Questionnaire Text

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VI. Degree or diploma obtained and economic characteristics.
For individuals 10 years of age and older
[Questions 13 - 21 were asked of people 10 years and older.]

17. What is done at the business, establishment, company or institution where you work or worked?

Specify principal activity of the company ________
_ _ _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Important observations about questions 14 to 21:
Questions 14 to 21, which form part of this section, are meant for getting information about the participation of the population of 10 years old or older in economic activities of the country. It is recommended that each member of the home respond for themselves. If this is not possible, the Head or responsible adult could respond for the youngest, but it is preferable to insist that the adult members respond for themselves.
The information refers to the week before the Census. This week is defined as the reference week and is understood to be from Sunday to Saturday.

Questions 15 to 21 should be asked to all persons who were marked in any of the circles 01 to 05 of question 14. Except to persons who answered that they have never worked in question 15.

Question Number 17: What is done at the business, establishment, company or institution where you work or worked?
Write with the best precision the class of activity that was done at the business, establishment or company whose name was written down in question 16. If a person works or used to work in any governmental institution, write down Administration and Public Services.

[Below the text are two columns, the name of the business on the left and the class of activity on the right as flows:]

López Optics-eye examinations and sale of glasses
Department Store La Avenida-sale of clothes for women or men
Grocery Store El Sol-sale of retail provisions
Ramos and Sánchez , S. A.-Legal Services
Ministry of Employment-Administration and Public Services
Puertas, S.A.-Manufacture of wooden doors
Ortega Blacksmith's-Factory of iron and rail furniture

For the person who works or used to work in the Canal Area the activity that is done in the company, institution and business established in this area should be written down.
Division of Maintaining of the Canal Commission of Panama-maintaining of buildings, highways etc.
Division of Engineering of the Canal Commission of Panama-technical engineering jobs
Commissary, Armed Forces of the United States-retail commerce of food and drinks
Military Hospitals Gorgas and Coco Solo, Armed Forces of the United States-Medical services