Questionnaire Text

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Section F. Characteristics of the persons

For persons 5 years old or more
[Questions 6-11 were asked of persons aged 5 years or older.]

For persons 7 years old or more
[Questions 12-16 were asked of persons aged 7 years or older]

13. Last week, did the person:

[Part] A:

[] 01 Worked on agricultural or forestry crops or raised animals that belong to [him or her] or a relative
[] 02 Worked on or assisted in a business or shop that belongs to [him or her] or a relative
[] 03 Prepared food or produced articles for sale
[] 04 Had work, but did not work because of vacations, leave, illness, etc.
[] 05 Looked for work, having worked previously

[Part] B:

[] 06 Looked for work, not having worked previously
[] 07 Lived off retirement or pension
[] 08 Lived off of rental income
[] 09 Only studied
[] 10 Only did housework
[] 11 Is permanently incapacitated to work
[] 12 Other

(For answers 6-12, continue to question 17)
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For persons 7 years old and older
[Questions 12-16 were asked of persons aged 7 years or older]

Question 13: During the past week, did you tend agricultural crops, forestry, or animal breeding on your property or the property of a relative? Did you attend or help in some business or workshop that is yours or belongs to a family member? Did you have work but not work because of vacations, permission, illness, etc.? Did you look for work having never worked before? Did you live off from retirement funds or pension? Did you live off from rents? Did you only study? Did you only do household chores? Are you permanently incapacitated for work? Other?

With this question, you try to rescue all of the persons that in the above question answered that they did not work, but they do have an economic activity that generates for them a utility or they work in a family business. For example: making tortillas to sell, making bread, make clothing, repair shoes, etc.

Make an emphasis that this is about last week, and read each of the alternative answers in the order indicated; and mark the corresponding box for the first affirmative answer.

Below we describe each of the alternatives to the question:

1. Tended agricultural crops, forestry, or animal breeding on your property or the property of a relative: Here you should include all persons who worked during the past week, whether on a farm, ranch, or business dedicated to agriculture, forestry exploitation, animal breeding, or all activities related to agriculture. Either on his or her own account (as an employer or independent worker) or in a family business (unpaid family worker).

2. Attended or helped in some business or workshop that belongs himself/herself or to a family member: Here you should include all persons who last week worked on a business, workshop or self-owned business (as an employer or independent worker), dedicated to the preparation of a product (manufacturing industry), or commercialization (buying and selling), or provided a service (legal office, customs agency, etc.)

3. Prepared foods or made other articles to sell: Include the persons who are dedicated to preparing foods (candies, cakes, etc.) and any other type of article or product (tortillas, bread, embroidery, hats, piƱatas, floral arrangements, etc.) for sale that permits them to obtain some income to contribute to the household economy.

4. Had work but did not work because of vacations, permission, illness, etc.: This refers to the persons who had work, however, last week they did not do their activities because they were on vacation, had license, due to illness, temporary lay-off, lack of prime material, etc.

5. Looked for work and had worked previously: This is the person who having lost his or her employment, work or business, did not work but did look for work or made efforts to establish his or her own business or to cultivate land. You should also include here all of the persons who last week were being trained to obtain a job.

6. Looked for work having never worked before: This is all of the persons who are looking for work for the first time, which means that he or she has never worked before, not even in his or her own business or in a business of a family member. Also, include here those persons who were trained for a job, but have never worked before. This case is very common in young persons.
[p. 51]
7. Lived off from a retirement fund or pension: Here you include all persons who last week did not work because he or she lives off of an income that comes from a retirement pension, whether, because of his or her age, for the years of services provided in a business or a widow's or disability pension, etc.

8. Lived off from rents: This is all persons who did not work, because he or she lives off from the income that he or she receives for rent of real estate (buildings, dwellings, etc.), or from the interests earned by the capital that is saved in banking institutes. Also, include here those persons who rent agricultural machinery for construction, only if the person does not participate directly in the administration or direction of the business.

9. Only studied: This refers to the person who during the past week was dedicated only to studying, which means that he or she did not do any type of work.

10. Only did household chores: Considered as such is the person who the past week was dedicated exclusively to doing domestic chores (housewife) in the dwelling where he or she lives.

11. [The person] is permanently incapacitated for work: This category refers to persons who physically or mentally are permanently unable to work.

12. Other: This category should be marked when the informant cannot be placed in any of the above categories, whether because the past week he/she did not work, did not work, nor is interested in working.
Instructions that should be followed by the enumerator
-If you mark any box of block 'A; options 01 to 01', continue with the next question.

-If you mark any box of block 'B; options 06 to 12', continue with question 17.