Paid employee
[] 02 Self-employed without employees
[] 03 Self-employed with employees (employer)
[] 04 Unpaid family worker
[] 05 Paid apprentice
[] 06 Unpaid apprentice
[] 07 Worked before but currently looking for work
[] 08 Looking for work for the first time
[] 09 Household work
[] 10 Not working and not looking for work
[] 11 Full time student
[] 12 Retired/pensioner
[] 13 Others
[] 14 Don't know
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Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

Columns P28 to P31 -- Economic activity (for persons 10 years and over)
149. Questions on economic activity relate to respondents who are aged 10 years and above. Note that the reference period is 12 months prior to the census; you must therefore concern yourself with the person's economic activities within that period and not beyond.

P28 -- Employment status
150. This question seeks to establish whether the respondent did any work regularly during the last 12 months to the census. The appropriate codes are provided in the code list. The definitions of current employment status are:

Employment status definitions

  • Paid employee: is a person who works for a public or private employer and receives remuneration in wages, salary, commission, tips or pay in kind.
  • A Self-employed person without employees is an economically active person who is working on his or her own economic account without a partner in the last 12 month for profit or family gain.
  • Self-employed person with employees is a person with one or a few partners, who holds a self-employment job and, in this capacity, has engaged on a continuous basis (in the last 12 months)the services one or more persons to work for him/her as employees. The incumbent makes the operational decisions affecting the enterprise, or delegates such decisions while retaining responsibility for the welfare of the enterprise.
  • Apprenticeship is a system of training a new generation of practitioners of a trade or profession with on-the-job training and often some accompanying study (classroom work and reading). Some Apprentices are paid and some are not paid.
  • Paid apprentice are those paid in cash or in kind.
  • Unpaid apprentice are those that are not paid in cash or in kind.
  • Looking for work for the first time: These are economically active persons who have never worked before but who were seeking work for pay or profit for the very first time.
  • Worked before but currently looking for work: These are economically active persons who during the reference period (last 12 months) were working but currently not working. They are seeking work for pay or profit.
  • Household worker: These include persons not economically active, who are engaged in household duties in their own homes. For example, housewives and other relatives responsible for the care of their own home and children.
  • Not working and not looking for work: These are individuals without jobs who are not currently looking for work. They are classified as discouraged workers.

Discouraged workers report they are not currently looking for work for one of the following types of reasons:

- They believe no job is available to them in their line of work or area.
- They had previously been unable to find work.
- They lack the necessary schooling, training, skills, or experience.
- Employers think they are too young or too old, or
- They face some other type of discrimination.
  • Full time student: These are persons that are not economically active who attend regular educational institution, public or private, for systematic instruction at any level.
  • Retired/pensioner: These include persons not economically active, who receive income from property or other investment, royalties, or pensions from former activities.
  • Other: These include persons not economically active, who are receiving public aid or private support, and all other persons not falling under any of the above categories, such as children not attending school.
  • Don't know: this should be the very last option an enumerator should use. An enumerator will only use this option when with all efforts made the respondent does not know the economic status of the person in question.
If the response is '8' to '14', do not ask 'P29' 'P30' and 'P31'.