Questionnaire Text

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[Questions P22-P25: Persons age 10 years or older]

Type of economic activity
[Questions P23-P25]

P23. What was [the respondent's] main activity status in the past one month?

[] 1 Paid employee
[] 2 Self-employed
[] 3 Unpaid family worker
[] 4 Looking for work
[] 5 Not working and not looking for work
[] 6 Household work
[] 7 Full-time student
[] 8 Retired/pensioner
[] 9 Other (specify) ____

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Columns P23 to P25 -- Economic activity (Persons age 10 or older)
126. Like marital status, questions on economic activity relate to respondents who are age 10 years or older. Note that the reference period is one month prior to the census; you must therefore concern yourself with the person's economic activities within that period and not beyond.

P23 -- Employment status
127. This question seeks to establish whether the respondent did any work regularly during the month to the census. The appropriate codes are provided in the code list.

128. Some persons are employed by others and earn a salary or wage and if that is the case, then code "01" applies, that is, the person worked for someone else. Other people are self-employed, they work for themselves, and if that is the case, code "02" applies. Other people worked but not for cash, so the appropriate code is "03", etc.

[Questions P22 - P25: Persons age 10 or older]

P23 Type of economic activity
What was [the respondent's] main activity status in the past one month?

[] 1 Paid employee
[] 2 Self employed
[] 3 Unpaid family worker
[] 4 Looking for work
[] 5 Not working and not looking for work
[] 6 Household work
[] 7 Full time student
[] 8 Retired/pensioner
[] 0 Other specify)