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45. Worked all or part of the last 12 months (1 September 1989 to 31 August 1990). If 3 (didn't work), skip to question 58.
[] 1 regularly
[] 2 sporadically
[] 3 didn't work

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Question 45 - Worked during all or some of the last 12 months (9/1/1989 to 8/31/1990)
This question is intended to identify whether the person worked during the last 12 months, that is, between September 1, 1989 and August 31, 1990.
Persons will be considered as having worked if, during the entire last 12 months or part thereof, they exercised remunerated work paid in monetary values or in products or merchandise, including workers on paid leave (determined by the Federal Health Service (INAMPS)), scholarship grant, pregnancy allowance, breast feeding allowance, etc. and those without remuneration who worked regularly at least 15 hours per week in an economic activity helping a person with whom he or she lived or cooperating with charitable, social, or cooperative institutions or as a trainee, apprentice, etc.
For persons who worked, mark:
1 - Regularly - persons who exercised a remunerated occupation, even if only for a few hours per day, per week or per month as a salaried or self-employed worker or as an employer, or non-remunerated persons who worked regularly at least 15 hours per week.

[p. 74]
According to these criteria, the following people are included in this category:

Persons who exercised seasonal or intermittent work in the last 12 months, as is the case of persons who are contracted during certain periods for agricultural activity (planting, harvesting, cutting, etc.), for an activity involving plant extraction (pickers, cutters, breakers, etc.) or mineral extraction (gold miner, diver) who worked only during certain periods for climactic reasons, such as the rainy season, high water season on the rivers, etc.;
Workers such as plumbers, gas workers, stone masons, house painters, upholsterers, seamstresses, manicures, etc. who exercise one or multiple unestablished trades and who do not work all the time, but who have a place where they can be found or receive a message when their work is needed;
Religious who exercised some productive work, such as education, nursing, social work, religious services, etc.;
Soldiers convoked for military service;
Women who worked during the last 12 months even if, at the end of the period, have ceased working due to marriage or childbirth; or
Persons who worked part of the year preceding the date of the census but ceased to work due to retirement, whether or not they currently exercise an economic activity.

2 - Worked occasionally - persons who exercised only remunerated work for a certain period, without being able to continue due to any of a number of situations, such as:

Students during vacation periods;
Lack of job opportunities - for persons who only work in industrial establishments or clothing factories during periods of heavy production;
In commercial or service establishments for periodic events such as religious celebrations (Christmas, pilgrimages, etc.), Mardi Gras, or other tourist occasions; or
For not wanting to work or for lack of opportunity, better known as "jack-of-all-trades" or persons who do "odd jobs."

[p. 75]
3 - Did not work - persons who, between September 1, 1989, and August 31, 1990, was only looking for work, exercising domestic tasks at their own home, studying, living on earnings, on capital investments, on retirement, on pension left by another person, on alimony, being sick or invalid without being on leave from a job, or who did not work for having given up looking, for lack of success.
The following will also be included as not worked:

Persons not remunerated who worked regularly for less than 15 hours per week;
Religious who are dedicated exclusively to study or meditation; or
Prisoners serving sentence, even if they exercised a productive activity in the prison.

If Box 3 - Did not work - was marked, go on to Question 58.