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Section V. Characteristics of the population (continued)

17. Last week:

(Read each alternative and fill in only one oval)

[] 1 You did not work, but had a job (due to vacation, strikes, work stoppage, etc.)?
[] 2 Although you did not work, do you have any business of your own to which you will return?
[] 3 Did you do any occasional work (casual) for payment in cash or in kind?
[] 4 Did you work on a farm or in raising animals?
[] 5 Were you helping in a family member's store or business?
[] 6 Did you do chores at home and did not work?
[] 7 Did not work

[If responded 1-5, go to question 19]
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For persons of 5 years of age and older
[Questions 16 to 23 are asked of persons age 5 or older]

Question 17: Last week:

In this question, only one answer oval should be filled in.

If you fill in the oval of any of the options from 1 to 5, proceed to question 19.

If you fill in the oval of option 6, "did you do chores at home and did not work?", proceed to question 18.

Option 7, "did not work" should not be read, fill in the oval for this option when the respondent answers that he/she has not done any of the previous options. Then proceed to question 18.

1. You did not work but had a job? (due to vacation, strikes, work stoppage, etc.): In this case, he/she had a job as a payroll employee last week, but did not work because he/she was on vacation, sick, on strike, on leave, among others, all of them paid, i.e., remunerated.

2. Although you did not work, do you have any business of your own to which you will return?: In this case, he/she was self-employed last week, but was temporarily absent during the last week; however, his/her company or business continued to operate and generate an income.

3. Did you do any occasional (casual) for payment in cash or in kind? : In this case, last week he/she performed occasional work, at least one hour, for which he/she received payment in cash or in kind. Examples:

- Sold candies door-to-door by using a public transportation vehicle
- Hosted children's parties
- Shined shoes on the street in different sites
- Collected used cardboards and bottles at a garbage dump for sale
4. Did you work on a farm or in raising animal?: In this case, last week he/she worked on a farm, raised animals or performed other agricultural work for sale or self-consumption or as a farm laborer. Example:

- Sowed corn and grazed cattle and sheep in the field
- Fed, milked and gave water to drink to the cattle in the field.
5. Were you helping in a family member's store or business?: Last week, he/she was helping a family member for at least one hour, and did not receive any payment in cash or in kind. Examples: Selling a product, making a handicraft work, in the production of a product, among others.

6. Did you do chores at home and did not work?: In this case, last week he/she was only doing chores at home, and did not perform any paid work nor looked for a job.