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Fifth Housing and Population Census
Manual of Instructions Population Census for Enumerators
(For Sample Areas)

Population Census Organization
Statistics Division
Government of Pakistan Islamabad

[Omitted preface and table of contents]

Chapter 1

[Omitted section 1.1: Duties of enumerator and related matters]


1.2 Terminologies and their definitions

1.2.1 Block
Block is the area of jurisdiction of population and housing census in which an enumerator will do enumeration work during specified days. Efforts have been made that all blocks consist of equal population. In settled areas mauza/deh (territorial unit) or a part equal to it will be a block. Any mauza/deh whatsoever smaller in population size will be treated as a separate block. Similarly, in unsettled areas, one village or its part is one block. In other words, it will never happen that a block in settled areas comprises more than one mauza/dehs, or a block in unsettled areas consists of more than one village

1.2.2 Building
A building means a structure which has its unique entity, its own outer walls and roof. It can consist of one or more than one rooms, and it has at least one separate door way from outside for entrance. Generally, one building will also look separate from outside. Annex and servant quarter built within the compound walls of a building will be treated as parts of this building. A building can be a bungalow, house, residential plaza, government, trading or industrial office, factory, mill, Go down, hospital, jail, mosque, church, temple, shrine, cottage, hut, etc. Although tents, huts, cottages, and other temporary places, which are used as residence, do not come under this definition, these will be treated as buildings.

1.2.3 Housing Unit
A housing unit means a building or a part of building which is meant for residence of household. It is separate from other parts inside the building from construction and residential point of view. There could be one or more than one housing units/dwelling units in one building, and at the time of enumeration more than one household can reside in one housing unit.

1.2.4 Household
A household means one or more than one person who lives under one cooking arrangement and other common necessities of life. If one person is living alone, he will also be treated as one household. Generally, the members of household are relatives, but the friends, servants of the household and other non relatives residing with them can also be included in the household.

1.2.5 House
A house means a place for residence of a household. A vacant housing unit will also be considered a house for the purpose of population and housing census. Such a place which a household is using for residence that will also be called a house, i.e. cottage, hut, shelter tent, cave, shop etc. If a household is residing at more than one housing unit located at a place, then such housing units together will be treated as one house. However, if such housing units are located in two different buildings, then these buildings will be given separate numbers. In the first case, while entering housing characteristics, enter the characteristics of the housing unit where most of the members of this household are residing. In the second case, enter characteristics of that building as the house in which most of the members of the household reside.

1.2.6 Collective residence
The collective residence means that housing unit which has been constructed or specified as the collective residence of some social, governmental or business purpose, e.g. hotel, hostel, residential, barracks of armed or semi armed forces, residential camps, jails, sanatorium, mental hospital disabled, poor, orphans paupers and institutions etc specified for residence at other such persons. The houses located in the buildings of hospitals, educational/industrial institutions or offices, etc. will not be considered as collective residence but treated as separate houses.

1.2.7 Difference between house and household
A house means a place which a household uses for their residence, while a household means people who are living in a house. In other words, a house means a place, and a household means persons

[Omitted section 1.3 on marking numbers on the building]

1.4 Instructions before filling up Population and Housing Census Form

1.4.1 Date of Population and Housing Census
Population and housing census will be undertaken in the specified ten days. But the first day of this duration will be treated as the census day, and characteristics of all the persons will be entered with reference to the dawn of that day.

1.4.2 Who will be enumerated

All those persons who reside in Pakistan, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Northern areas and within the boundaries of tribal areas will be enumerated, but foreign diplomats, their staffs and their families will not be counted. Pakistanis residing abroad will also not be counted. As the characteristics of population will be collected according to the population census date, all persons who are alive at the dawn of census date but died thereafter will be covered. However, children born after this time will not be counted. The Afghans living in camps will not be counted. However, Afghan refugees mixed up and living with general population out of camps will be enumerated as non-Pakistanis. Similarly, for other foreign nationals, e.g. Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan and Iranians, Brumi, etc. the oval specified for others will be filled. You should be sure that all the persons who present on Population Census day are counted, and none of them has been left uncounted.

1.4.3 Where will be enumerated

Every person will be enumerated at the house where the household inhabited. If some persons have more than one house, then they will be counted at the house where they generally spend the night. There could be three forms of enumeration of every person:

1. Member of the household present in the house on the dawn of population and housing census date
2. Member of the household temporarily absent from the house
3. Visitor/guest

By temporarily absent from the house, it means somebody has left the house for work or for outing. Such person can stay out of home for a short time, but he does not change his residence and come back after a little time. A person is called visitor/guest if he resides somewhere else, and he left his house for the time being to meet the present members of the household or for work. After the visit or work, he has to come back to his house. If a visitor/guest does not have his own house, he will be treated as a member of household present in the current house.

Status of persons and where they will be counted

1. Member of household who is present in the house on Population Census day
Count at his house as the person presents

2. Member of household who is temporarily absent from the house on Population Census day
(A) Count as member of the household temporarily absent at his own house
(B) Count as guest/visitor at that house where he presents on the Population and Housing Census days

3. Visitor/Guest, relatives or non relatives where own house is somewhere else they have to return after sometime
(A) Count as guest/visitor at the house where they are present on the Population Census day

4. Such persons (visitors/guests, relatives, non relatives) who do not have a house
Count at house where they are found present on Population Census day as present

5. Those students who are residing at hostel or at a house of other than his parents or guardian
(A) Count as present if they are found present at the hostel
(B) Count as visitors/guests if they have gone to see their parents/guardian and at the hostel persons temporarily absents

6. Persons residing in sanatorium, mental hospitals, jails and other such places
(A) If they are found residing, count as the members of the household in which they present.
(B) If they have gone to see parents or guardian, count as visitors/guests and at sanatorium, mental hospital where they are temporarily absent.

7. People residing in orphans houses, destitute, houses and other such institutions
(A) If they present in these institutions, count as member of household present.
(B) If the person has come to see his parents or guardian on the census day, he will be treated as a visitor/guest at the parents' house, and as a member of household temporarily absent at the orphan/destitute houses, etc.

8. Armed forces personnel residing in barracks
(A) Count as household present if they present in the barracks.
(B) If the person has come to see their parents on census day, he will be treated as visitor/guest there and as a member of the household temporarily absent at the barrack.

9. Semi armed forces personnel residing in barracks
(A) Count as a member of the household present where he resides on census day.
(B) If he has come to see their parents, he will be considered as visitors/guests there and at barracks will be considered as temporarily absent.

10. People living in hostels and other such places
(A) If they have house somewhere else, then they will be considered as visitors/guests at hostels.
(B) If they don't have residence anywhere else, then at hostel they are considered as member of the household present.

11. *Nomads or homeless population
Where residing presently, count as members of household present.

12. *Seasonal migrants
Where residing presently, count as members of household present.

13. Afghan Refugees
(A) Such Afghan Refugees who are residing in camps will not be counted.
(B) Such Afghan Refugees who are out of camps and mixed up and living with the local population will be enumerated where they are residing as member of the household present but will be non Pakistani, and in the nationality column relevant oval of other will be filled.

14. *Households residing in boats
Where the boats are generally anchored, count as members of the household present.

* Such type of persons will be enumerated after counting the entire household of Population Census blocks, but before leaving this block, it should be ensured that they have not been enumerated earlier.

[Omitted the section on obtaining information from respondent]


1.4.5 Use of Code
Every block consist of nine digit code enter this code at the specified place on every form.


Chapter 2

2.1 Instructions to fill in various column of form 2-A

2.1.1. Population and Housing Census register Form 2.A
Form 2-A will be provided in the form of registers. These registers will consist of 100 or 50 or 25 forms. Characteristics of six persons can be entered on one form. One form will be used for one household. However, if any household comprises of more than six persons, then additional forms will be used; the rest of the members of household will be entered on the next page. If any household consists of less than six members, then leave the rest of the lines of the form blank. Generally, two registers will be required for one block. If more registers are needed, then obtain register with adequate pages from your circle supervisors so that the forms are not wasted. If you have used more than one registers, then leave the summary and affidavit blank on the title page of addition registers but prepare the summary on the title page of first register. Additional registers should be packed in the tyvek envelope along with first filled in register.

2.1.2 Enumeration Unit
In population census, the unit of enumeration is a person. More details can be seen in section 1.4.3 of the chapter one.

2.2 Instructions to fill-in the title page of population and housing Register

Enter name of block/code and other related information of the area in the specified please.

Page wise Summary

Write page wise total number of males, female and total persons on the inner page of the last page of the register. Write here the number of only those persons whose residential statuses are member of household present and member of household temporarily absent. Guests or visitors will not be counted. After making entries on all pages, the total of all the register will be written on this page from which total households, total males, total females, and total persons can be easily known. If more than one form has been used for one household, then a summary of every page may be entered on separate lines.


Enter a summary at the specified places:

1. Number of registers of the block
2. Number of households
3. Number of males
4. Number of females
5. Total number of persons

While preparing summary, visitors/guests for whom code number 3 has been given in column number 3 will not be included in member of household.


Summary and Affidavit will be filled after completing population and housing census work of the block. Complete it by writing your name, signature and date at the specified places.

2.3 Instructions for following up identity form.

An identity form has been put on start of register. First of all fill first part of this identity form write name of census district, charge, circle and block at the specified please and fill relevant ovals of their codes.

[Omitted the table of an identity form]


2.4 Instructions of filling up form

2.4.1 Block code
Block code will consist of nine digits; block code will be same as the code that will be written on the title page of the register. This code will be repeated on every page of the register.

2.4.2 Number at the building

Write the building number at the blank space on top of every page of form which was marked during preparation of house listing.

2.4.3 Serial number of household

Write here serial number of the household. The household serial number consists of three digits which will start from 001 in every block for household. The code on the first line starting from top is meant for digits hundred, the second line for the digit ten and the third line for unit. The right side oval of every line represents zero, next 1, then 2 and the last which is on the extreme left represent the digit 9. If for any house hold more than one form has been used, then enter this number on every additional form used.

In case of collective residence, enter999, and for homeless persons only one number i.e., 000 will be entered. The homeless persons will be enumerated on the day eleven.

2.4.4 Page number

Serial number will be given on every filled in page of the register which will start from page number one. If more than one register is used in any block, then on the first page of the additional register/registers, the next number to the number of last page of the first register will be written.

[2.5 Instructions for filling up address of the head of the household]

2.5.1 Present address of the head of the household.

Enter the present address of the head of the household in the specified place.

2.5.2 Permanent address of the head of household

Enter the permanent address of the head of the household in the specified place. The permanent and present address of the head of the household can be different and can also be the same. In both the cases enter complete address at the specified spaces.

2.6 Instructions for filling up various columns of the Form

Column No.1: Name and age
Write names of all the persons at the specified place present in the house or are temporarily absent from the house on the dawn of Population census day. These will also include those persons who were alive on the dawn of census day but died later. However, those children who were born after dawn of this day will not be counted. In addition such guests who were present there on the dawn of this day will also be included. The members of the household will be entered in a special order. First of all, the name of the head of household will be written, thereafter his wife or husband, then names of unmarried children age-wise, then married children of the head of the household, their wives and their children will be entered only if they are members of the household, however, their entries will be made after the unmarried children. First of all eldest married boy or girls and his rest of the persons and then younger (married) than his boy or girl and his children and younger then him, according to this order rest of the married children of the head of the household, other relatives will be entered thereafter. Guest/visitors and non relatives including servants, etc. residing within the household will be entered in the end. According to customs of several places the respondents don't like to tell names of a few persons of the house, in such case enter the relation with which that person is known in place of name. The age will be entered under the name in completed years. Entries will consist of two digits. For example, if a person is nine years and eleven months and twenty days old, the age of this person will be written as 09 years because he has not completed tenth years as yet. The age of which children is less than one years 00 will be written for them and elders who have attained age of 99 years or above, 99 will be written for their age.

Besides, the age will also be entered with the help of ovals. Shade the relevant ovals with lead pencils for entering age. The first line from the top represents tens and second line represents units. In some cases, it is also possible that the respondent cannot tell the correct age of a few members of the household. In such cases, the enumerator should help to determine the correct age of these persons i.e. remind him national and international events as world war 1939-45 , creation of Pakistan, 1947 Quaid-e-Azams death 1948, 1965 and 1971 Indo Pak wars, etc or some other local events on the basis of which the correct age can be determined. Sometimes age at the time of marriage or with reference to educational level or by difference in age amongst children their age can be determined.

Column No.2: Relationship with head of household
Here you will fill/shade the relevant oval of relationship with head of household for every person. By head of the household, it means that person who is accepted as head by all the members of the household. Remember at this point to enter the relationship of every person with head of the household and not the relationship of this person with the respondent.

Column. No.3: Residential status
Fill /shade the relevant oval in this column for every person. Details can be seen in chapter No. 1 section 1.4.3 of this manual of instructions.

Column No.4: Sex
Fill/shade relevant oval number 1 for male including boy and oval number 2 for female including girl. For emasculators, shade oval number 1.

Column No.5: Marital status.
The question about marital status will be asked about the person of ages ten years and above. Those persons whose matrimonial ceremony has been held but who has not accompanied the groom as yet will also be considered as married. For children of less then ten years the related oval of bachelor will be filled/shade without asking this question about them.

Column No.6: Nationality
This question will be asked for every person in the house. If nationality is reported as Pakistani then fill oval number 1 and if some other nationality, e.g. Afghani, Bangladeshi, Indian or Sri Lankan is reported, then fill the oval relevant to them. For other non Pakistanis, fill the oval related to others.

Column No.7: Religion
You will ask the question of religion for all the persons in the house and fill the oval related to the religion of the given answer. For Qadianis/Ahmedi of Rabva group or Lahori Group, only one oval has been provided. Fill this oval in such a case.

Column No.8: Mother tongue
By mother tongue, it means the language which parents speak with their children in daily life. Fill relevant oval of the answers.

Column No. 9 to 12: Migration
Migration means change of residence from one place to another of any person. For the purpose of census shifting of residence from one district to another district by any person will be called migration. The question about migration will not be asked for guests/visitors and leave the column against their names as blank.

Column No.9: District of birth
Ask district of birth for every member of the household and write the name of the district of birth in the blank space in the column. In case of birth in a foreign country, write the name of the country in which that person was born, and leave the ovals blank in this column.

Column No.10: Duration of continuous residence in the district
Ask from every member of the household for how long he has been residing continuously in this district and fill the relevant oval.

Column No.11: District of previous residence
Ask the district of previous residence from where migrated to this district. In case of foreign country, write the name of the country. Enter name of the district or country and leave the ovals blank.

Column No.12: Reasons of migration
Ask this question of every person who migrated the reasons why he/she migrated and fill the relevant oval.

Column No.13: Can read Quran/Religious book
Ask of persons of ages five or above whether he can read Quran or his religious book. In case of other religion, fill the oval relevant to the answer

Column No.14: Literacy
That person will be considered literate if he can read newspaper in any language and can write simple letter. Ask this question of persons of ages five years and above and fill the relevant ovals of the language/languages.

Column No.15: Education in educational institutions
Ask persons of age five years or more whether he/she ever studied in any school/college/university/madarsa/maktaba. Fill the oval relevant to answer.

Column No.16: Level of education completed
This question will also be asked of only the persons age five years and above. Ask from the respondent for every person the level of education he has attained and which last/highest level he has passed, and fill relevant oval. Often it is observed that such a level for students is reported in which he is studying, therefore in case of students ask further whether he/she has completed the level which is being reported or studying at that level. Fill here the oval of relevant level of education which has been completed. For example, a student who is studying in ninth or tenth class will be considered as middle pass. If a person has a bachelor's as well as Master's degree, in such a case the relevant oval of M.A will be filled. If any person has passed Munshi fazal (diploma) and also passed Bachelor of Arts, then his highest level passed will be B.A., but if the person passes Munshi fazal and metric, his highest level will be Munsih fazal because munsii fazal is a higher level than matric, therefore fill the relevant oval of diploma. For Adecb fazal, Arabic fazal diploma in any subject, fill oval relevant to others. It is necessary to distinguish between level at professional and non professional diploma/certificate. Although any education can be adopted as a profession but for this question of population census, the regular training in school with class room education, only technical or vocational or trade will be considered professional education.

Column No.17: Field of education
The person whose level of education has been entered in column number 16, ask also his field of education. By field of education, it means that subject in which the highest level has been obtained and entered in column number 16. Fill the oval related to field of education.

The educational programmes up to primary, middle, metric, and intermediate, Bachelor's degree in arts or science are included in the general education. See the details of field of education at annexure number

Column No.18-22: Economic characteristics
The questions related to columns No. 18-22 will also be asked for all the persons of ages five years or above.

Column No.18: [Work status]
Ask what the person did during the last year in addition to his house keeping. If some person has done more than one work during the year, then enter here the work which he did more, and fill the oval related to it. For the purpose of economic activities, those students, housewives, landlord retired or disabled persons who themselves are doing such work or supervising such work from which they are getting an increase in their income will be treated as worked and oval for code 1 will be filled instead of code 5,6, 7, 8 or 9.

Column No.19: Occupation
This question asks for the nature of the work which this person has done during the last year. This question will also be asked of those persons who are of ages five years or more. There should be details about the nature of profession which this person himself does. For example, if a person is a truck driver, it is not sufficient to write driver but write truck driver as occupation. Similarly, if a person is retailer, then it will not be sufficient to write as "shopkeeper" because its correct nature cannot be known from this; instead, write "retailer". If a person did more than one work, then that work which he did more during the last year or he considers it as his occupation will be considered as his occupation, leave the ovals of this column blank.

Column No.20: Industry
This question will be asked only about that person for whom code 1 or 4 has been entered in column 18. This column is not for occupation of this person which has been entered in column number 19 but the nature of work of that entrepreneur will be written where this person did the work. But if any person is not employed i.e. he did his own work than nature of his work will be written, in other words the economic activity and business of that person will be same. If the entrepreneur or if the person doing his own work is doing work in more than one economic fields, then that economic field that is of bigger nature will be written. Don't fill the ovals in this column also.

Column No.21: Employment status in which status worked?
A person can work as employee or employer or unpaid worker in any institution. This institution can be Government, private institution, or autonomous institution. If a person is running his own work and has not engaged anybody as employee, then the oval related to his own work will be filled, but if that person has engaged at least one servant for his help on salary/wage, then that person will be called employer and the person receiving salary will be called employee.

If anybody has been doing some work but is not receiving any kind of wage then he will be called unpaid worker, whether he engages in family work or business or helps for other work or business. Somebody who is on the job training and not getting any wage or pay, then he will also come under it. Fill the relevant oval in this column after asking the status of work from any person.

Column No.22: Reason of unemployment
What is the reason of unemployment? This question will be asked of only those persons for whom oval number 2 or 3 has been filled [in column 18]. Fill oval relevant to answer. By private means the institution of running its own business.

The question in column number 23-30 will be asked of all married, widowed, divorced women whose ages are between 15 and 50 years.

Column No.23: Boys born alive
Every married, widowed and divorced woman between the ages 15-50 will be asked how many boys were born alive to her. This will not include the children born dead. However, all those children who were born alive but died later will be included in addition to presently alive children. Besides, the children who do not reside with their parents or are given to some other relative they will also be included in this count. Ask for the number of boys born alive to the women concerned and fill the oval relevant to the answer.

Column No.24: Boys still living
Ask this also from every married, widowed, divorced women that how many boys are still living. Fill the oval related to number told.

Column No.25: Girls born alive
In this column every married, widowed and divorced women of ages 15 to 50 years will be asked how many girls were born alive to her. This will not include those girls or babies who were born dead; however, all girls that were born alive but died later will be included in the total. Fill the oval relevant to the answers of the women concerned.

Column No.26: Girls still living
You will ask this question also from every married, widowed, and divorced women of how many girls are still living out of the total girls born alive to her. Fill the oval in this column relevant to the number told in the answer.

Fill the ovals carefully in columns 23 to 26 there are two ovals in first line, i.e. 0 and 1 ( oval of '0' zero represent units and oval of 1 represent tens) where as ovals in the second and third lines together with oval of zero in the first line represents the units. If the number of boys and girls born to any women is 9 or less than 9 then fill oval of zero in the first line and the oval relevant to the number told in the answer is more than 9 then fill oval of 1 in the first line and also fill the oval relevant to the number told answer. Similarly if the total number of boys and girls born is more than 9 then fill oval of 1, i.e., if the number of children born is told as 17 then fill oval of 1 in the first line and oval of 7 in the third line.

Column No.27: Children born during the last twelve months
Every woman between 15 and 50 years age who was married during the last year or married a little earlier than it but is widowed now or was married a little earlier but has been divorced will be asked that how many boys were born to her last year. In case of yes write number of boys. Generally, birth of a child is possible but in a few cases the answer can be more than one, i.e., twin boys or two boys with in a space of eleven months during one year. Fill the ovals related to number of boys born last year in column number 27.

Column No.28: Boys still living out of boys born alive during the last twelve months
Fill up the oval relevant to the number of boys still living out of those entered in column 27.

Column No.29: Girls born alive during the last twelve months
Ask every married, widowed and divorced woman between 15 and 50 years about the number of girls born during the last year and fill the relevant oval.

Column No.30: Girls still living out of girls born alive during the last twelve months
The number of girls still living out of those born alive entered in column no. 29 fills the oval relevant to the number given in the answer.
If neither boy nor girl has born during the last twelve months, leave these ovals blank and do not fill any oval.

Column No.31: Disability
Ask this question very carefully because sometimes it can hurt. Therefore, ask the question like this: that God forbids, is there any disabled person in the house? If answer is yes, then ask name of that person and type of disability he has. Fill relevant oval of the answer against the name otherwise leave this column blank.

By blind, it means [a person] who cannot see or his eye sight is so poor to the extent that for his education there is no use of eyes for sight. Dumb/deaf means a person who cannot speak/or hear or his hearing is impaired to the extent that for his education methods used are those which do not require the use of the tongue i.e. which are used for deaf children.

Physical disability means that due to physical or muscular defect this person cannot move or faces difficulty when moving.

Mentally retarded means whose brain [function] is below average. Mental patient and ignorant means such a person who is indifferent of his surrounding. The people who are insane or generally mad are also included in this category.

Column No.32: Inoculation of children
Are your children vaccinated? This question will be asked of the children of 10 years or below age. If answer is yes, then fill oval relevant to code 1, and if the answer is No, then fill the oval of code number 2.

Column No.33: Identity card
This question will be asked of the persons of 18 years and above. If the answer is yes, then fill the oval relevant to code 1, and if answer is 'no' then filling the oval relevant to code 2.


Housing characteristics

The questions related to Housing census have been given at the bottom part of the other side of the form. These questions will be asked of all the houses. The households for which more than one forms have been used the housing characteristics of those houses will be entered on the last filled form of such households by filling up relevant oval.

Number of room
By room, it means a residential place which has a roof and walls from the floor to roof. It comprises of bedroom, dining room, study room, children room, drawing/guest room and TV lounge, etc. However, kitchen bath room, toilet, corridor, balcony, garage are not considered as rooms. If some store or closed corridor is being used as a bedroom, then it will be treated as a room. Fill oval relevant to the answer after enquiring about total number of rooms.

Nature of residence
Fill the oval related to nature of residence in this column. Nature of residence means the capacity in which the household in question is residing. House can be owned, rented (though rent is being paid in the form of lease), or without rent. If the household member is providing services to owner of the house in return as rent, then the nature of residence will be considered rent free.

When [the house is] constructed
When [the house is] constructed means the time passed since the construction of this house, i.e. how old is this house, and when it was constructed for the first time. If any addition of minor nature or change has been made in the house after the first construction, then period of construction will be counted from the time of first construction. However, if the addition or change of the new walls have been constructed after demolishing old walls or more than half the building has been newly constructed, then period of construction will be counted from the time of addition or change. Period of construction has been divided in four parts. Fill the oval in this column relevant to duration of construction after asking this question.

Material of construction
The building material used in construction of the house will be entered in these two columns.

Outer walls means those outer walls of the building on which the building stands. In many cases, these can be walls surrounding the building and in many cases these can be other than surrounding walls. Fill in this column and relevant to construction material used in walls. For such walls in which thatchwood, sticks or grass or cloth has been used instead of wood or bamboo, the oval others may be filled.

Fill the oval related to the material with which the roof has been constructed. For such roofs in construction of which thatched wood, sticks, grass or cloth has been used the oval relevant to others may be filled. For the roof built with wood or bamboo fill the oval related to wood/bamboo.

Sources of drinking water
There are three main sources of drinking water inside the house and five sources outside of the house. Whichever source is told, fill the oval related to it. These details of these main sources are following.

Nul (Tap)
Nul means a source of water which the municipal water supply or tube well provides through pipe and it is used for drinking.

Hand Pump
Hand pump means hand-used machine with which water is lifted through the pipe fixed under the earth.

Well is a big straight pit or hole under the ground made by digging it up to the level of water. This can be cemented or muddy and covered or open. The water can be taken from it in various ways. Sometimes the hand pumps is fixed on the open well in that case also it will be called well.

If the source is other than the ones mentioned above, fill the oval related to others.

Source of lighting
Fill in this column the oval related to the source of lighting. Since kerosene oil is used in patrolman, fill oval related to kerosene oil. If more than one source of lighting is available in a house, then the source of lighting will be the source that is used often.

The fuel generally used for cooking meal. If more than one kind of fuels is being used in a house, then the source of fuel will be the one that is often being used.

By kitchen, it means a room that is used for cooking meal or generally (specified) for this work. If there is no regular room for cooking meal but separate place has been a corner of the house or corridor, courtyard, then such a place will not be considered as kitchen. If a separate kitchen is available then fill relevant oval, i.e., code 1. If more than one households are using one kitchen then in such case fill the oval of shared i.e., code 2.

Bathroom means a specified place which has surrounding walls and that is made for the purpose of bath. In modern houses, bathroom and toilet are made in one room. In such cases, while entering characteristics of bath room, consider this room as a bath room. If a bath room exists but more than one household uses it jointly, then fill oval related to code 2. Otherwise fill oval related to answer.

Toilet is a specific place which has surrounding walls and there is specific arrangement of lifting or draining out human biological waste. In modern houses, there is arrangement of bathroom and toilet in one room, in such case while writing characteristics of toilet this room may be treated as a toilet. If the toilet is available but more than one household uses this toilet, then fill oval related to code number 2.

Source of information
Does someone of this house watch TV/listen radio/read newspaper (irrespective of that he owns the concerned sources of information or belong to source one else). In this column, the questions related to watching, T.V, listening, Radio and reading newspaper will be asked. Fill the ovals related to answers of the respondent.



[Omitted section 3.1 list of works of checking]


Appendix-1: Field of Education

The details about fields of education is given below

1. General Education
This includes primary, middle, metric, intermediate B.A/BSc in arts or science (degree of graduation except engineering/technical/medicine/tab, law/agriculture/forestry/animal husbandry/business/fields of hosiery, Teaching and Education and religious education educational programmes.

2. Engineering/Technical
The following fields of engineering are included in it.
Civil, electrical, industrial, metrological (mineral), mining (related to mines) , agriculture(farming), forestry, chemical, petro chemical, aviation, etc. Surveying, drafting, and programmes of designing art of architecture and town planning and advance programmes of engineering are also included in it. Technical motor mechanic field includes instruments making, plumber, electrician, designing programmes, polytechnique courses and advance programmes of technical education.

3. Medicine/Health
This include diagnosis and treatment, medicine and surgery, medical x-ray, technique, Unani Tib and dentistry( pharmacy) general health, nursing, midwifery and other educational programmes of health. This also includes advance programmes such as medical education, surgery, diagnosis and treatment, medicine, medical X ray techniques, dentist, pharmacy, General health, nursing and midwifery and health.

4. Law
This includes philosophy law, history of law, international law, civil and forgery law, labor law, marine and other law. This also includes advance programmes of education of law.

5. Agriculture/Forestry/Animal husbandry
This includes educational programs of agriculture, forestry, and fishery. Besides, all advance agriculture, agricultural economics, animal farming, gardening, cultivation of grains, agricultural technology, nutritional science, animal husbandry, science of fishery and technology programmes are also included. Agricultural engineering will be included in the field of engineering. Advance programmes of agriculture, forestry and animals are also included.

6. Business/fields of trading
This includes accounting, data processing, business administration, marketing and sales, financial administration and instruments, human resource management and other trading, business and general administration. This also includes advance programmes of commerce business/trade.

7. Teaching/Education
The educational programmes through which the persons are likely to become teachers obtained training of teaching every kind of subjects to every type of students. This also includes advance programmes of teaching education.

8. Religious education
This includes religions educational programmes, i.e. Hadith, Fiqah, recitation, religious laws etc. It also includes advance programmes of study of religion.

9. Others
All fields other than above mentioned field will be treated as others and [the appropriate] code will be entered for those. e.g. if any person has done master or PhD in Persian language then he will be counted as other in the field of education. Similarly if any body has done M.A in Philosophy or has obtained an advanced degree then he will be enumerated as others in the field of education.


[Omitted necessary instruction for enumerators]
[Omitted title page of Form-2-A]
[Omitted identity Form]
[Omitted Form-2-A]
[Omitted page wise Summary]
[Omitted Form (REN-2)]