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Educational attainment, Lesotho

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      class Educls : public Editor {

  Educls(VarPointer varInfo) : Editor(varInfo) {}
  void edit() {

    long a = getRecoded();
    switch (dataSet) {
    case dataset_id::ls1996a: {
      if (LS1996A_0415() == 1 && LS1996A_0406() >= 5)
        a = 11;
    } break;




EDUCLS indicates the person's educational attainment in Lesotho in terms of the level of schooling completed.

Comparability — General

The education system of Lesotho includes 7 years of primary education (Standard 1-7), 3 years of lower secondary (Form 1-3), and 2 years of upper secondary (Form 4-5). Lower secondary leads to the Junior Certificate (JC), while upper secondary leads to the Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC).

Technical and vocational training is offered after primary, lower secondary, or upper secondary. Programs after the JC include the Lesotho Primary Teachers Course (LPTC), the Primary Higher Certificate (PHC), nursing, among others. Post-secondary non-university programs lead to a diploma or a certificate, which lasts between 2 to 3 years.

Higher education includes bachelor, master, and doctorate degrees. The first stage of higher education is composed of bachelor's degree programs, which take 4 to 5 years, depending on the field of study. Master's degree programs take 2 years to complete and doctorate programs take 3 years.

Preschool and non-formal education are only identified in 2006. The data for this census shows smaller than expected frequencies for persons with preschool and exactly 6 years of age, with respect to those with preschool and who are 7 or 8 years old.

The 1996 and 2006 samples do not provide information about the number of years achieved in university or vocational training programs. The 1996 sample does not distinguish between undergraduate and graduate education.


  • Lesotho 1996: Persons age 5+
  • Lesotho 2006: Persons age 2+


  • Lesotho: 1996, 2006