If you work, go to the back of the page (questions 12 to 21)
If you help a member of your family in his or her work without pay
If you are apprenticed under contract, a paid intern (TUC, SIVP..), etc.
If you do not work (or do not work anymore), answer questions 9-11
9. Are you?
[] 2 Unemployed (enrolled or not with the ANPE [Agence nationale pour l'emploi - National agency for unemployment])
[] 3 Retired (formerly paid) or retired early
[] 4 Retired from business (former farmer, former artist, former merchant)
[] 5 Housewife
[] 6 Other (not active at this time) (including people not receiving anything but a reversion benefit)
Questions 19 to 21 are only addressed to people who are paid and to paid interns
19. If you are in one of the following situations, check the box which best describes your situation:
[] 2 Practicing beneficial community work (TUC [Travail d'utilité collective], etc.)
[] 3 Under a Contrat d'adaptation (contract for young people ages 16 to 25 who needed additional education in order to quickly get a job; replaced November 2004 by the Contrat de professionalisation ) or Contrat de qualification (same contract, but for people 26 years of age or older)
[] 4 Intern (mainly in a business: SIVP [Stage d'Insertion à la vie professionnelle - Internship of integration into professional life], etc.)
[] 5 Intern (mainly in an educational center: FPA [Formation Professionnelle Accélérée - Accelerated Professional Education], etc.)
[] 6 Placed by an interim agency
[] 7 Under work contract for a determined duration